Title: Bus Tracking System characterazation presentation
1High Speed Digital Systems Lab
Bus Tracking SystemFinal Part B presentation
Presented by Gal gavish and Yuval
Peled Supervisor Hen Broodney
Spring 2004
2(No Transcript)
3Projects Goals
- Create a system that tracks a bus and gathers the
arrival times to each station along its route. - The system includes only one module the bus.
- The bus identifies a stations position using GPS
and prints it to LCD
4General System Requirements
- Independent of human intervention.
- Gathers the time of arrival only to stations that
belong to the buss route. - Print stations ID and allowed speed in the area.
- Low power consumption.
5GPS Global Positioning System
- Position is determined by the distance from 3 or
4 satellites. - The position calculation is done insideThe
receiver and is transmitted to themicro-processor
. - A new position calculation is done every second.
- The GPS accuracy is up to a few meters. (10 15)
6GPS Time to first fix
- Cold start less than 2 minutes. Search
satellites, collect ephemeris and almanac data,
compute position fix. - Warm start less than 45 secondsNo satellite
connection for more than 1 hour, but - back up voltage keeps almanac and ephemerisHot
start less than 20 secondsNo satellite
connection for less than 1 hour, but - back up voltage keeps almanac and ephemeris
7GPS Interface HW
Development board
5 Volt
To RS232 Port
GPS Receiver
RS232 connector
Maxim 232A
8Block diagram for the bus module
9GPS Message packets
- Packets structure
- ltDLEgt is the byte 0x10
- ltETXgt is the byte 0x03ltDLEgt ltIDgt ltdata string
bytesgt ltDLEgt ltETXgt - Every ltDLEgt byte in the data string is preceded
by another ltDLEgt byte.
10GPS Message parsing
Status DLE 1
Status Empty
Status Full
Status DATA
Status DLE 2
ltDLEgt ltIDgt ltdata string bytesgt ltDLEgt ltETXgt
11GPS Packets implemented
- Time report Get the time of week from the GPS
- GPS status Print to LCD the current satellite
communication status. How many satellites are
visible, when it does position fixes, are the DOP
too high, etc - Single precision LLA Get the current position
fix. It contains 3 float numbers representing the
latitude, longitude and altitude calculated in
the GPS module. - Single precision Velocity Get the current
velocity and movement direction of the bus. It
contains 3 float numbers representing the
velocity north, east and up. - Double precision LLA 3 double numbers
representing the latitude, longitude and
12Software design
- We have 1 main module
- The bus module.
- And 4 utility modules
- UART module
- GPS module
- I2C module
- LCD module
13Software Architecture
UART module
Receive position Print result
I2C module
LCD module
EEPROM Search and write
GPS module
14Utility modules
- I2C module
- Write to and read from a shift register inside
the PIC18F. - No interrupts needed.
- GPS module
- Implemented TSIP (Trimble Standard Interface
Protocol). - UART module
- Used to connect between the GPS and the
microprocessor software.
15Bus moduleprogram flow
16Bus module - interrupts
Initialize Wait
UART High priority interrupt
- EEPROM timing
- Write/read 8 bytes from serial 8 bit bus using
the shift register. - 5 msec each read/write action.
- Search a station in table takes 50-100 msec.
(before displaying the speed) - GPS timing
- Sends position message every one second.
- Sends health message every 5 seconds
18Power consumption
- PIC18F4521.6 mA
- GPS receiver50 mA
- GPS Antenna150 mA
- EEPROM3.2 mA
- Max 232A10 mA
- TOTAL 215 mA
19EEPROM - Memory
4 bytes Longitude 4 bytes Latitude
2 bytes Time of week 6 bytes Stations ID
1 byte Speed and number of lines 3 bytes Line number
- List of all stations
- Up to 3000 stations, Average of 8 lines in each
and 1 speed mark 3000 x (4 4 6 8 x 3 1)
115KB - List of stations in route
- Up to 400 stations and arrival times
- 400 x (8 2) 4KB
20Goals accomplished
- Find and purchase a GPS receiver and antenna.
- Learning TSIP and implementing it on the
- Install new GPS hardware on the development
- Integration of GPS, UART, LCD and I2C modules on
the PIC.
- The GPS module of part B can be combined with the
Bluetooth module of part A- it will enable a
much faster connection establishment between the
bluetooth devices.- it will enable passing
information between buses and stations such as
time of next arrival, current position or even
commercials. - The GPS module of part B can be combined with a
cellular device- it can enable all position
calculations and memory accesses to be done in a
remote server thus minimizing the embedded
systems complexity.- anyone with a cellular
device can receive real time information about
buses positions and expected time of arrival.
22High Speed Digital Systems Lab
Bus Tracking System Final part B presentation
Presented by Gal Gavish and Yuval
Peled Supervisor Hen Broodney
Spring 2004
- Microchip PIC18F452 a 40-pin chip.
- Trimble GPS Lassen SKII and antenna
- Serial EEPROM (24LC256) by Microchip - 256K x
8bit. - Clock generator 10MHz.
- Battery 9V.
24Specifications Cont.
Microchip PIC18F452
DC 10 MHz Operating Frequency
32KBytes Internal Program Memory
1536 Bytes Data Memory
256 Bytes Data EEPROM Memory
18 Interrupt Sources
5 I/O Ports
4 Timers
Addressable USART, MSSP MSSP, Serial Communications
Yes Parallel Communications (PSP)
8 input channels 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter
Yes Programmable Low Voltage Detect
Yes Programmable Brown-out Reset
75 Instructions Instruction Set
40-pin DIP Package
25Specifications Cont.
Trimble Lassen II K GPS
12.504 MHz Operating Frequency
25 meters CEP Accuracy Position
0.1 m/s Accuracy - velocity
2 meters CEP DGPS accuracy position
0.005 m/s DGPS accuracy velocity
5 V DC 95 ma Power
0.47 ma Typical
3.2 V DC 2 micro amp RAM backup
2 TTL level, bi-directional, serial I/O ports Interface
TSIP TAIP NMEA Protocols available
-1000 m to 18,000 m Dynamics Altitude
515 m/sec maximum Dynamics Velocity
4g (39.2 m/secĀ²) Dynamics Acceleration
20 m/secĀ³ Dynamics Jerk
26Specifications Cont.
Microchip 24LC256 EEPROM
400 KHz Max. Operating Frequency
256K x 8 bits. Data Memory
2.5-5.5 V Vcc range
3 mA at 5.5V Max. write current
0.4 mA at 5.5V Max. read current
100 nA at 5.5V Typical standby current
2-wire serial interface bus, I2C compatible I/O
yes Schmitt Trigger inputs for noise suppression
64 Byte Page write mode
5 ms Max. write cycle time
1 million write/read cycles Endurance
gt 4000V Electrostatic discharge protection
gt 200 years Data retention
-40C to 85C Temperature range
8-pin DIP Package
yes Hardware write-protect for entire array
27EEPROM life expectancy
- Serial EEPROMs are typically rated to endure 1
million write operations per byte. - Every time the bus enters the central-station it
clears the entire EEPROM memory. - Assume the bus returns to the central-station 20
times a day, 5 days a week. - Life_expectancy 106 / (20x5x52) 192 years
- Before BER increases dramatically.
28 Software tools
- Well be using the C18 C compiler from the MPLab
IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to write
our C code for the programs running on the PIC. - Well be using the MPLab ICD 2 (In Circuit
Debugger) to program the PIC.
29Debugging tools
- To debug the application programmed on the PIC
well use the in-circuit debugger (ICD) supplied
with the PICDEM 2 Plus development board. - Since debugging with the ICD is slow, well also
be using the LCD and the LEDs on the development
board for faster and easier debugging.
30High Speed Digital Systems Lab
Bus Tracking SystemFinal Part B presentation
Presented by Gal Gavish and Yuval
Peled Supervisor Hen Broodney
Spring 2004