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NEW MEMBERS ORIENTATION T. Roche Coleman, B.A., M.A.B.S., Th. M. O: 281.363.0220 C: 832.421.6166 * Follow the teachings and example of Christ. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


T. Roche Coleman, B.A., M.A.B.S., Th.
M. O 281.363.0220 C
THE MEANING OF SALVATIONAre you going to Heaven
when you die?
  • Follow the teachings and example of Christ.
  • Be thoroughly knowledgeable of the Bible and its
  • Be baptized and/or confirmed
  • Join a church and regularly attend.
  • Speak in tongues.
  • Live a good life.
  • Love your fellow man.
  • Obey the Ten Commandments.
  • Do good deeds/works.
  • Contribute money to the poor and volunteer time
    to assist the less fortunate.

  • This course is designed to provide an overview of
    the doctrines of the Bible, the beliefs and
    practices of the church, and the expectations of
    the members.

  • Statement of the Objectives
  • 1. To understand and articulate the gospel and
    the basic doctrines of the Bible.
  • 2. To respond to these truths in a manner that
    enhances your knowledge and love for God, His
    people, and His world.

1. The ______________ with man is SIN! -Man's
disobedience in the Garden was an act of
sin. -Every descendant of Adam possesses a sin
nature. -Man cannot eliminate the
destructiveness of sin from his life. Romans
310 323 cf. Genesis 31- 24
  • Creation of Man
  • - image
  • - likeness
  • The Fall of Man
  • 1) Serpent
  • 2) Eve

Eves Reasoning 1. Beneficial to her
health.-The tree was good for food 2. Beautiful
to the eye.-The tree was a delight to the eyes
3. Broaden her knowledge.-The tree could make
one wise 3) Adam 1. He watched 2. He
listen 3. He ate 4. He sinned The Punishment
2. The ________________ of man's SIN! -Sin
separated God and man this separation brought
spiritual and physical death. -Sin affected
man's ability to have a relationship with
God. -Sin has enslaved man and force him to obey
its desires. Romans 512 623
  • The Justice of God
  • 1) Serpent
  • 2) Eve
  • Pain
  • Desire
  • 3) Adam
  • listen

3. God's _________________ for SIN! -God's love
for man caused Him to send His Son. -Jesus Christ
death atoned for man's sin. -Jesus Christ was our
substitute. We deserved death, but Christ died
in our place so that we might have eternal
life with God.Romans 58 cf.59-11 
4. Man's _________________ of God's provision.
- Man must acknowledge his need for
salvation. - Man must trust in Jesus Christ
ALONE for salvation. - Man's trust should
manifest itself through a transformed life.
Romans 109-10, 13 Authentic Faith vs. Said
Faith I now rejoice, not that you were made
sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to
the point of repentance for you were made
sorrowful according to the will of God, in order
that you might not suffer loss in anything
through us. For the sorrow that is according to
the will of God produces a repentance without
regret, leading to salvation but the sorrow of
the world produces death 2 Corinthians
  • Key Theological Terms for the Provision
  • Substitute-
  • Atonement-
  • Propitiation-
  • Redemption-

(No Transcript)
  • Prerequisites for Discipleship
  • 1. PROFESSION- Faith in Jesus Christ Alone
  • C D
  • C ? D
  • IF- Denotes condition
  • 2. PRIORITY- Jesus Christ above the family- Love
    for Him greater than all or to state it with
    another word, priority (V.26).
  • 3. PERSEVERANCE- Bearing your cross- Commitment
    to Jesus Christ regardless of the hardship.

High School
BS, BA, Assoc.
Master Degree
  • All power is given unto me in heaven and in
    earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
  • baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of
    the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
  • Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I
    have commanded you and lo, I am with
  • you always, even unto the end of the world.
  • Matthew 2818b-20
  • Affirmation Commands
  • 1) All authority has been given to Me 1) Go
  • 2) I am with you always 2) Make disciples
  • 3) Baptize them
  • 4) Teaching

  • Sanctification-
  • There are 3 aspects of sanctification
  • 1) Positional sanctification. This is the
    believers position of standing before God, based
    on the death of Christ. The believer is accounted
    holy before God he is declared a saint.
  • 2) Experiential Sanctification. It relates to his
    daily life and experience. Pauls prayer is that
  • believers should be sanctified entirely in their
    experience (1Thes. 523) Peter commands
  • to be sanctified or holy (1Pet. 116). It grows
    as the believer dedicates his life to
  • God (Rom. 613 121-2) and is nourished by the
    Word of God (Ps.1199-16).
  • 3) Ultimate Sanctification. This aspect of
    sanctification is future and anticipates the
  • transformation of the believer into the likeness
    of Christ (Eph. 526-27).
  • Agents of the process of Sanctification
  • 1. The Father

Seven keys to progressing in sanction
7. Work out
Igniting the engine with the keys
1. Prayer A- AdorationAcknowledging and
attributing to God his significance and value
(Psalm 183). C- ConfessionAgreeing and
acknowledging sins of omission (willful or
sins) and commission (unknown sins) (1 John
19). T- ThanksgivingThanking God for what He
has done (Philippians 46). S-
Supplication--Requesting or petitioning God
regarding a matter (Philippians 46).
Igniting the engine with the keys (continue)
1. Prayer
1) The principle of praying in the spirit (Eph.
618 Rom. 826-27) 2) The principle of constant
prayer (1 Thess. 517) 3) The principle of
expectant prayer (Psalms 53) 4) The principle of
praying for others (Eph. 518-20) 5) The
principle of praying about everything (Phil.
46-7) 6) The principle of fervent prayer (James
Igniting the engine with the keys (continue)
2. Bible Study Howard Hendricks asserts, The
great tragedy among Christians today is that too
many of us are under the Word of God, but not in
if for ourselves.
  • Key features of Bible study
  • Diligent study (2 Timothy 215)
  • Examination and Verification ( Acts 1711)
  • Searching for Treasures (Proverbs 21-5)
  • Ezras Example (Ezra 710)
  • Blessings of Reading the Word (Revelation 13)
  • Read to revere (Deuteronomy 1719)

3. Holy Spirit
  • Who is the Holy Spirit?
  • When do you receive the Holy Spirit?
  • What is the role of the Holy Spirit?
  • How can you be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Igniting the engine with the keys (continue)
4. Praise Worship- The term worship comes
from the Anglo-Saxon weorthscipe, this term
was then was modified to worthship, and finally
to worship. Worship means to attribute worth
to something or someone, hence worship is an
active response to God whereby we declare His
worth. In addition to this definition Robert
Schaper offers another aspect of worship when he
suggest worship is a Spirit-led reaction to what
we believe God has said and done.
  • Posture and Procedure for P W
  • 1) Bowing Down kneeling - (Psalm 956).Often
    individuals would lie down prostrate
  • upon the ground in act of worship and/or
    repentance. When one assume this position it
  • communicated an attitude of contrition (i.e.
    brokenness) and humility (cf. Psalms 386
  • 2) Lifting of hands- (Psalm 1341-2). The lifting
    of hands was a gesture that symbolized
  • complete surrender of the heart and praise to
    God. Often during prayer and meditation
  • one would extend their hands unto the heavens as
    an act of worship (cf. Psalm 282 11948).
  • 3) Giving from your labor- (Proverbs 39 cf.
    Nehemiah 1331KJV). Giving was an
  • act of worship for the Jewish person in the Old
    Testament. A substantial amount of
  • emphasis was placed on the giving of the first
    fruits of the harvest as a sign of thankfulness
  • to God for providing for their needs. The giver
    was also demonstrating his proper stewardship
  • over that which God had entrusted to him.
  • 4) Teaching, Reading, and Meditating on Gods
    laws- (Psalm 11912-16 cf. 11-2
  • 274119171). 5) Songs, dancing, and musical
    instruments- (Psalm 331-3 cf. 2 Samuel
  • Unlike our contemporary culture, the Jewish
    culture saw dancing as an expression of
  • worship to God. Combined with the dancing was the
    skillful playing of instruments that
  • produced a myriad of sounds that was often
    accompanied with songs of worship.6) Shouting
    to God- (Psalm 661-2 cf. Psalms 951-2 100).
    Shouts of joy and elation
  • were a natural part of the Hebrew worship
    experience. It was not an uncommon or an
  • unwelcome expression of worship which would
    typically be the case in many of our
  • evangelical churches today. However, in modern
    Israel shouts of gladness should be
  • on the lips of the worshiper. All inhibitions
    were released and complete focus was
  • on the Lord and what He had done. Authentic
    worship takes on various forms. We
  • are not required to be in the church during
    worship service to worship God. Worship
  • may occur whenever we are and the Spirit of God
    prompts us to give Him glory for His worth.

Igniting the engine with the keys (continue)
5. Evangelism
  • - Why do we evangelize?
  • - How do we evangelize?
  • - Where do we evangelize?
  • Why saints do not evangelize
  • 1) I am afraid.

Igniting the engine with the keys (continue)
6. Church Attendance/Accountability
Igniting the engine with the keys (continue)
7. Work Out
  • 1) Transform (Romans 122).
  • 2) Flee - (1 Corinthians 618).
  • 3) Work - (Philippians 212b).
  • 4) Mortify- (Colossians 35). (King James
  • 5) Pursue (Hebrews 1214).
  • 6) Arm- (1 Peter 41).
  • 7) Be Sober- (1 Peter 58).
  • 8) Be Alert- (1 Peter 58).
  • 9) Resist- (1 Peter 59).
  • 10) Supplement- (2 Peter 15-8). (RSV)
  • 11) Abstain- (1 Peter 211)
  • 12) Purify - (1 John 33).
  • 13) Cleanse (2 Corinthians 71).
  • 14) Present- (Romans 121)
  • 15) Lay aside/Put off- (Ephesians 420-24).

Spiritual Gifts The Greek word for spiritual
gift in the New Testament is charisma
or charismaton a gift of grace, a free gift. The
word appears 17 times in the New Testament and
can be grouped under three separate ideas 1)
Gods gift of salvation (Romans 515-16
623) 2) A general gift of grace or love
(Romans 111 2 Corinthians 111 77) 3) A
specific endowment of spiritual ability for
service (Romans 1124 126 1 Corinthians 17
124, 9 28, 30-31 1 Timothy 414 2 Timothy 16
1 Peter 410). This latter use is the most
frequently employed used form and the primary
passage is found in 1 Corinthians 12. The only
other use is found in 1 Peter 410. The root word
of charisma is charis which means grace. This
suggests the proper basis for understanding how
God gives gifts to His people is by grace. It is
through the grace of God that the Holy Spirit
administers gifts to the body of Christ, and it
is through the grace and power of God that we
serve in the body of Christ. Spiritual Gifts
vs. Talents Spiritual Gifts
Talents Given at conversion Given at
birth Given by special grace Given by natural
grace Utilized to edify the church and
saints Utilized to glorify self Function under
divine power Function under natural
ability Must be cultivated Must be
cultivated Each individuals possess one Each
individual possess one
  • The Church
  • The term church is comprised of two words.
  • preposition ek out of
  • verb kaleo- to call
  • ekklessia- The called out ones
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • What two key events signified the origin of the
  • A. Pentecost
  • B. The ascension of Jesus Christ

6) Praying (Acts 424-30,31 215). 7) The
Lords Supper ( illustrated method) (1 Cor.
1016 1119,30). 8) Baptism public
identification with an historic, life-changing
event (Mt. 2819 Acts 839, 1634). 9)
Preaching and teaching His Word (Rom. 116 Acts
242 1126 1 Corinthians 417 1 Peter
123). 10) Confession of sin and intercessory
prayer (James 516 1 John 19). The assembling
of these believers in the first century was not
confined to an elaborate edifice which
characterizes much of the twenty-first century.
Rather, the early church frequently met in homes
(Act 246 Romans 165 Philemon 2). The local
church served previously and presently as a
beacon of reconciliation and restoration in the
communities. The local church has traditionally
made an indelible mark on the conscience of
mankind for being an agent of hope, a bulwark of
truth and righteous, and a haven for love and
acceptance. When the local church ceases to expel
the darkness with the light and truth of the word
of God, it ceases to be the galvanizing organism
Christ desired for it to represent. B.
Universal Church- What are the differences
between the two levels of the church? A.
Universal B. Local Church 1. Must be a
Christian 1. You may or may not be a
Christian 2. Only Christ can give you
membership 2. Man grants membership 3. Not
confided to a certain location 3. Confided to a
particular community The purpose of the church
is to A. B. C.
Leadership in the New Testament Church The Bible
is replete with examples of Gods love for
leadership, authority, and structure. In order to
achieve the optimal performance or the desired
results with a group of individuals, it is
imperative that a proper structure is
implemented. The local church is no exception.
The following is a list of the leaders and their
qualifications Elders The New Testament
utilizes two terms that identify the office of
the elder. 1) The first is the Greek term
presbuteros, which signifies an older person
either male or female, yet in this context it
does not refer to the leader within the church
(cf. 1 Timothy 51-2 Acts 1423). The Bible
uses the term to qualify leaders in the church,
as well as the Sanhedrin which demonstrates its
broad range of use (Acts 1423 152-6). On
occasions it emphasizes the special stateliness
and judiciousness which accompany the office.
This qualified the individual to accomplish the
following tasks - They aided in the resolution
of disputes (Acts 152-162). - Make decisions
concerning doctrine (Acts 152-162). - Pray for
those who are ill physically and spiritually
(James 512ff). - Distribute money (Acts
1130). - They were worthy of respect (1 Timothy
517). - They should not be dictators (1 Peter
51-3). 2) The second office is overseer, which
is episkopos in Greek and means, a guardian,
supervisor, inspector. The term was used to
denote function rather than the status of anyone
who exercised supervision or control, as well as
to denote a member of a body exercising oversight
and government in a church. The overseer nurtured
and cared for the flock God had entrusted to his
charge (Acts 2028 1 Timothy 32 Titus 17). It
appears the New Testament uses presbuteros and
episkopos interchangeably (Acts 2017, 28 Titus
15-9). However, it may be stated with certainty
that each episkopos is a presbuteros, but every
presbuteros is certainly not an episkopos. The
distinction appears in the function. The
distinction in the function of the episkopos
required stringent qualification because this
individual would be deemed worthy to rule the
church of Jesus Christ.
Biblical Qualifications for the Overseer The
episkopos qualifications are strictly delineated
in 1 Timothy 3 as the following 1. Above
reproach (a man with a good reputation) 2.
Husband of one wife (maintaining moral purity) 3.
Temperate (exemplifying balance in words and
actions) 4. Prudent (being wise and humble) 5.
Respectable (serving as a good role model) 6.
Hospitable (demonstrating unselfishness and
generosity) 7. Able to teach (communicating the
word of God under the power of the Holy
Spirit) 8. Not given to wine (not being addicted
to substances) 9. Not self-willed (not being a
self-centered and controlling personality) 10.
Not quick-tempered (void of anger that becomes
sinful) 11. Not pugnacious (not an abusive
person) 12. Uncontentious (non-argumentative and
non-divisive) 13. Gentle (a sensitive, loving and
kind person) 14. Free from the love of money
(non-materialistic) 15. One who manages his own
household well (a good husband and father) 16. A
good reputation with those outside the church (a
good testimony to unbelievers) 17. Love what is
good (pursuing godly activities) 18. Just (wise,
discerning, non-prejudiced and fair) 19. Devout
(holy and righteous) 20. Not a new convert (not a
new Christian someone with experience)
Cleon L. Rogers Jr. and Cleon L. Rogers III The
New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek
New Testament Zondervan Publishing Grand Rapids
Biblical Qualifications for Deacon Character of
the Deacon ?Worthy of Respect (1 Timothy
38) ?Sincere (1 Timothy 38) ?Not given to
drunkenness (1 Timothy 38) ?Not pursuing
dishonest gain (1 Timothy 38) Faith of the
Deacon ?Keep hold of the deep truths of the faith
with a clear conscience (1 Timothy
39) Selection of Deacons ?Must be first tested-
probationary period (1 Timothy 310). ?Formal
selection is conducted by the church (Acts
61-6). ?A plurality of deacons is modeled in the
early church (Acts 61-6 Phil. 11). Reputation
of the Deacon ?Blameless (1 Timothy 310) ?Full
of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom (Acts
63) Family of the Deacon ?Husband of one wife
(1 Timothy 312) ?Must manage his children well
(1 Timothy 312) ?Must manage his household well
(1 Timothy 312) Deacon's Wives ?Worthy of
respect (1 Timothy 311) ?Not malicious talkers
(1 Timothy 311) ?Temperate (1 Timothy
311) ?Trustworthy in everything (1 Timothy 311)
  • Biblical Reference for Deaconess
  • The Apostle Paul mentions Phoebe as a deaconess
    (diakonon) of at church at Cenchreae
  • (Roman 161KJV). The New Testament does not
    describe a ministerial order of deaconess,
  • but due to this reference it is assumed that an
    order existed from apostolic times. It is
  • not clear whether the term bears a technical
    sense or a general meaning of service. The
  • mention of women in 1 Timothy 311 cause some
    ambiguity with the qualifications of deacons.
  • It appears to reference the wives of deacons, but
    some interpreters take it as a reference to
  • deaconess. Likewise is the obscure relations of
    deaconess to the order of widows (1 Timothy
  • Five Offices/Gifts Give to the Church
  • 1. Apostles (aÓposto/louß)-one sent with a
  • 2. Prophets (profh/taß)-one who foretells the
    future or speaks on behalf of God.
  • 3. Evangelists (eujaggelistaß)- one who
    announces the gospel
  • 4. Pastors (poimenaß)-one who is responsible for
    the care and guidance of a Christian congregation
  • 5. Teachers (didaskalouß)- one who provides
  • Why the Offices?

  • Church Discipline
  • Church discipline is the exercise of the church
    leadership power for the prevention and
    correction of offences in the church.
  • Church discipline was given to the church by our
    Lord so maintain the integrity and vitality of
  • the church. It is unfortunate that many church
    fail to exercise this rite due to social
    pressure, fear
  • of termination and the decline in church
    attendance. This is truly an issue of faith in
    the sovereign
  • Lord to sustain the local church as we obey His
    commands. The church must exercise church
  • discipline with a heart of compassion that seeks
    to restore a sinning brother. Otherwise it
  • abusive and injures the parties involved and the
    testimony of the church. Tragically, this has
  • occurred over the course of church history but
    this is not an excuse to disregard a health and
  • viable dimension of the church.
  • Apprehensions Regarding Church Discipline
  • 1. Church discipline does not exemplify the love
    of Christ Jesus.
  • 2. Church discipline is an attempt to socially
    spiritually kill individuals.
  • 3. Church discipline is not the best way to
    express forgiveness.
  • 4. Church discipline leads to improper judging.

  • Process of Church Discipline
  • Elder(s)
  • Prohibition
  • Do not accept an accusation against an elder
    unless it can be confirmed by
  • two or three witnesses.
  • Admonition
  • Those guilty of sin must be rebuked before all,
    as a warning to the rest.
  • Christians
  • Matthew 1815-17
  • Step 1 "And if your brother sins, go and reprove
    him in private
  • Step 2
  • if he listens to you, you have won your brother.
  • Step 3
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