Title: Falls Prevention
1Falls Prevention Community of
PracticeDepartment of Health, Western
Luke Slawomirski Office of Safety and
Quality in Healthcare
Delivering a Healthy WA
2Western Australia
- 2,529,875 km2
- border length 1862 km
- coastline length 20,871km
- Pop approx 2.5M
3Falls Prevention in WA Health
- July 2006 Safety and Quality Investment for
Reform (SQuIRe) Program - Falls Prevention one of eight target areas
- Entire WA public health care system
- Extensive but underutilised professional network
- http//www.safetyandquality.health.wa.gov.au/
4CoP Definition
- groups of people who share a concern, set of
problems, or a passion about a topic, and who
deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area
by interacting on an ongoing basis 1,2
5CoP Components
Roles Responsibilities
- Lead
- Facilitator
- Experts
- Novices
- Social interaction
- Knowledge-sharing
- Knowledge-creation
- Identity-building
6OutcomesWA Falls Prevention CoP
- True interprofessional community
- Clinicians (Nursing, A/health, medical)
- Administrators / Managers
- QI staff
- Researchers / academics
- Consumers
- Metropolitan and rural (VC link-up)
Intermittent Links
Fall Network Lead
Strong Links
Central Health Dept
Health Service QI Managers
North Metro
South metro
Falls Network
Falls Specialists
Falls reporting
8Outcomes (cont.)
- Standardised Falls Risk Management Tool
s/falls_risk.cfm - Multi-site investigation of reporting of falls in
the WA clinical incident reporting system - Standardised audit tool
- Statewide audit for Feb 2011
- 4 gatherings held (Nov 09, Feb 10, Jun 10, Oct 10)
9Evaluation surveys WA Falls Prevention CoP
Baseline Oct 2009 (n67) F/U June 2010 (n68)
Response Rate 36 56
Communication optimal 17 (24) 49 (35)
Very or highly supported 35 (20) 56 (25)
Adequate resourcing 40 (20) 72 (25)
Committed to CoP 60 (12) 83 (24)
10Conclusions WA Falls Prevention CoP
- Increased communication between quality
improvement staff - Improved staff perception of being supported and
adequately resourced. - Production of outputs (FRMT).
- Cost neutral
- Embed into routine business
- Self sustaining
- Tyranny of distance
- IT enhancements planned (e.g. blog platform)
- Nicholas.waldron_at_health.wa.gov.au
- Karina.moore_at_health.wa.gov.au
- http//www.healthnetworks.health.wa.gov.au/network
/fallsprevention.cfm - Luke.slawomirski_at_health.wa.gov.au
- http//www.safetyandquality.health.wa.gov.au/home/
- Li LC, Grimshaw JM, Nielsen C, Judd M, Coyte PC,
Graham ID. Evolution of Wenger's concept of
community of practice. Implementation Science
2009, 411 http//www.implementationscience.com/co
ntent/4/1/11 - Li LC, Grimshaw JM, Nielsen C, Judd M, Coyte PC,
Graham ID. Use of communities of practice in
business and health care sectors A systematic
review. Implementation Science 2009, 427
7 - J Lathlean, A Le May. Communities of Practice an
opportunity for interagency working. Journal of
Clinical Nursing 2002 11 394-398
- Doreen Demos
- Nick Waldron
- Karina Moore
- Hannah Seymour
- Wendy McIntosh
- Anne-Marie Hill
Tanya Gawthorne Anabelle May Helen Van
Gessel Tammy Page Shelley Harwood Michelle Taylor