Title: Every Child Can Learn
1- Every Child Can Learn
- Just Not
- on the
- Same Day,
- or the Same Way
- George Evans
- Discipline and Legal Issues
- Inside Our Schools
3State Monitoring Compliance ISSUES
- Suspensions and Expulsions of Students with
Disabilities - Students with disabilities continue to be
suspended for over 10 days without special
education services. - STATE DIRECTIVES
- Professional development to all administrators on
the policies and procedures related to discipline
and disciplinary process. - Provide training in Positive Behavior Supports,
Functional Behavior assessment and effective use
of Behavior Intervention Plans. - Teacher mentoring for students that are at risk
4Compliance Issues Contd
- Student Record Reviews
- Teacher signatures on IEPs as in attendance
when teacher did not attend the IEP meeting. - General education teachers who were not in
attendance at the IEP meeting did not review
the IEP and document by signing the not in
attendance section of the IEP. - Documentation of students annual goals on
progress reports.
5Compliance Issues Contd
- Percentage of time in Special Education.
- Services are not provided in the least
restrictive environment. - Required Corrective Action
- Provide training on inclusive practices.
- Development of a Behavior Reintegration Plan for
students in MIS classes.
6Whats the Big IDEIA?
- The education of children with disabilities is a
top national priority. Our nations special
education law, the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Improvement Act (IDEIA), sets high
standards for their achievement and guides how
special help and services are made available in
schools to address their individual needs. - 6,000,000 Students in the U.S.
- receive
- Special Education Services
7Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act of 2004Also known as IDEA
Public Law 108-446
- Disability is a natural part of the human
experience and in no way diminishes the right of
individuals to participate in or contribute to
society. Improving educational results for
children with disabilities is an essential
element of our national policy of ensuring
equality of opportunity, full participation,
independent living, and economic self-sufficiency
for individuals with disabilities."
8IDEIA 2004
- Emphasis on results.
- Early intervention to prevent failure.
- Single unified system.
- Rigorous, scientifically based identification
methods. - Focus on student achievement.
- LD identification based on student response to
scientific, research-based interventions (RTI) . - Inclusion of students with disabilities in
general education classrooms.
9Special EducationA SERVICE NOT A PLACE
- Specially designed instruction, at no cost to the
parents, to meet the unique needs of a student
with a disability. -
- IDEIA 2004 ensures a free appropriate public
education (FAPE), - Provided to children and youth with disabilities
at public expense. - Include an appropriate preschool, elementary
school, or secondary school education . - Provided in conformity with the individualized
education program (IEP).
11FAPE Contd
- Students must be permitted to register at school
of zone. - Transfer students must be provided with
comparable services while eligibility and IEP is
reviewed. - Text books provided to all students.
- Special events, field trips, computers, library.
12Least Restrictive Environment
- Special education instruction MUST be provided to
students with disabilities in the least
restrictive environment (LRE). -
- Students with disabilities are educated with non
disabled - children to the maximum extent appropriate.
- Unless the student's IEP requires other
arrangements, students with disabilities MUST be
educated in the school they would attend if they
did not have a disability.
13LRE (Contd)
Most restrictive environment
Least restrictive environment
West Tennessee RISE Project, 2007
14Overview of Special EducationProcess and
- Identification
- Evaluation
- Eligibility
- IEP Development
- IEP Implementation
- Review of IEP
- Child Find
- Support Team
- Evaluation
16Support Team
- Assign a Support Team coordinator
- 4 Step Problem Solving Model
- Problem Identification
- Problem analysis
- Intervention Development
- Intervention Evaluation
- Procedure used to determine whether a child has a
disability and the nature and extent of the
special education and related services that the
student needs. - All areas of a suspected disability must be
evaluated. - Evaluation report includes a summary and
interpretation of assessments .
18Evaluation Contd
- Reevaluations occur at least once every three (3)
years, or more frequently if conditions warrant
or if requested by the child's parent or teacher. - Testing Optional
- Parental consent
- Due Process
19Response to Intervention
- Provides assistance to students in timely
fashion. It is NOT a wait-to-fail model. - Helps ensure that the students poor academic
performance is not due to poor instruction. - Assessment data is collected to inform the
teacher and improve instruction. - Assessments and interventions are closely linked.
- Contact school psychologist for more information.
- IEP team reviews evaluation results and
determines - Existence of a disability.
- Exhibits a need for special education.
- A student will NOT be identified as a student
with a disability if the learning problems are
due to - A lack of scientifically-based instructional
practices - and programs that contain the essential
components - of reading instruction.
- A lack of instruction in math.
- Limited English Proficiency.
- Consent for services.
21IDEA defines a Child with a disability as a
child with
- Intellectual Disability (formally Mental
Retardation) - Hearing Impairments (including deafness)
- Speech or Language Impairments
- Visual Impairments (including blindness)
- Emotional Disturbance
- Orthopedic Impairments
- Autism
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Other Health Impairments,
- Specific Learning Disabilities
- Developmental Delays (TN)
- Functionally Delayed
- Intellectually Gifted (TN)
- who by reason thereof needs special education
related services
- Timelines
- After Initial Evaluation
- Annually
- Parent request
- Compliance issues
- Invitation Letter (parents receive minimum 10
days notice) - Prior Written Notice
- Draft IEP
- 15 Day Letter
23IEP Contd
- IEP Team Members
- Parent (s)
- Special Education Teacher
- General Education Teacher
- Administrator
- Related Services Providers
- Interpreter
- Student at age 14
- Other agencies for Transition Services, if needed
24 IEP Development
- Standard Based IEP
- Should include current assessments data
- District Assessments, Think link, DIBELS
- Achievement, TCAP, BRI, Running Records
- Transition Assessments
- Behavioral and Social
- Medical
- Cum folder review
- Attendance
- Grades
- Discipline and Behavior History
25Prior Written Notice
- Pre and Post PWN.
- Evaluations or Re-Evaluations
- Eligibility
- Manifestation Determination
- IDEIA 2004 raises transition age from 14 to 16.
- State of Tennessee- Age 14
- Age 14 Develop an initial four (4)year plan for
high school study. - Age 14 (or younger) Provide transition
assessments and transition services.
- Transition Folder (Portfolio and assessments)
- Transition plan reviewed annually.
- Goals and objectives must be written
- Summary of Performance must be completed for
graduating seniors - Indicator 13- reported to state and federal
government - Contact Transition Team for more information
28Procedural Safeguards Book
- LEA obligated to give copy to parents 1 time per
year and upon - Initial referral or parental request for
evaluation - First occurrence of filing of due process
- State complaint
- Parent request
- Disciplinary change of placement
29Procedural Safeguards
- Complaints
- Mediation
- Due Process
30- Discipline
- and
- Discipline Procedures
31At Risk Students
- Positive Behavior Supports
- Support Teams
- Behavioral Goals
- Functional Behavior Assessment
- Behavior Intervention Plan
32School Wide Positive Behavior Supports
- A research-based approach to creating, teaching
and reinforcing students' social, emotional and
academic learning skills. - SWPBS focuses on prevention not punishment.
- Clear and simple rules that apply in all school
settings. - Continuum of supportive interventions helps all
students succeed academically and behaviorally. - Contact school psychologist for more information.
33Tertiary Prevention Specialized
Individualized Systems for Students with
Intensive Needs
Secondary Prevention Specialized Group Systems
for Students with At-Risk Behavior
Primary Prevention School-/Classroom- Wide
Systems for All Students, Staff, Settings
80 of Students
34Functional Behavior Assessment
- Completed for any student whose behavior impedes
learning or learning of others. - Parental permission is required to conduct an
FBA/BIP. - Identify behaviors
- Collection of data
- Gathering of information
- Assess function of behavior
- Determine interventions
- Implement Interventions
- Evaluate effectiveness
35FBA Contd
- Determine need for Intensive Plan (BIP)
- Review FBA
- Revise FBA as new behaviors surface
36Behavior Intervention Plan
- Intensive interventions and strategies
- Teaching Plan
- Individualized
- Crisis Plan
- Twilight School
- Bus Suspensions
- 45 day removals
- Students can not be suspended for than 10 days
in a school year.
38Manifestation Determinations
- Manifestation Determination" is a process to
determine if a students behavior problem is or
is not a manifestation of the students
disability. - The conduct was caused by, or had a direct and
substantial relationship to, the childs
disability. - The behavior was a direct result of the schools
failure to implement the IEP. - MD is completed as part of an IEP team meeting.
39Manifestation Determination (contd)
- Determination that behavior was a manifestation
of the student's disability. - Review the Functional Behavior Assessment and
Behavioral Intervention Plan. - Determination that behavior was not a
manifestation of the student's disability. - Follow student code of conduct, DSOP as related
to Discipline.
40Manifestation Determination (contd)
- Manifestation Determination meeting must be held
ASAP. - 24 hour notice to parent is required.
- MD has to be completed in 10 days.
- MD completed when juvenile citation is issued.
- Involve assessment specialist to provide
understanding of the disability
41Legal Issues
- Restraint
- Revocation of Services
- Reporting Abuse
- Medication
- Lopez Decree
42Isolation or Restraint
- Free from the unreasonable unsafe and unwarranted
uses of isolation and restraint practices. - Positive behavioral interventions and support
methods in schools. - Develop properly trained staff.
- Must be in Individualized Education Plan
- Only the principal, or the principals designee,
may authorize the use of isolation or restraint. - When the use of restraint or isolation is
proposed at an IEP meeting, parents/guardians
shall be advised of the provisions of T.C.A.
49-10-1301, et seq., this rule and the IDEA
procedural safeguards. - An IEP meeting convened pursuant to T.C.A.
49-10-1304(b) may be conducted on at least
twenty-four (24) hours notice to the parents.
44Revocation of Services
- Parent/Guardian may revoke special education and
related services by submitting a written
statement - Procedural Safeguards reviewed and given to
parent - Prior Written Notice and written statement should
be placed in student cum file. - Prior Written Notice and copy of written
statement should be given to Compliance
Facilitator for processing. - All Services should end IMMEDIATELY
45Reporting of Abuse
- If any school personnel has knowledge or
reasonable cause to suspect that a student is a
victim of child abuse or sexual abuse that
occurred on school grounds - Parent or guardian must be verbally notified
within 24 hours.(not if parent is suspected of
abuse) - Department of Children and/or law enforcement
services must be notified within 24 hours.
- LEA may not use the parent's refusal to consent
to administration of a psychotropic medication to
a student or to a mental health screening,
evaluation, testing or examination of a child or
student as grounds for prohibiting the child from
- Attending class
- Participating in a school-related activity
- Reporting or charging child abuse, child neglect,
educational neglect, or medical neglect. - LEA shall not use nor threaten use of school
sanctions to a student to coerce parental consent
to a mental health screening, evaluation, testing
or examination.
47Lopez Decree
- All Special Education buses will be equipped with
video monitoring equipment and a bus monitor. - Students with a disability who are determined to
pose a risk of sexual harassment while riding a
general education bus will be transferred to a
special education bus. - Students without a disability who are determined
to pose an unreasonable risk of sexual harassing
another student shall not be allowed to ride any
MNPS school bus.
48Transportation for Students with Disabilities
- Policy SS 3.115
- The need for special transportation must be
described and documented in the students IEP - Compliance Facilitator processes the
Transportation Order and notifies the Designated
Official. - Special Education Buses Full time monitor.
- General Education Buses IEP team determines the
need for bus monitor - All requests for a bus monitor must be
documented in the Prior Written Notice (PWN)
49Principals Responsibilities(SS
- Communicate, verbally and in writing, with any
bus driver, especially substitute drivers and bus
monitors, the following - Behavior issues and directions on managing
conduct. - Details of any existing individual safety plans
and/or the need to collaborate and establish an
individual student safety plan. - Provide a copy of a written individual safety
plan - Ensure staff will receive and supervise students
who ride special transportation during arrival
and dismissal times. - Maintain and update the Department of
Transportation reference notebook. - Be available by district provided cell phone for
notification of bus emergencies.
50Behavior Reintegration Plan
- Goal is to reintegrate students in MIS classes
into the least restrictive setting. - When the student is referred for placement in
MIS, the team will - Identify behavioral, social and academic skills
the student needs to succeed in the LRE - Develop IEP goals based on these skills.
- Assess prospective reintegration settings to find
the best fit.
51Behavior Reintegration Plan (contd)
- Meet with general education teachers and conduct
inventories of - Behavioral, social, academic expectations
- Classroom routines and procedures
- Work completion expectations
- Attendance and make-up work policies
- Grading policies
- Test-taking expectations
- Homework policies
- Teacher styles
52Behavior Reintegration Plan (contd)
- Collect ongoing data on the students progress
in the areas of behavior, social skills and
academics. - At IEP reviews
- Monitor progress towards long-term reintegration
goals. - Determine present levels of readiness for
integration. - Update the IEP goals and objectives.
53Exceptional Education Support Staff
- CF Compliance Facilitator
- IF Instructional Facilitator
- TF Transition Facilitator
- Autism Team
- Psychologist
- SLP Speech Language Pathologist
- OT Occupational Therapist
- PT Physical Therapist
- Vision and Hearing Itinerant
54Professional Development
- Accommodations and Modifications
- Co-Teaching Models for Inclusive Services
- Differentiated Instruction
- Easy IEP
- IDEIA Discipline and Legal Issues Inside Our
Schools - Improving Functional Communication Skills
- Inclusion Strategies Autism
- Inclusive Services Part I and II
- Inclusive Service Delivery for Administrators
- Nonviolent Physical Crisis Intervention (CPI)
- Principles of Transition
55PD Contd
- Promoting Social Skills for Students with Autism
- Related Arts Inclusion Strategies for Autism
- Response to Intervention
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Para-Pro
- School-Wide Positive Behavior Support
- Sensory Strategies for Students with Autism
- Supporting Mental Health In The Schools/FBA/BIP
- TCAP-ALT Training
- www.wrightslaw.com
- www.dlactn.org/
- www.tennessee.gov/education/speced
- www.cec.sped.org
57Implications for Educators
- The IDEA amendments brought significant changes
in the way public schools refer, evaluate,
identify, serve, and discipline students with
disabilities. IDEA incorporates most of the No
Child left Behind Act requirements for students
with disabilities. - Know the Laws
- Use Best Practices
- Provide FAPE
- Set High Expectations