Grade Inflation at the College of New Jersey - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Grade Inflation at the College of New Jersey


Grade Inflation at the College of New Jersey How we grade, why it s bad, what to do Mary Biggs, Professor of English The College of New Jersey – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Grade Inflation at the College of New Jersey

Grade Inflation at the College of New Jersey
  • How we grade, why its bad, what to do
  • Mary Biggs, Professor of English The College of
    New Jersey
  • Richard Kamber, Professor of Philosophy
  • The College of New Jersey

How we grade today?
  • Average GPA 3.1 - 3.2
  • Grade Distribution (Spring 2005)
  • A 33
  • A- 17
  • B 13
  • B 14
  • B- 7
  • C,C, C- 10
  • D, D 3
  • F 2

But our generosity with grades is not evenly
distributed.A and A- in Spring 2005
  • School of Education 77
  • School of Art and Media 72
  • School of Nursing 64
  • School of Culture and Society 45
  • School of Engineering 44
  • School of Science 37
  • School of Business 34

How do we compare to national averages?
  • Higher than national averages.
  • U.S. Dept. Of Ed. (Clifford Adelman)
    postsecondary transcript study (2004)
  • For 1992 12th graders, transcripts for 8,900
    students gathered in 2000 showed an average GPA
    of 2.74. Those who earned a BA or higher had an
    average GPA 3.04.
  • U.S. Dept. Of Ed. Profile of Undergraduates in
    U.S. Postsecondary Institutions 1999-2000
  • An average GPA of 2.9 for nation as whole.
  • National Survey of Student Engagement (2004)
  • About two-fifths of all students reported that
    they earned mostly A grades, another 41 reported
    grades of either B or B, and only 3 of students
    reported earning mostly Cs or lower.

But probably not higher than equally selective
  • Using GPAS for 79 schools in1998 from Stuart
  • 3.3 GPA or higher Brown, Carleton, Columbia,
    Harvard, Harvey Mudd, Pomona, Princeton, Williams
  • 2.8 3.2 about 65 institutions
  • 2.7 or below Hampden-Sydney, University of
    Houston, Norfolk State, Northern Michigan, Sam
    Houston State, SUNYOswego

So why worry? What it is the harm of grade
inflation? 1Moms Law Harmful practices are
harmful even if others are doing them.
  • Like Newspeak in Orwells 1984, a grading
    system whose vocabulary is largely compressed to
    As and Bs, cannot express the range of critical
    distinctions students need to hear and teachers
    are uniquely qualified to make.
  • It deprives students of information that could be
    useful for choosing majors and careers.
  • It deprives employers and graduate programs of
    information needed to counterbalance standardized
    tests and the cruelly elitist criterion of
    institutional prestige.
  • The devaluation of As deprives teachers of a
    formal means of inspiring the long reach toward
    academic excellence.

Why is grade inflation harmful? 2
  • When F is given only to students who drop out or
    fail to turn in assignments rather than to all
    students who fail to meet basic course
    objectives, then colleges adopt the practice of
    social promotion that has stripped high school
    diplomas of credibility.
  • It discourages students from enrolling in more
    stringently graded courses and programs.

Why is grade inflation harmful? 3
  • Valen Johnsons ingenious studies at Duke led him
    to conclude
  • within the same academic field of study,
    students are about twice as likely to select a
    course with an A- mean course grade as they are
    to select a course with B mean course grade
  • if differences in grading policies between
    divisions at Duke were eliminated, undergraduates
    would take about 50 more courses in natural
    science and mathematics
  • Frantic and aggressive grade chasing
  • Lackluster students now contest grades as high as
  • My beleaguered adjunct

Two excuses for ignoring grade inflation.
  • Excuse 1 As long as you have rigorous
    assessment of student of learning, high grades
    are justified (or will take care of themselves.)
  • The harmful effects mentioned above are the
    result of giving mostly high grades. Unless
    rigorous assessment leads to fewer high grades,
    it will not diminish these harmful effects.
  • E.g. No matter how rigorous your assessment, you
    cant use As to inspire exceptional rather above
    average work when you give 50 of your students
  • But if rigorous assessment leads to fewer high
    grades, then it would diminish these harmful

Does rigorous assessment lead to a reduction in
grade inflation?
  • Middle States suggest that it can
  • If instructors were to match grades explicitly
    with goals, it would be become easier to combat
    grade inflation, because high grades must reflect
    high performance in specified areas. Student
    Learning Assessment, p. 37.
  • But no regional accrediting commission collects
    data practices, much less correlates grade data
    with assessment practices. So how do they know?
  • The evidence with which I am familiar suggests
    that rigorous assessment does not lead to a
    reduction in grade inflation.

Two trends and two case studiesTwo Trends
  • The assessment of student learning movement has
    been in full swing for the past ten years and
    gained momentum during the past five.
  • During this same period grade inflation in the
    U.S. has reached an all-time high.

Case study 1 the former College of New Jersey
  • Most of you know about Princetons adoption of a
    social compact requiring each department to
    assume responsibility for limiting A, A, A- to
    less than 35 overall and to less than 55 for
    junior and senior independent work.
  • What you may not know is that Princeton tried for
    four years to reduce grade inflation by promoting
    rigorous assessment and voluntary good grading
  • But average GPA and the percentage of As kept
    rising. A senior in 2003 with a 2.0 average
    ranked 1078 out of a class of 1079.

Case study 2 the present College of New Jersey
  • Over the past four years TCNJ has placed
    increased emphasis on rigorous assessment.
  • During those years there has been a steady in the
    percentage of As we give.
  • In Spring of 2001, 25 of all grades were A. In
    Spring of 2005, 33 of all grades were A.

Excuse 2 High grades are effective motivators
  • It is sometimes argued that whatever the
    drawbacks of high grades they are effective means
    of motivating students to do their best work.
    Is this true?
  • One measure of how hard students are working is
    how many hours they spend preparing for class.
  • A common rule is that students should spend a
    minimum of two hours outside of class for each
    credit hour they receive. This means that a
    full-time student who is earning 16 credits a
    semester hours in class, should spend 32 hours on
    academic work outside of class.

The National Survey of Student Engagement (2004)
  • NSSE asked freshman and seniors how many hours
    per 7-day week they spent preparing for class
    (studying, reading, writing, doing homework, or
    lab work, analyzing data, rehearsing, and other
    academic activities)
  • For spring 2004, the percentage of freshmen who
    reported who spending more than 20 hours a week
    preparing for class was 16 the percentage of
    seniors was 19. Self-reported!
  • Only 6 of senior and 4 of freshman reported
    spending more than 30 hours a week.

What about TCNJ?
  • Better but not good.
  • For spring 2004, the percentage of freshmen who
    reported who spending more than 20 hours a week
    preparing for class was 24 the percentage of
    seniors was 28. Self-reported!!
  • Only 9 of senior and 7 of freshman reported
    spending more than 30 hours a week.
  • Next NSSE report for TCNJ is spring 2006.

What can be done?
  • Princeton has chosen to cap As. We could do the
  • Most of the problems could be corrected by
    nation-wide adoption of three principles
  • No more than 20 of undergraduate grades at the A
  • No more than 50 of undergraduate grades at the A
    and B levels combined
  • The grade of F is used to indicate failure to
    meet basic standards for a course and not just
    failure to attend classes or complete assignments
  • There are steps short of grade caps that you can
    take to reduce the causes and harm of grade
    inflation. Mary Biggs will discuss them.
  • Moreover, you dont have to go it alone. You can
    collaborate with other institutions and let your
    accrediting bodies and professional associations
    know that they too are responsible for dealing
    with grade inflation.
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