Title: Applications of Associative Model to Air Traffic Control
1Applications of Associative Model to Air Traffic
- Real-Time Research Project
- Computer Science
- Kent State University
Dr. Frank Drews Visit October 18, 2006
2Implementing ATC on an Associative SIMD Computer
- Johnnie Baker
- Parallel and Associative Computing Group Computer
Science Department - Kent State University
3Associative Processors (APs)
- Associative Processors include Goodyear
Aerospaces - STARAN
4Associative Non-SIMD Properties
- Broadcast data in constant time.
- Constant time global reduction of
- Boolean values using AND/OR.
- Integer values using MAX/MIN.
- Constant time data search
- Provides content addressable data.
- Eliminates need for sorting and indexing.
- Above properties supported in hardware with
broadcast and reduction networks. - Reference M. Jin, J. Baker, and K. Batcher,
Timings of Associative Operations on the MASC
5Parallel and Associative Computing Lab
6ATC Fundamental Needs
- The best estimate of position, speed and heading
of every aircraft in the environment at all
times. - To satisfy the informational needs of all
airline, commercial and general aviation users. - Some of these needs are
- Conflict detection and alert
- Conflict resolution
- Terrain avoidance
- Automatic VFR voice advisory
- Free flight
- Final approach spacing
- Cockpit display
7ATC Real-Time Database
Collision avoidance
Flight plans update
Conflict resolution
Track data
Controller displays
Restriction avoidance
Real time database
Autovoice advisory
Terrain avoidance
Weather status
Terminal conditions
Aircraft data
8Some ATC Facilities
- Air Route Traffic Control Centers 20
- Terminal Radar Control Systems 186
- Air Traffic Control Towers 300
- The first two facility types are supplied with
radar from about 630 radar systems.
9ATC Worst-Case Environment
- Controlled IFR flights 4,000
- IFR means instrument flight rules
- Other flights 10,000
- Uncontrolled VFR flights
- visual flight rules
- IFR flights in adjacent sectors
- Total tracked flights 14,000
- Radar Reports per Second 12,000
10ATC Implementations to Date
- Central Computer Complex (63 - )
- Discrete Address Beacon System/Intermittent
Positive Control (74 - 83), - Automated ATC System (82 - 94),
- Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System
(STARS, 94 - ) - None of above ATC implementations have met their
required specifications
11 Overview of AP ATC Solution
- Basic Assumptions
- Data for this problem will be stored in a
real-time database in PE (parallel) memory - SIMD supports a relational database in its
natural tabular structure. - The data for each aircraft (IFR or VFR) will be
stored together in a record, with at most one
record per PE. - Other large sets of records (e.g., radar) will
also be stored in PEs with at most one per PE.
- We introduce this term to describe how an
associative processor executes jobs. - For sequential and MP implementations of a
real-time database, a job is defined to be an
instance of a task. - In an AP, multiple instances of the same job are
normally done simultaneously, with the same
instructions being executed by all active PEs. - This collection of multiple instances of the same
jobs will be called a jobset.
13ATC Conflict Detection Using an Associative
- A conflict occurs when aircraft are within 3
miles or 2,000 feet in altitude of each other. - A test is made every 8 seconds for a possible
future conflict within a 20 minute period - Each flights estimated future positions are
computed as a space envelope into future time. - An intersection of all pairs of envelopes must be
14Conflict Detection Jobsets
- The AP compares each of the IRF controlled
flights (? 4000) with all remaining (? 13,999)
flights in constant time. - Envelopes that project the position of aircraft
20 minutes ahead are used. - The envelope data for a controlled flight is
broadcast - The PE for each of the other flights
simultaneously check if this envelope intersects
the envelope for their aircraft. - Since the comparison in each PE corresponds to a
job, this AP set operation is called a jobset. - The entire ATC Conflict Detection algorithm for
the AP requires 4,000 jobsets
15Conflict Detection Algorithm (Batchers Algorithm)
- Tracks projected 20 min ahead and each IFR track
checked for conflict with all other tracks - For each dimension
- Compute min and max closing velocity
- Compute min and max current track separation
- Division gives min and max tolerance on the time
for that dimension to coincide
16Conflict Detection (2)
17Conflict Detection (3)
- A potential conflict if, across the 3 dimensions,
the biggest min-time is smaller than the smallest
max-time - Conflict declared after two potential conflicts.
- This is Batchers algorithm
18Multiprocessor Algorithm for Conflict Detection
- With multi-tasking solutions (on MIMDs/MPs), each
envelope comparison is a separate job. - There are 13,999 jobs per controlled flight.
- This approach requires a total of roughly 56
million jobs. - Recall the AP algorithm required 3,999 jobsets.
- Each AP jobset required constant time.
- The AP algorithm is O(n).
- If the number of MP processors is small wrt n,
then above MP algorithm is O(n(nm)) or ?(n2 )
19Conflict Resolution
- Track heading or altitude adjusted and the
conflict detection algorithm is run again - This procedure continues until conflict is
resolved and no new ones created.
20Static Scheduling Key ATC Tasks
- Task
period Proc - Time
- Report Correlation Tracking .5
1.44 - Cockpit Display 750 /sec) 1.0 .72
- Controller Display Update (7500/sec) 1.0 .72
- Aperiodic Requests (200 /sec) 1.0 .4
- Automatic Voice Advisory (600 /sec) 4.0 .36
- Terrain Avoidance 8.0 .32
- Conflict Detection Resolution 8.0 .36
- Final Approach (100 runways) 8.0 .2
- Summation of Task Times in an 8 second
period 4.52
21- A Static Schedule for ATC Tasks
- .5 sec 1 sec 4 sec 8 sec
- T1 T2, T3, T4
- T1 T5
- T1 T2, T3, T4
- T1
- T1 T2, T3, T4
- T1 T6
- T1 T2, T3, T4
- T1 T7
- T1 T2, T3, T4
- T1 T5
- T1 T2, T3, T4
- T1
- T1 T2, T3, T4
- T1 T8
- T1 T2, T3, T4
- 16 T1
22Demo of AP Solution
- A demo of this hardware-software ATC system
prototype was given for FAA at a Knoxville
terminal in 1971 by Goodyear Aerospace - Automatic radar tracking
- Conflict detection
- Conflict resolution
- Terrain avoidance
- Display processing
- Automatic voice advisory for pilots
- The 1971 AP demo provided ATC capabilities that
are still not possible with current systems - ATC Reference Meilander, Jin, Baker, Tractable
Real-Time Control Automation, Proc. of the 14th
IASTED Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, ltwww.cs.kent.edu/parallel/papersgt
23AP Installations
- A 1972 STARAN demonstration by Goodyear Aerospace
showed a capability to simulate and process 7,500
aircraft tracks performing the functions listed
in last slide. - A military version of the STARAN, called ASPRO,
was developed and delivered in 1983 to the USN
for their airborne early command and control
system. - Among other things it showed, as predicted, a
capability to track 2000 primary radar targets in
less than 0.8 seconds.
24MP Problems for ATC Software Avoided by AP
- Each PE will contain a large number of records
- e.g., There are 14K records just for planes
- If multiple database records of the same type
(e.g., plane records) are stored in a single PE,
these records be processed sequentially. - Each task in each PE will normally require data
from another PE, creating a large amount of
communication - A distributed dynamic database must be supported
that - Assures data serializability
- Maintains data integrity
- Manages concurrency
- Manages data locking
25MP Problems for ATC Software Avoided by AP
Solution (cont.)
- One or more dynamic task scheduling algorithms
are needed - Normally dynamic scheduling is used to schedule
ATC tasks - Data base maintenance activities must also be
scheduled - Essentially all useful variation so this problem
are NP-hard - Must use heuristics, approximations, etc. to
avoid exponential time solutions - Results in suboptimal and/or approximate results.
26MP Problems for ATC Software Avoided by AP
Solution (cont.)
- Synchronization
- Load balancing between processors
- Data communication between processors more
complex (due to using multi-tasking) - Maintaining multiple sorted lists and indexes
required for fast location of data - Most MP solutions for ATC tasks have higher
complexity (by a factor of n) than corresponding
AP solution.
27Some Relevant Quotations
- John Stankovic (Univ. of Virginia)
- complexity results show that most real-time
multiprocessing scheduling is NP-hard. - Mark H. Klein et al, (Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Computer, Jan. 94) - Â One guiding principle in real-time system
resource management is predictability. The
ability to determine for a given set of tasks
whether the system will be able to meet all the
timing requirements of those tasks."
28SIMD vs MIMD Conclusions
- A simple low-order polynomial-time algorithm has
been described for the ATC using an AP. - No polynomial time ATC algorithm for the MP is
known none is expected. - Polynomial time algorithms should also be
possible for other real-time problems using an AP - E.g., Command and Control problems.
29SIMD COTS Boards for ATC
30Modern SIMD Chips
- Chips considered
- 200 MHz CS301
- 250 MHz CSX600 due in Q2 2005.
- These SIMD chips have
- powerful PEs (Processing Elements)
- 64 96 PEs per chip
- floating and fixed point in every PE
- 4 6 kB of poly RAM in each PE
- 96 GB/s load/store between poly RAM and register
files - fast I/O (up to 11 GB/s)
- each PE can specify its own address for I/O to
external mono RAM
31Advance Dual CSX600 PCI-X Accelerator Board
32SIMD Boards
- CS301
- CS301 boards contain 2 CS301 chips 1 GB of
mono DRAM. - Proprietary ClearConnect bus runs from one CS301,
across the other CS301 and (via FPGA) to DRAM - PCI interface connects to host computer such as a
PC - Kent State University will use this COTS board
- CSX600
- CSX600 board has 2 SIMD chips, each with on-chip
DRAM interface - ClearConnect bus connects chips and (via FPGA)
board 64-bit PCI-X interface
33WEBSITE http//www.cs.kent.edu/parallel Follow
the pointer to papers
- M. Jin, J. Baker, and K. Batcher, Timings of
Associative Operations on the MASC model,
Proceedings of the International Parallel and
Distributed Symposium (IPDPS01), WMPP workshop,
San Francisco, CA, April, 2001. (Unofficial
version at www.cs.kent.edu/parallel/ under
papers) - Meilander, Jin, Baker, Tractable Real-Time
Control Automation, Proc. of the 14th IASTED Intl
Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (PDCS
2002), pp. 483-488. (Unofficial version at
www.cs.kent.edu/parallel/ under papers) - J. A. Stankovic, M. Spuri, K. Ramamritham and G.
C. Buttazzo, Deadline Scheduling for Real-time
Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. - M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson, Computers and
Intractability a Guide to the Theory of
NP-completeness, W.H. Freeman, New York, 1979,
pp.65, pp. 238-240. - S. Reddaway, W. Meilander, J. Baker, and J.
Kidman, Overview of Air Traffic Control using an
SIMD COTS system, Proceedings of the
International Parallel and Distributed Symposium
(IPDPS05), Denver, April, 2005. (Unofficial
version at www.cs.kent.edu/parallel/ under