Title: Nepal-Japan Friendship and Cultural Association (NEJAFCA)
1Nepal-Japan Friendship and Cultural
- Establishment- 10th August 1979
2About the ppt.
- Prepared by BAJRACHARYA Ashok, 11103650
- Data collection and interview through email
- References-A Profile of NEPAL - JAPAN
NEJAFCA's Silver Jubilee Program by General
Secretary Mr. Udaya Lal Shrestha.
3Objectives of NEJAFCA
- Cultural, Scientific and religious exchange
between Japan and Nepal. - Help evolve the cordial relations between the
people of two countries by various activities. - Disseminate information about both countries by
building cultural center and libraries.
- Help and create an environment of peace and
understanding between the two countries and
ranging from the common mass of people to the
higher levels of mutual communication and
5- Two ways of member recruitment
- Life Member
- General Member
- Honorary Member
- Presence of Japanese and Nepalese members.
6No of members
- Life members 35
- General members 422
- Honorary members 4
- Total 461
According to the information in the embassy
website. http//www.np.emb-japan.go.jp/org/jnfca.h
7- General Membership
- Can be Renewed every year and the number of
member varies every year. - Membership fees is required.
8The financial management (Resources)
- Membership fee,
- Government and non government cooperation.
- Other (Miscellaneous)
- The embassy of Japan in Nepal also supported this
association in various activities. - As a result, it got inspired to organize many
further other programs.
- It have branches in many districts in Nepal.
- Kavre
- Banke
- Magdi
- Parsa
- Kanchanpur
- Banglung
- Rupandehi
- Hetauda
- Kaski
- Nepaljunj
- Chitwan
11Network in the branch offices
- Each branch office have its own executive board .
- It perform its activities of its own with the
co-operation with the head office.
12Office in JAPAN
13Executive Board
- The board has hierarchical structure having
different layers of members. - Executive Board is formed for certain period of
President Vice President General Secretary
Secretary Treasurer Joint Treasurer
Cultural Secretary Joint Cultural Secretary
Executive Members
14- First Executive Board was formed under the
leadership of Dr.Yadav P. Pant after the
establishment of the association till 1982. - 9 executive boards have been formed till 2004.
- There is a general meeting of all the members at
the formation of executive board. - The board decides all the activities to be done
during its period.
15Communication with other organizations.
- Offices of His Majesty Government
- Embassy of Japan
- Japan-Nepal Society
- Business communities
- Nepal-Japan Student Trainees Club
- Nepal-Japan Friendship Council
- Japan University Students Association
- many other organizations
16Ways of Network
- Most of the communications are based on meetings
and direct discussions. - It holds an email account and hence network is
also being performed through email sometimes. - Informal networks- member of one group is a
friend of another group and they share ideas when
they meet.
17Path along its objective
- The association organizes different programs and
activities on different occasion. - The activities are cultural performances,
different competitions and scholarship programs.
18- Many important persons for both countries attend
these kind of programs and friendship and ties
become stronger. - Sometimes meeting with other institutions are
held as dinner programs. - Discussion on mutual relationship of Japan and
Nepal take place.
19Networking with Japan
- Through the Japanese Embassy.
- Members visit different places in Japan and held
meeting with different personnel. - Get help from other institution related to Japan.
20Taking an example of Silver Jubilee Celebration
- They formed different groups and each group do
different activities. - Each member of a group is assigned with certain
duty and post like coordinator, editor and
member. - The coordinator is the node through which other
members are linked to the main organizing
21The board is divided into committees for
different activities.
- NEJAFCA Peace Rally committee.
- Exhibition of Nepali and Japanese Dolls, Posters
and Cultural Materials committee. - Nepali and Japanese Food Festival committee.
- Oratory Competition in Nepali and Japanese
Language committee. - Nepalese and Japanese Cultural Fashion Show
committees committee.
22Pattern of Network
23Connection with public
- News papers are mostly used to advertise.
- A magazine sakunage was published in 1980.
- Banners and poster
- INFOJAPAN, a quarterly newsletter published by
the embassy. - News broadcasting on various activities through
televisions and other medias.
24Problems and disadvantages.
- No Website
- The branch offices seems to have no much contact
with the head office. - Communication is mostly based on different
activities only. - No obvious use of computer mediated
25My suggestions
- Having a website will be help exchange of
information. - Meeting of the boards of branch offices regularly
will encourage the branch offices to progress. - Starting of computer mediated network boost the
power of the association.
26Conclusion 1
- NEJAFCA is based on the diplomatic and friendly
relations between Japan and Nepal. - Objective
- Goal create peaceful and understanding
Stimulate Cultural, Scientific exchange Make
the relation between Japan and Nepal more
deeper Build libraries and cultural centers.
27Conclusion 2
- 2 kinds of members
- life member and general member
- Resources
- membership fee
- Government and non government cooperation
- Others
28Conclusion 3
- Office in Nagoya, Japan
- Branch offices in many districts of Nepal.
- Formation of executive board.
- Members in the board are in hierarchical
29Conclusion 4
- Network in different other organizations.
- Communication mainly by direct meeting.
- Members from Nepal visit to Japan and vice versa
for exchange activities.
30Conclusion 5
- Activates are organized in special occasions and
events. - Formation of different committee for different
activates. - Each committee have members assigned with
different duties and coordinator is connected
with each other.
31Conclusion 6
- Ways of establishing public relation
- Publish magazine
- Broadcast in TV
- Banners and Poster
- Embassy website