Social Choice Session 18 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Social Choice Session 18


The key features of Constitutions. This lecture is about different constitutions, particularly those of the US, France and Italy. The universal principles embodied in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Social Choice Session 18

Social Choice Session 18
  • Carmen Pasca and John Hey

The key features of Constitutions
  • This lecture is about different constitutions,
    particularly those of the US, France and Italy.
  • The universal principles embodied in the
    Constitutions are related with the history, the
    tradition and the culture of each nation.
  • These three elements make the difference between
    the fundamental principles on which Constitutions
    are based.
  • History has a strong impact on the shape of

The history
  • In the modern sense, and current technical term,
    we talk about Constitution only from a very
    specific historical moment that of the large
    bourgeois liberal revolutions, American and
    French from the late eighteenth century.
  • Montesquieu, Rousseau these assume the
    convergence of three basic principles of
    contemporary constitutionalism.
  • The democratic principle that the people holds
    the constituent power.
  • The liberal principle based on the defence and
    guarantee of rights and Freedoms to people by the
    statements of rights and separation of powers.
  • The principle of constitutional supremacy ( the
    constitution is the supreme law).

The main ideas
  • Is important to note that the Constitution
    primarily contains general principles is not
    possible to apply them directly.
  • In many written constitutions , only a few
    articles are considered to be self executing .
  • The majority require enabling legislation,
    referred to as accomplishment of constitution.
  • In the European constitutional tradition, when
    the Constituent assembly drafted the Constitution
    , is made a deliberate choice in attributing to
    it a supra-legislative force, so that ordinary
    legislation could not amend or derogate from it.
  • Legislatives acts of parliament in conflict with
    the Constitution are subsequently annulled by the
    Constitutional Court.

The democratic principle
  • The precondition for the appearance of this
    principle was the process of secularisation of
    the State.
  • The State became oeuvre humaine and the people
    got the power to decide the social and political
    order it is the people's duty to establish the
    modes and forms of organization of social life.
  • This circumstance is the precise determinant of
    the difference between constitutional government
    and other policies adopted by the state since its
    birth in the fifteenth century.

U Constitution, the Preamble
  • We the People of the United States, in Order to
    form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,
    ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the
    common defence, promote the general Welfare, and
    secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and
    our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
    Constitution for the United States of America."
    Preamble to the Constitution
  • The Constitution of the United States of America
    is the supreme law of the United States.
    Empowered with the sovereign authority of the
    people by the framers and the consent of the
    legislatures of the states, it is the source of
    all government powers, and also provides
    important limitations on the government that
    protect the fundamental rights of United States

Why a Constitution?
  • The need for the Constitution grew out of
    problems with the Articles of Confederation,
    which established a "firm league of friendship"
    between the states, and vested most power in a
    Congress of the Confederation.
  • A movement to reform the Articles began, and
    invitations to attend a convention in
    Philadelphia to discuss changes to the Articles
    were sent to the state legislatures in 1787.
  • In May of that year, delegates from 12 of the 13
    states (Rhode Island sent no representatives)
    convened in Philadelphia to begin the work of
    redesigning government.
  • The delegates to the Constitutional Convention
    quickly began work on drafting a new Constitution
    for the United States.

The Constitutional Convention (1787
  • The political process initiated by Convention.
  • To separate the power of government into three
    branches, and then to include checks and balances
    on those powers to assure that no one branch of
    government gained supremacy.
  • Two plans competed to become the new government
    the Virginia Plan, which apportioned
    representation based on the population of each
    state, and the New Jersey Plan, which gave each
    state an equal vote in Congress.
  • The Virginia Plan was supported by the larger
    states, and the New Jersey plan preferred by the
  • In the end, they settled on the Great Compromise
    (sometimes called the Connecticut Compromise), in
    which the House of Representatives would
    represent the people as apportioned by
    population the Senate would represent the states
    apportioned equally and the President would be
    elected by the Electoral College. The plan also
    called for an independent judiciary.

The social contract again...
  • The founders also took pains to establish the
    relationship between the states.
  • States are required to give "full faith and
    credit" to the laws, records, contracts, and
    judicial proceedings of the other states,
    although Congress may regulate the manner in
    which the states share records, and define the
    scope of this clause. States are barred from
    discriminating against citizens of other states
    in any way, and cannot enact tariffs against one
  • States must also extradite those accused of
    crimes to other states for trial.

Making amendments
  • The founders also specified a process by which
    the Constitution may be amended, and since its
    ratification, the Constitution has been amended
    27 times.
  • In order to prevent arbitrary changes, the
    process for making amendments is quite onerous.
  • In modern times, amendments have traditionally
    specified a timeframe in which this must be
    accomplished, usually a period of several years.
    Additionally, the Constitution specifies that no
    amendment can deny a state equal representation
    in the Senate without that state's consent.

The Convention
  • The Convention got down to the work of actually
    setting the Constitution to paper. It is written
    in the hand of a delegate from Pennsylvania,
    Governor Morris, whose job allowed him some reign
    over the actual punctuation of a few clauses in
    the Constitution.
  • He is also credited with the famous preamble,
    quoted at the top of this page.
  • On September 1787, 39 of the 55 delegates signed
    the new document, with many of those who refused
    to sign objecting to the lack of a bill of
  • At least one delegate refused to sign because the
    Constitution codified and protected slavery and
    the slave trade.

The Bill of Rights
  • One of the principal points of contention between
    the Federalists and Anti-Federalists was the lack
    of an enumeration of basic civil rights in the
  • Many Federalists argued, as in Federalist No. 84,
    that the people surrendered no rights in adopting
    the Constitution. In several states, however, the
    ratification debate in some states hinged on the
    adoption of a bill of rights. The solution was
    known as the Massachusetts Compromise, in which
    four states ratified the Constitution but at the
    same time sent recommendations for amendments to
    the Congress.
  • The solution was known as the Massachusetts
    Compromise, in which four states ratified the
    Constitution but at the same time sent
    recommendations for amendments to the Congress.

The sources of the Bill of Rights
  • Based on the Virginia Declaration of Rights, the
    English Bill of Rights, the writings of the
    Enlightenment, and the rights defined in the
    Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights contains rights
    that many today consider to be fundamental to
  • The First Amendment provides that Congress make
    no law respecting an establishment of religion or
    prohibiting its free exercise. It protects
    freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the
    right to petition the Government for a redress of
  • The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to
    bear arms.
  • The Third Amendment prohibits the government from
    quartering troops in private homes, a major
    grievance during the American Revolution.

The Amendments
  • The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from
    unreasonable search and seizure. The government
    may not conduct any searches without a warrant,
    and such warrants must be issued by a judge and
    based on probable cause.
  • The Fifth Amendment provides that citizens not be
    subject to criminal prosecution and punishment
    without due process. Citizens may not be tried on
    the same set of facts twice, and are protected
    from self-incrimination (the right to remain
    silent). The amendment also establishes the power
    of eminent domain, ensuring that private property
    is not seized for public use without just

The Amendments
  • The Sixth Amendment assures the right to a speedy
    trial by a jury of one's peers, to be informed of
    the crimes with which they are charged, and to
    confront the witnesses brought by the government.
    The amendment also provides the accused the right
    to compel testimony from witnesses, and to legal
  • The Seventh Amendment provides that civil cases
    also be tried by jury.
  • The Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive bail,
    excessive fines, and cruel and unusual
  • The Ninth Amendment states that the list of
    rights enumerated in the Constitution is not
    exhaustive, and that the people retain all rights
    not enumerated.
  • The Tenth Amendment assigns all powers not
    delegated to the United States, or prohibited to
    the states, to either the states or to the

The Italian Constitution
  • Italy is a democratic Republic based on labour.
  • The Italian Constitution was enacted by the
    Constituent Assembly on 22 December 1947 with 453
    votes in favor and 62 against.
  • The text, which was since been amended 14 times .
  • The Constituent Assembly was elected by universal
    suffrage on 2 June 1946, at the same time as a
    referendum on the abolition of the monarchy.
  • The constitution came in force on 1 January 1948
    , on century after the Statuto Albertino.

The Italian way
  • The Italian Constitution is born on with an
    historic compromise between three political
    forces after the collapse of fascism communists,
    socialists and christian-democrats.
  • The labour represents the symbol of the ideology
    of the three political forces.
  • Labour as a core value has been formulated by the
    communists and socialists.
  • Fascist ideology also focused on labour as the
    foundation of society.

The structure of Italian Constitution and Articles
  • The constitution is composed of 139 articles and
    arranged into free main parts
  • Fundamental Principles (art.1-12) Part 1
    concerning Rights and Duties of Citizens (art.
  • Part II Organization of the Republic (art.
    55-139)followed by Transitory and Final
  • Articles 13-28 are the Italian equivalent of a
    bill of rights in common law jurisdictions.
  • Power is divided among the executive , the
    legislative and juridical branches the
    Constitution establishes the balancing and
    interaction of these branches, rather the rigid

The Constitutional Articles
  • Article 1. ( Form of State)
  • Italy is a democratic republic based on labour.
  • The sovereignty belongs to the people who
    exercise it in the forms and limits of the
  • Article 2. ( Human Rights)
  • The republic recognizes and guarantees the
    inviolable human rights.
  • Examples of Economic Relations articles-
    Labor, Wage, Equality of Woman at Work,
    Welfare, Trade Unions, Right to Strike,
  • Examples of the Political Rights Voting
    Rights, Political Parties, Petitions,
    Public Offices.
  • Article 7 recognizes the special status given to
    the Catholic Church by the Lateran Treaty in
    1929. That status was modified by a new agreement
    between church and state in 1984.
  • Article 8 establishes the liberty of all
    religions before the law ,

The French Constitution, the preamble
  • LibertĂ©, EgalitĂ©, FraternitĂ© which are the
    values of the French Revolution.
  •  DĂ©claration des droits de lhomme et du
    citoyen  is based on provisions concerning the
    rights of three categories of people the "rights
    of men" (the French, foreigners or enemies),
    which reproduce provisions of the law, "the
    rights of citizens" (French citizens ) ,which
    recall or strengthen civil liberties and "rights
    of the Society (the Nation).
  • The Declaration sets out the principles of
    society, based on the new legitimacy.
  • Each article condemns the institutions and
    practices of the Ancien Regime (absolutist,
    centralized administration).

The revisions process
  • The French Constitution has undergone several
    reforms up to the 1958 Constitution.
  • Fifth Republic, system of government in France
    from 1958.
  • Under the constitution crafted by Charles Gaulle
    with the help of Michel Debré, executive power
    was increased at the expense of the National
  • The current Constitution of France was adopted on
    4 October 1958.
  • It is typically called the Constitution of the
    Fifth Republic.
  • Today, the Constitution is as far from the 1958
    text than is the France of the early twenty-first
    century compared to the middle of last century.

The French Constitution
  • The current Constitution of France was adopted on
    4 October 1958. It is typically called the
    Constitution of the Fifth Republic.
  • It sets out a semi-presidential regime, which
    ushered in a balance of power between the
    President and the Parliament based on the same
    legitimacy of universal suffrage.
  • France is a secular republic the institutions of
    governance of France are defined by the
    Constitution, more specifically by the current
    constitution, being that of the Fifth Republic.
  • The Constitution has been modified several times
    since the start of the Fifth Republic, most
    recently in July 2008, when the French "Congress"
    (A joint convention of the two chambers of
    Parliament) approved - by 1 vote over the 60
    majority required constitutional changes
    proposed by President Sarkozy.

The review process
  • The right to reform the basic text belongs to the
  • Any legislation is the product of a political
    context, a balance of power dictated by economic
    and social conditions, sometimes by outside
  • Supreme law that establishes rules for the
    nation, it can be amended only by a special
    procedure that makes any constitutional reform
    surrounded by a strong political act in a certain
  • This is why almost all the constitutions of the
    republican history accurately codify the rules of
    the review. The text of the October 4, 1958 falls
    within this line a title, Title XVI "revision "
    and an article on 89, were specially devoted to
    this theme.
  • No review can undermine the territorial integrity
    or the republican form of government

French Republic according to the Constitution.
  • France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and
    social Republic.
  • It ensure the equality before the law for all
    citizens without distinction of origin, race or
  • It respects all beliefs.
  • Its organization is decentralized.
  • The law favours equal access for women and men to
    electoral mandates and elective functions, as
    well as professional and social responsibilities.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the
    Citizen from 1789 and establishes France as a
    secular and democratic republic, deriving its
    sovereignty from the people.

The Principles of the French Constitution
  • The French Republic has one explicit principle
    and one only, set forth in the fifth line of
    article 2 of the Constitution and directly
    borrowed from Lincoln "Government of the people,
    by the people.
  • But no matter how well expressed and how
    inspiring, this principle is the one the Republic
    has espoused, without in fact always showing an
    equally effective concern for its implementation.

A Constitution must guarantee rights
  • The preamble to the Constitution of 4 October
    1958 explicitly refers to two previous texts, to
    which the French people solemnly proclaim their
    attachment the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of
    Man and the Citizen, and the preamble to the 1946
  • Liberty and equality are enshrined, being both
    affirmed generally and in some instances spelled
    out, and enriched, in the light of experience,
    with the principle of human dignity, reflected
    and consolidated by economic and social rights,
    exercised collectively as well as individually.

The common ideals
  • By virtue of these principles and that of the
    self-determination of peoples, the Republic
    offers to the overseas territories which have
    expressed the will to adhere to them new
    institutions founded on the common ideal of
    liberty, equality and fraternity and conceived
    for the purpose of their democratic development.
  • The fraternity emboded the idea of solidarity
    through all french citizens.

The Constitution must also provide for the
separation of powers.
  • But if, as article 16 of the 1789 Declaration
    says, a Constitution must guarantee rights, it
    must also, faithful to Montesquieu, organize the
    separation of powers.
  • And those powers have first to be shaped before
    they can be distinguished.
  • The executive has two heads.
  • This is troubling for the foreign observer, as it
    sometimes is for the French citizen himself, who
    does not always understand the logic of the
    relationship between President and Prime Minister

Three major characteristics of French
  • Three major characteristics
  • Basically, it guarantees the functioning of a
    system which has three major characteristics
  • The governed choose the governors, since the
    outcome of an election leads directly and
    immediately to the handing over of power to the
  • The governors have the means of governing, since
    rationalized parliamentarianism ensures the
    stability and power of the majority bloc
  • The governors are effectively answerable to the
    governed, since the latter always have an
    alternative solution, at the next election, if
    they are dissatisfied with the outgoing majority.

Conclusion France
  • The French Constitution is based on republican
  • This principle represent the republican ideology.
  • The French Republic is the universal value
    because it prone the universal values ( Liberté,
    Egalité, Fraternité) inside the Republic
  • These principles are universal because these
    values ??are adopted and applied by all French
    citizens irrespective of race and religion.
  • That is why in France we distinguish between
    nationality and citizenship.
  • The subjective conception of nationality based on
    the freely expressed a common future and not on
    criteria of language, religion, ethnic or
    geographic origins.

Conclusion France
  • Une langue, un people, un Ă©tat.
  • Nationality is acquired by "birthrightor droit
    du sang.
  • Nationality is acquired by jus soli.
  • By the procedure of naturalization.
  • From the legal point of vue, the nationality is
    a necessary condition but not sufficient, to
    acquire the citizenship.
  • It should also enjoy his civil and political
  • Child who obtained French nationality, becomes
    french citizen no until 18 age, age of acquiring
    the right to vote.

Conclusion Italy
  • The Italian Constiution is more recent than
    french constitution
  • From theory to practice of the Italian
    Constitution, there is a gap...
  • The 1947 constitution to introduce a
    parliamentary system seems fairly stable but by
    its rigidity and the voting system establishes
    what she may suffer abuses.
  • In fact, its passage was difficult until the turn
    of 1993.
  • The monopoly of power, the political sclerosis,
    the mani pulite.
  • The historical influence on the organization of
    the Italian power
  • Italy has known throughout its history that two
    different constitutions
  • ,

Conclusion US
  • The US Constitution is the most brief and
    pragmatic Constitution in the world .
  • The Philadelphia Convention ( 1787) was the
    compromise between federalistes and
  • 1787-1789 the Constitution was adopted.
  • The final result of this Convention was the
    Constitution, which proposed one system with the
    powers was shared between federal government and
    the States of Confederation.
  • The national government is divided in three
    branchs (Congress, President and Courts).
  • The Bill of Rights is the guarentee of the
    freedoms ( religion, expression, the freedom of
    the press).

Conclusion US
  • It is later than thirteen years for his
    application, eleven years for his writing, eleven
    years for his writing the Declaration of
    Independence that created the U.S.
  • The preamble of the US constitution mark the
    difference with the other original Constitutions.
  • The Constitution is divided on articles and
    sections (27 amendements until now).
  • The type of Constitution federal
  • The federal power, the separation of powers, the
    shared responsabilities between federated states
    and the federal state.
  • The major characteristic of the US Constitution
    is the will to protect citizens against any abuse
    of power!
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