- Bolts: length, diameter, thread pitch, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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- Bolts: length, diameter, thread pitch,


- Bolts: length, diameter, thread pitch, - A modeling format:-- Provide software that knows how to draw the object given the parameters, or knows how to produce a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: - Bolts: length, diameter, thread pitch,

  • - Bolts length, diameter, thread pitch,
  • - A modeling format
  • -- Provide software that knows how to draw the
    object given the parameters, or knows how to
    produce a polygonal mesh
  • -- How you manage the model depends on the
    rendering style
  • -- Can be an exact representation
  • Rendering Instances
  • A routine takes parameters and produces a
    polygonal representation
  • Brings parametric instancing into the rendering
  • May include texture maps, normal vectors, colors,
  • OpenGL utility library (GLu) defines routines for
    cubes, cylinders, disks, and other common shapes
  • The procedure may be dynamic - For example,
    adjust the polygon resolution according to
    distance from the viewer
  • Display List
  • The list cannot be modified after it is compiled
  • When to use display lists Do the same thing
    over and over again
  • Advantages
  • - Cant be much slower than the original way
  • - Can be much much faster
  • Disadvantages
  • - Doesnt support real parameterized instancing,
    because you cant have any parameters (except
  • KeyFrame animation
  • Underlying technique is interpolation
  • The in-between frames are interpolated from the
  • Originally done by armies of underpaid animators
  • Interpolating splines are smooth curves that
    interpolate their control points
  • Perfect for keyframe animation
  • Time is directly associated with the parameter
    value, controlling speed
  • Anything can be keyframed and interpolated
    Position, Orientation, Scale, Deformation, Patch
    Control Points (facial animation), Color, Surface
  • Special interpolation schemes for things like
  • - Use quaternions to represent rotation and
    interpolate between quaternions
  • Control of parameterization controls speed of
  • Motion Blur
  • Extract data from real-world people acting out a
  • Optical take video and extract motion
  • Magnetic/Radio attach magnets, transponders and
    use sensors to get.
  • Mechanical methods of extracting motion (for
    small motions)
  • all are limited in the complexity of the scenes
    they can capture
  • - Solution Break scenes into smaller pieces and
    re-construct later
  • Procedural
  • Blobs and Metaballs
  • Define the location of some points
  • May be to define a function on the distance to a
    given point, (x,y,z), Sum these functions up,
    and use them as an implicit function
  • Question If I have two special points, in 2D,
    and my function is just the distance, what shape
  • More generally, use Gaussian functions of
    distance, or other forms
  • - Various results are called blobs or metaballs
  • Rendering Implicit Surfaces
  • Some methods can render them directly
  • - Raytracing - find intersections with Newtons
  • For polygonal renderer, must convert to polygons
  • Advantages
  • Good for organic looking shapes eg human body
  • Reasonable interfaces for design
  • Disadvantages
  • Difficult to render and control when animating
  • Being replaced with subdivision surfaces, it
  • Production rules Model by a set of rules to
    follow to generate it
  • Works best for things like plants
  • - Start with a stem
  • - Interpolate between the two nearest mipmaps
    using nearest or interpolated points from each,
  • BoundaryglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_
    WRAP_S, p)
  • When Mapping outside the texture image
  • - Repeat Assume the texture is tiled GL_REPEAT
  • - Clamp to Clamp to Edge the texture
    coordinates are truncated to valid values, and
    then used - GL_CLAMP
  • - Can specify a special border color
  • Procedural Texture Use a function to computes
    the texture value on the fly
  • Advantages
  • - Near-infinite resolution with small storage
  • - Idea works for many other things
  • Disadvantage being slow in many cases
  • Other Type
  • Environment mapping looks up incoming
    illumination in a map -- Simulates reflections
    from shiny surfaces
  • Bump-mapping computes an offset to the normal
    vector at each rendered pixel -- No need to put
    bumps in geometry, but silhouette looks wrong
  • Displacement mapping adds an offset to the
    surface at each point -- Like putting bumps on
    geometry, but simpler to model
  • Modeling
  • Overview
  • Modeling is the process of describing an object
  • Sometimes the description is an end in itself
  • Shading
  • Local Shading Models
  • Local shading models provide a way to determine
    the intensity and color of a point on a surface
  • - Fast and Simple to compute
  • - Local and not required the knowledge of the
    entire scene, because not consider other objects
  • What they capture Approximate effects of global
  • - Direct illumination from light sources
  • - Diffuse and Specular components
  • What they dont do Shadows, Mirrors, Refraction,
    and so on.
  • Consists of three terms linearly combined
  • Diffuse the amount of incoming light reflected
    equally in all directions
  • Specular the amount of light reflected in a
    mirror-like fashion
  • Ambient term to approximate light arriving via
    other surfaces
  • Shading Interpolation
  • Flat shading computes shading at a
    representative point to whole polygon
  • - Advantages Fast - one shading computation per
  • - Disadvantages Inaccurate, What are the
  • Gouraud interpolation
  • - Advantages
  • 1. Fast - incremental calculations when
  • 2. Much smoother - use one normal per shared
    vertex to get continuity between faces
  • - Disadvantages
  • 1. What are the artifacts?
  • 2. Is it accurate?
  • Phong interpolation
  • - AdvantagesHigh quality, narrow specularities
  • - DisadvantagesExpensive, still an
    approximation for most surfaces
  • Consider two sub-problems of illumination
  • - Where does the light go? Light transport
  • - What happens at surfaces? Reflectance models
  • L and I of light sources are important for a
    local shading model

  • Tensor Product Surface Patches
  • Defined over a rectangular domain 0?slt1, 0?tlt1
  • Use a rectangular grid of control points to
    specify the surface
  • - 4 points in the bi-linear case on the previous
    slide, more in other
  • Surface takes the form For some functions Fi,s
    and Fj,t
  • Bezier Patches
  • Edge curves are Bezier curves
  • Any curve of constant s or t is a Bezier curve
  • One way to think about it
  • Each row of 4 control points defines a Bezier
    curve in s
  • Evaluating each of these curves at the same s
    provides 4 virtual control points
  • The virtual control points define a Bezier curve
    in t
  • Evaluating this curve at t gives the point x(s,t)
  • Properties of Bezier patches
  • The patch interpolates its corner points from the
    interpolation of the underlying curves
  • The tangent plane at each corner interpolates the
    corner vertex and the two neighboring edge
  • - The tangent plane is the plane that is
    perpendicular to the normal vector at a point,
    the tangent plane property derives from the curve
    tangent properties and the way to compute normal
  • The patch lies within the convex hull of its
    control vertices
  • Matrix form
  • Shading Revisited
  • To produce photorealistic pictures like a
  • A better metric is perceptual the image should
    generate a target set of perceptions
  • Applications include Film special effects,
    Training simulations, Computer games,
    Architectural visualizations, Psychology
  • To achieve the goal of photorealism, we must
    think carefully about light and how it interacts
    with surfaces
  • Light Transport concerned with how much light
    arrives at any surface, and from what direction
  • The physical quantity is radiance How much light
    is traveling along a line in space per unit
    foreshortened area per unit solid angle
  • Similar problems arise in radiated heat transport
    (i.e. satellites) RadiometryThe study of light
  • Reflectance Modeling concerned with the way in
  • light reflects off surfaces
  • To deciding what surfaces look like, in solving
  • the light transport
  • Ray-Plane Intersection
  • To do polygons, intersect with plane then do
    point-in-polygon test
  • Point-in-Polygon Testing
  • Project point and polygon onto a 2D plane
    project to the smaller two normal vector
    elements plane
  • Cast a ray from the point to infinity and count
    the number of edges it crosses
  • Odd number means point is inside
  • Edge crossing tests are very fast - think
  • More complex tests
  • Ray-Polygon test reveals a common strategy
  • Intersect with something easy - a superset of the
    actual shape
  • Do a bounds check to make sure you have actually
    hit the shape
  • Also works for cylinders, disks, cones
  • CSG is well suited to raytracing
  • Find intersection along ray of all the CSG
  • Break the ray into intervals according to which
    primitives it is in
  • Do set operations to find the first interval that
    is actually inside the CSG
  • Ray-Patch Intersection
  • Equation in 3 parameters, two for
  • surface and one for ray
  • Instead of subdivision, view splitting as
  • Inserting additional control points, and knots,
    between the existing
  • Useful not just for rendering - also a user
    interface tool
  • By the Oslo algorithm
  • Refining Uniform Cubic B-Splines
  • Basic idea Generate 2n-3 new control points
  • Add a new control point in the middle of each
    curve segment P0,1, P1,2, P2,3 , , Pn-2,n-1
  • Modify existing control points P1, P2, ,
  • Throw away the first and last control
  • Rules
  • If the curve is a loop, generate 2n new control
    points by averaging across the loop
  • When drawing, dont draw the control polygon,
    join the X(i) points
  • Rational Curves Each point is the ratio of two
  • - NURBS x(t), y(t), z(t) and w(t) are
    non-uniform B-splines
  • Advantages
  • Perspective invariant, so can be evaluating in
    screen space
  • Can perfectly represent conic sections circles,
    ellipses, etc
  • --Piecewise cubic curves cannot do this
  • NURBS Non-uniform Rational B-splines
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