Title: Brown Tree Snake
1Brown Tree Snake
Boiga irregularis
Sanngeeta Macko Giovana Olivera
- Northern Australias Dolls Eye
- Family
- - Colubridae
- Nocturnal
- - elliptical pupils
- Arboreal
- Color pattern
- - banded or unmarked
- - brown, blue, or reddish brown body color
- Blunt short snout
- Large eyes
- Very slender body shape
- Teeth
- - upper rearmost are enlarged and groove
- to facilitate penetration of venom into
prey -
4Geographic Distribution
- Australia Native
- Papua New Guinea Native
- Solomon Islands Native
- Guam Introduced
- Introduced from Australasia to
- Guam
- Brown Tree Snakes arrived
- on Guam around 1949
- World War II on cargo ship
- from New Guinea
- Continued survival
- supported by abundant introduced prey species
- - skinks
- - geckos
- - rodents
- - a variety of introduced birds
- Guam now has the only extra-limit population
of brown tree snakes
- Presently distributed throughout the island
with population densities approaching 100
snakes - per Ha in some areas
6Economic Impact
- Damage to electrical power infrastructure
- - Guam experiences a snake-caused power
outage about every other day on average - - Costs include direct damage to the
electrical infrastructure - - Emergency restoration costs
- - Disruption of normal urban functions
- Higher costs of shipping from Guam
- Threats to the tourism industry
7Impact on Wildlife
- Caused extinction or extirpation of 13 bird
Micronesian kingfisher
Guam flycatcher
8Impact on Wildlife
- In 1982, there were 1000 fruit bats in Guam.
Since then this number has been quickly
declining. - The Tree Brown Snake feed on juvenile fruit bats
that drop off from tree tops.
9Impact on Wildlife
- Extinction and Loss of Species Lizards
Snake-eyed skink
Azure-tailed skink
10Impact on Humans
- Victims of envenomations
- - Sleeping infants
- Brown Tree Snakes consume many pet animals on
Guam especially puppies as well as caged birds. - The primary loss of domestic animals
- -poultry
Department of land and natural resources State
11What Is Being Done To Control Damage by theBrown
Tree Snake?
- Wildlife Services (WS)
- Part of the U.S. Department of Agricultures
(USDA) and Plant Health Inspection Service
(APHIS) - Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN)
- Stopped from reaching other destinations by
- 1. Snake trapping
- 2. Night time spotlight searches
- 3. Cargo Fumigants
- - Reduces the number of snakes in area where
cargo is packed or stored. - - Trained Jack Russell terriers
- Introduced small mammals
- - rats
- Less numerous than they were before the arrival
of the Brown Tree Snake
13Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive
Species Boiga irregularis, the Brown Tree Snake
- The Brown Tree Snake, Boiga irregularis was
accidentally transported to the island of Guam
shortly after World War II. - This secretive nocturnal arboreal snake occurs
in all habitats on Guam, from grasslands to
forests. - The Brown Tree Snake caused the extirpation of
13 of Guams 22 native breeding birds (including
10 of 12 forest birds) and contributed to the
extirpation of several species of native bats
and lizards. - Effect on Humans domestic poultry, pets and
electrical power. - U.S. government annually spends several million
dollars inspecting cargo outbound from Guam to
exclude Brown Tree Snakes.
14Amazing Arboreal Abilities Danger to bats and
15Reproductive Biology of the Brown Tree Snake,
Boiga irregularis, during colonization of Guam
and comparison with that in their native range
- This study compared the reproductive biology of
B. irregularis caught on Guam during the 1980s
with results from published studies of
native-range populations. - A large of male brown tree snakes on Guam
appear physically capable of inseminating
females at all times of year. - The snakes in Guam showed no evidence of
reproductive seasonality. This is in contrast to
their Australian counterpart. - Study found that sperm storage, though essential
in parts of the native range, is unnecessary for
successful reproduction on Guam. - Data from this study can provide a baseline for
future comparisons and insight into the
colonization process by supplying a snapshot of
the reproductive characteristics of a recently
established brown tree snake population.
16Captured Brown Tree Snake
17An Ecological Risk Assessment of Nonnative Boas
andPythons as Potentially Invasive Species in
the United States
- Within 50 years of its introduction to the
formerly snake-free island of Guam, B.
irregularis had played a role in the loss of 10
of 13 native bird species, 6 of 12 native lizard
species, and 2 of 3 bat species. - This study used the information on the Brown
Tree Snake to model the risks associated with
boas and pythons as potential invasive species
in the continental United States. - Recommendations
- 1. Increase the attractiveness of native snakes
to potential purchasers of pet snakes. - 2. Imported snakes should be subject to increased
- quarantine before sale in the domestic retail
market. - 3. Educational efforts aimed at reducing
intentional releases of non-native snakes should
be increased.
18An Ecological Risk Assessment of Nonnative Boas
andPythons as Potentially Invasive Species in
the United States
- These are the numbers for snakes legally
- imported into the United States!
19Effectiveness of methyl bromide as a cargo
fumigant for Brown Tree Snakes
- The present study was designed to test whether
the fumigant, methyl bromide, would kill brown
tree snakes. - Two-hour exposures to methyl bromide at 24 and
12gm3 appear to be effective in killing brown
tree snakes within reasonable time-frames for
shippers under Guam field conditions. - The application rate of 24 gMBm3 for 2 h was the
treatment schedule of choice because it resulted
in 100 mortality in a relatively short time. - This study demonstrated that methyl bromide, at
or below many currently registered application
rates, consistently kills brown tree snakes in
cargo containers.
20Fumigation is used as a way of control
21Effectiveness of methyl bromide as a cargo
fumigant for Brown Tree Snakes
- Dosage, exposure time, concentration time
product, and mortality of brown tree snakes
fumigated with methyl bromide in simulated cargo
22Toward a comprehensive information system to
assistinvasive species management in Hawaii and
Pacific Islands
- There is a great need for coordinated regional
and global electronic databases to assist
prevention, early detection, rapid response, and
control of biological invasions. - The Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN), of
the National Biological Information
Infrastructure is the answer to this need and
has been active since 2001. - Initial emphasis on Hawaii, but now turned to
other Pacific islands and countries. - The PBINs projects are being developed in
cooperation with the Brown Tree Snake control
efforts. - The hope is that PBIN will play an important
role in information gathering and sharing for
vastly improved collaboration among biodiversity
conservation, agricultural, and public health
interests. - Spread of the the brown tree snake, would be
devastating to the Pacific Islands.
23Fun Facts
- The Brown Tree Snake is longer (up to 3 m total
length), skinnier, more nocturnal, and more
arboreal than an average snake.
- A favorite local name used in northern Australia
- Dolls Eye
24Work Cited
Fornwall, Mark, and Lloyd Loope. "Toward a
Comprehensive Information System to Assist
Invasive Species Management in Hawaii and Pacific
Islands." Weed Science 52 (2004) 854-856.
Reed, Robert N. "An Ecological Risk Assessment
of Nonnative Boas and Pythons as Potentially
Invasive Species in the United States." Risk
Analysis 25 (2005) 753-756. Rodda, Gordon H.,
and Julie A. Savidge. "Biology and Impacts of
Pacific Island Invasive Species. 2. Boiga
Irregularis, the Brown Tree Snake (Reptilia
Colubridae)." Pacific Science 61 (2007)
307-324. Savariea, Peter J., W. Scott Wood,
Gordon H. Rodda, Richard L. Bruggers, and
Richard M. Engema. "Effectiveness of Methyl
Bromide as a Cargo Fumigant for Brown Tree
Snakes." International Biodeterioration and
Biodegradation 56 (2005) 40-44. Savidge, Julie
A., and Fiona J. Qualls. "Reproductive Biology of
the Brown Tree Snake, Boiga Irregularis
(Reptilia Colubridae), During Colonization of
Guam and Comparison with That in Their Native
Range." Pacific Science 61 (2007) 191-199.
25Work Cited Pictures
- http//www.aphis.usda.gov/lpa/pubs/btsbro.pdf
- http//www.state.hi.us/dlnr/Snake.html
- http//www.fort.usgs.gov/Resources/Education/BTS/
- http//www.terrierman.com/guamdog.bmp
- http//www.answers.com/topic/snake
26Thank You