Boson Stars - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Boson Stars


Boson Stars * * * 3.BS (alternative, gravity) (11)BS in BD theory * For the boson , an asymptotic solution of the form to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Boson Stars

Boson Stars
  • ??? ??

Boson Stars
  • ??? ??
  • Department of Astronomy, USTC
  • 2011-6-2

  • The reports of all kinds of boson stars and their
    interaction with environments are given . In
    particular, the BSs in gravitation theories with
    torsion are put forward. I also give my plan of
    studying a kind of quantum boson star.

  1. Introduction
  2. General relativistic boson stars
  3. Boson stars in alternative theories of gravity
  4. How to detect boson star
  5. Our idea boson stars in gravitation theories
    with torsion a kind of quantum boson star.

1. Introduction
  • (1)Do fundamental scalar fields exist in nature?
  • Higgs particle (the possible discovery)
  • Charged pions (complex scalar fields)
  • Neutral (a complex KG field)
  • In string theories (possible existence)
  • As sources of dark matter
  • The possible role in primordial phase transitions
  • Axion
  • Inflaton

  • (2) Boson stars
  • If the scalar fields exist in nature, it is
    possible that they form gravitationally bound
    state which is called the boson star via a Jeans
  • compact stars

  • (3)Why does one study the scalar compact
    objects seriously?
  • Scalar fields play an important role in theories
    of fundamental forces
  • Extensive use of scalar fields is made in order
    to model the physics of the early Universe, from
    phase transitions to the formation of large scale
  • A potential dark matter candidate (nontopological
    solitons or boson stars)
  • Ideal laboratories to study the role of gravity
    in the physics of compact objects (need not
    equation of state)
  • As a kind of source of gravitational waves
  • (a cold boson star) As a self-gravitating
    Bose-Einstein condensate on astrophysical scale

  • In order to classify boson stars, lets see------
  • (4) General physical systems include
  • Basic constituents bosonic field (scalar),
    fermionic field (spinor), bosonic fluid ,
    fermionic fluid (neutron, proton), classical
    particles, gauge field (photon, Yang-Mills
    fields), gravitational fields and so on
  • How to interact (couple) One describe the
    interaction by using Lagrangian (action, equation
    of motion) constructed from some physical
  • Three conditions initial, boundary, joint
  • Physical situation
  • Results One solves the mathematical model and
    evaluate some interesting physical quantities
  • Observables One compares these physical
    quantities with corresponding observables

  • So one gets------------
  • (5) All kinds of boson stars (BS)
  • General relativistic BS non-rotating mini-BS
    (with a free massive scalar field), BS with a
    self-interacting massive scalar field, charged
    BS, BS with Yang-Mills fields, non-topological
    soliton stars, oscillating BS, boson-boson BS,
    boson-fermion BS, Q-stars, charged q-stars,
    dilaton star, axion star, BS with non-minimal
    energy-momentum tensor, charged D star, hot BS,
    the Universe (a large BS) rotating
  • rotating BS, rotating charged BS, BS in a
    gravitation theory with dilaton dynamical
    evolution (radial) non-radial perturbed BS
    with self-interacting massive scalar fields
  • BS in alternative theories of gravity
    non-rotating BS in Newtonian gravity, BS in
    general scalar-tensor gravitation, BS in massive
    dilatonic gravity, BS in Brans-Dicke theory
    dynamical evolution (radial)BS in BD theory
  • BS in gravitation theories with torsion to be

2. General relativistic BS
  • ------non-rotating
  • (1). Mini-BS (D. J. Kaup, Phys. Rev. 172 (1968)
    1331 R. Ruffini, S. Bonazzola, Phys. Rev. 187
    (1969) 1767)
  • Constituents ,complex scalar field
  • Action (motivation stardard,free massive scalar
  • Boundary conditions
  • Physical situation
  • where is the frequency

  • Results critical mass
  • ( if an effective radius of
  • where
  • is the Planck mass
  • Particle number
  • Mass,- (?) - radius(?)F1
  • Observablesto compare with observables
  • solar mass for 1 Gev boson,
  • fm, therefore, it seems that the
    mass is too small to be a dark matter candidate.

  • (2). BS with self-interacting massive scalar
    fields (M. Colpi, S. L. Shapiro, I. Wasserman,
  • Phys. Rev. Lett. 576 (1986) 2485)
  • Constituents , complex scalar field
  • Action
  • (motivation simple quartic coupling)
  • Boundary conditions
  • Physical situation
  • Results relation(?t11),F2 the
    fractional anisotropy as a function of the radial
  • Observables to compare with observables
    solar mass. For and
  • solar mass of MACHOs

  • (3). Charged BS (BS with Yang-Mills fields)
  • Constituents , complex scalar field
  • gauge field
  • Action (motivation
  • gauge field theory)
  • with
  • for charged BS or

  • With
  • where is the structure constants of the
    Lie algebra of G (SU(2)) ,for BS with Yang-Mills
  • The following is only for charged BS------
  • Boundary conditions
  • Physical situation
  • (One has only electric field and no magnetic
    one )

  • Results the mass
  • (?t1)
  • the particle number
  • (?t2) F3
  • the maximal mass has the following
    asymptotic behavior
  • for
  • for , when is close to the
    critical charge, where

  • (4). Non-topological soliton stars
  • Constituents , complex scalar field
  • real scalar field
  • Actions
  • (motivation Theory has non-topological
    soliton solution in the absent of the
    gravitational field
  • If the potential is renormalizable,
  • If renormalizability is no longer required,

  • Boundary condition
  • (a). In the interior of the soliton star,
    is in the false vacuum and approximately
  • Outside is essentially in the
    normal vacuum state
  • (b). If ,
  • (interior region)
  • (exterior region).
  • The metric is asymptotically flat.

  • Physical situation
  • Results the critical mass (estimated)

  • (5). BS with non-minimal energy-momentum tensor
  • Constituents , complex scalar field
  • Action
  • (motivation a non-minimal coupling term can
    arise naturally in the effective Lagrangian in
    the process of dimensional reduction, when
    considering Kaluza-Klein, supergravity or
    superstring theories in high dimensions.)
  • Boundary conditions

  • Physical situation
  • Results Similar to the previous cases, the mass
    of the star as a function of which
    is related to the central density, increases,
    reaches a maximum value then drop a little and
    oscillates to reach an asymptotic
  • value. For large ,
  • Similarly,
  • For any
  • there will be a critical value for the center
    density beyond which gravitational collapse is
  • generalization one can include a more
  • general potential as well as extend it to a
    charge scalar field. (motivation standard
  • self-interaction, gauge field theory)

  • ------rotating
  • (6). Rotating BS (F. E. Schunck, E. W. Mielke,
    Phys. Lett. A 249 (1998) 389-394 also see S.
    Yoshida, Y. Eriguchi Phys. Rev. D, 56 (1997) 762)
  • Constituents , complex scalar field
  • Action
  • Boundary conditions
  • asymptotically flat spacetime
  • Physical situation

  • Results Letting
  • one has
  • where
  • Observables If sub-millisecond pulsars would be
    detected, todays realistic EOS for neutron
    stars had to be subjected to a major revision.
    Central cores built from strange matter or even
    fundamental bosons would possibly be need for
    denser stars during an even faster rotation. The
    core of a pulsar resemble a rotating BS whose
    physical quantities could be connected to

  • ------dynamical evolution (perturbed radially
  • (7). BS with a quartic self-interacting massive
    scalar field
  • Constituents , complex scalar field
  • Action
  • (motivation a standard quartic
    self-interaction term)
  • Boundary conditions Regularity conditions
    require that
  • and have

  • vanishing first spatial derivatives at
  • where . The boundary condition
    on the scalar field is an outing scalar wave
  • Physical situation
  • Results
  • (a). Ground state
  • S a new S-branch configuration
  • U BH (mass) a new equilibrium of
    a lower mass (-mass).
  • (b). Excited state both U (different
    instability time scales)
  • If they cannot lose enough mass to go to
    the ground, they become BH or totally disperse.
  • (c). Its oscillation frequency (?)F4

3. BS in alternative theories of gravity
  • (8). Rotating BS in Newtonian gravity (V.
    Silveira, C. M. G de Sousa, Phys. Rev. D 52
    (1995) 5724)(The central density or the total
    mass of the star is not higher than a certain
    critical limit)
  • If special relativistic effects are not
    important, the only relevant component of
  • Constituents , complex scalar field
  • Action
  • (motivation standard free massive scalar
  • Boundary conditions
  • The metric must satisfy the asymptotically flat.

  • Physical situation
  • Results One presents the numerical results for
  • (the ground state)
  • and for
  • (the excited states)
  • where the states are identified by the values
  • (?Fig 1t3, Fig 2t4,, Fig 3t5) F5
  • Note come from

  • (9). Charged scalar-tensor BS (A. W. Whinnett, D.
    F. Torres, Phys. Rev. D 60 (1999) 104050)
  • Constituents , a scalar field ,a
    complex scalar field , gauge field
  • Action
  • the matter Lagrangian
  • where
  • (motivation It is the low energy limit of
    string theory
  • and the scalar gravitational field arises from
    dimensional reduction of higher dimensional
    theory. Sever al model of inflation are driven by
    the same scalar field of ST gravity.
  • is based on gauge field , quartic

  • Boundary conditions
  • (The solutions are regular at the origin.)
  • Physical situation
  • (To prove this, one minimizes the total energy
    of the BS subject to the constraint that particle
    number be conserved)
  • (There are only electric charges and no
    magnetic ones)

  • Results
  • denote the tensor, Newtonian, Keplerian mass
    respectively. ?
  • (a). BD theory(t6)F6
  • (b). BD theory((t9)
  • (c). BD theory(t8)
  • (d). The power law ST theory(t7)F7
  • (e). BD theory(t10)F8
  • The effect of introducing a quartic term (a).
    Increases the mass of the BS but dont the value
  • (GR) (b). Not only increases the mass but also
    slightly the charge limit of the strong field
    solutions (ST theory).

  • (10). Rotating charged BS (the slow rotation) (Y.
    Kobayashi, M. Kasai, T. Futamase, Phys. Rev. D 50
    (1994) 7721)
  • where
  • Constituents , a complex scalar field
    , gauge field
  • Action
  • where
  • (motivation gauge field theory, simple
    quartic coupling)
  • Boundary conditions
  • for large ,

  • Physical situation
  • Results
  • The boson star made of a complex scalar field
    alone does not rotate at least perturbatively.

  • ------dynamical evolution
  • (11). BS in Brans-Dicke theory (J. Balakrishna,
    H. Shinkai, Phys. Rev. D 58 (1998) 044016)
  • Constituents the gravitational (real
    and massless) scalar field (the BD field)
  • the bosonic matter (complex and massive)
    scalar field
  • Action
  • where

  • (motivation a quartic self-action, the
    experimental test in the solar system
  • the low energy limit of string theory. The
    so-called extended inflation models based on BD
    gravity explain the completion of the phase
    transition in a more natural manner, which
    requires no fine-tuning)
  • Boundary condition Regularity dictates that the
    radial metic be equal to 1 at the origin. The
    boson field and the BD field both specified at
    the origin. The boson field goes to zero at
    and the BD field goes to a constant. The
    derivatives of all the metrics vanish at the
    point .
  • for the asymptotic region.

  • For the boson , an asymptotic solution of
    the form to order is
  • Note
  • where is the effective gravitational
    constant in the Einstein frame.
  • Physical situation
  • Results One starts the evolutions of an S-branch
    equilibrium state with a tiny perturbation. One
    finds that the system begins oscillating with a
    specific fundamental frequency, called a
    quasinormal mode (QNM) frequency.
  • for
  • see fig.4 (?)F9

  • (result) under large perturbations,the maximum
    radial metric
  • and the central BD field as a function of
    time are shown in Fig. 6 and 7 respectively for
    As in GR, we have also seen
    migrations of the stars to the stable branch when
    one removes enough scalar field from some region
    of the star
  • Contrary to the above example, if we add a
    small mass to U-branch stars , we can see the
    formation of a BH in its evolution F10
  • As in GR , exited states of BS in general are
    not stable. They form BH if they cannot lose
    enough to go to the ground state F11

  • (12). BS in Brans-Dicke theory.(D.F. Torres,
    Phys. Rev. D. vol 57 No 8 (1998)4821 M.A.
    Gunderson, L.G. Jensen, Phy. Rev. D Vol 48 No
  • Constituents ,BD field ,a complex
    ,massive, self-interacting scalar field
  • Action
  • (motivation a self-consistent framework for
    a study of a varying gravitational strength. The
    low energy limits of string theory, a quaritic

  • Boundary condition non-singularity, finite mass
  • Physical situation
  • Results one studies two kinds of theory (1) JBD
    theory with (2)A scalar-tensor
    theory with a coupling function of the form
  • Boson star mass
  • Fig1(?)F12 note

  • Fig2(there is no change in the stability
    criterion for values of G close to the present
    one) Note
  • In addition, one also gets two hypothesis a.
    gravitational memory (Stars of the same mass may
    differ in other physical properties (R) depending
    on the formation time.) b. quasistatic evolution
    (purely gravitation evolution).
  • Compare with observable
  • since as in GR, these solution have a mass
    on the order of Chandrasekhar mass , one has a
    significant contribution to the existence of
    dark matter in a universe in which the force of
    gravity is determined by BD field.

4. How to detect boson stars
  • A large physical system BS its environment
  • System 1 a complex scalar field BS baryonic
    matter (photons)
  • Constituent , a complex scalar field ,
    baryonic matter (photons)
  • Action only gravitational action (motivation
  • Boundary condition its exterior solution is
    asymptotically Schwarzschild, regularity at the
  • Physical situation the spherically symmetric BS
    metric, baryonic matter disc
  • Results an accretion disc forms outside the BS,
    nearly beyond its effective radius the BS look
    similar to an AGN, giving a non-singular solution
    where emission can occur even from the center.

  • (result) a. Rotation curves geodesics of a
    collisionless circular orbit obey
  • Rotation curves for the cases
  • were calculated for a critical mass BS (
    Schunck F E and Liddle A R Phys. Lett. B 404,25
    (1997)). Baryonic matter rotating with maximal
    velocity of about c/3 possesses an impressive
    kinetic energy of up to 6 of its rest mass. If
    one supposes that each year a mass of 1 solar
    mass transfers
  • this amount of kinetic energy into
    radiation, a BS would have a liminosity of

  • (result) b. Gravitational red shift
  • where emitter and receiver are located at
  • and ,respectively.
  • With increasing self-interaction coupling
    constant also the maximal redshift
    grows. In general, observed redshift values would
    consist of combination of cosmological and
    gravitational redshift

  • System2 a transparent spherical symmetric
    min-BS photon( Gravitational lensing, Cerenkov
  • Constituent , a complex
  • scalar field, photon
  • Action the complex scalar has no interaction
    except gravity
  • (motivation standard free massive scalar
    field , simple)
  • Boundary condition

  • Physical situation The BS interior is empty of
    baryonic matter, so the deflected photons can
    travel freely through the BS.
  • Result a. Gravitational lensing the deflection
    angle is then given by
  • where b is the impact parameter, denotes
    the closest distance between a light ray and the
    center of the BS.
  • The lens equation for small deflection angles

  • (result) ,are the distances form
    the lens to the source and from the observer to
    the source, respectively.
  • For large deflection angle, the lens equation
  • b. Cerenkov radiation from BSs the gravitational
    BS field can act as a medium with an refractive
  • If ,
  • Cenenov radiation(CR) is allowed.
  • It was found the stable mini-BSs and stable BSs
    can generate CR, whereas unstable BSs can.

  • System 3 BS and a compact object of a solar
  • Constituents , a compact object of
    a solar mass
  • Action only gravitational interaction between
    the scalar field and the compact star
  • Boundary condition all kinds of BSs have
    different boundary condition (??)
  • Physical situation The compact object is
    observed to be spiraling into central one with
    much larger mass (BS).
  • Interesting physical quantities (result) the
    gravitational wave.

  • Compare with observables
  • From the emitted gravitational waves
    (observable), the values of the lowest few
    multipole moments of the central object can be
    extracted, such as mass M, angular momentum J,
    mass quadrupole moment , the spin
    octopole moments
  • For example,

  • System 4 axionic BSs white dwarf (or neutron
  • Constituent metric, axion field a ,oscillating
    electric fields, magnetic fields, matter of white
    dwarfs or neutron stars
  • Action (Equations of motion) , In addition, the
    axion couples with electromagnetic fields in the
    following way.
  • with , is the
    decay constant of the axion.
  • (motivation J.E.Kim , Phys. Rep, 150,1(1987)
  • Boundary condition regularity of
  • the spacetime .

  • Physical situation
  • Results Axion stars are possible sources for
    generating energy in magnetized conducting media.
    Denoting the conductivity of the media by
    and assuming ohms law, we find that an axion
    star with radius R dissipate an energy W per
    unit time. In addition, in actual collision
    process, the axion stars must be deformed ,also,
    strongly torn by the tidal force of a white dwarf
    even without direct collisions.

5. Our idea Boson Stars in gravitation theories
with torsion a kind of quantum boson star
  • (1). Why does one introduce torsion.
  • GR is a good theory but nonrenormalizable,
  • Torsion theory have something to do with modern
    string theory, and avoid the gravitational
  • A propagating torsion model (Saas model) is
    derived from the requirement of compatibility
    between minimal action and minimal coupling
    procedure in Riemann-Cartan (RC) spacetime

  • (2). RC manifolds Torsion tensor
  • The metric compatible connection can be
    written as
  • where is traceless part and
  • is the trace of the torsion tensor,
  • The curvature tensor

  • After some algebraic manipulations, one get the
    following expression for the scalar of curvature
  • where is the Riemannian scalar of
    curvature, calculated from the Christoffel
    symbols . In Saas model,

  • (3). All kinds of BSs in theories with torsion.
  • Constituents torsion
  • scalar field , gauge field ,
    spinor field
  • fermionic field
  • classical particles
  • Action
  • a. Vacuum

  • (action)
  • b. only scalar field
  • c. only gauge field
  • d. only spinor field

  • (action)
  • e. gauge field and classical particle
  • f. fermion field and classical particle
  • g. gauge field and fermion field
  • (???,???,
  • ????,vol.45, No.2,2004 (141))

  • Boundary conditions (??)
  • Physical situation(??)
  • Result We will study the physical quantities as
    a function of torsion (sensitive ?)

  • (4)Our plan of studying a kind of quantum BS
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