Title: Intrapartal Nursing Assessment
1 Intrapartal Nursing Assessment
- Tie everything together
- Linda L. Franco RN MSN NE-BC
2Maternal Assessment
- History
- List p 399
- Intrapartal High-Risk Screening
- Table 18 -1
- Intrapartal Physical and Psychosociocultural
Assessment - Assessment Guide p 403 -408
3Determination of Due Date
- EDC or EDB (estimated date of confinement or
birth) - Evaluative tools uterine size, Fundal height,
quickening and fetal heart rate (FHR 8-12wk
gestation by US) - Nageles Rule the first day of the last
menstrual period, subtract 3 months, and add 7
4Measuring Fundal Height
5Assessment of Pelvic Adequacy
- Pelvic inlet measurement is made from the
distance from the lower posterior border of the
symphysis pubis to the sacral promontory, at
least 11.5 cm - Pelvic outlet anteroposterior diameter, 9.5 to
11.5 cm. Transverse diameter, 8 10 cm. - Never to be preformed on a mother that is
bleeding else risk of perforation.
6Intrapartal Nursing Assessment
- Maternal Assessment
- Evaluating labor progress
- Electronic monitoring of contractions
- Cervical assessment
- If membranes ruptured and meconium is noted, then
the nurse must perform a vaginal exam to check
for cord prolapse. Meconium in the amniotic
fluid usually indicates fetal distress and/or
hypoxia. Cord prolapse is an emergency and
requires C-Section. - Define Meconium- a material that collects in the
intestines of a fetus and forms the first stools
of a newborn. - Fetal Assessment
- Position
- Fetal heart rate
- Periodic changes
- Amniotic fluid loss ? fetal hypoxia
- May need emergency C-Section
7Contraction Assessment
- Palpation
- Frequency-
- Duration
- Intensity
- Electronic Monitoring of Contractions
- External (TOCO) electronic device belt that
monitors and records uterine contractions. - Internal Cervix must be dilated to at least 2
(Fetal Scalp Electrode)
9Cervical Assessment pg 385
- Nurse will look for
- Dilatation
- 0 10 cm
- Effacement
- 0 100
- Station
- -3 to 3
- Caused by process of labor or by Phys?
- Amniotic must be clear
10Leopolds Maneuver pg413 and pg 415
Mother must 1st empty bladder
11Leopolds Manuever
12Auscultation of Fetal Heart Rate pg 413
- FHR heard most clearly at fetal back
- Cephalic
- Lower quadrants
- Breech
- Upper quadrants
- Transverse Lie
- Umbilicus
13Electronic Monitoring of FHR
- External
- Ultrasound
- Internal
- Fetal Scalp Electrode
14Fetal Heart Rates pg418-420
- Baseline rate (Important to find median needs be
at least 2min long) - Normal range 110 160
- Tachycardia above 160
- Early hypoxia, maternal fever and/or dehydration,
drugs with cardiac stimulant effects, amnionitis
itis of outer surface of umbilical cord,
maternal hyperthyroidism, fetal anemia,
tachydysrhythmias - Bradycardia below 110
- Late fetal hypoxia, maternal hypotension,
umbilical cord compression, fetal arrhythmia,
uterine hyperstimulation, abruptio placentae
separation of the placenta, uterine rupture,
vagal stimulation - Any abnormalities must be passed to Phys
15Variability Fig 18-?
- Short-term beat to beat
- Long-term rhythmic fluctuations of the entire
strip - Absent undetectable
- Minimal amplitude lt 5 bpm
- Moderate amplitude 6 25 bpm
- Marked amplitude gt 25
16Variability con. Pg 421-2
- Decreased/reduced
- Hypoxia, CNS depressant drugs, fetal sleep cycle,
fetus less than 32 weeks, fetal dysrhythmias,
fetal anomalies, previous neurological insult,
tachycardia - Increased/marked
- Early mild hypoxia, fetal stimulation, alteration
in placental blood flow (may be able to lay
mother Lt side to treat)
17Periodic Changes pg423-4
- Accelerations
- Incr in FHR due to fetal movement, sign of fetal
well-being good. - Decelerations
- Early- FHR goes down from being squeezed
(Normal), happens right before the contractions - Late- occurs after the contraction, caused by
uterine/placental insufficiency. Administer
oxygen. - Variable
18Early Decelerations p424Its okay
- Onset occurs before the onset of the contraction
- Uniform in shape
- Caused from fetal head compression
- Does not require intervention
- Lower moms head (suspine) or lay on lt side
19Late Decelerationsa little more concerning
- Onset occurs after the onset of the contraction
- Uniform in shape
- Caused from uteroplacental insufficiency
- Nonreassuring but does not necessarily require
immediate delivery - Reqs continuous assessment
20Variable DecelerationsIntervention ASAP
- Onset varies with timing of the onset of the
contraction - Variable in shape
- Caused from umbilical cord compression
- Requires further assessment
21Nursing Interventions
- Oxygen via facemask
- Discontinue Pitocin to stimulate contractions
infusion - Turn patient to left side or knee chest
- Notify physician
- Hydrate patient
- Administer Tocolytics- meds to slow down
contractions (MagSulfate, Prostaglandin, CCB,
22Fetal Blood Sampling pg427
- Fetal Scalp Stimulation Test
- Umbilical Cord Blood Sampling
- If fetus was distressed or APGAR score lt7)
- Normal pH 7.20 7.25
- Fetal Oxygen Saturation Monitoring