Unit 6 Seminar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 6 Seminar


The fallacies we will discuss tonight are largely able to be classified as fallacies of ambiguity. In other words, they occur when words are used with distinct ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unit 6 Seminar

Unit 6 Seminar
  • Ambiguity and Faulty Reasoning

Ambiguity and Faulty Reasoning
  • The fallacies we will discuss tonight are largely
    able to be classified as fallacies of ambiguity.
    In other words, they occur when words are used
    with distinct meanings in the same argument,
    premises are repeated, etc.

Begging the Question
  • Begging the question is committed whenever the
    arguer creates the illusion that inadequate
    premises provide adequate support for the
    conclusion by leaving out a key premise, by
    restating the conclusion as a premise, or by
    reasoning in a circle.

  • Equivocation occurs when the conclusion of an
    argument depends on the fact that a word or
    phrase is used, either explicitly or implicitly,
    in two different senses within a single argument.

Loaded Language
  • Loaded language occurs when a term or terms known
    to have negative or positive connotations are
    deliberately placed in an argument to evoke favor
    toward your conclusion.

False Analogy
  • This fallacy occurs when the conclusion of an
    argument depends on an analogy (or similarity)
    that is not strong enough to support the
  • From discussion
  • Both marijuana and alcohol can be dangerous. So,
    both should be illegal.

  • A rationalization fallacy is an attempt to make
    it appear that reason is being used when in
    actuality excuses are being made.

Slippery Slope
  • The slippery slope fallacy occurs when the
    conclusion of an argument rests on an alleged
    chain reaction, and there is not sufficient
    reason to think that the chain reaction will
    actually occur.

Reductio ad absurdum
  • The reductio occurs when we take an opponents
    view and show that if followed to its logical
    conclusion is absurd or leads to absurd
  • Or, you can try to prove your point by assuming
    the opposite of your point and showing that it
    leads to absurdity to a contradictory or silly

  • Name that Fallacy

  • Attempts to outlaw pornography threaten basic
    civil rights and should be abandoned. If it is
    outlawed then censorship or newspapers is only a
    short step away.
  • A. Begging the Question
  • B. Slippery Slope
  • C. Reductio
  • D. False Cause

  • The amount of television that children view
    daily has increased over the last 25 years.
    During this time standardized test scores for
    children have dropped. Obviously, television is
    making our kids intellectually lazy.
  • A. Hasty Generalization
  • B. Appeal to ignorance
  • C. False Cause
  • D. Card Stacking
  • E. No Fallacy

  • When a car breaks down so often that repairs
    become pointless, the car is thrown in the junk.
    Similarly, when a person becomes old and
    diseased, he or she should be mercifully put to
  • A. False cause
  • B. Rationalization
  • C. Ad baculum
  • D. Weak analogy

  • Mikes car is light blue, has leather
    upholstery, and gets great gas mileage. Bills
    car also is light blue and has leather
    upholstery. Therefore, it must get great gas
  • A. False analogy
  • B. False Cause
  • C. Strawman
  • D. Circular Reasoning

  • Your honor it is true that I abused my children,
    but I was abused myself. It is understandable
    that I abused them.
  • A. Ad baculum
  • B. Rationalization
  • C. Weak analogy
  • D. False Cause

  • Of course you should vote for Strickland!
    Everyone here in the department is voting for
  • A. False Cause
  • B. Weak analogy
  • C. Ad populum
  • D. Loaded Language
  • E. No fallacy

  • Have you stopped drinking excessively yet?
  • A. Ad hominem
  • B. False Cause
  • C. Weak analogy
  • D. Loaded Language

  • Islamic fundamentalists stormed cites in India,
    killing and holding people hostage. The message
    is clear All Muslims are religious fanatics
    prone to violence.
  • A. Card Stacking
  • B. Hasty Generalization
  • C. Ad Ignorantium
  • D. Ad Nauseum
  • E. No Fallacy

  • The Book of Mormon is true because it was
    written by Joseph Smith. Smith wrote the truth
    because he was divinely inspired. We know he was
    divinely inspired because the Book of Mormon says
  • A. Reductio
  • B. False Analogy
  • C. Begging the Question
  • D. False Cause

  • California condors are rapidly disappearing.
    This bird is a California condor. Therefore,
    this bird should disappear any minute now.
  • A. Equivocation
  • B. Begging the Question
  • C. False Cause
  • D. No fallacy

  • Evangelical make up a significant voting bloc.
    However, this shouldnt be tolerated. Religious
    extremists have no place voting in a deliberative
  • A. Loaded Language
  • B. Weak analogy
  • C. False cause
  • D. Ad hominem

  • If we extend the North Atlantic Free Trade
    Agreement, the governments of Central and South
    America will demand that we buy their goods and
    hire their nationals in our factories. Soon,
    American industry will be unable to compete. Then
    our national sovereignty will erode as we become
    progressively poorer and other countries in our
    hemisphere become progressively richer.
  • A. Strawman
  • B. Rationalization
  • C. Weak analogy
  • D. Slippery Slope

  • Domestic terrorism is on the rise. Apparently
    those right-wing radio talk shows are starting to
    bear fruit.
  • A. Stawman
  • B. Weak Analogy
  • C. Begging the Question
  • D. Equivocation
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