Title: Partial Wave Analysis Lectures at the
1Partial Wave AnalysisLectures at the School on
Hadron Physics
- Klaus Peters
- Ruhr Universität Bochum
- Varenna, June 2004
E. Fermi CLVII Course
Introduction and Concepts Spin
Formalisms Dynamical Functions Technical Issues
3Overview Introduction and Concepts
Goals Wave Approach Isobar-Model Level of Detail
Introduction and Concepts Spin
Formalisms Dynamical Functions Technical Issues
4Overview Spin Formalisms
Overview Zemach Formalism Canonical
Formalism Helicity Formalism Moments Analysis
Introduction and Concepts Spin
Formalisms Dynamical Functions Technical Issues
5Overview - Dynamical Functions
Introduction and Concepts Spin
Formalisms Dynamical Functions Technical Issues
Breit-Wigner S-/T-Matrix K-Matrix P/Q-Vector N/D-M
ethod Barrier Factors Interpretation
6Overview Technical Issues / Fitting
Introduction and Concepts Spin
Formalisms Dynamical Functions Technical Issues
Coding Amplitudes Speed is an Issue Fitting
Methods Caveats FAQ
7Header Introduction and Concepts
Introduction and Concepts Spin
Formalisms Dynamical Functions Technical issues
8What is the mission ?
- Particle physics at small distances is well
understood - One Boson Exchange, Heavy Quark Limits
- This is not true at large distances
- Hadronization, Light mesons
- are barely understood compared to their abundance
- Understanding interaction/dynamics of light
hadrons will - improve our knowledge about non-perturbative QCD
- parameterizations will give provide toolkit to
analyze heavy quark processes - thus an important tool also for precise standard
model tests - We need
- Appropriate parameterizations for the
multi-particle phase space - A translation from the parameterizations to
effective degrees of freedom for a deeper
understanding of QCD
- For whatever you need the parameterization
- of the n-Particle phase space
- It contains the static properties of the unstable
(resonant) particles within the decay chain like - mass
- width
- spin and parities
- as well as properties of the initial state
- and some constraints from the experimental
setup/measurement - The main problem is, you dont need just a good
description, - you need the right one
- Many solutions may look alike but only one is
10Intermediate State Mixing
- Many states may contribute to a final state
- not only ones with well defined (already
measured) properties - not only expected ones
- Many mixing parameters are poorly known
- K-phases
- SU(3) phases
- In addition
- also D/S mixing(b1, a1 decays)
11n-Particle Phase space, n3
- 2 Observables
- From four vectors 12
- Conservation laws -4
- Meson masses -3
- Free rotation -3
- S 2
- Usual choice
- Invariant mass m12
- Invariant mass m13
Dalitz plot
12J/? pp-p0
- Angular distributions are easily seen in the
Dalitz plot
13Phase Space Plot - Dalitz Plot
Q small Q large
- dN (E1dE1) (E2dE2) (E3dE3)/(E1E2E3)
- Energy conservation E3 Etot-E1-E2
- Phase space density ? dN/dEtot dE1 dE2
- Kinetic energies QT1T2T3
- Plot x(T2-T1)/v3
- yT3-Q/3
Flat, if no dynamics is involved
14The first plots ? t/?-Puzzle
- Dalitz applied it first to KL-decays
- The former t/? puzzle with only a few events
- goal was to determine spin and parity
- And he never called them Dalitz plots
15Interference problem
- The phase space diagram in hadron physics shows
a patterndue to interference and spin effects - This is the unbiased measurement
- What has to be determined ?
- Analogy Optics ? PWA
- lamps ? level
- slits ? resonances
- positions of slits ? masses
- sizes of slits ? widths
- but only if spins are properly assigned
- bias due to hypothetical spin-parity assumption
16Its All a Question of Statistics ...
17Its All a Question of Statistics ... ...
- pp 3p0 with
- 100 events
- 1000 events
18Its All a Question of Statistics ... ... ...
- pp 3p0 with
- 100 events
- 1000 events
- 10000 events
19Its All a Question of Statistics ... ... ... ...
- pp 3p0 with
- 100 events
- 1000 events
- 10000 events
- 100000 events
20Experimental Techniques
- Scattering Experiments
- pN - N measurement
- pN - meson spectroscopy
- E818, E852 _at_ AGS, GAMS
- pp meson threshold production
- Wasa _at_ Celsius, COSY
- pp or pp in the central region
- WA76, WA91, WA102
- ?N photo production
- Cebaf, Mami, Elsa, Graal
- At-rest Experiments
- pN _at_ rest at LEAR
- Asterix, Obelix, Crystal Barrel
- J/? decays
- ?(1020) decays
- Kloe _at_ Dafne, VEPP
- D and Ds decays
- FNAL, Babar, Belle
21Introducing Partial Waves
Angular Amplitude
Dynamic Amplitude
22Argand Plot
23Standard Breit-Wigner
- Full circle in the Argand Plot
- Phase motion from 0 to p
Intensity I??
Argand Plot
Phase d
Speed df/dm
24Breit-Wigner in the Real World
25Dynamical Functions are Complicated
- Search for resonance enhancements
- is a major tool in meson spectroscopy
- The Breit-Wigner Formula was derived
- for a single resonance
- appearing in a single channel
- But Nature is more complicated
- Resonances decay into several channels
- Several resonances appear within the same channel
- Thresholds distort line shapes due to available
phase space - A more general approach is needed for a detailed
understanding (see last lecture!)
26Isobar Model
- Generalization
- construct any many-body system as a tree of
subsequent two-body decays - the overall process is dominated by two-body
processes - the two-body systems behave identical in each
reaction - different initial states may interfere
- We need
- need two-body spin-algebra
- various formalisms
- need two-body scattering formalism
- final state interaction, e.g. Breit-Wigner
27The Full Amplitude
- For each node an amplitude f(I,I3,s,O) is
obtained. - The full amplitude is the sum of all nodes.
- Summed over all unobservables
28Example Isospin Dependence
- pp initial states differ in isospin
- Calculate isospin Clebsch-Gordan
- 1S0 destructive interferences
- 3S1 ?0p0 forbidden
29Header Spin Formalisms
Introduction and Concepts Spin
Formalisms Dynamical Functions Technical Issues
30Formalisms on overview
- Tensor formalisms
- in non-relativistic (Zemach) or covariant form
- Fast computation, simple for small L and S
- Spin-projection formalisms
- where a quantization axis is chosen and proper
rotations are used to define a two-body decay - Efficient formalisms, even large L and S easy to
handle - Formalisms based on Lorentz invariants
(Rarita-Schwinger) - where each operator is constructed from
Mandelstam variables only - Elegant, but extremely difficult for large L and
31How To Construct a Formalism
- Key steps are
- Definition of single particle states of given
momentum and spin component (momentum-states), - Definition of two-particle momentum-states in the
s-channel center-of-mass system and of amplitudes
between them, - Transformation to states and amplitudes of given
total angular momentum (J-states), - Symmetry restrictions on the amplitudes,
- Derive Formulae for observable quantities.
32Zemach Formalism
- For particle with spin S
- traceless tensor of rank S
- with indices
- Similar for orbital angular momentum L
33Example Zemach pp (0-)f2p0
- Construct total spin 0 amplitude
- Angular
- distribution
- (Intensity)
34The Original Zemach Paper
35Spin-Projection Formalisms
- Differ in choice of quantization axis
- Helicity Formalism
- parallel to its own direction of motion
- Transversity Formalism
- the component normal to the scattering plane is
used - Canonical (Orbital) Formalism
- the component m in the incident z-direction is
36Generalized Single Particle State
- In general all single particle states
- are derived from a lorentz transformation
- and the rotation of the basic state
- with the Wigner rotation
Helicity Transversity Canonical
property possibility/simplicity possibility/simplicity possibility/simplicity
partial wave expansion simple complicated complicated
parity conservation no yes yes
crossing relation no good bad
specification of kinematical constraints no yes yes
38Rotation of States
39Single Particle State
- Canonical
- 1) momentum vector is rotated via z-direction.
Secondly - 2) absolute value of the momentum is Lorentz
boosted along z - 3) z-axis is rotated to the momentum direction
40Single Particle State
Helicity 1) z-axis is rotated to the momentum
direction 2) Lorentz Boost Therefore the new
z-axis, z, is parallel to the momentum
41Two-Particle State
- Canonical
- constructed from two single-particle states
- (back-to-back)
- Couple s and t to S
- Couple L and S to J
- Spherical Harmonics
42Two-Particle State
- Helicity
- similar procedure
- no recoupling needed
- normalization
43Completeness and Normalization
- Canonical
- completeness
- normalization
- Helicity
- completeness
- normalization
44Canonical Decay Amplitudes
- Canonical
- From two-particle state
- LS-Coefficients
45Helicity Decay Amplitudes
- Helicity
- From two-particle state
- Helicity amplitude
46Spin Density and Observed Number of Events
- To finally calculate the intensityi.e. the
number of eventsobserved - Spin density of the initial state
- Sum over all unobservables
- taking into account
47Relations Canonical ? Helicity
- Recoupling coefficients
- Start with
- Canonical to Helicity
- Helicity to Canonical
48Clebsch-Gordan Tables
- Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients are usually tabled in
a graphical form - (like in the PDG)
- Two cases
- coupling two initial particles with j1m1gt and
j2m2gt to final system ltJM - decay of an initial system JMgt to ltj1m1 and
ltj2m2 - j1 and j2 do not explicitly appear in the tables
- all values implicitly contain a square root
- Minus signs are meant to be used in front of the
square root
j1 x j2 j1 x j2 J J
j1 x j2 j1 x j2 M M
m1 m2 ltj1m1j2m2JMgt ltj1m1j2m2JMgt
m1 m2 ltj1m1j2m2JMgt ltj1m1j2m2JMgt
49Using Clebsch-Gordan Tables, Case 1
1 x 1 1 x 1 2
1 x 1 1 x 1 2 2 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1/2 1/2 2 1 0
0 1 1/2 -1/2 0 0 0
1 -1 1/6 1/2 1/3
0 0 2/3 0 -1/3 2 1
-1 1 1/6 -1/2 1/3 -1 -1
-1 0 1/2 1/2 2
0 -1 1/2 -1/2 -2
-1 -1 1
50Using Clebsch-Gordan Tables, Case 2
1 x 1 1 x 1 2
1 x 1 1 x 1 2 2 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1/2 1/2 2 1 0
0 1 1/2 -1/2 0 0 0
1 -1 1/6 1/2 1/3
0 0 2/3 0 -1/3 2 1
-1 1 1/6 -1/2 1/3 -1 -1
-1 0 1/2 1/2 2
0 -1 1/2 -1/2 -2
-1 -1 1
51Parity Transformation and Conservation
- Parity transformation
- single particle
- two particles
- helicity amplitude relations (for P conservation)
52f2 pp (Ansatz)
- Initial f2(1270) IG(JPC) 0(2)
- Final p0 IG(JPC) 1-(0-)
- Only even angular momenta, since ?f?p2(-1)l
- Total spin s2sp0
- Ansatz
53f2 pp (Rates)
- Amplitude has to be symmetrized because of the
final state particles
54? p0? (Ansatz)
- Initial ? IG(JPC) 0-(1--)
- Final p0 IG(JPC) 1-(0-)
- ? IG(JPC) 0(1--)
- Only odd angular momenta, since ???p??(-1)l
- Only photon contributes to total spin ssps?
- Ansatz
55? p0? (Rates)
- ??1 do not interfere, ??0 does not exist for
real photons - Rate depends on density matrix
- Choose uniform density matrix as an example
56f0,2 ?? (Ansatz)
- Initial f0,2 IG(JPC) 0(0,2)
- Final ? IG(JPC) 0(1--)
- Only even angular momenta, since ?f??2(-1)l
- Total spin s2s?2, l0,2 (f0), l0,2,4 (f2)
- Ansatz
57f0,2 ?? (contd)
- Ratio between a00 and a22 is not measurable
- Problem even worse for J2
58f0,2 ?? (contd)
59pp (2) pp
- Proton antiproton in flight into two pseudo
scalars - Initial pp J,M0,1
- Final p IG(JPC) 1-(0-)
- Ansatz
- Problem d-functions are not orthogonal, if f is
not observed - ambiguities remain in the amplitude
polarization is needed
60pp p0?
- Two step process
- First step ppp0? - Second step ?p0?
- Combine the amplitudes
- helicity constant a?,11 factorizes and is
unimportant for angular distributions
61pp (0-) f2p0
- Initial pp IG(JPC) 1-(0-)
- Final f2(1270) IG(JPC) 0(2)
- p0 IG(JPC) 1-(0-)
- is only possible from L2
- Ansatz
62General Statements
- Flat angular distributions
- General rules for spin 0
- initial state has spin 0
- 0 any
- both final state particles have spin 0
- J 00
- Special rules for isotropic density matrix and
unobserved azimuth angle - one final state particle has spin 0 and the
second carries the same spin as the initial state - J J0
63Moments Analysis
- Consider reaction
- Total differential cross section
- expand H
- leading to
64Moments Analysis contd
- Define now a density tensor
- the d-function products
- can be expanded in spherical harmonics
- and the density matrix gets absorbed in a
spherical moment
65Example Where to start in Dalitz plot anlysis
- Sometimes a moment-analysis can help to find
important contributions - best suited if no crossing bands occur
66Proton-Antiproton Annihilation _at_ Rest
- Atomic initial system
- formation at high n, l (n30)
- slow radiative transitions
- de-excitation through collisions (Auger effect)
- Stark mixing of l-levels (Day, Snow, Sucher
1960) - Advantages
- JPC varies with target density
- isospin varies with n (d) or p target
- incoherent initial states
- unambiguous PWA possible
- Disadvantages
- phase space very limited
- small kaon yield
67Initial States _at_ Rest
1S0 0- pseudo scalar 1-0 0 0
3S1 1-- vector 10- 0 1
1P1 1- axial vector 10- 1 0
3P0 0 scalar 1-0 1 1
3P1 1 axial vector 1-0 1 1
3P2 2 tensor 1-0 1 1
- Quantumnumbers
- G(-1)ILS
- P(-1)L1
- C(-1)LS CP(-1)2LS1
- I0
- I1
68Proton-Antiproton Annihilation in Flight
- Annihilation in flight
- scattering processno well defined initial state
- maximum angular momentum rises with energy
- Advantages
- larger phase space
- formation experiments
- Disadvantages
- many waves interfere with each other
- many waves due to large phase space
69Scattering Amplitudes in Flight (I)
- pp helicity amplitude
- only H and H- exist
- C-Invariance
- H0 if LS-J odd
- CP-Invariance
- H-0 if S0 and/or J0
- CP transform
- CP(-1)2LS1
- S and CP directly correlated
- CP conserved in strong int.
- singlet and triplet decoupled
- C transform
- L and P directly correlated
- C conserved in strong int.(if total charge is
q0) - odd and even L decouples
- 4 incoherent sets of coherent amplitudes
70Scattering Amplitudes in Flight (II)
Singlett odd L JPC L S H H-
1P1 1- 1 0 Yes No
1F3 3- 3 0 Yes No
1G5 5- 5 0 Yes No
Singlett even L JPC L S H H-
1S0 0- 0 0 Yes No
1D2 2- 2 0 Yes No
1G4 4- 4 0 Yes No
Triplett odd L JPC L S H H-
3P0 0 1 1 Yes No
3P1 1 1 1 No Yes
3P2 2 1 1 Yes Yes
3F2 2 3 1 Yes No
3F3 3 3 1 No Yes
3F4 4 3 1 Yes Yes
Triplett even L JPC L S H H-
3S1 1-- 0 1 Yes Yes
3D1 1-- 2 1 Yes Yes
3D2 2-- 2 1 Yes Yes
3D3 3-- 2 1 Yes Yes
71Header Dynamical Functions
Introduction and concepts Spin
Formalisms Dynamical Functions Technical issues
- Differential cross section
- Scattering amplitude
- Total scattering cross section
73Harmonic Oscillator
- Free oscillator
- Damped oscillator
- Solution
- External periodic force
- Oscillation strength
- and phase shift
- Lorentz function
74T-Matrix from Scattering
- Back to Schrödingers equation
- Incoming wave
- Solves the equation
- solution without interaction
- solution with interaction
incoming wave
outgoing wave
inelasticity and phase shift
75T-Matrix from Scattering (contd)
- Scattering
- wave function
- Scattering amplitude
- and T-Matrix
- Example pp-Scattering
- below 1 GeV/c2
76(In-)Elastic cross sections and T-Matrix
- Total cross section
- Identify elastic
- and inelastic part
- using the optical theorem
77Breit-Wigner Function
- Wave function for an unstable particle
- Fourier transformation for E dependence
- Finally our first Breit-Wigner
78Dressed Resonances T-Matrix Field Theory
- Suppose we have a resonance with mass m0
- We can describe this with a propagator
- But we may have a self-energy term
- leading to
79T-Matrix Perturbation
- We can have an infinite number of loops inside
our propagator - every loop involves a coupling b,
- so if b is small, this converges like a geometric
80T-Matrix Perturbation Retaining Breit-Wigner
- So we get
- and the full amplitude with a dressed
propagator leads to - which is again a Breit-Wigner like function, but
the bare energy E0 has now changed into E0-ltb
81Relativistic Breit-Wigner
Intensity I??
Phase d
Argand Plot
- By migrating from Schrödingers equation
(non-relativistic) - to Klein-Gordons equation (relativistic) the
energy term changes - different energy-momentum relation Ep2/m vs.
E2m2c4p2c2 - The propagators change to sR-s from mR-m
82Barrier Factors - Introduction
- At low energies, near thresholds
- but is not valid far away from thresholds --
otherwise the width would explode and the
integral of the Breit-Wigner diverges - Need more realistic centrifugal barriers
- known as Blatt-Weisskopf damping factors
- We start with the semi-classical impact parameter
- and use the approximation for the stationary
solution of the radial differential equation - with
- we obtain
83Blatt-Weisskopf Barrier Factors
- The energy dependence is usually parameterized in
terms of spherical Hankel-Functions - we define Fl(q) with the
- following features
- Main problem is the choice of the scale parameter
84Blatt-Weisskopf Barrier Factors (l0 to 3)
85Barrier factors
Resonant daughters
- Scales and Formulae
- formula was derived from a cylindrical potential
- the scale (197.3 MeV/c) may be different for
different processes - valid in the vicinity of the pole
- definition of the breakup-momentum
- Breakup-momentum
- may become complex (sub-threshold)
- set to zero below threshold
- need ltFl(q)gt?Fl(q)dBW
- Fl(q)ql
- complex even above threshold
- meaning of mass and width are mixed up
86T-Matrix Unitarity Relations
- Unitarity is a basic feature
- since probability has to be conserved
- T is unitary if S is unitary
- since
- we get in addition
87T-Matrix Dispersion Relations
- Cauchy Integral on a closed contour
- By choosing proper contours
- and some limits one obtains the dispersion
relation for Tl(s) - Satisfying this relation with an arbitrary
- parameterization is extremely difficult
- and is dropped in many approaches
88K-Matrix Definition
- T is n x n matrix representing n incoming and n
outgoing channel - If the matrix K is a real and symmetric
- also n x n
- then the T is unitary
- by construction
89K-Matrix Properties
- T is then easily computed from K
- T and K commute
- K is the Caley transform of S
- Some more properties
90Example pp-Scattering
91Relativistic Treatment
- So far we did not care about relativistic
kinematics - covariant description
- or
- and
- with
- therefore
- and K is changed as well
92Relativistic Treatment 2 channel
- S-Matrix
- 2 channel T-Matrix
- to be compared with the non-relativistic case
93K-Matrix Poles
- Now we introduce resonances
- as poles (propagators)
- One may add cij a real polynomial
- of m2 to account for slowly varying background
- (not experimental background!!!)
- Width/Lifetime
- For a single channel and one pole we get
94Example 1x2 K-Matrix
Intensity I??
Phase d
Argand Plot
- Strange effects in subdominant channels
- Scalar resonance at 1500 MeV/c2, G100 MeV/c2
- All plots show pp channel
- Blue pp dominated resonance (Gpp80 MeV and
GKK20 MeV) - Red KK dominated resonance (GKK80 MeV and
Gpp20 MeV) - Look at the tiny phase motion in the subdominant
95Example 2x1 K-Matrix Overlapping Poles
- two resonances overlapping with different (100/50
MeV/c2) - widths are not so dramatic (except the strength)
- The width is basically added
96Example 1x2 K-Matrix Nearby Poles
- Two nearby poles (1.27 and 1.5 GeV/c2)
- show nicely the effect of unitarization
97Example Flatté 1x2 K-Matrix
- 2 channels for a single resonance at the
threshold of one of the channels - with
- Leading to the T-Matrix
- and with
- we get
Real Part
Argand Plot
BW p?
Flatte p?
Flatte KK
- Example
- a0(980) decaying into p? and KK
Intensity I??
Phase d
99Example K-Matrix Parametrizations
- Au, Morgan and Pennington (1987)
- Amsler et al. (1995)
- Anisovich and Sarantsev (2003)
100P-Vector Definition
- But in many reactions there is no scattering
process but a production process, a resonance is
produced with a certain strength and then decays - Aitchison (1972)
- with
101P-Vector Poles
- The resonance poles are constructed as in the
K-Matrix - and one may add a polynomial di again
- For a single channel and a single pole
- If the K-Matrix contains fake poles...
- for non s-channel processes modeled in an
s-channel model - ...the corresponding poles in P are different
- A different Ansatz with a different picture
channel n is produced and undergoes final state
interaction - For channel 1 in 2 channels
103Complex Analysis Revisited
- The Breit-Wigner example
- shows, that G(m) implies ?(m)
- but below threshold ?(m) gets complex
- because q (breakup-momentum) gets complex,
- since m1m2gtm
- therefore the real part of the denominator (mass
term) changes - and imaginary part (width term) vanishes
104Complex Analysis Revisited (contd)
- But furthermore for each ?(m) which is a
squareroot, one has two solutions for pgt0 or plt0
resp. - But the two values (w2q/m) have some phase in
betweenand are not identical - So you define a new complex plane for each
solution,which are 2n complex planes, called
Riemann sheetsthey are continuously connected.
The borderlines are called CUTS.
105Riemann Sheets in a 2 Channel Problem
- Usual definition
- sheet sgn(q1) sgn(q2)
- I
- II -
- III - -
- IV
- This implies for the T-Matrix
- Complex Energy Plane
- Complex Momentum Plane
106States on Energy Sheets
- Singularities appear naturally where
- Singularities might be
- 1 bound states
- 2 anti-bound
- states
- 3 resonances
- or
- artifacts due to wrong treatment of the model
107States on Momentum Sheets
- Or in the complex momentum plane
- Singularities might be
- 1 bound states
- 2 anti-bound states
- 3 resonances
108Left-hand and Right-hand Cuts
- The right hand CUTS (RHC) come from the open
channels in an n channel problem - But also exchange processes and other effects
introduce CUTS on the left-hand side (LHC)
109N/D Method
- To get the proper behavior for the left-hand cuts
- Use Nl(s) and Dl(s) which are correlated by
dispersion relations - An example for this is the work of Bugg and Zhou
110Nearest Pole Determines Real Axis
- The pole nearest to the real axis
- or more clearly to a point with mass m on the
real axis - determines your physics results
- Far away from thresholds this works nicely
- At thresholds, the world is more
- complicated
- While ?(770) in between twothresholds has a
beautiful shape - the f0(980) or a0(980) have not
111Pole and Shadows near Threshold (2 Channel)
- For a real resonance one always obtains poles on
sheet II and III - due to symmetries in Tl
- Usually
- To make sure that pole an shadow match and form
an s-channel resonance, it is mandatory to check
if the pole on sheets II and III match - This is done by artificially changing
- ?2 smoothly from q2 to q2
- Id like to thank the organizers
- U. Wiedner and T. Bressani
- for their kind invitation to Varenna and for the
pressure to prepare the lecture and to write it
down for later use - I also would like to thank
- S.U. Chung and M.R. Pennington
- for teaching me, what I hopped to have taught
you! - and finally Id like to thank R.S. Longacre, from
whom I have stolen some paragraphs from his
Lecture in Maryland 1991
113Legend Master
Intensity I??
Polarangle f
Phase d
Speed df/dm
Inelasticity ?
Real Part
Imaginary Part
Argand Plot