Title: Todd Conklin, PhD
1Todd Conklin, PhD Safety Improvements Initiative
Office Los Alamos National Laboratory
2Never take a sleeping pill And a laxative at
the same time. In any order
3Dont ever remove A safety barrier that has a
dent in it.
4Start Of Job
Mission Success
Work as Planned
5Your workers are as safe as they need to be,
without being overly safe, in order to do their
6Or Are They..
7(No Transcript)
8Human Error Expertise Identification Exercise
9- How many times does the uppercase or lowercase
letterFappear in the following sentence?
Finished files are the re- sult of years of
scientific study combined with the experience of
many years.
Finished files are the re- sult of years of
scientific study combined with the experience of
many years.
10Limitations of Human Nature
- Mistakes arise directly from the way the mind
handles information, not through stupidity or
carelessness. - -Edward de Bono PhD
11Everything Becomes Obvious Once You Know The
12Start Of Job
Mission Success
Work as Done
13Safety Perceived
- We respond to the feeling of safety not the
reality of safety - Most of the time these are the same
- Until they are not
- People make trade-offs based upon the feeling of
being safe.
14Events dont happen often enough for us to learn
why events happen
15Workers FIND Safety at Work
Clearly Safe to do Work
The Gray Area Uncertain interpretation of Safe
Clearly Not Safe to do Work
16 After the Event, Safety is Clear
Clearly Safe to do Work
Clearly Not Safe to do Work
17Start Of Job
Accumulation of Hazard
18Four Philosophical Ideas
Your work is always Adaptive You discover work
in the field Remember these 4 things
- Small things that go wrong are most often early
warning signals of deepening trouble that provide
insight into the health of the whole system-and
signal strength matters.
20Treat near-misses and close-calls as immediate,
preventive information about the health of the
system and try to learn from them. Value
them. All Prevention Happen Through Learning.
Understand that when you catch problems before
they grow bigger, you have more possible
solutions and are much more powerful.
22- Imagine what is going to happen as you are
planning and preparing to work. - What could surprise you?
- What could happen right?
- What may go wrong?
- What hazards did we think of?
- What hazards could we discover?
- What can you Detect and Correct?
23Safety is not the absence of accidents. Safety
is the presence of defenses.
24You Manage Risk in order to Keep Failure From
Being Successful.
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