Title: Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
1Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Enterprises are paid to create wealth not
control costs - Wealth creation requires four types of
information - Foundation Information
- Productivity Information
- Competence Information
- Resource Allocation Information
2Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Foundation Information
- Cash Flow, liquidity projections, inventory
levels, account receivables - When normal, dont tell us much
- When abnormal they represent a problem that needs
3Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Productivity Information
- Deals with productivity of key resources
- Need data on total factor productivity eg
Benchmarking and Economic Value Added Analysis
4Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Enterprises are paid to create wealth not
control costs - Wealth creation requires four types of
information - Foundation Information
- Productivity Information
- Competence Information
- Resource Allocation Information
5Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Foundation Information
- Cash Flow, liquidity projections, inventory
levels, account receivables - When normal, dont tell us much
- When abnormal they represent a problem that needs
6Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Competence Information
- Core competencies of a company
- Must keep track of orgs. and competitors
performance helps identify competencies - Core competencies are different for each company,
but every org. should be competent in Innovation
7Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Resource Allocation Information
- Allocation of Scarce Resources Capital and
People - Capital appropriations process ROI, DPV, Cash
Flow, Payback use all 4 - Need to ask what will happen if project
fails/succeeds and the reprecussions
8Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Resource Allocation Information
- Performing people one of the scarcest resources
- Human resources need to be allocated as
purposefully and thoughfully as Capital
9Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Enterprises are paid to create wealth not
control costs - Wealth creation requires four types of
information - Foundation Information
- Productivity Information
- Competence Information
- Resource Allocation Information
10Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Foundation Information
- Cash Flow, liquidity projections, inventory
levels, account receivables - When normal, dont tell us much
- When abnormal they represent a problem that needs
11Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Productivity Information
- Deals with productivity of key resources
- Need data on total factor productivity eg
Benchmarking and Economic Value Added Analysis
12Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Competence Information
- Core competencies of a company
- Must keep track of orgs. and competitors
performance helps identify competencies - Core competencies are different for each company,
but every org. should be competent in Innovation
13Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Resource Allocation Information
- Allocation of Scarce Resources Capital and
People - Capital appropriations process ROI, DPV, Cash
Flow, Payback use all 4 - Need to ask what will happen if project
fails/succeeds and the reprecussions
14Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Resource Allocation Information
- Performing people one of the scarcest resources
- Human resources need to be allocated as
purposefully and thoughfully as Capital
15Information For Wealth Creation - Drucker
- Where the Results are
- The 4 kinds of information tell us about the
current business. They inform and direct tactics - Strategy needs info. about the environment
- Inside the organisation there are only cost
centres. The only profit centre is a customer
whose check hasnt bounced
16Information Executives Need for Their Work -
- To produce the info they need, executives have to
ask - What info do I owe others?
- What info do I need from others?
17Information Executives Need for Their Work -
- They have to
- Organise their information
- Have no surprises
- Go outside the org. for information
18- Decisions and actions which affect pricing
- Decisions and actions which affect volume
- Decisions and actions which affect overhead
orstructural cost - Decision and actions which affect product or
service cost - Decisions and actions which affect asset turnover
(Ward Fredericks)