EMOTION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Created by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005 Motivation versus Emotion Emotion, a subjective sensation experienced as a type of psycho-physiological arousal, is different from ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Created by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
  • Motivation versus Emotion
  • Emotion, a subjective sensation experienced
  • as a type of psycho-physiological arousal, is
  • different from motivation in that it has no goal
  • or direction connected with it.
  • Emotions result from the interaction of the (a)
  • perception of environmental stimuli, (b)
  • neural/hormonal responses to these
  • perceptions (feelings), and (c)
  • cognitive labeling of
  • these feelings.

There is a small core of emotions (6 to 8)
that are uniquely associated with a specific
facial expressions (Izard, 1992). This suggests
that these are hard-wired in human beings.
Izard, C. E. (1992). Basic emotions, relations
among emotions, and emotion cognition relations.
Psychological Review, 99 (3), 561-565.
Definitions of Motivation and emotion retrieved
from Bill Huitt at http//chiron.valdosta.edu/whui
What is emotion? Like so many psychological
phenomena, emotion is easily recognized but hard
to define. Most theories hold that emotion is
a syndrome or complex entity with many
components physiological (autonomic nervous
system), cognitive events, sensory input,
behavioral correlates. Benoit, Anthony G.
(2002). Emotion and Motivation. Retrieved from
Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
What good is emotion? Emotions (a) prepare us
for action, (b) shape our behavior (emotions are
reinforcing), (c) regulate social interaction,
(d) facilitate communication nonverbally, (e)
facilitate adult-child relations and thus
development, (f) make life worth living by adding
value to experience, and (g) allow us to respond
flexibly to our environment (approaching good,
avoiding bad). Emotions are usually inseparable
from their communication. Most people do not have
a "poker face," and we generally find a person's
emotional response to be obvious. Knowing how
someone feels helps us evaluate how they will
Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
MORE ABOUT EMOTIONS Emotions are largely a
conscious phenomena. They involve more bodily
manifestations than other conscious states.
They vary along a number of dimensions
intensity, type, origin, arousal, value,
self-regulation, etc. They are reputed to be
antagonists of rationality. They protect us
from a slavish devotion to rationality. They
play an indispensable role in determining the
quality of life and defining our priorities.
They have a central place in moral education and
moral life through conscience, empathy, and many
specific moral emotions such as shame, guilt, and
remourse. The are inextrictably linked to
virtues. A paraphrased version of a list
included in EMOTION by Ronald de Sousa.
Retrived from the Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy at http//plato.stanford.edu/entries/em
Three Ways to Measure Emotion
  • Behavior screaming, facial expressions,
    laughing, aggression, approach/avoidance,
    activity level, smiling, attention/distraction,
    alertness, insomnia, anhedonia, etc.
  • Body/Physical blood pressure, tears, heart
    rate, neural images, lie detector readings,
    posture, perspiration, adrenaline, muscle
    activity when smiling, frowning, etc.
  • Thoughts observed indirectly through spoken
    and written words on rating scales answers to
    open-ended questions on surveys and during
    interviews responses to projective instruments,
    sentence stems, etc. Emotion can interfere with
    many cognitive operations such as
    rational/logical thinking and the ability to
    objectively self-assess or perceive the behavior
    and intentions of others.

Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
  • Newborns show only pleasure and distress.
  • Social smiles are first seen at 2-3 months.
  • Anger is first seen between 4 and 6 months.
  • They are more fearful in unfamiliar places.
  • Fear depends on strangers behavior.
  • Stranger wariness is first seen at 6 months.
  • Begin to identify others emotions at 6 months.
  • Facial expression is associated with emotions.
  • Looks to mother or father for proper emotion in
    unfamiliar situations beginning at 9 months.

Click to learn more
Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
Bridges (1932) found that emotions are rapidly
differentiated from an initial capacity for
excitement. Today, there is interest in
genetically determined temperamental
characteristics from which personality forms,
such as sociability.K. M. B. Bridges, (1932).
Emotional development in early infancy. Journal
of Genetic Psychology, 37.
Affection for children
Affection for adults
Months 0 3 6 9
12 15 18 21
24 27
Neurophysiology Emotion
Created by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
Neural Pathways of Emotion
  • Joseph LeDoux (1998) found evidence for two
    neural pathways in the processing of fear.
  • The fast route is quick, inaccurate, life-saving
  • Sight ? Thalamus ? Amygdala
  • The slow route is precise, complex, sluggish
  • Sight ? Thalamus ? Visual cortex ? Amygdala
  • Route one allows for instant action and is
    relatively inaccurate so it produces false
  • Route two is precise and can reduce the response
    to fear if the situation is appraised to
  • be safe after all factors are considered.

Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
Vaughan, Bell (2002). Motivation and Emotion. PPT
slide retrieved from http//www.cf.ac.uk/psych/hom
ppt33 Related MS Word lecture at
eisquick2CinaccuratebtnGSearch. Written
permission for use granted.
So the Brain Executes an Emotional Shortcut In
  • We feel some emotions before we think.
  • Some neural pathways involved in emotion bypass
    the cortical areas involved in thinking.
  • Two such pathways run from the eye and ear via
    the thalamus to the amygdala, which is
  • the emotional control center.
  • This shortcut enables a quick, pre-thought
    emotional response before the intellect gets
    consciously involved.
  • The thinking cortex can eventually override
  • the decision of the amygdala to react.

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Two Routes to Emotion
Do they operate separately? Concurrently? Or both?
Lazarus / Schachter
Emotional Response
Zajonc / LeDoux
Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
Primary Secondary Emotions
  • A distinction between primary and
  • secondary emotions has been proposed.
  • Primary emotions are probably innate and
    universal and include fear, rage, surprise,
    happiness, joy, disgust (Ortony and Turner,
    1990). Ortony, A., Turner, T. J. (1990). What's
    basic about basic emotions? Psychological Review,
    97, 315-331.
  • Secondary emotions are more complex and appear to
    be acquired or learned (Damasio, 1999) and
    include optimism, love, humiliation, hope,
    vigilance, optimism.
  • Damasio links secondary emotions with
  • the orbitofrontal cortex (behind the eyes).
  • Damasio, A.R. (1999). The Feeling
    of What Happens Body and Emotion in the Making
    of Consciousness. Orlando Harcourt Brace.

Vaughan, Bell (2002). Motivation and Emotion. PPT
slide retrieved from http//www.cf.ac.uk/psych/hom
ppt21 Related MS Word lecture at
eisquick2CinaccuratebtnGSearch. Written
permission granted.
Gyruc Cinguli
Hippocampal Formation
Mamillary Body
Anterior Nuclei of Thalamus
In 1937 emotion was linked to the limbic system
by Papez. He stated that the hypothalamus,
anterior thalamic nuclei, gyrus cinguli, and
hippocampus elaborate functions of emotion.
MacLean used the terms "limbic system" in 1952
and identified three specific subdivisions the
amygdala, septal, and thalamocingulate. He
postulated that the limbic brain responds to
inputs from internal and external sources. The
closed circuit between the limbic system and the
thalamus and hypothalamus is the Papez circuit.
The fornix connects the hippocampus to the
mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus, which
project to the anterior nuclei of the thalamus.
The nuclei of the thalamus complete the closed
circuit through fibers to the hippocampus. These
interconnections combine to form the neural basis
of emotion. For more detail see
The Amygdala
Anterior Nucleus of Dorsal Thalamus
Mammillothalamic Tract
Cingulate Gyrus
  • LeDoux
  • Identified as crucial in fear
  • Fear conditioning in animals
  • Trace route from audition

Basal Forebrain Nuclei
Sensory Cortex
Mammillary Body
Sensory Thalamus
Hypothalamus, Midbrain, Pons, Medulla
Parahippocampal Gyrus
Main and Accessory Olfactory Bulb
Medial Basal Forebrain and Hypothalamus
Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
Face Emotion Paul Ekman
  • Multicultural/Evolutionary Theory
  • 1 - Universal neurophysiology in the facial
  • 2 - Culture-specific variations in the
    expression of emotion
  • Seven Universal Facial Expressions of Emotion
  • Anger, Happiness, Fear, Surprise, Disgust,
    Sadness, and Contempt
  • Ekman, Paul (2003). Emotions Revealed
    Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve
    Communication and Emotional Life. New York
  • Henry Holt Company Copy for the slide above
    taken from a PPT slide set by Evette Samaan
    available at http//faculty.riohondo.edu/esamaan/E
    motionsStressHealthPsych101.ppt6. Slide arranged
    by Gordon Vessels 2005.

Hormones and Emotion
  • You perceive the sensory stimulus.
  • The adrenal gland sends out two hormones
    epinephrine and norepinephrine.
  • They activate the sympathetic nervous system.
  • That produces arousal or alertness
  • that provides the body with the energy to act
    (pupils dilate, the heart beat
  • races, and breathing quickens.

Info for this slide taken from Evette Samaan at
Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
Theories of Emotion (1) Differential Emotions
(2) James-Lange, (3) Cannon-Bard, (4)
Opponent-Process, (5) Schachter-Singer
Appraisal (6) OCC Model
Created by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
Theorist(s) Theorist(s) Basic Emotions Basis for Inclusion
Plutchik Plutchik acceptance, anger, anticipation, disgust, joy, fear, sadness, surprise Biological Adaptation Related (Evolutionary)
Arnold Arnold anger, aversion, courage, dejection, desire, despair, fear, hate, hope, love, sadness Relation to action tendencies
Ekman, Friesen, and Ellsworth Ekman, Friesen, and Ellsworth anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise Universal Facial Expressions
Frijda Frijda desire, happiness, interest, surprise, wonder, sorrow Forms of Action Readiness
Gray Gray rage and terror, anxiety, joy Hardwired
Izard Izard anger, contempt, disgust, distress, fear, guilt, interest, joy, shame, surprise Hardwired
James James fear, grief, love, rage Bodily Involvement
McDougall McDougall anger, disgust, elation, fear, subjection, tender-hearted, wonder Relation to Instincts
Mowrer Mowrer pain, pleasure Unlearned
Oatley and Johnson-Laird Oatley and Johnson-Laird anger, disgust, anxiety, happiness, sadness No Propositional Content Requirded
Panksepp Panksepp expectancy, fear, rage, panic Hardwired
Tomkins Tomkins anger, interest, contempt, disgust, distress, fear, joy, shame, surprise Density of Neural Firing
Watson Watson fear, love, rage Hardwired
Weiner Graham Weiner Graham happiness, sadness Attribution Independent

Chart taken with permisson from Ortony, A.,
Turner, T. J. (1990). What's basic about basic
emotions? Psychological Review, 97, 315-331

The concept of emotion is applicable to all
evolutionary levels and applies to animals as
well as to humans. Emotion serves an
adaptive role in helping organisms deal with
key survival issues posed by the environment.
There is a small number of basic primary or
prototype emotions. All other emotions are
mixed or derivative states they occur as
combinations, mixtures, or compounds of primary
emotions. Primary emotions can be
conceptualized as pairs of opposites. All
emotions vary in their degree of similarity to
each other.
Emotions have an evolutionary history and have
evolved various forms of expression in different
species. Despite different forms of
expression of emotions in different species,
there are certain common elements, or prototype
patterns, that can be identified.
Primary emotions are hypothethical
constructs or idealized states whose properties
and characteristics can only be inferred from
various kinds of evidence. Each emotion can
exist in varying degrees of intensity or levels
of arousal.
Plutchik's Psycho- Evolutionary Theory of
Basic Emotions Has Ten Postulates
Plutchik, R. (1980). A general psychoevolutionary
theory of emotion. In R. Plutchik H. Kellerman
(Eds.), Emotion Theory, research, and
experience Vol. 1. Theories of emotion (pp.
3-33). New York Academic.
Differential Emotions Theory (Izard Malatesta,
1987) Slide modelled after Farmer, Marion (2002)
es5Clec075Clec07.ppt12 13
  • Nine basic emotions interest, joy, sadness,
    surprise, anger, fear,
  • disgust, contempt, and shame.
  • Three components for each
  • Neural each emotion is linked to a particular
    neural substratum.
  • Motor-expressive each is expressed in a
    distinct manner.
  • Mental each is associated with a specific
    feeling tone.
  • For each emotion the three components are
    innately linked and are
  • initially organised in a rigid, stereotypical
  • Basic emotions all have unique adaptive value,
    biological functions,
  • and social functions.
  • Emotions emerge when they first become adaptive
    to the individual
  • some are present at birth e.g. disgust.
  • Development of emotions takes place in synchrony
    with perceptual,
  • motor and cognitive development, but the link is
    indirect. The need for
  • new emotions emerges with new cognition,
    mobility, and perceptions.
  • The regulation of affect also moves through a
    development process.
  • Emotions constitute the primary motivation for
    human behavior.
  • Izard, C. E., Malatesta, C. Z.
    (1987). Perspectives on emotional development I
    Differential emotions theory of early
  • emotional development. In
    J. D. Osofsky (Ed). Handbook of Infant
    Development. New York Wiley Interscience.

Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005

Sight of oncoming car (perception of stimulus)
Pounding heart (arousal)
Fear (emotion)
James-Lange Theory of Emotion
Physiological changes occur before the emotion
and create the feelings we label as emotions
stimulating situation ? physiological changes ?
emotion labeling. A visceral experience (gut
reaction) is labeled as an emotion. We have some
autonomic reactions to stimuli. We observe
these physical sensations and label them
as feelings.
  • The visceral response may not
  • occur quickly enough to account
  • for sudden emotions
  1. Research suggests that some visceral responses
    are not interpreted as emotions.

3. The range of emotions is broader and more
complex than the range of gut reactions. But
recent PET scans suggest physiological correlates
of emotional states are more specific than once
This theory has 4 problems.
4. Even though James predicted that the loss of
bodily sensation through spinal injury would
depress emotions, this is not the case. Some
report an increase in emotional intensity.
Benoit, Anthony G. (2002). Emotion and
Motivation. Retrieved from http//environmentalet
.org/psy111/motimotion.htm Slide arranged by
Vessels 2005.
Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
This theory proposes that emotion-eliciting
stimuli are relayed simultaneously to the cortex
and organs of the sympathetic nervous system.
When stimuli reach the thalamus, this part of the
midbrain activates a physical reaction and an
emotional response.

Pounding Heart (Arousal)

Sight of Oncoming Car (Perception of Stimulus)
Autonomic Nervous System

Cerebral CORTEX
Fear (Emotion)
The thalamus is a crossroads for sensory
pathways, and it simultaneously signals the
autonomic nervous system and the cerebral cortex.
But the rest of the limbic system, particularly
the hypothalamus and amygdala, are known to play
a role in emotional responses. A physiological
response and an emotional reaction may not be
Cannon-Bard theory
Opponent Process Theory
Richard Solomons Opponent Process Theory states
that once a particular emotional reaction has
been activated, the brain tries to regain
homeostasis by initiating the opposite reaction.
First Exposure

A Response
A Response
B - Response

Negative After Image
Later Exposure
A - Response
B - Response
Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2005
APPRAISAL THEORIES Arnold (1960) introduced
appraisal into psychology by describing it as the
process by which a person determines the
significance of their situation. Appraisal gives
rise to attraction or aversion, and emotion is
equated with a "felt tendency toward anything
intuitively appraised as good (beneficial), or
away from anything intuitively appraised as bad
(harmful)." Lazarus (1991) said appraisals are
necessary and sufficient for emotion, and he saw
each emotion as being completely determined by
the patterns of appraisal giving rise to them.
Appraisal theorists think the cognitive
processes underlying emotion are conscious or
unconscious, and propositional or
non-propositional. Cognitivists say emotions
involve propositional attitudes one can't be
angry unless another is guilty one can't be
envious unless another has something good.

By Ronald de Sousa, Retrived from the
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 3-05
Cognition Appraisal
Physiology Arousal
Expression Overt
Created by Dr. Gordon Vesselss 2005
Pounding Heart (Arousal)
Sight of Oncoming Car (Perception of
Appraisal Theory Schachter-Singer two factor
or social-environmental context and arousal
Fear (emotion)
Cognitive Label After Appraising
Social- Environmental Context Im afraid
This is the theoretical basis for canned
laughter. A stimulus causes physiological
arousal this stimulus is considered in light of
environmental and social cues. The arousal is
then interpreted as an emotional state based on
these cues. In other words, the environment,
particularly the behavior of other people, is
used to explain the physiological state. Events
relevant to ones well-being are important
factors in determining their emotional response.
Benoit, Anthony G. (2002). Emotion and
Motivation. Retrieved from http//environmentalet
.org/psy111/motimotion.htm Slide arranged by
Vessels 2005.
Appraisal Theories
  • Arnold (1960) was concerned with the missing
    piece of the puzzle in explaining emotion.
  • What causes the reaction in the first place ?
  • He concluded there must be some sort of appraisal
    process by which we analyze a situation.
  • This produces an action tendency (bear ? run).
  • Emotion is the outcome of this process.
  • He proposed that this is unconscious as it
    happens, but we should be able to reflect back on
    the appraisal process afterwards to examine what

Vaughan, Bell (2002). Motivation and Emotion. PPT
slide retrieved from http//www.cf.ac.uk/psych/hom
ppt26 Related MS word lecture at
eisquick2CinaccuratebtnGSearch. Written
for use permission granted.
OCC Model
This theory yields different types of emotions
represented by token words. It makes a
distinction between examining emotion words and
examining the emotions. This circumplex approach
focuses on emotion words and how they are used
rather than on emotions and how they are
Ortony, Clore and Collins's theory proposes that
the emotions we experience depend on what we
focus on in situations. Emotions are seen as pos.
or neg. reactions to things. They are
descriptions of a person's reaction to events,
people, and objects in the environment. These
appraisals are reactions to the environment.
Event, Agent, or Object of Appraisal
appraised in terms of
Goals (events)
Norms/Standards (agents actions)
Tastes/Attitude (objects)
joy distress hope anxiety relief optimism
anger gratitude gratification remorse vigilance
pride shame admiration reproach guilt
love hate Loathing awe interest
Ruebenstrunk, Gerd (n.d.). PPT slide found at
ppt21 used as a model by Vessels 2005.
Life events
Personal appraisal
Personality type
Easygoing Non-Depressed Optimistic
Hostile Depressed Pessimistic
Personality habits
Nonsmoking Regular Exercise Good Nutrition
Smoking Sedentary Poor Nutrition
Level of social support
Close, Enduring
Tendency toward
Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels
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