New Approaches for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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New Approaches for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis


New Approaches for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Richard O Brien Consultant, FIND and Chair, GLI 16th Annual Conference of the Union North America Region – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: New Approaches for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis

New Approaches for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
  • Richard OBrien
  • Consultant, FIND and Chair, GLI
  • 16th Annual Conference of the
  • Union North America Region
  • San Antonio, TX, 24 February 2012

I have no personal financial conflicts of
interest to report . However, my former
employer, FIND, has had contractual relationships
with a number of companies whose products I will
mention in my presentation. These called on FIND
to support development, evaluation and
demonstration studies of these tests in
low-income settings. In turn, the companies were
to provide the tests at favorable prices to the
public sector in developing countries.
Outline of Presentation
  • Summary of WHO process for endorsing new TB
    control tools and strategies
  • Overview of the Stop TB Partnership Global
    Laboratory Initiative Working Group
  • Update on Line Probe Assays, GeneXpert MTB/RIF
    and LAMP

Global Laboratory Capacity Gap
To reach MDG targets, a global capacity need of
120 million smears, 60 million cultures and 6
million DST investigations must be met by 2015,
requiring at least 6.1 billion USD by 2015
Establish 5 000 new microscopy laboratories
Establish 2 000 new culture and DST laboratories
Train 9 000 new technicians in smear microscopy
Train 23 000 new technicians in culture and DST.
of tests required (mln)
USD funding required (mln)
200 150 100 50
2500 2000 1500 1000 500
MDG Target
Required expansion of Smear capacity from 80 to
200 million
Required expansion of Culture capacity from 10
to 60 mlllion
TB Diagnostics Pathway
Stop TB New Diagnostics Working Group A
blueprint for the development of TB Diagnostics,

Identifying the need for policy change
WHO TB diagnostics policy formulation process
  • WHO monitoring of country needs
  • Partners (researchers, industry, etc)
  • Body of evidence available
  • Commissioning of systematic reviews
  • QUADAS/other diagnostic accuracy tool
  • Meta-analyses (where feasible)

Reviewing the evidence
  • Experts, methodologists, end-users
  • GRADE process for evidence synthesis

Convening an Expert Group
  • Strategic and Technical Advisory Group
  • Endorsement/revision/addition
  • Advise to WHO to proceed/not with policy

Assessing policy proposal and recommendations
  • Guidelines Review Committee
  • Dissemination to Member States
  • Promotion with stakeholders funders
  • Phased implementation scale-up plan

Formulating and disseminating policy
GRADE evaluation
  • Clear separation
  • Recommendation 2 grades
  • strong or conditional(optional/weak) for or
    against an intervention
  • Balance of benefits and downsides, values and
    preferences, impact, resource use,
  • with
  • 2) Quality of evidence 4 categories
  • ???? (High), ????(Moderate), ????(Low),
    ????(Very low)
  • Methodological quality of evidence
  • Likelihood of bias
  • By outcome and across outcomes

Grades of Recommendation Assessment, Development
and Evaluation
Recent WHO laboratory policies (1)
  • Automated liquid culture and DST (2007) Use of
    liquid culture systems in the context of a
    comprehensive country plan for strengthening TB
    laboratory capacity in a phased manner starting
    at national/central reference laboratory level
  • Rapid speciation (2007) Strip speciation for
    rapid Mycobacterium tuberculosis from
    non-tuberculosis mycobacteria established at
    regional or central reference laboratory level in
    combination with liquid culture
  • Line probe assays (2008) Use of line probe
    assays for rapid detection of R resistance within
    the context of country plans for MDR-TB
    management, including development of
    country-specific screening algorithms and timely
    access to quality-assured second-line
    anti-tuberculosis drugs do not eliminate the
    need for conventional culture and DST capability
    should be phased in, starting at national/central
    reference laboratory or those with proven
    molecular capability

Recent WHO laboratory policies ()2
  • Second-line drug susceptibility testing (2008)
    Reliable and reproducible for injectables and
    fluoroquinolones to be conducted in
    supranational or national/central reference
    laboratories using standardised methodology and
    drug concentrations
  • LED microscopy (2009) alternative for
    fluorescence and conventional light microscope
  • Selected non-commercial culture and DST methods
    (2010) not alternatives for gold standards, but
    may provide interim solution
  • Cepheid Gene Xpert (2010) should be used as the
    initial diagnostic tests in patients suspected of
    MDR TB or TB/HIV
  • Commercial serologic tests and IGRAs (2011)
    should not be used in low and middle income
  • Line probe assay for XDR TB (expected in 2012)

Stop T B Partnership Working Groups (WG)
  • DOTS Expansion WG
  • New Diagnostics WG
  • WG on New TB Drugs
  • WG on New TB Vaccines
  • Global Laboratory Initiative WG (Nov 08)

Global Laboratory Initiative
  • Platform of coordination and communication,
    providing the required infrastructure, focused on
    TB laboratory strengthening, in the areas of
  • Global policy guidance (norms, standards, best
  • Laboratory capacity development
  • Interface with other laboratory networks,
    enabling integration
  • Standardised laboratory quality assurance
  • Coordination of technical assistance
  • Effective knowledge sharing
  • Advocacy and resource mobilisation

GLI structure governance
Stop TB Partnership
WHO Stop TB Department
GLI Secretariat
GLI Secretariat
GLI Working Group
GLI Core Group
Evaluates, approves, governs projects Advises
GLI Secretariat
GLI Partners Committee
Advises and approves strategic agenda of GLI
Monitors project progress
Technical Working Groups
Supranational Ref Lab Network Sub-WG
Priority projects and activities Time
limited Partner approach
Human resource development strategy
Laboratory strengthening
Laboratory accreditation
Laboratory biosafety
GLI strategic priorities
  • Accelerating evidence-based policy development on
    diagnostics and laboratory practices
  • Promoting a structured framework/roadmap for TB
    laboratory strengthening within the context of
    national laboratory plans at country level
  • Developing a comprehensive set of tools, norms
    and standards based on international standards
    and best-practice
  • Advancing laboratory strengthening through
    global, regional and local partnerships
  • Developing multi-level laboratory human resource
    strategies to address the capacity crisis
  • Accelerating new diagnostics into countries

GLI Website http//
GenoType MTBDRplus test procedure
3) Hybridization Reverse hybridization of
amplified nucleic acids to specific DNA probes
bound on strips
  • DNA
  • Extraction
  • From NALC/NaOH
  • Processed sputum

2) Amplification by PCR
4) Evaluation identification of Mtb complex and
MTBDRplus Strips
Conclusions from Cape TownEvaluation Study
  • Overall performance of MTBDRplus assay is
    superior to conventional culture/DST speed,
    accuracy, interpretable results, high throughput
  • Cost of testing may be less than culture/DST
  • Can substantially reduce the need for culture/
    DST when screening for MDR TB
  • May be much easier to establish than new
    culture-capable laboratory
  • New sputum processing methods may both increase
    sensitivity and facilitate transport
  • Barnard M, et al. AJRCCM 2008177787-792

FIND Hain Demonstration Projects
Samara, RF
South Africa
WHO Policy Statement on LPAs
  • Integrated national plan for LPAs together with
    MDR-TB management and lab capacity strengthening
  • Use of LPAs on smear-positive sputum and cultures
    (insufficient evidence on smear negatives)
  • LPAs do not replace culture DST
  • Commercial assays recommended
  • Lab infrastructure, procedures and biosafety
  • Human resources
  • Training, technical support and supplies
  • EQA

MTBDRsl Line Probe Assay - Background
  • June 2008 WHO approves LPAs for MDR TB screening
  • Mach 2009 Hain introduces LPA for XDR TB based
    on single published study
  • April 2010 FIND enters into agreement with Hain
  • FIND to conduct evaluation (accuracy) studies of
    the test
  • Hain to provide the test at a favorable price to
    the public sector in developing countries
  • FIND supported studies at CDC, UCT and Korea ITRC
  • Data from 2 additional studies (SA and Nepal)
    provided to FIND

Conclusions from FIND and Other Unpublished
Evaluation Studies
  • The studies (excepting UCT) found a high level of
    valid test results when performed on culture
  • Test sensitivity for FQ-R and injectables met
    FINDs pre-defined performance targets at three
    of the study sites
  • Test specificity was over 95 for both drug
    classes at all study sites, except for CDC where
    it was 80-94 depending on the reference standard
  • Test performance (sensitivity) for the injectable
    drugs was unacceptably low in the SAMRC study
  • Banding problems with rrs probes at 2 SA sites
    presently unexplained but not thought to be
    related to strain differences
  • None of the studies evaluated the test on sputum
  • Operational issues, cost, and patient impact not

Published Evaluation Studies of MTBDRsl Test
  • PNTH, HCMC 62 isolates (41 FQ-R, 21 MDR/FQ-S)
  • Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris 52 isolates (41 MDR, 8
  • NRL, Borstel 106 isolates (63 resistant) and 64
    frozen sputa

Drug Sensitivity Specificity Agreement
FQ 83 99 93
AMK 87 100 96
KAN 83 100 97
CAP 86 98 94
EMB 65 97 77
42 AFB, 94 valid results (4 invalid on AFB
September 2010 WHO EGM on SL LPA
  • The EG was considering a conditional
    recommendation for use of the test as an
    alternative to conventional SL DST in screening
    for XDR TB but on culture isolates only
  • Based on acceptable performance in evaluation
    studies testing culture isolates
  • Additional data needed on
  • Direct testing on sputum specimens
  • Performance in other settings/populations (Taiwan
    specifically mentioned)
  • Availability of genetic sequencing data on
    strains with discrepant LPA and DST results
  • EG accepted a suggestion to defer a
    recommendation until these additional data are

  • MTB / Rif-resistance test
  • Essential features of test
  • Workflow
  • sputum
  • simple 1-step external sample prep. procedure
  • time-to-result lt 2 h
  • throughput gt 16 tests / day / module
  • no need for biosafety cabinet
  • integrated controls
  • true random access
  • Performance
  • specific for MTB
  • sensitivity better than smear, similar to
  • detection of rif-resistance via rpoB gene
  • Product and system design
  • test cartridges for GeneXpert System

GeneXpert System module
Automated Sample Prep, Amplification and
Detection 90 minutes
GeneXpert - a Molecular Lab in a
CartridgeFully-Integrated Sample Preparation,
Amplification and Detection
  • Universal sample prep
  • Closed test system provides
  • Nested PCR
  • Reflexive test capability
  • Same Basic Cartridge works With all Tests and
    GeneXpert Systems

(No Transcript)
WHO Expert Group Review
Endorsement 6 Dec 10
Collecting evidence for scale-up
Global Consultation
STAG Meeting
  • 1. Multi-centre clinical evaluation studies
  • 2. Multi-centre demonstration studies
  • 3. Single-centre evaluation studies
  • 1,730 subjects in five evaluation sites (four
  • 6,648 subjects in nine evaluation sites (six
  • 4,575 subjects in 12 studies (nine countries)

Evaluation Study Results
  • 1730 TB/MDR suspected patients enrolled in
    Azerbaijan, India, Peru, South Africa
  • A single, direct Xpert detected 92.2 of all C
  • Sensitivity in S-C patients was 72.5 and
    increased to 90.2 when three samples were
    tested. Specificity was 99.
  • A single, direct Xpert identified a greater
    proportion of culture-positive patients than did
    a single LJ culture.
  • Xpert MTB/RIF detected rifampicin resistance with
    99.1 sensitivity and excluded resistance with
    100 specificity.

Boehme C, et al. NEJM 20103631005-14
Multicenter Implementation Study Single, direct
Xpert in routine settings Performance similar to
solid culture
Sensitivity All C Sensitivity SC Sensitivity S-C Specificity Non-TB
Lima, Peru 96.6 99.3 88.1 99.6
Baku, Azerbaijan 88.6 97.8 74.7 98.7
Cape Town, SA 86.3 100.0 79.1 99.7
Kampala, Uganda 83.4 97.8 57.7 100.0
Vellore, India 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.7
Manila, Philippines 91.9 96.2 56.3 97.9
TOTAL 90.3 (933/1033) 98.3 (637/648) 76.9 (296/385) 99.0 (2846/2876)
  • Routine smear microscopy (2-3 smears per patient)
    had a sensitivity of 61.
  • Xpert identified at least as many patients as a
    single LJ culture (89.8 CI 87- 92).
  • High positive and negative predictive values in
    all settings
  • 2.5 indeterminate rate 0.3 after repetition.
    Culture indet. rate 4.7.

Sensitivity and specificity of rifampin
resistance detection
Sensitivity in RIF-resistant Specificity in RIF-sensitive
Total (Correct / total) CI 94.4 (236/250)90.8 - 96.6 98.3 (796/810)97.1 - 99.0
  • Rifampin resistance was a good marker for MDR at
    all sites.
  • Positive predictive value suboptimal in low
    MDR-prevalence settings
  • Confirmation of resistance by culture at present
    recommended for low MDR prevalence settings
  • Optimization ongoing

WHO recommendation on use of Xpert MTB/RIF
A phased roll out
MOH, SA World TB Day 2011
Through Dec 2011, 460 GeneXpert instruments
(2401 modules) have been ordered by 47 countries
45 of the capacity is in South Africa!
  • Isothermal
  • Rapid
  • Closed system
  • Visible readout

Status TB LAMP
Oct 2011
WHO submission
August 2005
Evaluation Study (1063 TB suspects) Sensitivity
and specificity remain below target
Performance of single direct LAMP Reference
standard 2 direct smears 2 LJ and 2 MGIT
cultures per patient
Sensitivity in C Sensitivity in SC Sensitivity in S-C Specificity in S-C-
Peru 88.7 (86/97) 80.8-93.5 98.3 (58/59) 91.0-99.7 73.7 (28/38) 58.0-85.0 95.7 (180/188) 91.8-97.8
South Africa 77.5 (62/80) 67.2-85.3 90.6 (48/53) 79.7-95.9 51.9 (14/27) 34.0-69.3 92.1 (175/190) 87.4-95.2
Vietnam 67.3 (113/168) 59.8-73.9 100 (59/59) 93.9-100 49.5 (54/109) 40.3-58.8 96.1 (123/128) 91.2-98.3
Brazil 85.3 (81/95) 76.8-91.0 98.7 (74/75) 92.8-99.8 35.0 (7/20) 18.1-56.7 95.6 (109/114) 90.1-98.1
Overall 77.7 (342/440) 73.6-81.4 97.2 (239/246) 94.2-98.6 53.1 (103/194) 46.1-60.0 94.7 (587/620) 92.6-96.2
TB LAMP performance Improved in demo studies
Lima, Peru Kampala, Uganda Sevegram, India All
Sensitivity in C 94.3 (100/106)88.2 - 97.4 76.1 (140/184)69.4 - 81.7 87.3 (89/102)79.4 - 92.4 83.9 (329/392)80.0 - 87.2
Sensitivity in SC 100.0 (67/67)94.6 - 100.0 95.5 (105/110)89.8 - 98.0 95.9 (70/73)88.6 - 98.6 96.8 (242/250)93.8 - 98.4
Sensitivity in S-C 84.6 (33/39)70.3 - 92.8 47.3 (35/74)36.3 - 58.5 65.5 (19/29)47.3 - 80.1 61.3 (87/142)53.1 - 68.9
Specificity in S-C- 97.8 (364/372)95.8 - 98.9 97.2 (520/535)95.4 - 98.3 93.7 (448/478)91.2 - 95.6 96.2 (1332/1385)95.0 - 97.1
  • Sensitivity target in SC (gt95) met
  • Point estimates close to meeting S-C target
    (65) and S-C- target (97)

Low indeterminate rate for LAMP compared to
Lima, Peru Kampala, Uganda Sevegram, India All
Overall LAMP Indeterminate rate 0.0 (0/480) 0.0 (0/770) 4.4 (29/665) 1.5 (29/1915)
LJ indeterminate rate 0.2 (1/480) 6.5 (50/770) 4.2 (28/662) 4.1 (78/1912)
MGIT indeterminate rate 2.1 (10/480) 13.0 (100/769) 5.5 (37/669) 7.6 (145/1918)
  • No serious DNA contamination events reported
  • Negative control 1x positive in Uganda 1 x in

User appraisal "Easier than smear microscopy"
Consolidating LAMP the way forward
Deliverables Key notes
Next steps Validate minor changes and move to demonstration phase II Involve multiple partners for phase II Submit evidence base to WHO in 2012/2013
Platform expansion Malaria HAT Leishmaniasis
  • Catharina Boehme, FIND
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