Psychoanalytic Therapy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Psychoanalytic Therapy


Psychoanalytic Therapy a.k.a. Freudian Therapy Psychsexual Stages of Development In Freudian theory, five developmental periods during which particular kinds of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Psychoanalytic Therapy

Psychoanalytic Therapy
  • a.k.a. Freudian Therapy

Psychsexual Stages of Development
  • In Freudian theory, five developmental periods
    during which particular kinds of pleasures must
    be gratified if personality development is to
    proceed normally

The Development of Personality
  • ORAL STAGE First year
  • Related to later mistrust and rejection issues
  • ANAL STAGE Ages 1-3
  • Related to later personal power issues
  • PHALLIC STAGE Ages 3-6
  • Related to later sexual attitudes
  • LATENCY STAGE Ages 6-12
  • A time of socialization
  • GENITAL STAGE Ages 12-60
  • Sexual energies are invested in life

Theory and Practice of Counseling and
Psychotherapy - Chapter 4 (1)
Oral Stage
  • 0-18 monthsinfant receives satisfaction through
    sucking, eating, biting, etc. Erogenous zone is
    the mouth.
  • Overindulgentgullible, dependent, and passive
  • Underindulgentaggressive, sadistic person
  • Oral fixated adults orient their life around
    their mouth by overeating, alcoholism, smoking,
    talking too much

Anal Stage
  • 18 months-3 yearsthe child receives satisfaction
    by having and retaining bowel movements.
    Erogenous zone is the anus.
  • Fixation results in retentive or explosive
  • Anal-retentivehighly controlled, compulsively
  • Anal-explosivemessy, disorderly, rebellious, and

Phallic Stage
  • 3-6 yearscenter of pleasure is the genitals,
    typically a time of exploration of pleasure
    through masturbation and playing doctor
  • Child resolves the Oedipus Complex(the period of
    conflict during the phallic stage when children
    are sexually attracted to the opposite-sex parent
    and hostile toward the same-sex parent
  • Castration anxiety in males and penis envy in

Latency Stage
  • Age 6 to pubertychildren repress sexual thoughts
    and engage in nonsexual activities such as
    developing social and intellectual skills
  • Task is to develop successful interactions with
    same-sex peers and refine appropriate gender roles

Genital Stage
  • Adolescence ongenitals are again the erogenous
  • Individual seeks to fulfill his or her sexual
    desires through emotional attachment to members
    of the opposite sex.
  • Unsuccessful outcomes lead to sexual
    relationships based on lustful desires rather
    than respect and commitment.

The Structure of Personality
  • THE ID The Demanding Child
  • Ruled by the pleasure principle
  • THE EGO The Traffic Cop
  • Ruled by the reality principle
  • THE SUPEREGO The Judge
  • Ruled by the moral principle

Theory and Practice of Counseling and
Psychotherapy - Chapter 4 (2)
Freuds Personality Structure
  • IdAccording to Freud, the source of instinctual
    energy, which works on the pleasure principle
    (seeking immediate pleasure) and is concerned
    with immediate gratification.
  • EgoIn Freuds theory, the rational part of the
    psyche that deals with reality by controlling the
    id while also satisfying the superego (from the
    Latin ego meaning I)

Freuds Personality Structure
  • Reality principleAccording to Freud, the
    principle on which the conscious ego operates as
    it tries to meet the demands of the id and the
    superego and the realities of the environment.
  • SuperegoIn Freuds theory, the part of the
    personality that incorporates parental and
    societal standards of morality

Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Theories
  • Levels of consciousness
  • ConsciousIn Freudian terms, thoughts or motives
    that a person is currently aware of or is
  • PreconsciousFreuds term for thoughts or motives
    that one can become aware of easily
  • UnconsciousFreuds term for thoughts or motives
    that lie beyond a persons normal awareness but
    that can be made available through psychoanalysis.

The Unconscious
  • Clinical evidence for postulating the
  • Dreams
  • Slips of the tongue
  • Posthypnotic suggestions
  • Material derived from free-association
  • Material derived from projective techniques
  • Symbolic content of psychotic symptoms
  • NOTE consciousness is only a thin slice of the
    total mind

Theory and Practice of Counseling and
Psychotherapy - Chapter 4 (3)
Ego-Defense Mechanisms
  • Ego-defense mechanisms
  • Are normal behaviors which operate on an
    unconscious level and tend to deny or distort
  • Help the individual cope with anxiety and prevent
    the ego from being overwhelmed
  • Have adaptive value if they do not become a style
    of life to avoid facing reality

Theory and Practice of Counseling and
Psychotherapy - Chapter 4 (4)
Ego Defense Mechanisms
  • When the ego fails to satisfy both the id and the
    superego, anxiety occurs. In order to avoid the
    discomfort of anxiety, the ego distorts reality
    by the use of defense mechanisms.

Ego Defense Mechanisms
  • Repressionpreventing painful or dangerous
    thoughts from entering consciousness
  • SublimationWorking off unmet desires or
    unacceptable impulses in activities
  • DenialProtecting oneself from an unpleasant
    reality by refusing to perceive it
  • RationalizationSubstituting socially acceptable

Ego Defense Mechanisms
  • IntellectualizationIgnoring the emotional
    aspects of a painful experience by focusing on
    abstract thoughts, words or ideas
  • ProjectionTransferring unacceptable motives or
    impulses to others
  • Reaction formationRefusing to acknowledge
    unacceptable urges, thoughts or feelings by
    exaggerating the opposite state

Ego Defense Mechanisms
  • RegressionResponding to a threatening situation
    in a way appropriate to an earlier age or level
    of development
  • DisplacementSubstituting a less threatening
    object for the original object or impulse

Psychoanalytic Techniques
  • Free Association
  • Client reports immediately without censoring any
    feelings or thoughts
  • Interpretation
  • Therapist points out, explains, and teaches the
    meanings of whatever is revealed
  • Dream Analysis
  • Therapist uses the royal road to the
    unconscious to bring unconscious material to

Theory and Practice of Counseling and
Psychotherapy - Chapter 4 (5)
Transference and Countertransference
  • Transference
  • The client reacts to the therapist as he did to
    an earlier significant other
  • This allows the client to experience feelings
    that would otherwise be inaccessible
  • ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERENCE allows the client to
    achieve insight into the influence of the past
  • Countertransference
  • The reaction of the therapist toward the client
    that may interfere with objectivity

Theory and Practice of Counseling and
Psychotherapy - Chapter 4 (6)
  • Resistance
  • Anything that works against the progress of
    therapy and prevents the production of
    unconscious material
  • Analysis of Resistance
  • Helps the client to see that canceling
    appointments, fleeing from therapy prematurely,
    etc., are ways of defending against anxiety
  • These acts interfere with the ability to accept
    changes which could lead to a more satisfying

Theory and Practice of Counseling and
Psychotherapy - Chapter 4 (7)
Assumptions that drive Psychoanalytic Theory
  • Access to unconscious functioning comes through
    the associative process
  • Later mental structures have to be explained by
    earlier experiences, by turning back to the past
  • Psychic continuity is a lifelong process
  • Mental life has meaning

Assumptions that drive Psychoanalytic Theory
  • Determinism, the conviction that nothing that
    happens is accidental is an accepted principle
  • Instinct, that is, as the source of motivation in
    bodily processes, is an accepted concept
  • The assumption of the concept of the unconscious
    is necessary because conscious experiences leave
    gaps in mental life that unconscious processes
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