The American Journey - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The American Journey


Technology and Industry Industrialization changed the way Americans worked, traveled, and communicated. In the North, manufacturers made products by dividing tasks ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The American Journey

Section 1-5
Technology and Industry
  • Industrialization changed the way Americans
    worked, traveled, and communicated. ?
  • In the North, manufacturers made products by
    dividing tasks among workers. ?
  • They built factories to bring specialized workers
    together. ?
  • Products could be made more quickly. ?
  • The factory workers used machinery todo some of
    the work faster and more efficiently.

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Section 1-6
Technology and Industry (cont.)
  • Mass production of cotton textiles beganin New
    England after Elias Howe invented the sewing
    machine in 1846. ?
  • By 1860 factories in the Northeast produced at
    least two-thirds of the countrys manufactured

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Section 1-7
Technology and Industry (cont.)
  • Advances in transportation sparked the success of
    many new industries. ?
  • Robert Fultons steamboat, developed in 1807,
    enabled goods and passengers to move along the
    inland waterways more cheaply and quickly. ?
  • Thousands of miles of roads and canals were built
    between 1800 and 1850, connecting many lakes and
    rivers. ?
  • Canal builders widened and deepened the canals in
    the 1840s so steamboats could pass through. ?
  • Steamboats created the growth of cities suchas
    Chicago, Cincinnati, and Buffalo.

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Section 1-8
Technology and Industry (cont.)
  • Clipper, or sailing, ships were built in the
    1840s to go faster, almost as fast as steamships.
    They could travel an averageof 300 miles per
    day. ?
  • Railroad growth in the 1840s and 1850s connected
    places that were far apart. ?
  • Early railroads connected mines with nearby
    rivers. ?
  • Horses, not locomotives, powered the early
    railroads. ?
  • The first steam-powered passenger locomotive, the
    Rocket, began operating in Britain in 1829. ?
  • Peter Cooper designed and built the first
    American steam locomotive, Tom Thumb, in 1830.

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Section 1-9
Technology and Industry (cont.)
  • A railway network in 1860 of nearly 31,000 miles
    of track linked cities in the North and Midwest. ?
  • Railway builders tied the eastern lines to lines
    built farther west so that by 1860, a network
    united the East and the Midwest. ?
  • Railways transformed trade and settlement in the
    nations interior. ?
  • With the Erie Canal and railway network between
    the East and West, grain, livestock, and dairy
    products moved directly from the Midwest to the

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Section 1-10
Technology and Industry (cont.)
  • Prices were lower because goods traveled faster
    and more cheaply. ?
  • People settled into Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois,
    and as the population of the states grew, new
    towns and industry developed in the Midwest.

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Section 1-11
Technology and Industry (cont.)
  • People needed to communicate fasterto keep up
    with the industrial growth and faster travel
    methods. ?
  • Samuel Morse developed the telegraph in 1844. ?
  • It used electric signals to send messages along
    wires. ?
  • To transmit messages, Morse developed the Morse
    code, using a series of dots and dashes to
    represent the letters of the alphabet.

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Section 1-12
Technology and Industry (cont.)
  • By 1852 the United States was operating about
    23,000 miles of telegraph lines.

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Section 1-14
  • Farmers were able to sell their productsin new
    markets as a result of the railroads and canals.
  • New inventions changed farming methods and also
    encouraged settlers to develop larger areas in
    the West thought to be too difficult to farm. ?
  • John Deere invented the steel-tipped plow in
    1837. ?
  • Its steel-tipped blade cut through hard soil more
    easily than previous plows, which used wood

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Section 1-15
Agriculture (cont.)
  • The mechanical reaper sped up harvesting wheat. ?
  • Cyrus McCormick designed and constructed it and
    made a fortune manufacturing and selling it. ?
  • The mechanical reaper harvested grain much faster
    than a hand-operated sickle. ?
  • Farmers began planting more wheat because they
    could harvest it faster. ?
  • Growing wheat became profitable. ?
  • The thresher separated the grain from the stalk.

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Section 1-16
Agriculture (cont.)
  • Midwestern farmers grew large quantities of wheat
    and shipped it east. ?
  • Farmers in the Northeast and Middle Atlantic
    states increased production of fruits and
    vegetables because they grew well in Eastern soil.

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Section 1-17
Agriculture (cont.)
  • Agriculture was not a mainstay of the North. ?
  • Farming the rocky soil was difficult. ?
  • Instead, the North continued to grow
    industrially. ?
  • More and more people worked in factories, and the
    problems connected with factory labor also grew.

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Section 2-5
Northern Factories
  • Factories produced items such as shoes, watches,
    guns, sewing machines, and agricultural machinery
    in addition to textiles and clothing. ?
  • Working conditions worsened as factories grew. ?
  • Employees worked an average 11.4-hour days, often
    under dangerous and unpleasant conditions. ?
  • No laws existed to regulate working conditions or
    to protect workers.

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Section 2-6
Northern Factories (cont.)
  • By the 1830s workers began to organizeto improve
    working conditions. ?
  • Trade unions, or organizations of workers with
    the same trade or skill, developed. ?
  • Unskilled workers also organized dueto poor
    working conditions.

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Section 2-7
Northern Factories (cont.)
  • Skilled workers in New York City wenton strike
    or refused to work in the mid-1830s. ?
  • They hoped for higher wages and a 10-hour day. ?
  • They formed the General Trades Unionof New York.

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Section 2-8
Northern Factories (cont.)
  • Striking was illegal and workers could be
    punished by law or fired from their jobs. ?
  • A Massachusetts court ruled in favor of workers
    right to strike in 1842, but this was just the
    beginning of workers receiving legal rights.

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Section 2-9
Northern Factories (cont.)
  • Although the North did not have slavery in the
    1830s, it did have racial prejudice and
    discrimination. ?
  • In 1820, although New York stopped requiring
    white men to own property in order to vote, few
    African Americans could vote. ?
  • In fact, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania passed
    laws prohibiting free African Americans from

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Section 2-10
Northern Factories (cont.)
  • Free African Americans were not allowed to attend
    public schools and were barred from public
    facilities. ?
  • They were forced into segregated schoolsand
    hospitals in most communities. ?
  • A few African Americans were successfulin
    business. ?
  • Most, though, were extremely poor.

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Section 2-11
Northern Factories (cont.)
  • Women were discriminated against in the mills and
    factories even though they played a major role in
    the development of industry. ?
  • They worked for less pay, were excluded from
    unions, and were kept out of the workplace to
    make more jobs for men. ?
  • The Lowell Female Labor Reform Organization in
    Massachusetts petitioned the state legislature
    for a 10-hour workday in 1845. ?
  • The legislature did not even consider the
    petition signed only by women.

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Section 2-12
Northern Factories (cont.)
  • Most early efforts in the workplace failedbut
    did set the stage for later womens movements.

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Section 2-14
The Rise of Cities
  • People moved to the cities to fill the factory
    jobs. ?
  • In 1860 the population of New York City, the
    nations largest city, passed 800,000. ?
  • Philadelphia had more than 500,000 people. ?
  • City life was often difficult and dangerous due
    to overcrowding, run-down buildings, and the
    threat of disease and fire.

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Section 2-15
The Rise of Cities (cont.)
  • Immigration to the United States greatly
    increased between 1840 and 1860. ?
  • Many of these people were willing to work for low
    pay and long hours. ?
  • The largest group came from Ireland, more than
    1.5 million, settling mainly in the Northeast. ?
  • A potato famine, or an extreme shortage, caused
    by a potato disease destroyed Irelands crops,
    and starvation followed. ?
  • Potatoes were the staple food of the Irish diet.

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Section 2-16
The Rise of Cities (cont.)
  • The men from Ireland worked in factories or did
    manual labor such as working on the railroads and
    digging ditches. ?
  • Women became servants and factory workers. ?
  • The second-largest group of immigrants came from
    Germany. They settled in New York, Pennsylvania,
    the Midwest, and the western territories. ?
  • Some came for new opportunity, and others came as
    a result of the failure of the democratic
    revolution in 1848. ?
  • More than one million came, many in family
    groups. Many had money, so they prospered,
    founding their own communities and organizations
    and buying farms or setting up businesses.

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Section 2-17
The Rise of Cities (cont.)
  • Immigration changed the character of the country.
  • People brought their language, customs, religion,
    and ways of life. ?
  • Most of the Irish immigrants and about one-half
    of German immigrants were Roman Catholics. ?
  • They settled in northeastern cities. ?
  • The church gave them a source of spiritual
    guidance and also provideda center for community

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Section 2-18
The Rise of Cities (cont.)
  • The immigrants faced prejudice. ?
  • Anti-immigrant feelings arose. ?
  • People opposed to immigration, called nativists,
    felt that immigration threatened the future of
    native born citizens. ?
  • Some nativists thought that immigrants took jobs
    away from real Americans. ?
  • Others thought they brought crime and disease.

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Section 2-19
The Rise of Cities (cont.)
  • The American Party was a group of nativists who
    joined together to forma new political party in
    the 1850s. ?
  • They formed secret anti-Catholic societies. ?
  • The party became known as the Know-Nothing Party,
    because they answered questions by saying, I
    know nothing.

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Section 2-20
The Rise of Cities (cont.)
  • The Know-Nothing Party wanted stricter
    citizenship laws and wanted to ban foreign-born
    citizens from holding office. ?
  • In the mid-1850s, the movement split over
    slavery. ?
  • A Northern branch and a Southern branch formed. ?
  • Slavery also divided the Northern and Southern

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Section 3-5
Rise of the Cotton Kingdom
  • The economy of the South thrived by 1850 because
    of cotton. ?
  • It became the leading cash crop. ?
  • Tobacco and rice had been profitable in colonial
    times, but tobacco depended on foreign markets
    and the price fluctuated. ?
  • Rice could not be grown in the dry inland areas.
  • In the Deep SouthGeorgia, South Carolina,
    Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and
    Texascotton helped the economy prosper, and
    slavery grew stronger.

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Section 3-6
Rise of the Cotton Kingdom (cont.)
  • Eli Whitneys cotton gin revolutionized cotton
    production. ?
  • The machine removed seeds from cotton fibers. ?
  • A worker could clean only 1 pound ofcotton a day
    by hand, but with the machine, a worker could
    clean 50 pounds. ?
  • The cotton gin led to the need for more workers.
  • Southern planters relied on enslaved laborers to
    plant and pick the cotton.

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Section 3-7
Rise of the Cotton Kingdom (cont.)
  • The British textile industry created a huge
    demand for cotton and kept the price high. ?
  • The Deep South was committed to cotton, with some
    areas also growing rice and sugarcane. ?
  • The Upper SouthMaryland, Virginia, and North
    Carolinawas also agricultural and produced
    tobacco, hemp, wheat, and vegetables.

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Section 3-8
Rise of the Cotton Kingdom (cont.)
  • The value of enslaved people increased due to the
    reliance on them for producing cotton and sugar.
  • The Upper South became a center for the sale and
    transport of enslaved people in the region.

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Section 3-10
Industry in the South
  • The South remained rural and agricultural. ?
  • The entire South produced fewer manufactured
    goods than the stateof Pennsylvania in the 1860s.

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Section 3-11
Industry in the South (cont.)
  • Several barriers to industry developed in the
    South ?
  • Because cotton was so profitable, farming was
    important, not new business. ?
  • Because capital, or money to invest in business,
    was lacking, new industry didnot develop. ?
  • People saw no reason to sell their land or
    enslaved workers to raise money for industry, and
    they believed their economy would continue to

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Section 3-12
Industry in the South (cont.)
  • Because the market for manufactured goodsin the
    South was smaller than in the North, this also
    discouraged industrial development.
  • Some Southerners did not want industry.

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Section 3-13
Industry in the South (cont.)
  • Some Southern leaders wanted to develop industry
    so that the South would not be dependent on the
    North for manufactured goods. ?
  • They also wanted the South to develop their
    economy. ?
  • These leaders were the exception, though, not the
    rule. ?
  • William Gregg opened a textile factory inSouth
    Carolina in 1844. ?
  • In Richmond, Virginia, Joseph Reid Anderson took
    over the Tredegar Iron Works in the 1840s and
    made it a leading producer of iron in the nation.

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Section 3-14
Industry in the South (cont.)
  • Goods were transported via natural waterways. ?
  • Most towns were along rivers or on the coast. ?
  • Roads were poor and there were few canals. ?
  • Railroad lines were mostly local and did not
    connect parts of a region. ?
  • By 1860 only about one-third of the rail lines
    were in the South.

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Section 4-5
Small Farms
  • Most Southerners were small farmers without
    enslaved people or were planters with a few
    enslaved laborers. ?
  • Only a very few planters could afford the large
    plantations and numerous enslaved people to work
    it. ?
  • Southerners were of four types yeomen, tenant
    farmers, rural poor, and plantation owners.

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Section 4-6
Small Farms (cont.)
  • Yeomen were farmers without enslaved people. ?
  • They made up the largest group of whites in the
    South. ?
  • Most owned land and lived in the Upper South and
    hilly rural areas of the Deep South. ?
  • Their farms were from 50 to 200 acres. ?
  • They grew crops for themselves and to sell or

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Section 4-7
Small Farms (cont.)
  • Tenant farmers rented land, or worked on
    landlords estates. ?
  • The rural poor lived in crude cabins in wooded
    areas, planted corn, and fished and hunted for
    food. ?
  • They were self-sufficient and refused any work
    that resembled enslaved labor.

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Section 4-9
  • Plantation owners wanted to earn profits, and
    they did this by selling cotton. ?
  • Plantations had fixed costs, such as feeding and
    housing workers and maintaining equipment. ?
  • These did not vary greatly. ?
  • However, owners could not know how much their
    cotton would bring in because prices varied from
    season to season and market to market.

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Section 4-10
Plantations (cont.)
  • Planters sold their cotton to agents from cotton
    exchanges in large cities such as Charleston, New
    Orleans, Mobile, and Savannah. ?
  • The agents held the cotton until the price rose
    and then sold it. ?
  • Planters did not get any money until the agents
    sold the cotton, so they were always in debt. ?
  • The agents did extend credit, or a loan, to the
    planters for the time that they held the cotton.

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Section 4-11
Plantations (cont.)
  • Most plantations wealth was measured by
    possessions, including enslaved people. ?
  • Only about 4 percent of the Souths farms and
    plantations held 20 or more enslaved people by
    1860. ?
  • A large majority of the planters held fewer than
    10 enslaved workers.

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Section 4-12
Plantations (cont.)
  • Plantation wives were responsible for the
    enslaved people and supervising the plantation
    buildings and other gardens. ?
  • They also kept the financial records. ?
  • Life was lonely, especially when planters
    traveled to make new deals with agents.

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Section 4-13
Plantations (cont.)
  • Plantation work involved many chores. ?
  • Some enslaved African Americans worked in the
    house, cleaning, cooking, sewing, and doing
    laundry. ?
  • Other enslaved African Americans were skilled
    workers, trained as carpenters, blacksmiths,
    shoemakers, or weavers. ?
  • Some worked in the pastures, but most were field
    hands, supervised by an overseer, working from
    sunrise to sunset.

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Section 4-16
Life Under Slavery
  • Life was full of hardships and misery. ?
  • Enslaved African Americans worked long hours,
    earned no money, and had little hope of freedom.
  • Many were separated from their families when sold
    to different plantation owners. ?
  • They had the bare necessities in their slave
    cabins. ?
  • Each cabin was shared by dozens of people living
    together in a single room.

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Section 4-17
Life Under Slavery (cont.)
  • Family life was uncertain. ?
  • Law did not recognize marriages, but many
    enslaved African Americans did marry. ?
  • Families were separated when wives or children
    were sold. ?
  • The extended family provided some stability and
    was an important aspect of the culture.

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Section 4-18
Life Under Slavery (cont.)
  • Although enduring many difficulties, they kept
    their African culture alive and mixedit with
    American ways. ?
  • Even though slavery was legal in the South, the
    slave trade was outlawed in 1808. ?
  • As no new enslaved Africans entered the United
    States, almost all the enslaved people by 1860
    were born here.

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Section 4-19
Life Under Slavery (cont.)
  • Many enslaved people accepted Christianity, and
    it became a religionof hope for them. ?
  • The spiritual, or African American religious folk
    song, provided a way to secretly communicate with
    one another.

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Section 4-20
Life Under Slavery (cont.)
  • Slave codes made life more difficult. ?
  • These were laws that controlled the enslaved
    people, such as prohibiting them from gathering
    in large groups, leaving their masters property
    without a pass, and making it a crime to teach
    them how to read or write.

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Section 4-21
Life Under Slavery (cont.)
  • Resistance to slavery took the form of working
    slowly, pretending to be sick, or sometimes
    setting fire or breaking tools. ?
  • Armed rebellions were rare. ?
  • Nat Turner, who taught himself to readand write,
    led a group on a short violent rampage in
    Southampton County, Virginia, in 1831. ?
  • They killed at least 55 whites before being
    captured. Turner was hanged. ?
  • More severe slave codes were passedas a result.

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Section 4-22
Life Under Slavery (cont.)
  • Some enslaved people escaped slavery. ?
  • Most who were successful escaped via the
    Underground Railroad, which was a network of safe
    places to stop along the long journey to the
    North in safe houses owned by whites and free
    African Americans. ?
  • Most runaways were captured and punished.

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Section 4-23
Life Under Slavery (cont.)
  • Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, both born
    into slavery, fled north. ?
  • They became African American heroes for their
    efforts to help free more enslaved people.

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Section 4-25
Life in the Cities
  • By 1860 several large cities existed, such as
    Baltimore and New Orleans. ?
  • Others were on the rise such as Charleston,
    Richmond, and Memphis. ?
  • Baltimores population was 212,000. ?
  • New Orleans had 168,000 people. ?
  • Population included whites, some enslaved people,
    and free African Americans.

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Section 4-26
Life in the Cities (cont.)
  • Free African Americans became barbers,
    carpenters, and traders. ?
  • They founded churches and institutions. ?
  • In New Orleans they formed an opera company. ?
  • Not all prospered though, and many were not given
    an equal share in economic and political life.

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Section 4-27
Life in the Cities (cont.)
  • Between 1830 and 1860, Southern states passed
    laws that limited the rights of free African
    Americans. ?
  • Most states would not allow them to migrate from
    other states. ?
  • In 1859 in Arkansas, they were orderedto leave
    the state.

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