A White Paper on Computational Fluency (K-12) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A White Paper on Computational Fluency (K-12)


A White Paper on Computational Fluency (K-12) Presented by Mark Jewell, PhD Chief Academic Officer Federal Way School District Computational Fluency A look at what ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A White Paper on Computational Fluency (K-12)

A White Paper on Computational Fluency (K-12)
  • Presented by
  • Mark Jewell, PhD
  • Chief Academic Officer
  • Federal Way School District

Computational Fluency
  • A look at what the research says
  • and
  • classroom implications.

  • Mathematics is a language and science of
  • Mathematical content (EALR 1) must be embedded in
    the mathematical processes (EALRs 2-5).
  • For all students to learn significant mathematic,
    content must be taught and assessed in meaningful

Computational Fluency Research and
Implications for Practice
  • Six Focus Questions
  • What is computational fluency?
  • How does computational fluency develop?
  • How does computational fluency differ from simply
    being able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide?

Computational Fluency Research and Implications
for Practice
  • How is computational fluency related to
  • What learning experiences are most conducive to
    the attainment of computational proficiency?
  • What are the characteristics of effective
    computational fluency programs?

Project Timeline
  • Initial meeting
  • Review of research literature
  • Compile preliminary research and implications
  • Nov. 20, 2006
  • Dec. 2006Feb. 2007
  • Jan. 24, 2007

Project Timeline
  • Present status report at OSPI January Conference
  • Develop preliminary recommendations and obtain
    feedback from practitioners across the state and
    national experts
  • Jan. 10, 2007
  • Jan.Feb. 2007

Project Timeline
  • Review computational fluency programs
  • Submit final recommendations to Superintendent
    Bergeson for review and approval
  • Present recommendations during OSPI Summer
  • MarchApril 2007
  • May 2007
  • Summer 2007

What is Computational Fluency?
  • A concept with deep historical roots in the
    literature of mathematics instruction and

What is Computational Fluency?
  • William Brownell (1935 1956)
  • Described meaningful habituation, in many ways
    a historical precursor to computational fluency.
  • Advocated an instructional approach that balanced
    meaning and skill.
  • Maintained that meaning and skill are
    mutually dependent, even though some people
    attempt to portray them as distinct.

What is Computational Fluency?
  • Stuart Appleton Courtis (1906-1942)
  • Developed one of the first published arithmetic
    tests in the U.S.
  • Believed that rate tests represented an avenue
    of development largely unexplored (p. 9).

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • 1978 NCTM Year Book
  • Drill has long been recognized as an essential
    component of instruction in the basic facts.
    Practice is necessary to develop immediate
    recall. Brownell and Chazai (1935) have shown
    quite convincingly that drill increases the speed
    and accuracy of responses to basic-fact problems.
    Those are the purposes for which drill should be
    used. Drill alone will not change the thinking
    that a child uses it will only tend to speed up
    the thinking that a child uses it will only tend
    to speed up the thinking that is already being

What is Computational Fluency?More Contemporary
  • NCTMs Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for
    School Mathematics (1989)
  • Children should master the basic facts of
    arithmetic that are essential components of
    fluency with paper-and-pencil and mental
    computation and with estimation (p. 47).
  • Practice designed to improve speed and accuracy
    should be used, but only under the right
    conditions that is, practice with a cluster of
    facts should be used only after children have
    developed an efficient way to derive the answers
    to those facts (p. 47).
  • It is important for children to learn the
    sequence of steps, and the reasons for them, in
    the paper-and-pencil algorithms used widely in
    our culture. Thus instruction should emphasize
    the meaningful development of these procedures,
    not the speed of processing (p. 47).

What is Computational Fluency?More Contemporary
  • NCTMs Principles and Standards for School
    Mathematics (2001)
  • Fluency refers to having efficient, accurate,
    and generalizable methods (algorithms) for
    computing that are based on well-understood
    properties and number relationships.
  • NCTM, 2000, p. 144

What is Computational Fluency? More Contemporary
  • NRCs Adding it Up
  • Conceptual Understanding Comprehension of
    mathematical concepts, operations, and relations.
  • Procedural Fluency Skill in carrying out
    procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and
  • Strategic Competence Ability to formulate,
    represent, and solve mathematical problems.

Adding it Up, National Research Council, p. 117
What is Computational Fluency? More Contemporary
  • Adaptive Reasoning Capacity for logical thought,
    reflection, explanation, and justification.
  • Productive Disposition Habitual inclination to
    see mathematics as sensible, useful, and
    worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence
    and ones own efficacy.
  • U.S. National Research Council, 2001, p. 5

What is Computational Fluency? More Contemporary
  • NCTMs (2006) Curriculum Focal Points for
    Prekindergarten through Grade 8 Mathematics
  • Grade 2 Developing quick recall of addition
    and subtraction facts and fluency with supporting
    algorithms is a focus.
  • Grade 4 Developing quick recall of the basic
    multiplication facts and related division facts
    and fluency with whole number multiplication.
  • Grade 5 Developing an understanding of and
    fluency with division of whole numbers.
  • Grade 5/6 Developing an understanding of and
    fluency with addition and subtraction of
    fractions and decimals.

What is Computational Fluency? More Contemporary
  • Susan Jo Russell on Accuracy
  • Accuracy depends on several aspects of the
    problem solving process, among them, careful
    recording, the knowledge of basic number
    combinations and other important number
    relationships, and concern for double-checking
  • (2000, p. 154)

What is Computational Fluency? More Contemporary
  • Susan Jo Russell on Efficiency
  • Efficiency implies that the student does not get
    bogged down in many steps or lose track of the
    logic of the strategy. An efficient strategy is
    one that the student can carry out easily,
    keeping track of sub-problems and making use of
    intermediate results to solve the problem.
  • (2000, p. 154)

What is Computational Fluency? More Contemporary
  • Susan Jo Russell on Flexibility
  • Flexibility requires the knowledge of more than
    one approach to solving a particular kind of
    problem. Students need to be flexible to be able
    to choose an appropriate strategy for the problem
    at hand and also to use one method to solve a
    problem and another method to double-check the
  • (2000, p. 154)

What is Computational Fluency?
  • Is there more to computational fluency than
    identified by Russell (2000)?
  • Accuracy Being careful and keeping good records.
  • Efficiency Not getting lost or being bogged
  • Flexibility Able to use multiple approaches.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Types of
Mathematical Knowledge
  • According to cognitive psychologists, learning is
    a process in which the learner actively builds
    mental structures, or schemata. These structures
    consist of
  • Conceptual Knowledge This is a highly structured
    and interrelated body of knowledge of schemata.
  • Declarative Knowledge This type of knowledge
    refers to memorized facts involving arithmetical
    relations among numbers.
  • Procedural Knowledge This type of knowledge
    involves childrens awareness of the processing
    steps that are required to solve a problem.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Normal
Development of Computational Fluency
  • Research into the study of childrens
    mathematical thinking tells us there is a
    continuum of strategies through which students
    develop computational fluency with basic facts
    and multi-digit numbers in all four operations.
  • For basic facts, there are three stages before
    recall, or memorization in each operation.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Normal
Development of Computational Fluency
  • For computation with multi-digit numbers, there
    are four stages before the student can use the
    traditional algorithm with understanding.
  • If a student has only memorized without the
    opportunity to develop through the continuum, and
    then forgets the fact, he or she will have no way
    to solve the problem.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Normal
Development of Computational Fluency
  • Experience along the continuum enables the
    student to better determine the reasonableness of
    an answer.
  • Students move along the continuum at individual
  • Often it is the difficulty of the problem that
    determines the strategies the student will use.
  • Carpenter, T., Fennema, E., Franke, M., Levi, L.,
    Empson, S. (1999). Childrens Mathematics.
    Portsmouth, NH Heinemann.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Acquisition of Basic Math Facts
  • The acquisition of math facts generally
    progresses from a deliberate, procedural, and
    error-prone calculation to one that is fast,
    efficient, and accurate.
  • Ashcraft, 1992 Fuson, 1982, 1988 Siegler, 1988

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Acquisition of Basic Math Facts
  • For many students, at any point in time from
    preschool through at least the fourth grade, they
    will have some facts that can be retrieved from
    memory without little effort and some that need
    to be calculated using some counting strategy.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Acquisition of Basic Math Facts
  • From the fourth grade through adulthood, answers
    to basic math facts are recalled from memory with
    a continued strengthening of relationships
    between problems and answers that results in
    further increases in fluency.
  • Ashcraft, 1985

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Acquisition of Addition and Subtraction Facts
  • In a typical developmental path in addition,
    students begin adding using a strategy called
    counting on strategy, which in turn gives ways
    to linking new facts to known facts.
  • Garnett, 1992

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Acquisition of Addition and Subtraction Facts
  • The most frequently used and most efficient
    counting strategy among kindergarten, first, and
    second grade students was a minimum addend
  • Siegler 1987 Siegler Shrager, 1984

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Acquisition of Addition and Subtraction Facts
  • The acquisition of minimum addend counting
    strategy is an essential predictor of success in
    early mathematics (Siegler 1988). Although most
    children learn or deduce this strategy readily,
    LD and other struggling math students do not.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Acquisition of Addition and Subtraction Facts
  • The finding that students with learning
    disabilities do not spontaneously produce
    task-appropriate strategies necessary for
    adequate performance leads to the need for direct
    and explicit instruction before they show signs
    of performing strategically.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Strategies
to Memorization of Basic Facts Keys to Mastery
  • Addition
  • Count All
  • Just One More
  • Count On
  • Small Doubles
  • -Doubles /-
  • Makes a 10
  • Related Facts
  • Subtraction
  • Count Back
  • Just One Less
  • Count Up
  • Related Facts
  • Subtraction Neighbors
  • Finding Doubles
  • Over the Hill

Adding It Up National Research Council, p. 187,
How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Examples
of Addition Strategies
Strategy Representative Use to Solve 2 4
Counting All 1, 21, 2, 3, 41, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Shortcut Sum 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Finger Display Displays 2 fingers, then 4 fingers says 6
Counting on from the first addend 23, 4, 5, 6 or 3, 4, 5, 6
How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Examples
of Addition Strategies
Strategy Representative Use to Solve 2 4
Counting on from the larger addend 45, 6, or 5, 6
Linking 2 2 4, 2 more 6
Retrieval 6
Strategies to MemorizationKeys to Mastery
  • When counting up is not introduced, many
    children may not invent it until the second or
    third grade, if at all. Intervention studies
    with U.S. first graders that helped them see
    subtraction situations as taking away the first x
    objects enabled them to learn and understand
    counting-up-to procedures for subtraction. Their
    subtraction accuracy became as high as that for
  • Adding it Up, National Research Council, p. 191

Percentage of Time of Students Use Various
Addition Procedures (Siegler,1987)
Grade Guessing Counting All Counting-On Derived Facts Known Facts
K 30 22 30 2 16
1 8 1 38 9 44
2 5 0 50 11 45
How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Acquisition of Multiplication and Division Facts
  • In multiplication, a student might employ a
    repeated addition or skip counting as initial
    procedures for calculating the facts (Siegler,
    1988). With repeated exposures, most normally
    developing students establish a memory
    relationship with each fact. Instead of
    calculating it, they recall it automatically.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Computatio
nal Fluency and Brain Science
  • Recent research in cognitive science using
    functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI), has
    revealed the actual shift in brain activation
    patterns as untrained math facts are learned.
  • Delazer et al., 2003

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Computatio
nal Fluency and Brain Science
  • Instruction and practice cause math fact
    processing to move from a quantitative area of
    the brain to one related to automatic retrieval.
  • Dehaene, 1997 1999 2003

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Computatio
nal Fluency and Brain Science
  • Delazer and her colleagues suggest that this
    shift aids the solving of complex computations
    that require the selection of an appropriate
    resolution algorithm, retrieval of intermediate
    results, storage and updating in working memory
    by substituting some of the intermediate steps
    with automatic retrieval.
  • Delazer et al., 2004

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Importance of Automaticity in Mathematics
  • All human beings have a limited
    information-processing capacity. That is an
    individual simply cannot attend to too many
    things at once.
  • Some of the sub-processes, particularly basic
    facts, need to be developed to the point that
    they are done automatically. If this fluent
    retrieval does not develop, then the development
    of higher-order mathematical skills, such as
    multiple digit addition and subtraction, and
    fractions-may be severely impaired. (Resnick,

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Importance of Automaticity in Mathematics
  • Studies have found that lack of math fact
    retrieval can impede in math class discussions
    (Woodward Baxter, 1997), successful mathematics
    problem solving (Pelligrino Goldman, 1987), and
    even the development of everyday life skills
    (Loveless, 2003).

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Importance of Automaticity in Mathematics
  • And rapid math fact retrieval has been shown to
    be a strong predictor of performance on
    mathematics achievement tests (Royer, Tronsky,
    Chan, Jackson, Marchant, 1999).

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Importance of Automaticity in Mathematics
  • Once procedures are automatized, they require
    little conscious effort to use, which, in turn,
    frees attentional and working memory resources
    for use on other more important features of the
    problem (Geary, 1995).
  • When a basic fact is executed without conscious
    monitoring and attention, it is considered to
    have become automatic (Goldman Pellegrino,

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Importance of Automaticity in Mathematics
  • Automaticity is useful both in and out of the
    classroom (Isaacs Carroll, 1999).
  • Counting strategies and the use of electronic
    calculators interfere with learning higher level
    math skills such as multiple-digit addition and
    subtraction, long division, and fractions
    (Resnick, 1983).

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?The
Importance of Automaticity in Mathematics
  • If a student is constantly having to compute the
    answers to simple addition and subtraction facts,
    part of the students thinking capacity is
    reduced and less is left for interrelating
    higher-order concepts that the student has to
    learn. For example, a child who is performing a
    long division must monitor constantly where he or
    she is in that procedure, requiring a certain
    amount of attention resources. If the students
    must use counting strategies to subtract or
    multiply during the division process, these
    procedures also must be monitored. This draws
    upon the limited attention resources, and the
    student often fails to grasp the concepts
    involved in multiple-digit division.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Developmen
tal Perspective of Automaticity
  • Early counting strategies are replaced with more
    efficient rule-based strategies (Hopkins
    Lawson, 2002).
  • At the automatic stage, learners quickly
    recognize the problem pattern (e.g., division
    problem, square root problem) and implement the
    procedure without much conscious deliberation.
  • As a skill develops, learners are able to execute
    it rapidly and achieve greater accuracy in their

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Automatici
ty as a Foundation for Traditional Algorithm
  • Kirby and Becker (1988) indicated that lack of
    automaticity in basic operations and strategy
    useeither the use of an inefficient strategy or
    the use of the right strategy at the wrong
    timewere responsible for the majority of math
    problems that children experience.
  • Based on the results of their research, Kirby and
    Becker concluded that children with learning
    problems in arithmetic do not have any major
    structural defect in their information processing
    systems or that they are qualitatively different
    from normally achieving students in any enduring

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Automatici
ty as a Foundation for Traditional Algorithm
  • Instead, the results are consistent with the
    interpretation that such children may not be
    carrying out even simple arithmetic in the
    correct manner, and that they require extensive
    practice in the correct strategies (p. 15).
  • Speed of mathematical fact retrieval from memory
    relates directly to overall mathematical
    achievement in students from elementary school
    through college (Royer, Tronsky, Chan, Jackson,
    Marchant, 1999).

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Automatici
ty as a Foundation for Traditional Algorithm
  • Students have achieved behavioral fluency when
    they can perform a skill quickly and with minimal
    or no errors (Spence Hively, 1993).
    Information-processing theorists refer to
    behavioral fluency as automaticity. Although
    there certainly is some controversy about the
    need to build behavioral fluency, there are data
    to suggest that fluency with basic skills can
    help students with later learning and application
    of those skills (Binder, 1993 Spence Hively,
    1993). For example, Haughton (1972) found that
    children who could solve single-digit arithmetic
    problems at a minimum of fifty to sixty correct
    per minute were more successful at later parts of
    a math curriculum.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Automatici
ty as a Means for Developing Number Sense
  • Isaacs and Carroll (1999) note that automaticity
    in math facts is essential to estimation and
    mental computations.
  • These skills, particularly the ability to perform
    mental computations (e.g., make approximations
    based on rounded numbers such as 10s and 100s),
    are central to the ongoing development of number

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Why Speed
of Recall Matters
  • One of the indications of whether a fact is
    learned to the point of automaticity is speed of
  • When attention must be divided between the task
    at hand and the search for a calculation answer,
    the student may not have enough working memory to
    search for an algorithm, translate the problem,
    and so forth.
  • A strong argument for teaching mathematics facts
    is that if facts are learned to the point of
    automaticity, then the limited resources of
    working memory are available for problem solving.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Why Speed
of Recall Matters
  • Zentall and Ferkis (1993) stated that slow and
    inaccurate computational skill may place further
    attention load on the problem solving process.
  • Zawaiza and Gerber (1993) noted that many
    researchers believe that automaticity can free
    attentional resources necessary for more complex
    and abstract aspects of some problem solving (p.
  • High rates of accurate responding have been
    called fluent (Haring Eaton, 1978 Marston,
    1989) or automatic responding (Gagne, 1983).

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Why Speed
of Recall Matters
  • Gagne (1983) suggested that automatic responding
    to basic mathematics problems allows students
    more cognitive energy to focus on higher level
  • Haring and Eaton (1978) suggested that students
    who can accurately perform basic skills at higher
    rates have been exposed to over learning and,
    therefore, are more likely to maintain those

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Computatio
nal Fluency and Diverse Students
  • Cognitive research on mathematical difficulties
    reveals that students with learning disabilities
    have deficits in fact retrieval (Garnett
    Fleischner, 1983 Geary, 1994 Geary, Hoard,
    Hamson, 1999). They make more mistakes in giving
    simple answers in various areas of arithmetic and
    sometimes recall facts more slowly than their
    peers. Such fact retrieval problems are probably
    related to deficits in working memory.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Computatio
nal Fluency and Diverse Students
  • Most math-delayed children, along with those who
    have never received systematic math fact
    instruction, show a serious problem with respect
    to the retrieval of basic math facts.
  • Learning-disabled children are substantially less
    proficient than their non-disabled peers in
    retrieving the answers to basic math facts in
    addition and subtraction.
  • Although information is still emerging about the
    particular difficulties experienced by these
    children in the retrieval of this information,
    the evidence that does exist suggests that these
    children do not duffer from a conceptual deficit,
    but rather from some sort of disruption to normal
    development of their network of relationships
    between facts and answers.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Computatio
nal Fluency and Diverse Students
  • These students often have well-developed number
    sense and procedural knowledgethey can figure
    out the answer to any fact given enough time.
    But because they have poorly developed
    declarative knowledge, they have minimal ability
    to recall anything buy the most basic facts from

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?More
About Math-Delayed Students
  • What this suggests is that there are huge
    differences in the amount of instruction
    individual children need to become fluent at
    retrieving answers to basic math facts.
  • By age seven, non math-delayed students can
    recall more facts from memory than their
    math-delayed peers, and this discrepancy
    increases as age increases.
  • As math-delayed students get older, they fall
    farther and farther behind their non math-delayed
    peers in the ability to recall basic math facts
    from memory (Hasselbring et al., 1988).

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?More
About Math-Delayed Students
  • In contrast to their skilled peers, students with
    struggling math students have a serious problem
    with respect to the retrieval of basic number
  • Fleischner, Garnett, and Ginsburg (1984) have
    found that students with learning disabilities
    are substantially less proficient than students
    without learning disabilities in retrieving basic
    math facts in addition and subtraction.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?More
About Math-Delayed Students
  • Cumming and Elkins (1999) point out that many
    educators and researchers make the unwarranted
    assumption that strategieseither developed
    naturally or through explicit instructioninvariab
    ly lead to automaticity.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?More
About Math-Delayed Students
  • Research indicates that students with LD do not
    develop sophisticated fact strategies naturally
    (e.g., Geary, 1993 Goldman et al., 1988) .
  • Empirical research on strategy instruction in
    math facts for students with LD is limited, and
    the results are mixed in terms of the effective
    development of automaticity (see Putnam,
    deBettencourt Leinhardt, 1990 Tournaki, 2003).

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Add,
Subtract, Multiply, and Divide?
  • Although there is some controversy about the need
    to build computational fluency, there are data to
    suggest that fluency with basic skills can help
    students with later learning and application of
    those skills (Binder, 1993 Spence Hively,
  • Torbeyns, Verschaffel, and Ghesiquiere (2005)
    investigated the fluency with which first graders
    of different mathematical achievement levels
    applied multiple, school-taught strategies for
    finding arithmetic sums over 10. High-achieving
    students applied the strategies more efficiently
    but not more adaptively than did their lower
    achieving peers.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Add,
Subtract, Multiply, and Divide?
  • At any point in time from preschool through at
    least fourth grade, most students will have some
    facts that they can retrieve from memory
    automatically and some that have to be
    reconstructed using procedural knowledge. From
    the fourth grade through adulthood, simple
    addition and subtraction problems are solved with
    a continued strengthening of relationships
    between problems and answers, which results in
    further increases in the speed of retrieving all
    facts (Ashcraft, 1985).
  • Hung-Hsi Wu (2001), professor of mathematics at
    the University of California at Berkeley, has
    argued that computational fluency is a
    prerequisite for success in algebra. According
    to Wu, if students are not sufficiently fluent
    with the basic skills to take the numerical
    computations for granted, either because they
    lack practice or rely too frequently on
    technology, then their mental disposition toward
    computations of any kind would soon be one of
    apprehension and ultimately instinctive evasion
    (p. 3).

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Add,
Subtract, Multiply, and Divide?Differing
Perspectives on Standard Algorithms
  • The term algorithm sometimes provokes disdain
    among educators because of the oppressive ways in
    which traditional algorithms often are taught.
    In fact, algorithms are remarkable tools in
    mathematics and computer science. They have
    great practical and theoretical importance.
  • Standard algorithms were gradually developed many
    centuries ago for their efficiency, accuracy, and
    generalitythat is, they work in all situations.
    They are theoretically and practically important
    methods for computing. They contain in their
    very structure all the basic properties of the
    base-ten place-value system, set forth in as
    efficient a manner as possible. An understanding
    of how and why they work, as well as the ability
    to use them fluently, provides the foundation for
    mathematical competence.

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Add,
Subtract, Multiply, and Divide?Differing
Perspectives on Standard Algorithms
  • As children acquire knowledge of the underlying
    structure of a particular operation and explore
    different ways to perform it, they should also
    learn how to use the standard algorithm for the
    operation. After they learn a standard algorithm
    for an operation, whatever they then choose to
    use routinely should be judged on the basis of
    efficiency and accuracy. Children should be able
    to explain whatever method they use and see the
    usefulness of methods that efficient, accurate,
    and general.
  • A 15-member group of mathematicians, appointed by
    the Mathematical Association of America to
    respond to a set of questions about algorithms
    and algorithmic thinking posed by the National
    Council of Teachers of Mathematics Commission on
    the Future of the Standards, stated that
    standard mathematical definitions and algorithms
    serve as a vehicle of human communication and
    that they should be taught to all children (Ross,

How Does Computational Fluency Develop?Add,
Subtract, Multiply, and Divide?Differing
Perspectives on Standard Algorithms
  • Notices of the American Mathematical Society
    states that all the algorithms of arithmetic
    are preparatory for algebra . . . The division
    algorithm is also significant for later
    understanding of real numbers (American
    Mathematical Society Association Resource Group
    for the NCTM Standards, 1988).

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • A Preliminary List of Recommendations
  • Early Numeracy Programs
  • Griffin (2005) recommends that early numeracy
    programs include activities that provide
    opportunities for children to acquire
    computational fluency as well as conceptual
    understanding (p. 283).
  • Drill and Practice versus Strategy Instruction
  • Teaching students the use of effective strategies
    to solve basic math fact problems enhances
    learning, leading to automaticity (e.g., Morin
    Miller, 1998 Thornton, 1978).

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Drill Practice Programs
  • Drill and practice programs have demonstrated a
    positive effect on improving the retrieval speed
    for facts already being recalled from memory
    (Woodward, 2006).
  • However, drill and practice had no effect on
    developing automaticity for non-recalled facts
    (Hasselbring, Goinn, Sherwood, 1986).
  • To facilitate the automatic recall of all facts,
    instruction must be focused on non-automatized
    facts while practice and review are given on
    facts that are already being recalled from
  • Thus identifying and separating fluent from
    non-fluent facts is important (Woodward, 2006). .

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Strategy-Based Fluency
  • Issacs and Carroll (1999) emphasize that students
    naturally develop strategies for learning math
    facts if given the opportunity.
  • Research supporting the natural development of
    strategies may be found for addition and
    subtraction (Baroody Ginsburg, 1986 Carpenter
    Moser, 1984 Resnick, 1983 Siegler Jenkins,
    1989) as well as more recent work in the area of
    multiplication (Angghileri, 1989 Baroody, 1997
    Clark Kamii, 1996 Mulligan Mitchelmore,
    1997 Sherin Fuson, 2005).

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Strategy-Based Fluency
  • A number of educators emphasize the use of
    explicit strategy instruction over traditional
    rote learning when teaching math facts. Methods
    vary from the use of visual displays such as ten
    frames and number lines (Thompson Van de Walle,
    1984 Van de Walle, 2003) to more general
    techniques such as classroom discussion where
    students share fact strategies (Steinberg, 1985
    Thornton, 1990 Thornton Smith, 1988).

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • Cumming and Elkins research (1999) suggests that
    a middle-ground position for teaching facts to
    academically low-achieving students and students
    with LD consists of integrating strategy
    instruction with frequent timed practice drills.
    Results of their research indicate that
    instruction in strategies does not necessarily
    lead to automaticity. Frequent timed practice is
    essential. However, strategies help increase a
    students flexible use of numbers, and for that
    reason, Cumming and Elkins advocate the use of
    strategy instruction for all students through the
    end of elementary school.

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • Strategy instruction can benefit the development
    of estimation and mental calculations. In this
    respect, strategy instruction helps develop
    number sense, a topic of emerging interest in the
    special education literature (author Baroody
    Coslick, 1998 Gersten Chard, 1999).
  • Christensen (1991) found that fact practice,
    combined with fluency building, produced better
    effects than strategy instruction.

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • Hasselbring, Goin, Bransford (1988) concluded
    that computer-based drill and practice can be
    used to develop automaticity, but only when
    specific prerequisite conditions are met. If
    these prerequisite conditions are not met, our
    research, we well as others (Howell Garcia,
    9185, Reith, 1985), has shown that computer-based
    drill and practice results in little or not
    improvement on the part of handicapped students
    (p. 1).

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • According to Hasselbring, Goin, and Bransford
    (1988), Neither paper and pencil drill and
    practice nor computer-based drill and practice
    seems to be sufficiently powerful in itself for
    developing automaticity in learning handicapped
    students. Additional work on developing a
    declarative knowledge network is needed before
    drill and practice is effective. Practice that
    allows students to use counting strategies does
    noting but strengthen students use of counting
    strategies and does little to move the student
    toward a state of automaticity (Hasselbring, Goin
    Sherwood, 1986).

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • Computational Fluency and Curriculum-Based
  • Deno and Mirkin (1977) suggested that in order to
    demonstrate mastery in mathematics, students
    should complete mathematics computation problems
    at a rate of 20 digits correct per minute in
    first through third grades, and 40 digits correct
    per minute in subsequent grade levels.

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • Time Needed for Practice
  • The learning of mathematical procedures, or
    algorithms, is a long, often tedious process
    (Cooper Sweller, 1987). To remember
    mathematical procedures, student must practice
    using them. Students should also practice using
    the procedure on all the different types of
    problems for which the procedure is typically
    used. Practice, however, is not simply solving
    the same problem or type of problem over and over
    again. Practice should be provided in small
    doses (about 20 minutes per day) and should
    include a variety of problems.

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • Time Needed for Practice
  • These recommendations are based on studies of
    human memory and learning that indicate that most
    of the learning occurs during the early phase of
    a particular practice session (Delaney et al.,
    1998). In other words, for any single practice
    session, 60 minutes of practice is not three
    times as beneficial as 20 minutes. In fact, 60
    minutes of practice over three nights is much
    more beneficial than 60 minutes of practice in a
    single night.

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • Time Needed for Practice
  • Moreover, it is important that the students not
    simply solve one type of problem over and over
    again as part of a single practice session (e.g.,
    simple subtraction problems, such as 6 -3, 7-2).
    This type of practice seems to produce only a
    rote use of the associated procedure. One result
    is that when students attempt to solve a somewhat
    different type of problem, they tend to use in a
    rote manner, the procedure they have practiced
    the most, whether or not it is applicable.

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • Time Needed for Practice
  • Per Geary (1995) Procedural learning requires
    extensive practice on the whole range of problems
    on which the procedure might eventually be used
    (p. 33).
  • Effective behavioral fluency programs should also
    provide students with knowledge of their progress
    by charting their improvement over practice
    sessions (Binder, 1993 Spence Hively, 1993).

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • Per Kameenui and Simmons (1990) The learning and
    retention of basic facts us facilitated by
    teaching computations according to their
    relationships to each other, instead of according
    to the sizes of other factors (Cook Dossey,
    1982, Steinberg, 1985 Thorton, 1978).
  • Sequencing facts according to their relationships
    to each other reduces the number of facts that
    must be learned through sheer memorization.
    Thus, sequencing the instruction of basic facts
    by relationships (e.g., for addition doubles
    series 2 2, 3 3, 4 4 plus one facts 4 1
    5 1 doubles plus one 6 7, 4 5 and
    reciprocals) is superior to factor size sequences
    (e.g., plus one facts plus two facts plus three

What Learning Experiences are Most Conducive to
the Attainment of Computational Fluency?
  • Integrating Strategy Instruction and Timed
    Practice Drills
  • Teaching rules, principles and relationships for
    basic fact mastery will result in greater
    efficiency of learning, and is thus worth the
    extra attention for instructional design
    (Baroody, 1984).
  • Speed of mathematical fact retrieval from memory
    relates directly to overall mathematical
    achievement in students from elementary school
    through college (Royer, Tronsky, Chan, Jackson,
    Marchant, 1999).
  • Haughton (1972) found that children who could
    solve single-digit arithmetic problems at a
    minimum of fifty to sixty correct per minute were
    more successful at later parts of a math
    curriculum. As a teacher, you have to determine
    if you want students to develop behavioral
    fluency for some skills, and how much time this
    goal merits in your classroom.

What Levels of Computational Fluency Are
Desirable?Curriculum-Based Assessment Research
Norms for Math Computational Fluency (Shapiro,
Digits Correct Per Minute Digits Incorrect Per Minute
Grades 1-3
Frustration 0-9 8 or more
Instructional 10-19 3 to 7
Mastery 20 or more 2 or fewer
Grades 4 Up
Frustration 0-19 8 or more
Instructional 20-39 3 to 7
Mastery 40 or more 2 or fewer
What Are the Characteristics of Effective
Computational Fluency Programs?
  • Effective computational fluency programs provide
    students with knowledge of their progress by
    charting their improvement over practice sessions
    (Binder, 1993 Spence Hively, 1993).
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