Title: Iraklion - 2nd meeting of the Comenius groups
1Iraklion - 2nd meeting of the Comenius groups
Comenius Project of school development LIVE
(Learning In Virtual Environment)
- January 13 2006 January 20 2006
2Topics of this report
- What is the status of the project now?
- What do we have to do in the next months?
- Do we have to renew the project for next year?
3The status of the projectour website - 1
Registered users at January 10 2006
Pupils Teachers Total
Greece 40 2 42
Italy 38 5 43
Poland 95 4 99
Total 173 11 184
Average logtime 105 minutes
4The status of the projectour website - 2
Number of accesses to the website at January 10
2006 6183
Number of active forums at January 10 2006 25
Number of posts in the forums at January 10 2006
5The status of the projectonline courses
The courses started in November 2005
Course name Participants Forums Posts in forums Average logtime (minutes)
HTML On Line 78 (56 active) 7 104 76
English On Line 68 (37 active) 4 33 135
6The status of the projectsome personal remarks
- Points of strength
- Number of registered users
- Number of accesses
- Working of the website
- Discussion in the webforums
- Points of weakness
- Number of registered teachers
7The activities (from now to May 2003)
- New on line courses
- Physics ?
- Pupils proposals ?
What can we do?
8The 2006-2007 renewal
9New entries
We hope to have two new partners in the next year
- ÖZEL SEVGI KOLEJI (Ankara Turkey)
- Colegiul Tehnic DANUBIANA Roman - Romania
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12The application form
Deadline February 1st 2006
- Which project activities have taken place so far
in the school year 2005/06? - Which activities are envisaged for the remaining
part of the school year 2006/07? (within and
between the participating institutions, as well
as the mobility activities )
13The application form (2)
- Which project activities do you intend to carry
out in the course of the school year 2006/07 and
what are the expected results thereof? (Please
describe the project activities planned to take
place locally within the participating
institutions, as well as the transnational
mobility activities for staff and pupils. Will
there be any specific project results produced in
2003/04? How do you intend to evaluate the
progress of the project and its impact? Will
there be any specific dissemination activities of
project results, experience and end products? )
14The application form (3)
- Project calendarPlease summarise in the table
below the project activities planned for the
school year 2006/07 (which you have described in
more detail in answer to question 3 above). The
list should cover both the project activities
which will take place locally within the various
participating institutions and the transnational
mobility of staff and pupils to be carried out
between the participating institutions
15The application form (4)
Approximate date Activity Location (in the case of mobility from / to)