Title: ???????????? Using Social Recommendation in Academic Community
1???????????? Using Social Recommendation in
Academic Community
- ???????????????????
- ???
- ?????????????
- ??
- ????
- ????
- ?????????
- ?????
- ????(Information Overload)
- ????????????,???????????????
- ??????????????,??????????????
- ?????????,??????????????????
- ??????????????????????
- ????????????????????,????????,?????????
- ??????????????????
- ??????????,???????????,????????????????
- ??????
- ?????????????????,??????????,?????????????????????
??,??????? - ????
- ?????????,????????????,???????
- ??????(Social Network Analysis)???????????????????
???????????,???????????????????? - ???????????,?????????????????40
- ??????????,????????????,???????
- ?????????,?????????????????
- ????????,?????????????????21
- Degreenumber of direct connections
- Betweennessrole of broker or gatekeeper
- Closeness Centralitywho has the shortest path to
all others
10Clustering Algorithm
- Partitioning methods
- k-Means
- Hierarchical methods
- Agglomerative
- Divisive
- Model-based methods
- Self-Organizing Map
11Clustering Algorithm (?)
- Partitioning methods
- k-Means
- Hierarchical methods
- Agglomerative
- Divisive
- Model-based methods
- Self-Organizing Map
12Clustering Algorithm (?)
- Partitioning methods
- k-Means
- Hierarchical methods
- Agglomerative
- Divisive
- Model-based methods
- Self-Organizing Map
- ????????????????????????????,??????????????
- ??????????????????
- ????(Content-based)???
- ????(Collaborative Filtering)???
- The vector model ranks the documents according to
their degree of similarity to the query, and
retrieve the documents with a degree of
similarity above a threshold - Define
- Weight wi,j associated with a pair (ki, dj) is
positive and non-binary - (t is the
total number of index terms) - The index terms in the query are also weighted
- wi,q is the weight associated with the pair ki,
q, where wi,q gt 0 - (t is the
total number of index terms) - Degree of similarity of dj with regard to q The
cosine of the angle between the two corresponding
Term-document matrix
- ?????????????? 38?????????????
- ????(Title)???(Abstract)????(Keyword)???(Author)??
?????? - http//ir.lib.nctu.edu.tw
- ??????
- ????(Tokenization)????(Lowercasing)
- ?????(Stopword Removing)
- ????(Part-of-speech)
- ???(Chunking)
- ????(Stemming)
- ????(Feature Selection)
Some combinatorial characteristics of matrix
multiplication on regular two-dimensional arrays
are studied. From the studies, the authors are
able to design many efficient varieties of the
cylindrical array and the two-layered mesh array
for matrix multiplication.
some combinatorial characteristics of matrix
multiplication on regular two-dimensional arrays
are studied from the studies the authors are able
to design many efficient varieties of the
cylindrical array and the two-layered mesh array
for matrix multiplication
combinatorial characteristics matrix
multiplication regular two-dimensional arrays
studied studies authors design efficient
varieties cylindrical array two-layered mesh
array matrix multiplication
combinatorial_jj characteristics_nns matrix_nn
multiplication_nn regular_jj two-dimensional_jj
arrays_nns studied_vbn studies_nns authors_nns
design_vb efficient_jj varieties_nns
cylindrical_jj array_nn two-layered_jj mesh_nn
array_nn matrix_nn multiplication_nn
POS Phrase
noun noun noun verb noun noun verb noun noun noun noun combinatorial characteristics matrix multiplication regular two-dimensional arrays studied studies author design efficient varieties cylindrical array two-layered mesh array matrix multiplication
POS Phrase
noun noun noun verb noun noun verb noun noun noun noun combinatori characterist matrix multipl regular two-dimension arrai studi studi author design effici varieti cylindr arrai two-lay mesh arrai matrix multipl
some combinatorial characteristics of matrix
multiplication on regular two-dimensional arrays
are studied from the studies the authors are able
to design many efficient varieties of the
cylindrical array and the two-layered mesh array
for matrix multiplication
- ?????
- ???????
- ???????
- ?????
- ???????
- ??TF-IAF (Term Frequency-Inverse Author
Frequency)30?????????????? - ???TF-IAF?,????????????????
- ?????????,??????????????????????????
- ??????(Title)????(Keyword)????????????????
- ?????????????,??????????????TF-IAF???,????????????
???? - ?????????????,??????????????
- ??9????????????
Finding vertices whose weights are larger than
the average weight
- k-Nearest Neighbor Approach19
- ????????,????????k?????,?????????,?????????
- ?????????
- ????????????,?????????????????????????,?????????,?
Use k-nearest neighbor graph approach
- ?????????
- ?????(Inter-connectivity)???????????,???????????(R
elative Inter-connectivity)??????????????????(3-7)
- ????????????
- ?????????????????????
- ????????????????,?????????????,?????
- ??????????????,???????
- ????????(3-8)??
- ??????????????
- ?????????????????
- ???????????Nm???U??,N???????,m?????????
- ???R??????????,???????????????U
- ??????(Cosine Similarity)??????????????,??????????
- ?????????????????,????????9?????,???????????????
??,????????????????????,????? - ?????(Collaborative Filtering)
- ????????,??????????,???????????????????????,??????
??n??????? - ????(??????)
- ??????????????????,??????????????,?????????????n??
- ????????????,????????????
- ???????????????
- ?????(Precision)????(Recall)????15,??????????
Class label Cluster label
Network Communication Mobile Computing Routing Protocol PIM-SM Bandwidth Requests TCP Network Management
Artificial Intelligence Genetic Algorithm Network Motif Brick Motif Content Analysis Neural Network SPDNN Divide-and-conquer Learning
Computer Graphics Content-based Image Retrieval Watershed Segmentation Toboggan Approach
Information Retrieval Semantic Query Content Management
Computer System Memory Cache Parallel Algorithm
Information Security End-to-end Security
Graph Theory Interconnection Network
Software Engineering Reliability Analysis
Class label of authors
Network Communication 111
Artificial Intelligence 28
Information Retrieval 7
Computer System 6
Computer Graphics 23
Information Security 10
Graph Theory 29
Software Engineering 4
Others 17
Total 235
a value 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Precision 0.7071 0.6917 0.6981 0.7107 0.7172 0.7209 0.7209 0.7209 0.7209 0.7209 0.7209
Recall 0.6271 0.7606 0.7785 0.7839 0.7817 0.7828 0.7828 0.7828 0.7828 0.7828 0.7828
- ????0.068,??????95?,?????(0.632, 0.897)
Kappa??0.764,??????0.95 - ???????????????,???208?,?????????????187?,????????
Expert A Expert A Expert A Expert A
No No Yes Yes Total Total
Expert B No 21 (9.6) 9 (4.1) 30 (13.7)
Expert B Yes 2 (0.9) 187 (85.4) 189 (86.3)
Total Total 23 (10.5) 196 (89.5) 219 219
- ?????????1??41?,???1???????129?,??????55????5???
Name Publications
Yu-Chee Tseng (???) Jimmy J. M. Tan (???) Lih-Hsing Hsu (???) Yi-Bing Lin (???) Ying-Dar Lin (???) Ling-Hwei Chen (???) Chuen-Tsai Sun (???) Jang-Ping Sheu (???) Hsin-Chia Fu (???) Hao-Ren Ke (???) Wei-Pang Yang (???) Wen-Guey Tzeng (???) Chien-Chao Tseng (???) Tseng-Kuei Li (???) Wen-Chih Peng (???) Chang-Hsiung Tsai (???) Deng-Jyi Chen (???) Yuan-Cheng Lai (???) 41 36 33 32 26 17 14 13 11 10 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 6
- ???????1?6?????,??????????6?,???????3?????2?6???
Rank Degree Degree Betweenness Betweenness Closeness Closeness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Yu-Chee Tseng Yi-Bing Lin Ying-Dar Lin Jimmy J. M. Tan Lih-Hsing Hsu Hsin-Chia Fu Jang-Ping Sheu Chien-Chao Tseng Chuen-Tsai Sun Hao-Ren Ke Ling-Hwei Chen Wei-Pang Yang Hsiao-Tien Pao Zen-Chung Shih Chang-Hsiung Tsai Jeu-Yih Jeng Yeong-Yuh Xu Deng-Jyi Chen Wen-Guey Tzeng Ming-Hour Yang 43 32 29 29 26 16 15 14 12 11 10 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Yu-Chee Tseng Chien-Chao Tseng Yi-Bing Lin Ming-Feng Chang Ying-Dar Lin Wen-Chih Peng Jimmy J. M. Tan Lih-Hsing Hsu Chuen-Tsai Sun Hsin-Chia Fu Ling-Hwei Chen Jang-Ping Sheu Sunny S.J. Lin Hao-Ren Ke Chi-Fu Huang Wen-Guey Tzeng Shi-Chun Tsai Deng-Jyi Chen Zen-Chung Shih Wei-Pang Yang 2660.333 2180.500 2081.333 1792.000 376.500 340.000 213.167 133.167 91.000 86.000 44.000 38.333 36.000 32.833 22.500 21.333 15.333 12.000 12.000 8.833 Yu-Chee Tseng Chien-Chao Tseng Ming-Feng Chang Chi-Fu Huang Hsiao-Lu Wu Yuan-Ying Hsu Jung-Hsuan Fan Yi-Bing Lin Hang-Wen Hwang Jang-Ping Sheu Wen-Chih Peng Meng-Ta Hsu Lin-Yi Wu Ming-Hour Yang Chih-Yu Lin Sze-Yao Ni Wen-Hwa Liao Shih-Lin Wu Chih-Shun Hsu Chi-He Chang 0.678 0.678 0.678 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677 0.677
- ???????????????,??????????????????????????????,???
????????????? - ????????????,???????????
- ????????235???,226????,???22?????
- ????????????,??????????????????????,?????????????
????? - ?????????????0.899,?????????,?????????
- ???????
- ??????????,??????????????????????,????????
- ????????????,?????????,????????
- ?????????????????,????????????
- ????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
?????????????????? - ?????????????????????,?????????????
- ?????????
- ???????????????????,??????????????????
- ????Floyd-Warshall???????????????,???????????,????
?????,??????????? - ???????????????
- ?????(??????)??????
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