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Unit 3: Text A


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Title: Unit 3: Text A

21st Century College English Book 4
Unit 3 Text A
How to Change Your Point of View

Unit 3 Text A
  • Lead-in Activities
  • Text Organization
  • Reading Writing Skills
  • Language Points
  • Guided Practice
  • Assignment

How to Change Your Point of View
Lead-in Activities
Questions for Discussion
  • Tell your group or class about a time you
    encountered a particularly difficult, frustrating
    problem. How did you go about trying to solve it?
    Were you ultimately successful?
  • Is there anything different between eastern
    style and western style of thinking? If so, what
    are the typical differences?

Text Organization
The structure of Text A
I. Solving the problem by changing ones point of
Para. 1-3
II. Lateral thinking as a technique for changing
ones point of view.

Para. 4-8
III. Making vital shift in emphasis instead of
attacking it head-on.
Para. 9-12
IV. Lateral thinking is Eastern flanking maneuver.
Para. 13
V. Looking at a crisis from an opportunity point
of view is lateral thinking.
Para. 14
Reading Writing Skills
A good expository essay is marked by a strong
connection between its general assertions and the
specific examples used to support that assertion.
Usually, when writing, we begin with a
generalization and then support it with
specifics. However, it is not always necessary to
follow this order. (example in text A ) The
author starts with a specific example of changing
ones point of view to solve the problem. ?He
moves on to present the problem with our
thinking. ? Then he gives a generalization of the
Language Points
Text A
How to Change Your Point of View
Language Points
How to Change Your Point of View By Caroline
Seebohm 1 Dr. Edward Jenner was busy trying to
solve the problem of smallpox. After studying
case after case, he still found no possible cure.
He had reached an impasse in his thinking. At
this point, he changed his tactics. Instead of
focusing on people who had smallpox, he switched
his attention to people who did not have
smallpox. It turned out that dairymaids
apparently never got the disease. From the
discovery that harmless cowpox gave protection
against deadly smallpox came vaccination and the
end of smallpox as a scourge in the western
Language Points
2 We often reach an impasse in our thinking. We
are looking at a problem and trying to solve it
and it seems there is a dead end. It is on these
occasions that we become tense, we feel
pressured, overwhelmed, in a state of stress. We
struggle vainly, fighting to solve the problem.
Language Points
3 Dr. Jenner, however, did something about this
situation. He stopped fighting the problem and
simply changed his point of view from his
patients to dairy maids. Picture the process
going something like this Suppose the brain is a
computer. This computer has absorbed into its
memory bank all your history, your experiences,
your training, your information received through
life and it is programmed according to all this
data. To change your point of view, you must
reprogram your computer, thus freeing yourself to
take in new ideas and develop new ways of looking
at things. Dr. Jenner, in effect, by
reprogramming his computer, erased the old way of
looking at his smallpox problem and was free to
receive new alternatives.
Language Points
4 Thats all very well, you may say, but how do
we actually do that? 5 Doctor and philosopher
Edward de Bono has come up with a technique for
changing our point of view, and he calls it
Lateral Thinking.
Language Points
6 The normal Western approach to a problem is to
fight it. The saying, When the going gets
tough, the tough get going, is typical of this
aggressive attitude toward problem-solving. No
matter what the problem is, or the techniques
available for solving it, the framework produced
by our Western way of thinking is fight. Dr. de
Bono calls this vertical thinking the
traditional, sequential, Aristotelian thinking of
logic, moving firmly from one step to the next,
like toy blocks being built one on top of the
other. The flaw is, of course, that if at any
point one of the steps is not reached, or one of
the toy blocks is incorrectly placed, then the
whole structure collapses. Impasse is reached,
and frustration, tension, feelings of fight take
Language Points
7 Lateral thinking, Dr. de Bono says, is a new
technique of thinking about things a technique
that avoids this fight altogether, and solves the
problem in an entirely unexpected fashion. 8 In
one of Sherlock Holmess cases, his assistant,
Dr. Watson, pointed out that a certain dog was of
no importance to the case because it did not
appear to have done anything. Sherlock Holmes
took the opposite point of view and maintained
that the fact the dog had done nothing was of the
utmost significance, for it should have been
expected to do something, and on this basis he
solved the case.
Language Points
9 Lateral thinking sounds simple. And it is.
Once you have solved a problem laterally, you
wonder how you could ever have been hung up on
it. The key is making that vital shift in
emphasis, that sidestepping of the problem,
instead of attacking it head-on. 10 Dr. A. A.
Bridger, psychiatrist at Columbia University and
in private practice in New York, explains how
lateral thinking works with his patients. Many
people come to me wanting to stop smoking, for
instance, he says. Most people fail when they
are trying to stop smoking because they wind up
telling themselves, No, I will not smoke no, I
shall not smoke no, I will not no, I cannot...
Its a fight and what happens is you end up
smoking more.
Language Points
11 So instead of looking at the problem from
the old ways of no, and fighting it, I show them
a whole new point of view that you are your
bodys keeper, and your body is something through
which you experience life. If you stop to think
about it, theres really something helpless about
your body. It can do nothing for itself. It has
no choice, it is like a babys body. You begin
then a whole new way of looking at it I am now
going to take care of myself, and give myself
some respect and protection, by not smoking.
Language Points
12 There is a Japanese parable about a donkey
tied to a pole by a rope. The rope rubs tight
against his neck. The more the donkey fights and
pulls on the rope, the tighter and tighter it
gets around his throat until he winds up dead.
On the other hand, as soon as he stops fighting,
he finds that the rope gets slack, he can walk
around, maybe find some grass to eat... Thats
the same principle The more you fight something
the more anxious you become the more youre
involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it
is to escape pain.
Language Points
13 Lateral thinking, Dr. Bridger goes on,
is simply approaching a problem with what I
would call an Eastern flanking maneuver. You
know, when a Zen archer wants to hit the target
with a bow and arrow, he doesnt concentrate on
the target, he concentrates rather on what he has
in his hands, so when he lets the arrow go, his
focus is on the arrow, rather than the target.
This is what an Eastern flanking maneuver implies
instead of approaching the target directly, you
approach it from a sideways point of view or
laterally instead of vertically.
Language Points
14 I think the answer lies in that
direction, affirms Dr. Bridger. Take the
situation where someone is in a crisis. The
Chinese word for crisis is divided into two
characters, one meaning danger and the other
meaning opportunity. We in the Western world
focus only upon the danger aspect of crisis.
Crisis in Western civilization has come to mean
danger, period. And yet the word can also mean
opportunity. Let us now suggest to the person in
crisis that he cease concentrating so upon the
dangers involved and the difficulties, and
concentrate instead upon the opportunity for
there is always opportunity in crisis. Looking at
a crisis from an opportunity point of view is a
lateral thought.
Text-related information
Dr. Edward Jenner (1749 1823) ?????(1749?1823,?
???, ???????????,1796?? ???????) 
For centuries smallpox was a scourge. When late
in the 18th century Edward Jenner, a young
physician, startled the medical profession by
claiming that people who had has cowpox would not
get smallpox, his theory was scorned. After many
years, however, doctors began using Jenners
method, based upon this theory, of preventing
smallpox. He called the method vaccination. By
1979 the disease was declared eradicated.    
changed ones point of view change ones
point of view way of considering or judging a
thing, person, event, etc.
Examples The book looks at college life from a
students point of view. Please look at it from
my point of view.
after studying case after case after making
researches on one case after another
case in this context it refers to a person with
a particular illness, a patient
Examples She was definitely a mental
case. When he first went for treatment at the
hospital he seemed to be a hopeless case ( a
person who could not be cured).
He had reached an impasse in his thinking.
impasse n. a position from which progress is
impossible deadlock ?????
Examples The negotiation reached an
impasse. The development of this new drug has
come to a dead end because of doubts about its
He had reached an impasse in his thinking.
Cf. impasse, dead end Impasse means a situation
in which progress has stopped completely, esp.
because people cannot agree on what to do next,
while dead end, refers to a situation in which it
is impossible to make any further progress in
what one is trying to do.
More to learn
He had reached an impasse in his thinking.
Key He had got into a difficult situation
where he could think of no solution to the
Paraphrase ?
tactics n. a method or process of carrying out
a scheme or achieving some end
Note When tactics is used as an uncountable noun
it refers to the science of arranging and
maneuvering military or naval forces.
Examples Her tactics were to divide his
friends and therefore strengthen her own
position. That's a smart tactic to get the
job. Tactics (uncountable noun) has always
been their strong point in making war.
From the discovery that harmless cowpox gave
protection against deadly smallpox came
vaccination and the end of smallpox as a scourge
in the western world.
come from be the result of
Examples Depression often comes from bad
eating. Thats what comes from sleeping late,
you have a headache all morning.
More to learn
From the discovery that came vaccination and
the end of smallpox as a scourge in the western
world. Vaccination was invented and smallpox, a
disaster in the West countries, was eliminated as
a result of the discovery that
Key ??????????????????????????,?????????????????
Translate ?
fighting to solve the problem attack the
problem head-on
  • Examples
  • He stopped fighting to solve the problem and
    simply changed his point of view(paragraph 3 in
    the text)
  • The normal Western approach to a problem is to
    fighting it.(paragraph 5)
  • The framework produce by our European way of
    thinking is fighting.(paragraph 5 in the text)

Dr. Jenner did something about this
situation. Dr. Jenner took some action to
change the situation.
  • Examples
  • Im glad somebody finally did something about
    the crime problem.
  • Dont just stand there, do something, cant you
    see hes hurt?

picture the process going something like this
Imagine that the steps to be taken (in
changing his point view) are more or less like
  • something like
  • rather like
  • (Infml) about
  • Examples
  • The stone shapes something like a horse.
  • There are something like 1,000 people in the
    lecture hall.

thus freeing yourself to take in new ideas and
develop new ways of looking at things thus
removing old ideas from your mind to absorb new
ideas and take up new approaches to problems
take in receive absorb
Examples He didnt take in what Id warned him
of. It was an interesting class but there was
just too much to take in.
in effect in fact
Example In effect he has no choice. The two
systems are, In effect, identical.
Make a sentence with the phrase ?
receive new alternatives consider other
possibilities take in new ideas
Example There are several alternatives to your
Make a sentence with the phrase ?
Doctor and philosopher Edward de Bono Edward de
Bono who was both a doctor and a philosopher
?????? (1933---,?????)
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
As the situation becomes more challenging, the
strong people work harder.
going n. condition of a path of a travel or
Example The going was rough through the
mountain. I decided to sell my stock while
the going was still god (I.e. while the
conditions were favorable).
More to learn
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
tough a. (of a problem, etc.) difficult, full of
tough a. (of a person) able to endure hardship
not easily defeated or injured (the tough the
tough people)
Examples My boss has given me a tough job.
He has a reputation for being resolute and
tough. You have to be tough to be successful
in your career.
More to learn
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
get going start to move away from a placestart
doing something
Examples Wed better get going or well be
late. Im really getting anxious to get
This aggressive attitude toward this
determined approach to
aggressive not afraid of opposition ?????
Examples Thanks to our aggressive marketing
tactics, our sales have risen sharply this
year. If you want to be a success in business,
you must be aggressive.
the framework produced by our western way of
thinking the basic ideas that come from our
western way of thinking.
framework a set of rules, ideas, or beliefs
which you use in order to deal with problems or
to decide what to do
Examples Any changes that you make must fit
into the existing framework. Negotiators are
still trying to find a framework for a long-term
peace agreement.
Text-related information
Aristotelian ?????(?)?
Aristotle (384 -- 322 BC)
One of the greatest thinkers of all time was
Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher. His work
in the natural and social sciences greatly
influenced virtually every area of modern
thinking. One of Aristotles most important
contributions was defining and classifying the
various branches of knowledge. He sorted them
into physics, metaphysics, psychology, rhetoric,
poetics, and logic, and thus laid the foundation
of most of the sciences of today.
feelings of fight take over.
take over acquire or gain control
Examples They want me to take over when Mr.
Evans leaves. prices seem to go on rising
whichever political party takes over.
Make a sentence with the phrase ?
was of no importance
The of ( adjective) noun structure is often
used as a postmodifier or predicative of a
sentence in place of an adjective with the
similar meaning (modified by an adverb) .The
preposition of in the structure means consisting
of or having, and the noun denotes a quality
like importance, significance, use, value, etc.
The noun structure may sound more formal than the
Rewrite the following sentences
The matter is important.
The matter is of importance.
Sitting with your head bent forward might prove
to helpful.
Sitting with your head bent forward might prove
to be of some help.
The subject is not very interesting.
The subject is of little interest.
Text-related information
Sherlock Holmes
???????(????A. Conan Doyle???????????????,???????
???????) Sherlock Holmes is the leading
character in Conan Doyle's detective stories, the
marvelous amateur detective who always unravels
the most battling mysteries.
Watson ??(???????)
Text-related information
Watson ??(???????)
was of the utmost significance was of the
greatest importance
greatest, most extreme
for be of (adj) noun structure see was of
no importance
It should have been expected
The auxiliary verb should is used with the
perfect infinitive in the pattern should (not)
have done sth. to talk about things which,
although they were supposed, intended, or
expected to happen (or not to happen), actually
did not happen (or happened).
Examples Yesterday should have been the start
of the soccer season. The plant's dead. Maybe
I should have given it more water. The taxi
should have arrived at 830. You shouldn't have
invited Mary to the party.
More to do
VI. Complete the following sentences by
translating the Chinese into English.
1. Your information is of the utmost importance.
___________? Key 2. If you wanted soup for
lunch you(???????) _____ _________________________
___________________? Key
should have told me at once
Should have told me beforehand
VI. Complete the following sentences by
translating the Chinese into English.
3. Shes just been a slave doing that job and
(?????????) ______________________________________
___________. Key 4. The spokesman admitted
that the governments thoughtless policy had
caused a crisis in some areas of the country a
crisis that (???????)___________________________?
should have left the company long ago
should have happened
VI. Complete the following sentences by
translating the Chinese into English.
5. The plane(????????)__________________________
but one of the passengers had a heart attack just
before the plane took off? Key 6. It happened
that Jim was out when I arrived at his home. I
(??????)__________________________ before I went
there? Key
should have left ten minutes ago
should have phoned
and on this basis he solve the case. based
on his opposite point of view he managed to find
the solution to the criminal case.
  • Translate these phrases
  • solve the case
  • solve the problems
  • solve a mathematic equation

And it is. And it is in fact simple.
be/get hung up on/about sth be upset or anxious
about sth be puzzled by sth
Examples Shes really hung up on that young
man. The boy is badly hung up on the way his
mother treated him.
The key is making that vital shift in emphasis,
that sidestepping of the problem, instead of
attacking it head-on.
sidestep v. to take a set to the side to avoid
avoid (an unwelcome question, duty, etc.
Examples He avoided the blow by sidestepping.
The speaker sidestepped the question by saying
it would take him too long to answer it.
The key is making that vital shift in emphasis,
that sidestepping of the problem, instead of
attacking it head-on.
Paraphrase ?
  • Key
  • The important thing is to make major changes in
    your perspective, to approach the problem
    sideways, rather than in a direct manner.

in private practice in New York running a
private clinic in New York
practice A doctor's or a lawyer's practice is
a place where they work. Practice is also used
as an unaccountable noun to refer to the
business of a doctor or lawyer.
Examples Some prefer to consult a doctor with
a private practice. He had a solid career in a
country law practice. These doctors lived on
their earnings from private practice.
They wind up telling themselves in the end
they tell themselves
wind up (compare with end up) come to or bring
to an end Compare end up wind up
Examples It wouldn't surprise me you he winds
up in jail. If I stay here long enough, I will
wind up marrying her. wind up a company wind
up the speech wind up ones affairs
you end up smoking more in the end you smoke
end up finish in a particular place or way
Compare end up wind up To end up implies that
the place or situation your are in may not be
where you originally intended to be.
Examples They have ended up in prison for
terrorist activities. We ended up taking a taxi
You are your bodys keeper, and your body is
something through which you experience life You
are in full control of your own body, and your
life depends on your body
keeper a person who guards, protect or look
stop to think about it take time to think about
it think about it in earnest
Examples I dont stop to think where the money
was coming from. We seldom stop to consider how
poor we really are.
wind up dead dead in the end
Make a sentence with the phrase
be involved in a bad pattern be brought into a
difficult situation
pattern n. a particular way in which something
is done or organized a particular arrangement.
Examples a behavior pattern The
pattern of family life has been changing over
the recent years.
an Eastern flanking maneuver a planned and
controlled movement of the armed forces round
the sides of an enemy army as developed by the
maneuver 1) n. a planned movement of troops or
warships 2) a. skilful move or clever tricks
flankn. attack the side (of) be located at the
side (of)
Zen n. a Japanese form of Buddhism, emphasizing
the value of meditation more than the reading of
religious writings ?,?? (??????,?????????????)
Example Zen Buddhism ????
Sideways adj. adv. to, towards or from the side
Example With a sideways glance, she recognized
the girl next to him. adj. A crab moves
sideways. adv.
Idiom knock sb sideways defeat sb astonish
sb ?????????
I think the answer lies in that direction I
think the answer is generally like that
direction the general way in which something
develops or progresses.
Example I think weve got to change the law
in that direction at least. The government
has to guide the general direction of the
Take the situation Take the situationfor example
Example Everything has advantages and
disadvantages. Take the situation that China
enters the World Trade Organization.
Crisis in Western civilization has come to mean
danger, period.
Note In informal American English, period is
added to the end of a statement to stress its
completeness, indicating that one is definite
about it and is not going to discuss it further.
(??, ???????????????)??????????
Key Westerners perceive crisis in a negative
way it has acquired the meaning of danger, and
that's it.
Paraphrase the sentence ?
Examples I could have helped them, and I
didn't. Period. We can't pay higher wages,
Looking at a crisis from an opportunity point of
view is a lateral thought
Paraphrase the sentence ?
Key Considering a crisis to be in part an
opportunity is an example of lateral thinking.
Guided Practice
Exercises Vocabulary
???? IV Ex. III, p. 83
III. Fill in the blanks with the words given
below. Change the form where necessary.
dead end framework structure tactics utmost
vertical slack significant cease imply er
ase head-on flaw affirm
1. Generally speaking, ________ covers what you
need to do at the moment while strategy provides
the broad guidelines that determine the overall
2. My familys health and security are of the
________ importance to me.
III. Fill in the blanks with the words given
below. Change the form where necessary.
dead end framework structure tactics utmost
vertical slack significant cease imply er
ase head-on flaw affirm
3. If one of those stays(??)gives way, the entire
________ may collapse.
4. Unlike a tightrope, a ________ will sway up
and down or from side to side.
III. Fill in the blanks with the words given
below. Change the form where necessary.
dead end framework structure tactics utmost
vertical slack significant cease imply er
ase head-on flaw affirm
5. The president wanted to see him on a matter of
great ___________ .
6. Two foreign tourists died ad two soldiers were
badly hurt yesterday when a coach and an Army
truck collided almost ________ along a straight
stretch of road.
III. Fill in the blanks with the words given
below. Change the form where necessary.
dead end framework structure tactics utmost
vertical slack significant cease imply er
ase head-on flaw affirm
7. We tried all sorts of solutions to that
problem, and they all came to a ________.
dead end
8. The blow on his head ________ the details of
the accident from his memory.
III. Fill in the blanks with the words given
below. Change the form where necessary.
dead end framework structure tactics utmost
vertical slack significant cease imply er
ase head-on flaw affirm
9. We usually judge others within the __________
of our own experience.
10. By the time the lifeboat arrived, the ship
was almost ________ in the water. The wounded
soldier is sitting in the ________ position,
upright in bed.
III. Fill in the blanks with the words given
below. Change the form where necessary.
dead end framework structure tactics utmost
vertical slack significant cease imply er
ase head-on flaw affirm
11. The music ________ suddenly when she turned
off the radio.
12. By pointing out just one ________ , she
destroyed his entire argument.
III. Fill in the blanks with the words given
below. Change the form where necessary.
dead end framework structure tactics utmost
vertical slack significant cease imply er
ase head-on flaw affirm
13. The music ________ suddenly when she turned
off the radio.
14. He ________ his plan to make payments on time.
???? IV Ex. IX, p. 86
IX. Fill in each blank with the most appropriate
word from the four choices given.
Traditional western ways of thinking can often
lead to an 1)____ when we are confronting a truly
difficult problem. This happened to Dr. Edward
Jenner when he was trying to 2)____ up with a
vaccine for the deadly disease known as smallpox.
Jenner was 3)____ to solve the problem he faced
by changing the 4)____ within which he looked at
  1. A) impress B) impression C)
    impasse D) impassion

2. A) find B) solve C) end D) come
  1. A) capable B) able C) incapable D) unable

4. A) impress B) impression C)
impasse D) impassion
Rather than focusing on people who had smallpox,
he 5)____ carefully at those who seemed never to
get the disease. This change in 6)____ is an
example of what is known as lateral thinking.
The term means choosing not to approach a problem
head-on, but instead looking at it 7)____. In
lateral thinking, being able to take in and
8)____ all kinds of ideas, no matter how unlikely
they might seem, is of the 9)____ significance.
5. A) looked B) examined C)
treated D) considered
  1. A) smallpox B) tactics C) vaccination D)

  1. A) alongside B) sideways
    C) from the side D) to the side

8. A) take out B) take up C) condense D)
9. A) most B) utmost C) great D) practical
Lateral thinking can help all kinds of people,
from smokers who want to give 10)____ their
habit, to archers who need to relax in order to
perform 11)____ their best. This idea does not
12)____ that solutions which come from vertical
thinking are always deeply 13) ____ .
10. A) away B) up C) off D) in
  1. A) for B) on C) at D) with

12. A) imply B) infer
C) refer D) occur
13. A) flayed B) flawed C) meant D) felt
The truth is that different ways of thinking have
different 14)____ when you get stuck struggling
with a problem head-on, thinking laterally can
help you to shift your point of view and perhaps
see a 15)____ you wouldnt other wise notice.
14. A) aids B) assistants C)
merits D) advantages
15. A) solving B) dissolving
C) solution D)
Translation Chinese to English
???? IV Ex. X, p. 87
Translation Chinese to English
  1. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

?????, ????????????????????????????
The normal Western approach to a problem is to
fight it. The saying, When the going gets tough,
the tough get going, is typical of this
aggressive attitude toward problem-solving. No
matter what the problem is, or the techniques
available for solving it, the framework produced
by our Western way of thinking is fight.
The normal Western approach to a problem is to
fight it. The saying, When the going gets tough,
the tough get going, is typical of this
aggressive attitude toward problem-solving. No
matter what the problem is, or the techniques
available for solving it, the framework produced
by our Western way of thinking is fight.
The normal Western approach to a problem is to
fight it. The saying, When the going gets tough,
the tough get going, is typical of this
aggressive attitude toward problem-solving. No
matter what the problem is, or the techniques
available for solving it, the framework produced
by our Western way of thinking is fight.
The normal Western approach to a problem is to
fight it. The saying, When the going gets tough,
the tough get going, is typical of this
aggressive attitude toward problem-solving. No
matter what the problem is, or the techniques
available for solving it, the framework produced
by our Western way of thinking is fight.
Translation Chinese to English
? ??????????????????????????????????,??????????
Dr. de Bono calls this vertical thinking the
traditional, sequential, Aristotelian thinking of
logic, moving firmly from one step to the next,
like toy blocks being built one on top of the
other. The flaw is, of course, that if at any
point one of the step is not reached, or one of
the toy blocks is incorrectly placed, then the
whole structure collapse. Impasse is reached, and
frustration, tension, feelings of fight take
Dr. de Bono calls this vertical thinking the
traditional, sequential, Aristotelian thinking of
logic, moving firmly from one step to the next,
like toy blocks being built one on top of the
other. The flaw is, of course, that if at any
point one of the step is not reached, or one of
the toy blocks is incorrectly placed, then the
whole structure collapse. Impasse is reached, and
frustration, tension, feelings of fight take
Dr. de Bono calls this vertical thinking the
traditional, sequential, Aristotelian thinking of
logic, moving firmly from one step to the next,
like toy blocks being built one on top of the
other. The flaw is, of course, that if at any
point one of the step is not reached, or one of
the toy blocks is incorrectly placed, then the
whole structure collapse. Impasse is reached, and
frustration, tension, feelings of fight take
Dr. de Bono calls this vertical thinking the
traditional, sequential, Aristotelian thinking of
logic, moving firmly from one step to the next,
like toy blocks being built one on top of the
other. The flaw is, of course, that if at any
point one of the step is not reached, or one of
the toy blocks is incorrectly placed, then the
whole structure collapse. Impasse is reached, and
frustration, tension, feelings of fight take
Translation Chinese to English
???? IV Ex. XI, p. 88
Translation Chinese to English
1. ?????????????????,????????????????????
can do nothing about it
be hung up on
with different tactics
Tom was hung up on the problem but could do
nothing about it until he learnt to solve it with
different tactics.
Translation Chinese to English
2. ????????????????????????
dead end
lateral thinking
Lateral thinking has helped him to advance his
new theory which seemed to have reached a dead
Translation Chinese to English
3. ???????????????????????????????????????????????
be of the utmost importance
The framework of our latest construction plan has
been affirmed by the local government. Whether it
will be carried out on time is of the utmost
significance to the development of the coastal
Translation Chinese to English
4. ??????????????????, ????????????,???????????,??
change ones point of view
reach an impasse
an entirely unexpected fashion
While trying to find a solution to the problem,
Edward reached an impasse in his thinking, but
later he changed his point of view and solved the
problem in an entirely unexpected fashion.
Translation Chinese to English
5. ??????????????????,????????????????????????
take in
end up doing
take over
Many people believe that computer labs will
eventually take over from the libraries and
students who want to take in new knowledge will
end up learning everything in the computer lab.
Translation Chinese to English
6. ??????????????????????????????,????????????????
wind up in
crash into head-on
emergency room
His car crashed into a truck almost head-on
yesterday. If he does not stop driving so
carelessly, I am sure he will wind up in the
emergency room of a hospital.
Translation Chinese to English
7. ??????????????????????????,????????
design of the structure
vertical lines
There is a flaw in the design of the structure of
the painting. Why dont you erase the vertical
lines and simplify it a little bit?
Translation Chinese to English
8. ?????????????????????????????????
give up smoking
of the utmost importance
John should have given up smoking a long time
ago. After all, health is of the utmost
importance to everybody.
Structured Writing
???? III Ex. XIII, p. 89
Structured Writing
Structured Writing
Generalization and specific example Choose one
of the following topics and write two paragraphs
which fit together well, one a generalization and
one a specific example. Decide which you would
rather put first, the generalization or the
specific example. Be careful to use the
appropriate verb forms.
Example in Text A
Structured Writing
  • The author starts with a specific example of
    changing ones point of view to solve the problem.
  • He moves on to present the problem with our
  • Then he gives a generalization of the example.

Structured Writing
? The author starts with a specific example
Dr. Edward Jenner was busy trying to solve
the problem of smallpox. After studying case
after case, he still found no possible cure. He
had reached an impasse in his thinking. At this
point, he changed his tactics. Instead of
focusing on people who had smallpox, he switched
his attention to people who did not have
smallpox. It turned out that dairymaids
apparently never got the disease. From the
discovery that harmless cowpox gave protection
against deadly smallpox came vaccination and the
end of smallpox as a scourge in the western
Structured Writing
? He moves on to present the problem with our
thinking We often reach an impasse in our
thinking. We are looking at a problem and trying
to solve it and it seems there is a dead end. It
is on these occasions that we become tense, we
feel pressured, overwhelmed, in a state of
stress. We struggle vainly, fighting to solve the
Structured Writing
? Then he gives a generalization of the
example Dr. Jenner, however, did something
about this situation. He stopped fighting the
problem and simply changed his point of view
from his patients to dairy maids. Picture the
process going something like this Suppose the
brain is a computer. This computer has absorbed
into its memory bank all your history, your
experiences, your training, your information
received through life and it is programmed
according to all this data. To change your point
of view, you must reprogram your computer, thus
freeing yourself to take in new ideas and develop
new ways of looking at things. Dr. Jenner, in
effect, by reprogramming his computer, erased the
old way of looking at his smallpox problem and
was free to receive new alternatives.
Structured Writing
Sample A farmers donkey fell in an abandoned
well. The farmer decided not to save the donkey
since it was old. Then he began to shovel dirt
into the well. The donkey began to cry. A few
minutes later, he quieted down. The farmer peered
into the well, and was astonished by what he saw.
With every shovelful of dirt that hit its back,
the donkey would shake it off and take a step on
the new layer of dirt. As the farmer continued to
shovel dirt on top of the animal, it would shake
it off and take another step up. Soon, the donkey
stepped over the edge of the well and trotted
off. The lesson we get from this story is that
if life shovels some dirt on us, we must get out
of the well and not let it bury us. We must learn
to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our
troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of
the deepest wells by never giving up!
Structured Writing
  • Here are some ideas you can choose from
  • 1. Love is more important than money.
  • 2. Money is more important than love.
  • There are more interesting sights to see inside
    of China than outside.
  • There are more interesting sights to see outside
    of China than inside.

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