Title: Market Opportunity Recognition
1Market Opportunity Recognition
- Creativity
- Characterized by originality and expressiveness
imaginative - Imagination
- The formation of a mental image of something that
is neither perceived as real nor present to the
senses. - Idea
- Something, such as a thought or conception, that
potentially or actually exists in the mind as a
product of mental activity. - Opportunity
- A favourable or advantageous circumstance or
combination of circumstances.
Imagination is more important than
knowledge Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
3Creative v Logical Thinking
Is the process by which entrepreneurs convert
opportunities into marketable ideas. It is the
means by which they become catalysts for change.
The single biggest cause of failure is not lack
of money but that you havent come up with
something that the world wants. Larry C.Farrell
- New Product
- New method of doing the same product
- New Source of Raw materials
- New Market
- New way of organising your business
5Druckers Sources of Innovative Opportunity
- The unexpected. Success IBM. Failure Jacket
Potatoes - The incongruity. Possible v Actual. Overnight
Delivery. - Process needs. Sugar free products. Caffeine
free. - Changes in industry/market structure. Digital
Cameras - PLUS
- Demographic changes. Age profile
- Changes in perception, mood or meaning. Fashion
- New knowledge. Mobile phones.
6Types of Innovation
- INVENTION - totally new, product or service
Airplane, Light bulb, Telephone - EXTENSION New use or different application of
existing product or service McDonalds, Holiday
Inn - DUPLICATION Creative replication of an existing
concept Pizza Hut, Virgin - SYNTHESIS Combining into a new formulation
Internet Cafes
7HBDI Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument
8What is an Opportunity?
- Opportunity Defined
- An opportunity is a favorable set of
circumstances that creates the need for a new
product, service, or business idea. - Most entrepreneurial firms are started in one of
two ways - Some firms are internally stimulated. An
entrepreneur decides to start a firm, searches
for and recognizes an opportunity, then starts a
business. - Other firms are externally stimulated. An
entrepreneur recognizes a problem or an
opportunity gap and creates a business to fill it.
9What is an Opportunity?
An opportunity has four essential qualities
10Window of Opportunity Life Cycle
11Three Classic Life Cycles
12Three Ways to Identify An Opportunity
13Observing Trends
First Approach Observing Trends
Environmental Trends Suggesting Business or
Product Opportunity Gaps
14Environmental Scanning
- Scanning Detect Changes
- Monitoring Track Events Affecting Business
- Forecasting Making Plausible Projections
- Assessing What does it all mean?
15Trend Analysis
- Trends identify emerging needs..
- SEEDTIP analysis
- Societal/sociological trends
- Economic trends
- Environmental/Ecological trends
- Demographic trends
- Technological trends
- International trends
- Political/Legal trends
- When two or more trends come together
Café society Life coaches Ecotourism In
home care VOIP China/India emerging Health
16Exploit trends
- 24 hour society
- Money rich, time poor
- Demographic change age, urban living, growth
patterns - Environmental issues
- Globalisation
- Legislation
- Desire for gadgets
- Communication
17Solving a Problem
Second Approach Solving a Problem
Sometimes identifying opportunities
simply involves noticing a problem and finding a
way to solve it.
These problems can be pinpointed through
observing trends and through more simple means,
such as intuition, serendipity, or chance.
Some business ideas are clearly initiated to
solve a problem.
For example, Symantec Corp. created Norton
antivirus software to guard computers against
18Solving a Problem
Businesses Created to Solve a Problem
19How entrepreneurs found ideas
- Left xmas shopping too late, couldnt find last
minute gadgets GADGET SHOP - Market opportunity to sell mobile phones direct
- Wife crying because of seven days wait for new
- Passion for making scents and lotions turned into
Create Curiosity Open Mind Observation of
20Finding Gaps in the Marketplace
Third Approach Finding Gaps in the Marketplace
- Gaps in the Marketplace
- A third approach to identifying opportunities is
to find a gap in the marketplace. - A gap in the marketplace is often created when a
product or service is needed by a specific group
of people but doesnt represent a large enough
market to be of interest to mainstream retailers
or manufacturers. - This is the reason that small clothing boutiques
and specialty shops exist. - The small boutiques, which often sell designer
clothes or clothing for hard-to-fit people, are
willing to carry merchandise that doesnt sell in
large enough quantities for Wal-Mart, GAP, or JC
Penney to carry.
21Personal Characteristics of the Entrepreneur
Characteristics that tend to make some people
better at recognizing opportunities than others
Prior Experience
Social Networks
Cognitive Factors
22Social Capital - Per Lovgren
Network of Professors of Engineering
Management Consultants Foundry Consultants
Network of Management Consultants
Birley Muzyka (200045)
23Who Do You Know?
Professional Contacts
Other Students
Work Colleagues
24Sources Of Ideas
- Insights - experience in profession or industry
43 - Challenge - could do better 15
- Unfilled/overlooked niche in marketplace 11
- Systematic search for business opportunities 7
- Brainstorm - cannot explain it 5
- Hobby or vocational interest 3
Source Entrepreneurship, John G Burch
25Unlocking Value
Rae (1999)
26What Kind of Business Should I Start?
- Start with what you know.
- Do what you love.
- Dont reinvent the wheel, just make it better
- Focus on a niche
- Consider the franchising option
- Know what sets you apart from the competition
- Imitate an existing product
- Buy an existing business
- Become and agent or distributor
- Sell your services as a consultant
- More?
- Above all take your time
Source entrepreneur.com