Title: The Language of Love: Poetry
1The Language of Love Poetry
- TTL June 2002
- Meade County
- Shirlene K. Joseph
2What is poetry?
T.S. Eliot
Interpretation - Eye of the beholder
Can disagree with the author
Poetry can mean more, not less,
than ordinary speech can say.
3e.e. cummings
- Poet feels and expresses feelings through words.
- People think or believe or know they feel.
- When you think, believe or know you are a lot of
other people - The moment you feel youre
5Ask Yourself
- What aspects of the work have the greatest impact
on me? - What are they saying, how are they saying it?
- What did they make me think about that I had not
considered before? - Did other aspects of the work support my own
response? - How did these aspects help create the works
total effect? - Did anything that I found out later about the
work or the author change my feelings about the
6Analysis of Literature
7Friday the 13th, Part 23
- Inspiring
- Boring
- Terrifying
- Experience and meaning will be different for all.
8Meaning Is the Total Effect
9- The study of literature is not an attempt to
pick apart, but - Understand yourself and your feelings
- Gain skill in explaining what impresses or
disappoints you - Ask yourself why did that work move me?
10Poetry is just a collection of words.The
difference between dislike and appreciation is
often just the matter of understanding yourself,
the world around you, and art to a greater extent.
11Mee, Suzi. "Academia Central." May2002. 12 June,
2002. lthttp//www.academiacentral.com/teachers.htm
gt. http//www.poetry.com/