Title: Family Gerreidae (Mojarras)
1Family Gerreidae (Mojarras)
Gerres erythrourus
- Gerreid fishes are minor commercial fish in
- Thai waters
- occur on reef-associated brackish marine
2General Characteristic of Gerreid larvae
- The body is moderate deep, have 23-25 myomeres.
The gut is coiled and short. A small,
inconspicuous gas bladder is present above the
anterior portion of the gut. - The moderate head is broad and round, large mouse
with its long ascending premaxillary process.
The snout is short and round. The mouth initially
reaches to anterior of eye, but in postflexion
larvae be comes larger. The eye round is large in
preflexion larvae and moderate to large. There is
gap between the vent and anal fin. - Pigmentation
- Gerreid larvae have distinctive pigmentation
from along the anal fin base to the tip of
3 Head Spination - Gerreid larvae have small
preopercular spine
Meristic Characters of Indo-Pacific gerreid
D A P1 P2 C Vertebrae
Gerres Pentaprion IX-X,9-11 III,7-10 15-17 I,5 98 1014 24 IX-X,12-14 V-VI,12-14 12-15 I,5 98 1014 24
4Sample measurement and identification
- Family Gerreidae
- Stage Preflexion
- Sampling Location Western Gulf of Thailand
- Sampling Gear Bongo net
- Measurement (mm)
- BL 3.30 HL 0.90 ED 0.40 SnL 0.35 PAL
1.50 BD 1.00 - Counts
- D - A - P1 -
- P2 - C - Myomeres 24
5- The body is moderate deep, gut coiled and short
- The moderate head is broad and round, large
mouse - with its long ascending premaxillary process
- (protractile mouth)
- The eye round is large
- There is gap between the vent and anal fin
- Pigmentation
- Gerres sp. larvae
- have distinctive
- pigmentation
- from along the
- anal fin base to
- the tip of
- notochord
6- Head Spination
- - 1 small preopercular spine
- Similar family Nemipteridae and Sparidae
7Sample measurement and identification
- Family Gerreidae
- Stage Post flexion
- Sampling Location Western Gulf of Thailand
- Sampling Gear Bongo net
- Species Name Gerres sp.
- Measurement (mm)
- BL 6.40 HL 1.50 ED 0.60 SnL 0.50 PAL
2.30 BD 1.30 - Counts
- D IX, 9 A III, 6 P1 10
- P2 - C 98 Myomeres 24
8- The body is moderate deep, gut coiled and short
- The moderate head is broad and round,
protractile - mouth
- There is gap between the vent and anal fin
- Pigmentation
- Gerres sp. Larvae have distinctive pigmentation
from - along the anal fin base, anterior of anus,
posterior - of hypural bone and midbrain
- Head Spination small preopercular spine
9- Similar family
- Gerreid larvae similar family Nemipteridae and
Sparidae, but small preopercular spine,
protractile mouth, the gap between vent to anal
fin and pigment pattern on the ventral margin of
tail are usefully for distinctive from others
11Family Serranidae
E. sexfasciatus
E. malabaricus
E. tauvina
- Serranid fishes are commercial fish in Thai
waters and South China Sea - demersal fish non-migratory
- occur on reef-associated brackish marine
12General Characteristic of Serranid larvae
- The body is moderate deep, have 24 myomeres. The
gut is loosely coiled. A small gas bladder is
located above the apex of the gut. The head is
initially moderate but increases in relative size
to large. The snout is about equal to eye
diameter. The large mouth is moderate oblique.
The round eye is small to moderate. The spine at
the preopercular angle is large than the others. - Pigmentation
- Serranid larvae are lightly to moderately
13Meristic Characters of some Indo-Pacific serranid
D A P1 P2 C Vertebrae
Anthiinae Caprodon Giganthias Holanthias etal. Epinephelinae Epinephelus Cephalopholis etal. X,19-21 III,7-8 16-18 I,5 98 (15) 26-27 IX,13 III,8 16 I,5 - 1015 25 X,13-19 III,7-8 16-19 I,5 (13) 917 26 XI,12-19 III,7-10 15-20 I,5 98 1014 24 IX,13-17 III,7-10 15-20 I,5 98 1014 24
14Sample measurement and identification
- Family Serranidae
- Subfamily Epinephelinae
- Stage Flexion
- Species Name -
- Sampling Location Celebes Sea (Indonesia)
- Sampling Gear Bongo net
- Measurement (mm)
- BL 4.50 HL 1.80 ED 0.50 SnL 0.70 PAL
2.60 BD 1.50 - Counts
- D III A - P1 -
- P2 I C 98 Myomeres 24
15- SubfamilyEpinephelinaeGenusEpinephelus sp.
- Morphology
Serrated spine
- The body is moderate deep- The lightly coiled
gut - extends to about mid of body
- The head is moderate and snout is short and
blunt - The spine serially associated with the first
dorsal fin - stout, elongate and serrate
- - The pelvic fin spine elongate and serrate,
pelvic ray - much shorter than the spine
Serrated spine
16- Pigmentation
- - Epinephelus sp. have melanophores over the gut
and on caudal peduncle - Head Spination
- enlarged and serrate
- spine is present at the
- angle of preopercle and
- supraorbital ridge
- is present
Supraorbital ridge
Serrate preopercular spine
17- Family Serranidae
- Subfamily Epinephelinae
- Species Name Epinephelus sp.
- Stage Post flexion
- Sampling Location Western Gulf of Thailand
- Sampling Gear Bongo net
- Measurement (mm)
- BL 6.50 HL 2.20 ED 0.70 SnL 0.80 PAL
3.80 BD 2.30 - Counts
- D X, 15 A III, 10 P1 15
- P2 I, 5 C - Myomeres 24
18- SubfamilyEpinephelinaeGenusEpinephelus sp.
- Morphology
Hook-like serrated spine
- The body is moderate deep
- The spine serially associated
- with the first dorsal fin and
- pelvic fin stout, elongate and hook-like
serration - pattern
19- Pigmentation
- Epinephelus sp. Have
- melanophore over the
- gut and on caudal
- peduncle
- Head Spination
- - enlarged and serrate spine is present at the
- angle of preopercle
- and have supraorbital
- ridge, small spine on
- the posttemporal and
- supracleithral
Posttemporal spine
Supracleithral spine
Serrate preopercular spine
20- Family Serranidae
- Subfamily Anthiinae
- Species Name -
- Stage Post flexion
- Sampling Location Andaman Sea
- Sampling Gear Bongo net
- Measurement (mm)
- BL 4.80 HL 2.00 ED 0.70 SnL 0.60 PAL
3.20 BD 2.20 - Counts
- D X, 14 A III, 8 P1 15 ?
- P2 I, 5 C 98 Myomeres 26
21- SubfamilyAnthiinaeGenus -
- Morphology
- The body is deep
- and hunchbacked body
- The gut is coiled
- The head is very large, short and moderately
slope - snout, large mouth and reaches beyond the
middle of - the eye, the eye is round and large
- Pigmentation
- Anthiinae larvae are not heavily pigmented and
except - for the midbrain, dorsal midlateral line and
ventral - edge of tail
22- Head Spination
- Head spination is extensive, interopercular
spine is - large and serrate at the preopercular angle
- A moderate supracleithral spine, and two small
- posttemporal spines, and supraorbital ridge
Supracleithral spine
Posttemporal spine
Supraorbital ridge
Subopercular spine
Interopercular spine
23- Similar family
- Serranid larvae are similar family Lutjanidae,
but dorsal and anal spine, head spination and
pigment pattern on the ventral margin of tail are
usefully for distinctive from this family
25Family Sillaginidae (Whitings)
s. maculata
s. sihama
- Sillaginid fishes are commercial fish in Thai
waters and South China Sea - demersal fish non-migratory
- occur on sand and muddy substrates in the
mouths of rivers, estuaries, and mangrove
creeks in deep range 1 50 m.
26General Characteristic of Sillaginid larvae
- The body is elongate, have 32 myomeres. The gut
is initially straight, begins to coil during
notochord fleaxion, lack of gas bladder. The head
is small to moderate. the mouth initially
reaches to about the anterior margin of the eye.
The eye is large to moderate. Head spination is
poorly developed. - Pigmentation
- Sillaginid larvae are lightly pigmented and
characterized by a single low of melanophores
along the ventral midline of the trunk, tail, and
often on the head.
27Meristic Characters of Indo-Pacific sillaginid
D A P1 P2 C Vertebrae
Sillaginopsis Sillago XI, 25-27 II, 24-27 20-22 I,5 98 1527 42 X-XIIII, 16-24 II, 14-24 14-17 I,5 98 32-40
28Sample measurement and identification
- Family Sillaginidae
- Species Name Sillago sp.
- Stage Post flexion
- Sampling Location Phang-Nga Bay
- Sampling Gear Bongo net
- Measurement (mm)
- BL 6.60 HL 1.70 ED 0.55 SnL 0.45 PAL
3.50 BD 1.15 - Counts
- D XII I, 21 A II, 18 P1 14
- P2 I, 5 C 98 Myomeres 40
29- Morphology - elongate body - The gut is
initially straight, and - lake of gas bladder - The head is
small, mouth reach to - anterior margin of the eye
- - The eye is moderate
30- Pigmentation - Sillago sp. are lightly
pigmented single row of melanophores along the
ventral midline of the trunk and tail series of
melanophores at mid-laterally and dorsal edge of
the tail - pigment is often present on the
margin of tail - Head Spination -