Fostering the Italian Biotechnology Industry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fostering the Italian Biotechnology Industry


Fostering the Italian Biotechnology Industry Methodology Analysis of market potential Concentrations of potential entrepreneurs are localised in Milano and Roma An in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fostering the Italian Biotechnology Industry

Fostering the Italian Biotechnology Industry
  • Analysis of market potential
  • Definition of a strategy for Italy
  • Identification of market imperfections
  • Existing programs and institutions in Italy
  • Recommendations
  • Implementation

Analysis of market potential
  • Concentrations of potential entrepreneurs are
    localised in Milano and Roma
  • An in-depth study on specialisation of
    researchers in the Milano and Roma areas is
  • Laws and regulations should be analysed and
    redefined in order to create an appropriate
    environment for the Biotech industry
  • A Biotech incubator shouldnt be considered a
    regional development tool, but it should be
    localised where the success possibilities are
  • Even if the number of researchers doesnt seem to
    be important in other geographical areas in
    Italy, the specialisation of universities in
    other Italian towns should be analysed (we could
    find out that a minor university is to be
    considered a best practice in a particular
    specialisation area, in this case the possibility
    of creating an incubator next by this university
    should be considered
  • The pharma industry traditionally plays an
    important role ion the Italian economy

Definition of a strategy for Italy
  • The pharma and food industries always played an
    important role in the Italian economy. These two
    sectors are gradually losing their
    competitiveness, the Biotech can be an
    opportunity to try to keep them competitive.
  • The growth rate in terms of new companies should
    reach 15/year (Europe 16, USA 8)
  • The growth rate in terms of employees should
    reach 15/year (Europe 6, USA 7)
  • The Government should play a key role for the
    development of the sector (also as a response to
    other EU initiatives)

Market imperfections
  • Potential entrepreneurs have a high risk aversion
    (also as a consequence of the specificity of the
    Italian labour market which is less flexible
    compared to other EU countries)
  • Lack of human resources with both scientific and
    management education
  • Lack of available seed capital
  • The existing support measures are not well known
    and are considered too difficult and time
    consuming to deal with from an administrative/bure
    aucracy point of view
  • RD and innovation in relevant sectors is low
  • The law 297 leaves the universities free to chose
    their own policy for the exploitation of ideas
    developed by professors (the policies are not
    clear yet)

Institutions and existing programmes
  • The law 297 and the Startech programme are
    horizontal. They do not foresee any specific
    measure for the biotech industry which has
    different needs compared to other traditional
  • Biopolo its main target is composed by the
    researchers of the Bicocca university. Biopolo
    scarcely succeeds in creating new companies
    because of the low entrepreneurial attitude of
    the university researchers and for a lack of seed
    capital. The creation of a common infrastructure
    (incubator) is foreseen, but it is not operative
  • The creation of a Biotech incubator in Catania is

Recommendations 1
  • To create 3 incubators specialised in Biotech
    (Roma, Milano, Firenze/Pisa)
  • The incubator should be a private structure
    co-financed by the Government
  • To limit the operatively of the incubator to 8/10
  • To define success indicators (continuous
  • To carry out an analysis of Biotech incubators in
    USA, France, Germany, and to analyse the bidding
    dossier prepared in Israel

  • The incubator should
  • make a screening of the projects
  • provide seed capital, directly or through
    existing measures (1 MEURO according to the
  • spread entrepreneurial culture
  • provide management assistance
  • provide business development assistance
  • maintain direct contacts with VCs
  • provide common infrastructure (evaluating the
    possibility of exploiting pre-existing
  • support clustering
  • maintain direct contacts with consultants (IPR,

  • A steering committee aimed at making uniform
    policies at a national level, at identifying best
    practices and at quickly proposing necessary
    changes should be created
  • The incubators should work independently
    (selection process, equity position, business
    development, etc.)
  • Each incubator should host an average of 8
  • Professional management should include business
    development managers
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