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Chapter 3 Physical & Chemical Features of Seawater & the World Ocean Light When water reaches water s surface, some light penetrates, but, depending on the sun s ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Physical

Chapter 3
  • Physical Chemical Features of Seawater the
    World Ocean

Earth The Water Planet
  • Water covers about 71 of the Earths surface,
    yet the vast majority cannot be used for
    drinking, irrigation, or industry because it is
    salt water.
  • As the worlds population increases, so does the
    need for water part of the solution to meeting
    this demand lies in understanding what water is,
    where it goes, how it cycles through nature.

Earth The Water Planet
  • Water travels in a hydrologic cycle, changing
    form as organisms take it in, as it evaporates,
    as it condenses, as it flows from one location
    to another.
  • Scientists believe that the water we drink today
    is billions of years old.

Waters Structure
  • Compared to many important molecules, water is a
    simple molecule (a group of atoms held together
    by chemical bonds).
  • It consists of three atoms two hydrogen (H)
    one oxygen (O).
  • H2O

Waters Structure
  • The atoms of a water molecule are held together
    by covalent bonds (formed by atoms sharing
  • The oxygen atom shares the electrons of two
    single-electron hydrogen atoms.

Waters Structure
  • Water is a polar molecule (A molecule with
    positive negative ends has polarity is called
    a polar molecule).
  • The two hydrogen atoms have a net positive
  • The oxygen atom has a net negative charge.

Waters Structure
Waters Structure
  • The water molecules polarity allows it to bond
    with adjacent water molecules.
  • The positively charged hydrogen end of one water
    molecule attracts the negatively charged oxygen
    end of another water molecule (Remember
    opposites attract).
  • The bonds between adjacent water molecules are
    called hydrogen bonds.
  • Individual hydrogen bonds are weak compared to
    covalent bonds (only 6 as strong) therefore
    easily break reform however, they are strong
    enough to give water its unique properties.

Waters Structure
Waters Unique Properties
Physical Properties of Water
Boiling Point 100o C
Freezing Point 0o C
Heat Capacity 1.00 cal/g/oC
Density (at 4o C) 1.00 g/cm3
Latent Heat of Fusion 80 cal
Latent Heat of Vaporization 540 cal
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Waters Unique Properties
  • Water is the only naturally occurring substance
    that exists in all three phases solid, liquid,
  • The most important characteristic of hydrogen
    bonding is the ability for water to exist as a
    liquid at room temperature.
  • Without hydrogen bonds, water would exist as a
    gas at room temperature ? a steam planet instead
    of a liquid planet.

Waters Unique Properties
  • Because hydrogen bonds attract water molecules to
    each other, water molecules tend to stick
    together ? cohesion.
  • Cohesion gives water a more organized structure
    than most liquids.

Waters Unique Properties
  • Water also sticks to other materials due to its
    polar nature ? adhesion.
  • An example of this is the tendency for a drop of
    water to cling to a humans skin.
  • Adhesion also accounts for capillary action (the
    ability of water to rise in narrow spaces, such
    as a straw or tube).

Waters Unique Properties
  • Surface Tension a skin-like surface formed due
    to the polar nature of water.
  • AKA waters resistance to objects attempting to
    penetrate its surface.
  • Caused by cohesion.
  • To small creatures (i.e. water strider) surface
    tension is a strong force, allowing them to
    literally stand on water.
  • Neuston (plankton that live on the waters
    surface) rest on surface tension rather than

Waters Unique Properties
Waters Unique Properties
  • Viscosity the tendency for a fluid (gas or
    liquid) to resist flow.
  • Most fluids change viscosity as temperatures
  • The colder water gets, the more viscous it
    becomes. Therefore
  • It takes more energy for organisms to move
    through cold water than warm water.
  • Drifting organisms use less energy to keep from
    sinking in cold water than warm water.

Waters Unique Properties
  • Cold water holds more oxygen than the same volume
    of warm water, so..
  • organisms can survive at the ocean floor.
  • Cold water is also denser than warm water, which
    means it weighs more per unit volume of water,
  • colder water sinks beneath warmer water.
  • Even though colder water is more dense than
    warmer water, this changes when the water gets
    cold enough to freeze.

Waters Unique Properties
  • As water cools, the molecules not only move
    slower, they pack closer together take up less
    space, so that the volume of water decreases, but
    only down to a temperature of 3.98o C.
  • At 4o C water expands as it freezes.
  • Because the same mass of water occupies more
    volume as ice than as liquid water, ice is less
    dense floats.

Waters Unique Properties
  • Ice Floats
  • The space occupied by 24 water molecules in the
    solid state could be occupied by 27 molecules in
    the liquid state (water expands 9 as it freezes).

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Waters Unique Properties
  • If ice did not float
  • a body of water would freeze from the bottom up
    eventually the whole body of water would freeze.
  • aquatic organisms would not survive (a floating
    layer leaves water below, where organisms can
    live, insulates it so it doesnt freeze).
  • the Earths climate would be colder perhaps too
    cold for life.

Waters Unique Properties
  • Water has a high latent heat of melting, which
    means that ice melts at relatively high
    temperatures absorbs a great deal of heat as it
  • Water has the highest latent heat of evaporation
    (the amount of heat required for a substance to
    evaporate) of any naturally occurring substance.

Waters Unique Properties
  • Water has a high heat capacity (the amount of
    heat required to raise a given amount of a
    substance by a given temperature).
  • Heat capacity is measured in calories per gram.
  • The heat capacity for water is 1 calorie per

Waters Unique Properties
  • It takes more heat energy to raise waters
    temperature than that of most other substances
    therefore, water can absorb or release a lot of
    heat with little temperature change.
  • Waters heat capacity affects the worlds climate
    weather. Seawater acts as a global thermostat
    - heat is carried to areas of the world that
    would otherwise be cooler, heat is absorbed in
    areas that would otherwise be hotter.

Waters Unique Properties
  • This high heat capacity is great for marine
    organisms because it means that they are not
    subject to the wide temperature ranges often seen
    on land, except in shallow water, which warms up
    quickly due to the small volume of water.

Waters Unique Properties
  • Water is a powerful solvent.
  • Solvent usually a liquid the more abundant
    component in a solution
  • Solute often a solid or gas the less abundant
    component in a solution
  • Solution made of two components, with uniform
    molecular properties throughout

Waters Unique Properties
  • Water (solvent) dissolves salt (solute)
  • Waters charged ends pull apart (dissociate) a
    salt (i.e. sodium chloride, the primary solutes
    in the ocean, which give it a salty taste)
  • Sodium chlorine become charged particles
  • The positive sodium ion is attracted to the
    negative side of the water molecule.
  • The negative chlorine ion is attracted to the
    positive hydrogen side of the water molecule.

Waters Unique Properties
  • Sodium Chloride Molecule (sodium chlorine ions)
  • Sodium Chloride Dissociating in Water

Composition of Seawater
  • Most salts found in seawater are present in their
    ionic form.
  • 6 ions make up 99 of the dissolved salts in the
  • Trace ions make up the other 1.

Composition of Seawater
Composition of Seawater
Composition of Seawater
  • Sea salt originated from Earths crust.
  • Ions are added to seawater by
  • rivers running off crustal rocks
  • volcanic activity
  • groundwater
  • hydrothermal vents cold springs
  • the decay of once living organisms

Composition of Seawater
  • Ions are removed from the ocean by
  • chemical entrapment as water percolates through
    the mid-ocean ridge systems seamounts
  • sea spray
  • uptake by living organisms
  • incorporation into sediments
  • subduction
  • evaporites (salt deposits)

Composition of Seawater
  • The average length of time an element spends in
    the ocean is known as its residence time
  • Conservative constituents are those that occur in
    constant proportions have the longest residence
    times (i.e. the most abundant dissolved materials
    in the ocean).
  • Non-conservative constituents are usually
    associated with seasonal, biological, or short
    geological cycles have short residence times.

Composition of Seawater
Composition of Seawater
  • Salinity the total quantity of all dissolved
    inorganic solids (ions) in seawater.
  • Expressed in g per kg water or parts per thousand
  • Average salinity is 35 o/oo, which means that for
    every 1000 grams of water there are 35 grams of

Composition of Seawater
  • Salinity of surface water varies as a result of
    evaporation, precipitation, freezing, thawing,
    freshwater runoff from the land.
  • Between 10o N 10o S of the equator, salinity is
    low due to heavy rainfall.
  • At 30o N 30o S, salinity is high because
    evaporation gt precipitation.
  • At 50o N S, salinity is low due to heavy
  • At the poles, salinity is high because freezing
    removes water from the ocean.

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Composition of Seawater
  • In seawater, no matter how much salinity varies,
    the proportions of several key inorganic elements
    compounds (dissolved salts only) do not change.
    Only the amount of water salinity changes.
  • This constant relationship of proportions in
    seawater is known as the Law of Constant

Composition of Seawater
  • If a scientist knows how much of any one seawater
    chemical he/she has, salinity can be determined
    using the Law of Constant Proportions
  • Chloride ions account for 55 of dissolved
    solids - determining a samples chlorinity is
    relatively easy.
  • The formula for determining salinity is based on
  • Salinity in o/oo 1.80655 x Chlorinity in o/oo

Composition of Seawater
  • Is the ocean becoming progressively saltier with
  • No, the ocean is in chemical equilibrium ions
    are being added to removed from the ocean at
    the same rate.

Composition of Seawater
Gases Found in Seawater
Gas by Volume in by Volume in by Volume in Atmosphere Surface Seawater Ocean Total
Nitrogen 78.08 48 11
Oxygen 20.99 36 6
Carbon Dioxide 0.03 15 83
Other Gases 0.95 1
Composition of Seawater
  • Gases in Seawater
  • Gases from biological processes
  • O2 is a by-product of photosynthesis
  • C02 is a by-product of respiration
  • Solubility of gases in seawater
  • Seawater has more O2 CO2 but less N2 than the
  • Relative solubility of gases in seawater
  • CO2 gt O2 gt N2
  • Affected by temperature, salinity, pressure.

Composition of Seawater
  • Gas Concentrations Vary with Depth
  • O2 is abundant near the surface because of
    photosynthetic activity of marine organisms.
  • O2 concentration decreases below the sunlit layer
    because of the respiration of marine animals
    bacteria, because of the O2 consumed by the
    decay of tiny dead organisms slowly sinking
    towards the bottom.

Composition of Seawater
  • In contrast, because plants use CO2 during
    photosynthesis, surface levels of CO2 are low.
  • Because photosynthesis cannot take place in the
    dark, CO2 given given off by animals bacteria
    tends to build up at depths blow the sunlit
    layer. CO2 also increases with depth because its
    solubility increases as pressure increases
    temperature decreases.

Composition of Seawater
  • An acid is a substance that releases a hydrogen
    ion in solution.
  • A base is a substance that combines with a
    hydrogen ion in solution.
  • Acidity alkalinity is measured on a pH scale
  • 0-6.9 acids
  • 7 neutral
  • 7.1-14 bases
  • Seawater has an average pH of 8, making it
    slightly basic.

Composition of Seawater
  • The oceans acid-base balance varies with
    dissolved components depth.

Colligative Properties of Seawater
  • Colligative properties properties of a liquid
    that may be altered by the presence of a solute
    are associated primarily with seawater.
  • Pure water does not have colligative properties.
  • The strength of the colligative properties
    depends on the quantity of solutes.

Colligative Properties of Seawater
  • Raised boiling point Seawater boils at a higher
    temperature than pure water.
  • Decreased freezing point As salinity increases,
    water resists freezing (why salt is put on a road
    during ice/snow storms).
  • Decreased heat capacity It takes less heat to
    raise the temperature of seawater.

Colligative Properties of Seawater
  • Electrically Conducive Seawater has the ability
    to conduct an electrical current.
  • Slowed evaporation Seawater evaporates more
    slowly than fresh water due to the attraction
    between ions water molecules.

Salinity, Temperature, Water Density
  • Waters density (the mass of a substance in a
    given volume, usually measured in g/cm3) is the
    result of its temperature salinity
  • Density of pure water 1 g/cm3
  • Density of seawater 1.0270 g/cm3
  • Density increases when salinity increases.
  • Density increases when temperature decreases.

Salinity, Temperature, Water Density
Salinity, Temperature, Water Density
  • Density differences cause water to separate into
    layers. High-density water lies beneath
    low-density water.
  • Low temperature high salinity are features of
    high-density water.
  • Relatively warm, low-density surface waters are
    separated from cool, high-density deep waters by
    the thermocline the zone in which temperature
    changes rapidly with depth.

Salinity, Temperature, Water Density
  • Salinity differences overlap temperature
    differences. The transition from low-salinity
    surface water to high-salinity deep water is
    known as the halocline.
  • The thermocline halocline together make the
    pycnocline the zone in which density increases
    with increasing depth.

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Salinity, Temperature, Water Density
  • The ocean is divided into 3 density layers
  • Surface zone the upper layer of the ocean
    extends to about 100 m accounts for only 2 of
    the total ocean volume
  • Pycnocline needs only a temperature or salinity
    difference to exist contains 18 of all ocean
  • Deep zone there is little change in density
    throughout this layer deeper than 1,000 m in the
    middle latitudes contains 80 of all ocean

  • Water scatters (occurs when light is bounced
    between air water molecules, dust, other
    objects) absorbs (occurs when lights
    electromagnetic energy is converted to heat in
    the molecules of seawater) light.

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  • When water reaches waters surface, some light
    penetrates, but, depending on the suns angle,
    some is reflected back into the atmosphere.
  • Light-colored suspended particles reflect light.
  • Dark-colored suspended particles algae absorb
  • Water molecules absorb the energy, converting
    light into heat.

  • Water absorbs colors at the red end of the
    spectrum more easily than at the blue end.
  • The first meter of water absorbs nearly all the
    infrared light.
  • The color red is almost totally absorbed at 4
  • As light passes through more water, orange is
    almost completely absorbed next, followed by
    yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
  • Blue is the strongest color travels through
    most of the water before its completely
    absorbed, which explains why very clear water
    appears blue.

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  • How deeply light penetrates depends on how clear
    or turbid (cloudy) the water is.
  • In coastal areas with lots of runoff, penetration
    may be limited to lt 3 meters.
  • In the clearest water, a spectrophotometer may
    detect light as deep as 590 meters however,
    significant light penetration is limited to 100

  • Two zones exist with respect to light
  • Photic zone where light penetrates can be as
    deep as 600 meters has two subzones
  • Euphotic zone the upper shallow portion where
    most biological production occurs comprises
    about 1 of the ocean
  • Dysphotic zone where light reaches, but not
    enough for photosynthetic life.
  • Aphotic zone where light does not reach only
    a fraction of marine organisms live makes up the
    vast majority of the ocean

  • Sound travels well in air, but even better in
  • In distilled water at 20o C, sound travels
    1,482.4 m/s, which is 5 times faster than it
    travels in air.
  • Sound travels through warm water faster than cool
    water, but travels faster in deep water due to

  • Sound
  • The relationship between water depth the speed
    of sound.

  • Sound bounces off suspended particles, water
    layers, the bottom, other obstacles, is
    eventually absorbed by water as heat.
  • Refraction causes SOFAR layers shadow zones.
  • The SOFAR layer is one in which sound waves
    travel at minimum speed.
  • Sound transmission is particularly efficient
    (sounds can be heard for great distances) because
    refraction tends to keep sound waves within the

  • The SOFAR layer in which sound waves travel at
    minimum speed sound transmission is efficient.
  • The shadow zone, a thin, high-sound-velocity
    layer, which forms at 80 meters deflects sound.

  • Because sound travels so well in water, marine
    mammals use echolocation to sense an objects
    size, distance, density, position under water.

  • Pressure exerted by water is called hydrostatic
    pressure (the weight of the water column above a
    given depth).
  • At sea level, atmospheric pressure 1 bar.
  • At 10 meters below sea level, total pressure 2
    bars (1 bar from atmospheric pressure plus 1 bar
    from hydrostatic pressure). A marine organism
    living at 10 m experiences twice the pressure
    present at sea level.
  • Pressure increases 1 bar for each additional 10 m
    (i.e. at 30 m, the pressure is 4 bars).

  • Many fish have a gas bladder that they use to
    control their buoyancy (an upward force equal to
    the weight of the gas or liquid displaced).
  • Fish must add or release gas from the bladders
    when they change depth to keep the pressure in
  • Scuba divers learn to add space in their ears
    (equalizing), which allows them to dive without

  • Water is far denser than air (about 800 times),
    so buoyancy in water is a significant force.
  • This means that most organisms in water are
    buoyed up by a force nearly the same as their own

  • Some living tissue organic structures like
    bone, teeth, shells, have a greater density
    than water therefore sink. Organisms have
    various adaptations to handle this
  • Gas bladders
  • Light skeletons
  • Tissue high in oil
  • Production of ammonium chloride, which is less
    dense than seawater.

  • Large shell-bearing invertebrates live on the
  • Planktonic organisms store food as lightweight
    waxes oils.
  • Because of buoyancy, marine organisms dont have
    to expend much energy to offset their own weight
    compared to land-based existence.
  • This allows entire communities to exist simply by

  • It allows many swimming creatures to live most of
    their lives without ever coming in contact with
    the bottom.
  • It allows organisms to grow larger than those on
    land (i.e. blue whale)
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