Title: Regulatory Requirements for Dietary Supplements in USA
1Regulatory Requirements for Dietary Supplements
in USA
Vedic Lifesciences Pvt Ltd
2Health Regulators Worldwide
3Status of AYUSH Products in USA
- AYUSH Products
- Traditional Indian Medicine
- Patent Proprietary or Shastrokta Drugs
- Can claim disease cure / treatment
- Can be prescribed or OTC
- In USA
- Dietary Supplements
- Herbal Supplements
- Food Supplements
- Cannot claim disease cure, but only health
maintenance - Only OTC
- Not reimbursed by insurance
4Types of Health Regulations
5How To Enter Regulations
- The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act
was signed into law in October, 1994. - Under DSHEA, a firm is responsible for
- Safety of the dietary supplement
- Claim Substantiation
7Definition of Dietary Supplements
- The term dietary supplement means a product
(other than tobacco) intended to supplement the
diet that bears or contains one or more of the
following dietary ingredients - (A) a vitamin
- (B) a mineral
- (C) an herb or other botanical
- (D) an amino acid
- (E) a dietary substance for use by man to
supplement the diet by increasing the total
dietary intake or - (F) a concentrate, metabolite, constituent,
extract, or combination of any ingredient
described in clause (A), (B), (C), (D), or (E). - Note A dietary supplement is limited to products
that are intended for ingestion in tablet,
capsule, powder, softgel, gelcap, and liquid form
8Definition of Dietary Ingredient
- New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) The term new
dietary ingredient means a dietary ingredient
that was not marketed in the United States before
October, 1994. - Old Dietary Ingredient (ODI) It means a dietary
ingredient that was marketed in the United States
before October, 1994. (Grandfathered Ingredients) - In case of ODI, NO PRE MARKETING APPROVAL
REQUIRED from FDA. - However, pre marketing notification is required
in case of NDI.
9Dietary Supplement
Pre Market Notification
Success OF Marketing
10Difference between Dietary Supplement, Foods
11What to Submit Regulations
12Notification Requirement for NDI
- A pre marketing notification is required in
case of - Manufacturer who intends to market a new dietary
ingredient or dietary supplement that contains a
new dietary ingredient - Distributor who intends to market a new dietary
ingredient or dietary supplement that contains a
new dietary ingredient.
13Prerequisite for NDI
- In order to market Dietary Supplement containing
NDI, the basic requirement is - pre marketing notification that must be submitted
75 days prior to entry in the market. - On September 23, 1997, FDA published in
theĀ Federal RegisterĀ a final rule that
established safety regulations.
14Submission Information
- Submit an original and two (2) copies of the
notification with Safety documents. - Notification should also contain the following
data- - Your name and complete address.
- The name of the new dietary ingredient.
- A description of the dietary supplement or
supplements that contain the NDI, including - Amount of NDI in the dietary supplement.
- Conditions of use as per Label
- History of use or other evidence of safety.
- A signature by a responsible authority from the
- Dietary Supplement with NDI can only reach the
market after 75 days of notification period.
16What to Do Regulations
- Marketing Post Marketing rules
17cGMP Requirements as per August 24, 2007
- Regulations of cGMP ensure the quality through
out - Manufacturing operations
- In process Quality Control procedures
- Packaging labeling
- Storage
- Cleaning
- Designing Construction of Manufacturing Plants
- Testing methods
- Handling Customer Complaints
- Documentation
- As per regulations, manufacturers are required to
evaluate the identity, purity, strength, and
composition of their dietary supplements. - Final cGMP will effective from
- June, 2008 for Large companies with employee
strength of more than 500 - June, 2009 for companies with less than 500 or
more than 20 employees. - June, 2010 for companies with less than 20
18cGMP Requirements as per August 24, 2007
- Under the cGMP rule, manufacturers are required
to - Employ qualified employees and supervisors
- Design and construct their physical plant in a
manner to protect dietary ingredients and dietary
supplements from becoming adulterated during
manufacturing, packaging, labeling and holding - Use equipment and utensils that are of
appropriate design, construction, and workmanship
for the intended use - Establish and use master manufacturing and batch
production records - Establish procedures for quality control
operations - Proper Storage Distribution in order to
maintain efficacy quality of product. - Keep a written record of each product complaint
related to cGMPs. - Retain records for 1 year past the shelf life
date, if shelf life dating is used, or 2 years
beyond the date of distribution of the last batch
of dietary supplements associated with those
19Claims That Can Be Made for Dietary Supplements
- Claims that can be used on food and dietary
supplement labels fall into three categories - Health claims
- Qualified Health claims
- Structure/Function claims
20Health Claims
- A "health claim" by definition has two essential
components - a substance (whether a food, food component, or
dietary ingredient) - a disease or health-related condition.
- A statement lacking either one of these
components does not meet the regulatory
definition of a health claim. - Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA), 1990
regulates the Health claim petitions. - Examples of Health Claims
- Development of cancer depends on many factors.
Eating a diet low in fat and high in grain
products, fruits and vegetables that contain
dietary fiber may reduce your risk of some
cancers. - "diets high in calcium may reduce the risk of
21Qualified Health Claims
- Consumer Health Information for Better Nutrition
Initiative 2003 provides for the use of qualified
health claims to substantiate evidence for a
relationship between a dietary supplement and
reduced risk of a disease or health-related
condition. - Label claim should be clear concise to point
limitation of the Evidence supporting Health
Claim. - Both conventional foods and dietary supplements
may use qualified health claims
22Structure/Function Claims
- Structure/function claims describe
- Role of a nutrient or dietary ingredient intended
to affect normal structure or function in humans.
Such as, "calcium builds strong bones." - The means by which a nutrient or dietary
ingredient acts to maintain such structure or
function, Such as, "fiber maintains bowel
regularity, - General well-being from consumption of a nutrient
or dietary ingredient - Benefit related to a nutrient deficiency disease
(like vitamin C and scurvy), with the prevalence
of disease in US. - As Structure/Function claims are not pre-approved
by FDA, manufacturers are solely responsible for - Claims are truthful, accurate not misleading.
- Notification to FDA within first 30 days for the
usage of claims for the marketing of product. - A mandatory disclaimer statement as per law.
23Claims Substantiation
- Truth in Advertising is regulated more by FTC
(not FDA) - Several Penalties have been levied already
- Company is responsible for expressed and implied
claims (thru images, video, etc.) - Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) are gold
standard for substantiation - Animal studies, Epidemiological studies, meta
analyses may be considered.
24Tips for Good Clinical Trials
- Follow Good Clinical Practices (ICH GCP)
- Qualified, Trained and Professional Team
- Scientifically Strong Protocol with a valid
Statistical Plan - Maintain Audit trail
- Third Party Monitoring by trained Professionals
- Internal External Audit, Quality Assurance
- Central Lab for multi-centric trials
- AE and SAE reporting
- Compliant Data Management
- High Quality Unbiased Medical Report and
Manuscript Writing - Publication
- Follow all available drug guidelines
- Outsource / offshore the study to a CRO if
25(No Transcript)
26Label Information
- Required label information must appear on
- Principal Display Panel (PDP) It must contain
- Statement of identity (name of DS)- Name of DS
should Placed on label parallel to base of
package and Should stand out Bold type and At
least 1/2 the size of the largest print on label. - Net quantity of contents statement
- Information Panel It must contain
- Name and address of manufacturer, packer, or
distributor - Ingredient list
- Nutrition Facts panel
- Information Pane should be placed to the
immediate right of PDP and if not, then next
panel to right.
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28Vedic Corporate Profile
- Vedic has so far supported over 36 clinical
studies (Phase II/ III) and more than 400
preclinical across multiple therapeutic areas.
- Core offerings entail Preclinical Studies,
Consultancy, Project Management (Phase I to IV),
Clinical Data Management, Bio-Statistics, Medical
Writing, Regulatory Consulting and
Pharmacovigilance Services
- Founded in 2001, Vedic is a contract research
organization that provides broad-based yet highly
tailored drug development support services to
global Pharma, biotech and Lifesciences players.
29Vedic Services
Pre Clinical Services
Clinical Trials (Phase I-IV)
Clinical Data Management
Bio Statistics
Medical Writing
Regulatory Consultancy
Other Services
- Preclinical Consultancy
- Feasibility Evaluation
- Study analysis Protocol
- Study Set up Audits
- Experimental Project Management
- GAP analysis
- Feasibility
- Market Survey
- Analytical Development Validation
- Formulation Development
- Study Feasibility Analysis
- Investigator / Site Selection
- Regulatory Submission Approval (IRB/EC DCGI)
- Site Initiation
- Assessment Visits
- Site Management Monitoring
- Investigational Product Management
- Closeouts
- Query Resolution
- Data Validation
- Database Design
- Data Entry Tracking
- Data Coding
- Database Access Management
- Data Management Reporting
- Risk Query management
- Clinical Trial Design
- Sample Size Calculation
- Statistical Analysis Plans
- Planning Execution of interim analysis
- Final Statistical Analysis
- Statistical Report
- Study Design/ Outline
- Protocol its Amendments
- Informed Consent Document
- Patient Diary and Subject Emergency Card
- Clinical / Statistical study Report
- Publication Support
- Strategic regulatory planning for specific
countries - Pre IND meetings
- INDs
- NDA and ADNA
- Applications for marketing license
- SAE collection, evaluation, classification
reporting - Medical case reviews
- Adverse event narration coding
- Complete Pharmacovigilance
- BA/BE studies
- Biochemical Assays
30Thank You
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