The piano music attached to this slideshow is called - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The piano music attached to this slideshow is called


Click s to forward at your own leisure Enjoy! The piano music attached to this show is called The Value of Life and was written and played by Chuck Brown – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The piano music attached to this slideshow is called

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The piano music attached to this slideshow is
called The Value of Life and was written and
played by Chuck Brown
Slideshow by Margaret Lepke
The world is a stage And every soulMust play
its part
Elvis once said
The Grave
Every life makes a journey From the cradle to
the grave. And beyond
My name is Margaret
This is my journey
I was born, christened and confirmed in the
Lutheran Faith
I experienced A great childhood No big traumas
? Only two different schools A few
friends Wonderful parents And a little brother
who loved me to bits
But then That sweet child rebelled!
But the Bible says The HEART is deceitful above
all things - who can know it? Jer.179-10
I wanted MY WAY and used the theory of evolution
to defend it. After all, if we evolved at
random, we had no higher power to be responsible
to and no one who had the right to dictate any
moral standards
There is someone who knows us completely better
than we do and that someone is God.He
searches our hearts and tests our minds and
there is absolutely nothing we can hide from HIM.
I married my husband after knowing him for 2
short months
And the ceremony was held in a Lutheran Church
Just one year later we signed out of the
Lutheran faith, a religion you are born into
through infant baptism, not faith in Jesus
Christ. We left all things religious far behind
And after yet another year we moved to
I love it here ?
12 years later I had Two gorgeous children
And a flourishing Naturopathic Practice
I was also getting deeper Into New Age
Until one day God brought along a client called
Jan, And that meeting changed my life!
Jan had beautiful feet!
How beautiful are the feet of those who
preach the gospel of peace Because Fai
th comes By hearing The word of God.
  • During the consultation I asked her what she
    believed in (I knew she came from the New
    Tribes Mission campus), and Jan talked quite
    freely about her Christian faith.
  • Afterward we talked a little more in the waiting
    room, and finally she asked if she could read me
    something from the Bible.
  • Being polite, I agreed. To my amazement she
    pulled a small Bible out of her handbag, and this
    is the verse she read to me

God so loved the world That He gave His only
Son John 316 That
whosoever believes In Him Will not perish
but have eternal life.
What Amazing Grace!
  • I could cope with a loving God.
  • But then Jan went on to read a passage about sin
    (indicating that I, too, was a sinner)
  • And I did NOT like that!!!
  • This is what she read

All Are Sinners
  • There is no one who is righteous,
  • no, not even one
  • For all have sinned and fall
  • short of the glory of God
  • Rom.310,23

ALL are
  • I did not like this at all!
  • Surely, I wasnt a sinner?
  • I tried to be a good person!
  • A good wife and mother
  • A good naturopath, helping people
  • And so I strongly objected, but Jan was patient
    and wise. She didnt argue.
  • She simply turned to the Old Testament and began
    reading once again

Sin is My Own Way
  • We all like sheep have gone
  • astray
  • Every one of us has turned to
  • And GOD has laid on His Son
  • Jesus Christ the sin of us all. Isaiah 536

  • And bang all of a sudden I felt terribly
  • I could identify with going MY WAY
  • I had never wanted to give an account to anyone,
    let alone an almighty God.
  • But I realized that if MY WAY was self-will and
    therefore the basis of sin, then I was most
    certainly guilty!

  • Had I known at that time that the word sin is
    actually a marksmans term, a word for missing
    the bulls eye, i.e. missing the mark of
    perfection, it might have been easier for me to
    recognize sin for what it actually is.

  • My idea of a sinner had been someone who had
    committed TERRIBLE things like robbery or murder.
    But certainly not me!
  • I had only taken a few small things (which
    everyone does!) and told a few little lies.
  • I would have realized that even one little white
    lie meant missing the mark.
  • And anything short of Gods perfection (even
    missing the bulls eye by just 0.1 of a
    millimeter) would still be sin.

Sin is also SELF-REIGN
and saying
To Jesus Christ
Jesus said Do not fear those who can
kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
But rather FEAR HIM GOD who is able to
destroy both soul and body in hell.
  • I didnt want to hear these things!
  • I could not say good-bye to Jan quickly enough.
  • I was polite, of course, but I was glad when she
    was gone.
  • But then I kept feeling convicted all afternoon.
    What if this biblical God really existed and the
    Bible was truly His inspired Word to us?
  • Then I would be guilty I knew it deep in my
  • So what was I to do???

  • I decided to simply talk to this God. After all,
    if He was there He would be able to hear me and,
    hopefully, answer my call.
  • I asked Him if He was true and if the Bible was
  • How would He answer? Handwriting on the wall? I
    wasnt sure.
  • And God did answer, but not quite as I had
    expected. He simply increased my conviction of
    sin until it was so strong that I finally gave
    in. That night

  • When everyone was asleep, I knelt down in my
    waiting room and poured out my heart.
  • I told God that I believed Jesus died for my
    sins, and that I needed Him in my life.
  • I confessed all the sins that came to mind and
    asked Jesus to forgive me.
  • I realized that He had suffered for ME!!! It got
    very personal
  • I shed tears of sorrow for the pain He had
    suffered for me, and tears of happiness for being
    forgiven and cleansed.

I had found my path to life!
But where to from here?
FAITH TRUST in Christ brought me PARDON
And a loving but Unbelieving husband
I had Two gorgeous children who didnt know God
I started reading the Bible, And God led me to a
Bible Study on family life where I learnt how a
Christian wife and mother should behave and
  • A woman who has a husband who does
  • not believe, if he is willing to live with
  • her, let her not divorce him.
  • (1 Corinthians 713)
  • For how do you know, oh wife, whether
  • you will save your husband?
  • (1 Corinthians 716)
  • Wives, submit
  • to your own
  • husbands as
  • to the Lord. (Ephesians 522)

  • This was hard!
  • I had been quite a feminist, and now I should
    SUBMIT to my husband?
  • But I figured that if God said this was best for
    our marriage, it would be true.
  • And so I put Gods instructions to the test.
  • Many sighs and tears later I did manage to become
    a helper to my husband rather than leading my own
    life, and it didnt take long to see the fruits

My husband and children witnessed the change in
me and saw the fruit
I trusted in Jesus to save me and in Gods Word
to guide me. Within less than a year my husband
and my children came to know God as well. It was
pure joy!
However, the Christian life is not a bed of roses
without thorns For instance, one year our house
and shed were surrounded by fire (but
miraculously survived). And over the years we
went through various other trials, heartaches and
The Apostle Peter said Do not think it
strange concerning the fiery trial that is to try
you, as though some strange thing happened to
you but rejoice 1 Pet.412
We trusted And God delivered This verse became
our reality
Trust in the LORD with all your heart And lean
not on your own understanding. In all your ways
Acknowledge Him And He shall direct Your paths.
Prov.35-6 It is still our favorite Bible
And now Christs love constrains us to tell
others about Gods Rescue Plan
Jesus said
I am the way, the truth and the life. No one
comes to the Father except through me.
What will YOU do with JESUS? Will He be your
Judge or your Saviour?
Will you receive an eternal inheritance from God?
Will Jesus say to you, Well done, my good and
faithful servant? Because one day you will stand
before Him!
Or will you reject His offer of salvation and
spend eternity in a place where there is no love
(because God is not there)?
Where YOU spend
Will depend on How you respond to Jesus
Christ - YOUR SAVIOUR - while you are still on
As for me I am growing older now, and I am
eagerly waiting for the return of my Savior. But
while I am waiting
Safe in God's Hand
Each morning when I wake, I say, I place my hand
in Gods today. With faith and trust that by my
side Hell walk with me my steps to guide.
He leads me on with tender care, When paths are
dark and I despair. No need for me to
understand If I hold fast to His great hand.
Safe in God's Hand
My hand in His no surer way To walk in safety
through each day. By His great bounty I am
fed, Warmed by His love and comforted.
When at days end I seek my rest, And realise how
much Im blest, My thanks pour out to Him and
then I place my hand in Gods again.
For watching!
And PLEASE If you feel convicted of sin and
realize that you need a Savior, Dont put it
off! Talk to Jesus right now and ask His
forgiveness. There is no time like today for
you do not know what tomorrow holds.
Margaret Lepke
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