Title: Ten Top Tips
1Ten Top Tips
2Top Tip 1
- Climate for Learning
- Removing the Barriers
3Learning environmentHabitual or learned behaviour
4The perfect learning environment
Quiet, comfortable, warm room
Well ventilated
No clutter
Comfortable chair
Well lit
Spacious desk
No interruptions
Books and files to hand
No distractions - TV, music, e mail, phone
5Other factors
- Regular routine
- Agreed timescale
- Physical exercise / relaxation / social life
- Normal pattern of sleep
- Avoid caffeine / chilli not withdrawal
- Healthy eating / water
- Employment Law (from www.qca.org.uk)
- i) Not before 7am or after 7pm
- ii) Recommended no more than 8 hours in any
shift - iii) Not more than 8 hours per week
- iv) Can have a detrimental effect to exams
6- Top Tip 2
- Organisation and Timetable
- Revision Timetable Invest time in making a
revision timetable or wall chart which specifies
which revision per evening/day - Know what they need to revise for each subject
you need a list of topics - Ensure that other commitments are highlighted
worked around - Plan breaks social time
- Ensure that the exams/time place are shown
- Display a copy in your kitchen or communal area
as well as the place where your son/daughter
studies - Use ticks to indicate jobs done
- Work space equipment
- Remove distractions
- The right equipment
- Box with pens/paper/hole punch/ highlighters/
equipment - File for revision notes/dividers
- Box of plain postcards
- Revision Guides
9Top Tip 3
- Resources
- Internet and Websites
10Why use the internet to revise?
- Updated
- Interesting/eye-catching/motivating
- Visual/auditory learners
- Break up traditional methods
- Personalised revision plans
- Links to exam specifications
11What types of resources are effective?
- Past papers
- Revision Topics
- Summary checklists
- Tests/ Question and answers
- Revision tips/ideas
12Practical revision
- Plan short blocks of revision and review
- Check what needs to be revised
- Bookmark favourite websites
- Write out notes/mind maps
- www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/
- www.samlearning.com BS27KO
- Supplement not replace!
13Top Tip 4
14SAM Learning?
- SAM Self Assessment Method
- 750,000 students will use SAM Learning this year
- Second most hit site UK web site during last
May - Used by more than half of all English state
secondary schools
15SAM Learning at Kings
- After 1 month, students have already put in 700
hours of revision and exam practice. - Revision exercises for reinforcing basics
- Exam practice with answers.
- Link from www.kowessex.co.uk
- CentreID BS27KO
- Password DDMMYYAB
16Exam Boards
- www.aqa.org.uk
- www.ocr.org.uk
- www.edexcel.org.uk
17Top Tip 5
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20The Kings of Wessex GCSE Revision Guides
English Oxford Revising AQA GCSE English (Peter Buckroyd) Oxford Revising AQA English Literature (Peter Buckroyd) Recommend Collins Oxford Total Revision Guide.
Mathematics CGP GCSE Mathematics - available to purchase from the Department
Science 2 Lonsdale AQA Science Revision Guides one for tested Modules, one for terminal exam
Geography CGP GCSE Geography - available to purchase from the Department.
History Collins Total Revision by Chris Cuplin
TECHNOLOGY Resistant Materials Food Technology Graphic Products Child Development Recommend Lonsdale DT Revision Guide Collins Total Revision Guide in-house Revision Guide Collins Total Revision Guide Collins Total Revision Guide in-house Revision Guide
21Top Tip 6
22Left Brain
- The left side of the brain controls
- Verbal ability
- Attention to detail
- Reasoning
- Left brained people are good at
- Communication
- Persuading others
- Maths
- Logic
- Your left brain prefers reading, quiet and dogs
23Right Brain
- The right side of the brain controls
- Creativity
- Flexibility
- Right brained people are
- Daring
- Intuitive
- Creative with writing and art
- Your right brain prefers day-dreaming, philosophy
and sports.
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25Top Tip 7
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27Top Tip 8
28Study Buddying
- Working with your child
- Explanation, question and answer
- Be the student
- Testing
- Revising with friends
- Ensure the focus is on studying
- Keep promises to one another
- Arrange to have breaks together at particular
times - Act as tutors for each other
- Ensure the arrangement is equal and beneficial
- Regular rewards for working well are worthwhile
29Top Tip 9
30The Day of the Exam
31Before the exam
- Know the exam timetable KingsNET
- KingsWEB gtgt Exam Info Timetable
- gtgt Combined Summer
Schedule 2007
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33 Ensure that your son/daughter
- Knows where to be each day
- Knows the start time for each exam
- Gets there early allows contingency time!
- Allows time for brain to wake up-shower!
- Eats breakfast or takes energy rich food
- Attends the Exam Briefing
34Be practical!
- Encourage a normal routine for exams
- Going to bed and getting up at sensible times
35Be practical!
- Check your child has all the correct equipment -
including spares - Plus any notes or books allowed in the exam in
the correct format - Remind them to use the toilet beforehand!
- Bring water to exam and sip throughout
36Calming influence
- Keep anxieties at bay. Be reassuring.
- Youve done the best you can!
- Remind them of strategies to keep calm
- Itll all be over by three! Itll be fine
- Shelve issues that are not of immediate
importance! - Dont insist on lengthy post mortems
37Just before the exam
- Last minute revision?
- Do whats right for you
- A moment to yourself
38During the exam
- Nervousness is normal extra adrenaline!
- Deep breaths I can handle this!
- Read the instructions AND then through the WHOLE
PAPER before picking up pen - Write down key formulae, facts, quotes
39During the exam
- Mark the questions you will answer
- Stick to the time-scale for each question
- Answer the questions you are most confident about
first - Allow a few minutes checking time at the end
40Dont make this mistake!
41Top Tip 10
42- How long should I revise for?
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44How often should I revise?
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47How should I revise?
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49Research shows that you remember the most when
- You revise in short sessions with short breaks in
between - You revisit your revision a number of times over
a period of time - You practice the tasks that you will be required
to do in your exam -