Roy's Adaptation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Roy's Adaptation


Origins of the Roy s Adaptation Model Philosophical claims. Scientific Assumptions. Strategies for knowledge Development Influences from other scholars World view ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Roy's Adaptation

Roy's Adaptation Model
Prof. Dr. Nefissa A. El-Kader
Vice Dean of Education and Student
Affairs Faculty of Nursing-Cairo University
  • Origins of the Roys Adaptation Model
  • Philosophical claims.
  • Scientific Assumptions.
  • Strategies for knowledge Development
  • Influences from other scholars
  • World view
  • Major Elements of Roys Adaptation Model.
  • The four adaptive modes.
  • Nursing activities and nursing process
  • Strengths And Weaknesses Of Roys Model

Origins of the Roys Adaptation Model
  • Dr. Roy credits her major influences in her
    personal and professional growth to her family,
    her religious commitment, and her teachers.
  • She earned a Bachelors degree in nursing at
    (1963) Mount St. Mary's College, in Los Angeles.

Origins of the Roys Adaptation Model contd.
  • She expanded her love and concern for children,
    working in pediatric nursing and soon had the
    opportunity to enroll in a master's degree
    program in pediatric nursing at the University of
    California at Los Angeles (in 1966, she earned a
    masters degree in pediatric nursing and in
    sociology in 1975).
  • In 1966 she joined the faculty of Mount St.
    Mary's College, teaching both pediatric and
    maternity nursing and began organizing course
    content according to a view of the person and
    family as adaptive systems.

Origins of the Roys Adaptation Model contd.
  • In 1968, She began actively introducing her
    ideas about Adaptation Framework to nursing as
    the philosophical basis of the baccalaureate
    nursing curriculum
  • Roy first published her conceptual model
  • titled Adaptation A conceptual framework for
  • nursing, in (1970).
  • In (1971 and 1973) she published additional
    elements of model implications for practice and

Origins of the Roys Adaptation Model contd.
  • She received input on the use of the model in
    education and practice. By 1987 at least 100,000
    nurses had been educated in programs using the
    Roy Adaptation Model.
  • She has also played a key role in at least 30
    research projects. Her current clinical research
    continues her long-time interest in neuroscience.
  • In 1985, she completed a 2-year postdoctoral
    fellowship in neuroscience science at California

Philosophical claims
  • In 1988, Roy published a major paper on her
    philosophical assumptions which characterized by
    the general principles of humanism, holism,
    activity, creativity, purpose, value, mutuality
    and worth of human beings.
  • Roy (1987, 1988, 1989) has presented the
    Philosophical claims of the adaptation model in
    the form of scientific and philosophical
    assumptions and values about nursing.

Philosophical claims contd
  • The scientific assumptions were drawn from
    general system theory (Bertalanffy, 1968)and
    Helsons (1964) adaptation level theory
  • The (general system ) theory assumption focused
    primarily on holism, interdependence, control
    processes and information feedback.
  • Helson focused on all behavior as adaptive. This
    behavior is the function of both the stimulus
    coming in and the adaptation level.

Philosophical claims contd.
  • Roy (1992) explained that the model assumes the
    universal importance of promoting adaptation in
    states of health and illness. (Fawcett, 1995).
  • By the late 1990s Roy re-defined adaptation for
    the 21 Century. She drew upon expanded insights
    in relating spirituality and science to present a
    new definition of adaptation and related
    scientific and philosophical assumptions

Scientific Assumptions
  • Explicit
  • The person is a bio-psycho-social being.
  • The person is in constant interaction with a
  • environment.
  • To cope with a changing world, the person uses
  • innate and acquired mechanisms, which are
  • psychologic, and social in origin.

Scientific Assumption contd.
  • Explicit
  • Health and illness are one inevitable dimension
    of the persons life.
  • To respond positively to environmental changes,
    the person must adapt.
  • Adaptation is a function of the stimulus a person
    is exposed to and his adaptation level.

Scientific Assumption contd.
  • Explicit
  • The person's adaptation level is such that it
    comprises a zone indicating the range of
    stimulation that will lead to a positive
  • The person is conceptualized as having four modes
    of adaptation physiologic needs, self concept,
    role function, and interdependence relations
    (Meleis, 1991 Fawcett, 1995).

Scientific Assumption contd.
  • A person can be reduced to parts for study and
  • Nursing based on causality.
  • Patients values and opinions are to be
    considered and respect.
  • A state of adaptation frees an individuals
    energy to respond to other stimuli (Meleis,

Strategies for knowledge Development
  • Roys Adaptation model evolved from a
    combination of inductive and deductive thinking.
  • Deductive this approach used by Roy to develop
    her conceptualization of adaptation and the
    factors that influence the level of adaptation.
  • Roys conceptualization of the person as an
    adaptive system was deduced from general system
  • Inductive she used this approach to identify the
    four modes of adaptation through classification
    of about 500 samples of behavior of patients
    collected by nursing students over a period of
    several months in all clinical settings.

Influences from other Scholars
  • Roy was influenced by
  • Studies of Social sciences.
  • Clinical practice in pediatric nursing
  • Dorthy Johnsons focus on behavior.
  • Martha Rogers concerns with holistic man.
  • Dorothea Orems notion of self-care.
  • Work of Helson (1964, Adaptation level theory )
    and Bertalanffy ( 1968, general system theory)
  • Nightingale (1859) Peplau (1952).

World View
  • The Roy Adaptation Model reflects the reciprocal
    interaction world view.
  • She repeatedly emphasized the need to view the
    person as a holistic adaptive system that
    function as a whole is more than the mere sum
    of its parts)
  • Roy also emphasized the active nature of the
    person (the human system has the capacity to
    adjust effectively to changes in the environment
    and , in turn, affects the environment

Major Elements of Roys Adaptation Model
  • There are three major elements of Roys
    adaptation model

First Man
Roy develops her concept of manthe client and
the recipient of nursing care
Major Elements of Roys Adaptation Model contd.
Second Goal of nursing
Roys model represents the goal of nursing,
which is to promote adaptation through adaptive
Major Elements of Roys Adaptation Model contd.
Third Nursing activities
Finally, the model maps the process of nursing
activities, most significant of which are
nursing assessment of client behaviors and
nursing interventions.
Concept- Man
  • She considers man a biopsychosocial being, who,
    to be properly understood, must be considered as
    a unit or a whole.
  • A whole is different from and more than the
    summation of its individual parts.
  • Man is an integrated system whose parts have
    relationships among them (adaptive system).
  • The recipient of nursing care was identified as
    an adaptive system.
  • System is defined as a set of parts connected to
    function as a whole for some purpose.

Concept- Man ( cont.)
  • The adaptive system has two major internal
    control processes called the regulator and
    cognator subsystems.
  • These subsystem are viewed as innate or acquired
    coping mechanisms used by the adaptive system to
    respond to changing internal and external
    environmental stimuli.
  • The regulator subsystem responds automatically
    through neural, chemical, and endocrine coping
  • Stimuli from the internal and external (through
    the senses) act as input to the nervous system.

Concept- Man ( Cont.).
  • The information is channeled automatically in the
    appropriate manner and an automatic unconscious
    response is produced (Roy ,1991).
  • The cognator subsystem responds to inputs from
    external and internal stimuli that involve
    psychological, social , physical and
    physiological factors including regulator
    subsystem outputs.
  • Regulator congator activity is manifested
    through coping behavior in four adaptive modes.

Man-Environment Interaction
  • Man is in constant interaction with his
  • Since man is a living system, he requires matter,
    energy, and information from his environment.
  • The constant interaction of man with his
    environment is characterized by both internal and
    external change. Within this changing world, man
    must maintain the integrity of himself that is,
    he must adapt.
  • The internal and external environments ,in the
    form of stimuli, are the inputs into the adaptive
  • Roy identified three classes of stimuli (focal,
    contextual and residual).

  • Man copes with environmental change through
    biopsychosocial adaptive mechanisms.
  • Some adaptive mechanisms are inherited or genetic
    processes, the white blood cell defense system
    against bacteria seeking to invade the body.
  • Other mechanisms are learned, such as the use of
    antiseptics to cleanse a wound.

  • Health is a state of human functioning whereby
    the person continually adapts to change.
  • According to Roy health can be viewed along a
    continuum that flows from death and extreme poor
    health, through poor health, to a midpoint of
    normal health.
  • The health continuum moves from this midpoint to
    good health , to high- level wellness, to peak

Adaptation contd.
Adaptation Level
  • Significance factors of adaptation
  • The degree of environmental change.
  • 2. The state of the persons coping.

Adaptation Level contd.
  • Environmental changes include snow, temperature
    change, presence of a virus, radiation from a
    nuclear explosion, and industrial pollution.
  • Environmental change interfaces with the
  • individuals state of coping.
  • The condition of the person or his state of
    coping is his adaptation level.

Adaptation Level contd.
  • The individuals adaptation level will determine
    whether a positive response to internal or
    external environmental will be elicited .
  • The individuals adaptation level is determined
    by the focal, contextual, and residual stimuli.
    In any environment-human interaction, the
    environ-mental change is the focal stimulus.

Adaptation Level contd.
  • Contextual stimuli are all other stimuli of the
    persons internal or external world that
    influence the situation and are measurable or
    reported by the person.
  • Residual stimuli are the makeup or
    characteristics of the individual that are
    present and relevant to the situation but are
    difficult to measure objectively.

Adaptation Level contd.
Modes of Adaptation
  • Roy identifies four distinct modes or ways of
    adapting by which man responds to change

1- Physiological Needs Mode
The physiological adaptive mode relates to the
need for physiological integrity as Exercise
and rest, nutrition and elimination, fluid and
electrolytes, oxygen and circulation, regulation
of temperature, regulation of senses, and
regulation of the endocrine systems.
Modes of Adaptation contd.
1- Physiological Needs Mode
Adaptation occurs as the individual maintains his
integrity through positive response to need
deficits or excesses
Modes of Adaptation contd.
2- Self-Concept Mode
  • Self-concept defined as the composite of
    believes and feelings that a person holds about
    him/herself at a given time.
  • Roy states that the psychological integrity of
  • individual is an inner requirement or need.
  • This view is likened to Talcott Parsonss view of
  • human personality as a system.,

Modes of Adaptation contd.
2- Self-Concept Mode
  • The personality system has the need to maintain
    its integrity, which Parsons identifies as system
    adaptation, goal attainment, integration, and

Modes of Adaptation contd.
2- Self-Concept Mode
  • The self-concept encompasses perceptions of the
    physical and the person self.
  • The physical-self deals with the body sensation
    and body image. Body sensation refers to how
    one feels experiences oneself as a physical
    being .
  • The personal self encompasses self consistency,
    self-ideal and the moral- ethical spiritual

Modes of Adaptation contd.
  • Self-consistency refers to the striving to
    maintain a consistent self- organization and to
    avoid disequilibrium.
  • Self-ideal refers to what one like to be or is
    capable of doing.
  • The moral-ethical- spiritual self encompasses
    ones belief system evaluation of who one is.

Modes of Adaptation contd.
3- Role Function Mode
  • Interpersonal interaction satisfies the humans
  • to identify the self in relation to others.
  • The response of others to the self shapes and
  • reshapes ones behavior

Modes of Adaptation contd.
3- Role Function Mode
  • Social interaction occurs within the contexts
  • of family, groups, community, and society.
  • Rules of behavior / limits of behavior, will be
  • that guide ones actions.
  • Behavioral rules or limits that are common within
    a society are called norms.

Modes of Adaptation contd.
4- Interpersonal Mode
  • Social integrity for an individual requires more
  • than just the proper performance of roles in
  • situations.
  • The individual acts in ways that will result in
  • satisfying his needs for love and support.
  • interdependence ones life gains meaning and
  • Interdependence is a balance between dependence
  • and independence

Nursing concept
  • Roy (1976) defined nursing as a theoretical
    system of knowledge which prescribes a process of
    analysis and action related to the care of the
    ill or potentially ill person.
  • Furthermore , nursing is a scientific discipline
    that is practice oriented (Roy 1991)
  • The model stipulates that a nurse is needed
    when unusual stresses or weakened coping
    mechanisms make the persons usual attempts to
    cope ineffective.

Nursing concept
  • Nursing focuses on the person as a total being
    who responds to internal and external stimuli
  • ( Roy , 1970)
  • The goal of nursing is the promotion of
    adaptation in each of the four ( adaptive modes
    contributing to the persons health , quality of
    life and dying with dignity

Content of the Model propositions
  • The metapardigm concepts of person, environment,
    and health are linked in the following
  • The changing environment stimulates the person to
    make adaptive responses. The person is described
    as an adaptive system consistently growing and
    developing within a changing environment (
    Andrews and Roy, 1991)
  • A persons health can be described as a
    reflection of this interaction or adaptation (
    Andrews and Roy, 1991)

Content of the Model propositions contd.
  • The metapridgm concepts of person, health , and
    nursing are linked the following statements
  • The goal of nursing is the promotion of
    adaptation in each of the four adaptive modes,
    thereby contributing to the persons health,
    quality of life, and dying with dignity ( Andrews
    and Roy, 1991)
  • The goal of nursing intervention is to maintain
    and enhance adaptive behaviors and to change
    ineffective behavior to adaptive ( Andrews and
    Roy, 1991)

Content of the Model propositions contd.
  • The linkages of all four metapardigm concepts are
    presented in this statement
  • It is the nurses role to promote adaptation in
    situation of health and illness to enhance the
    interaction of the person with the environment,
    thereby promoting adaptation (Andrews and Roy,

Nursing activities and nursing process.
  • The nurse, in her first level assessment,
    observes the for signs of autonomic activity,
    signs that invariably are present when the
    individuals biopsychsocial integrity is
  • The client is the first to be aware of coping
    failure. Maladaptive behavior as well as adaptive
    behavior requiring support becomes the focus of
    the nurse.
  • Second level assessment, identify the focal,
    contextual, and residual stimuli that combine to
    determine the individual's adaptation level.

Nursing activities and nursing process contd.
  • The second level assessment leads the nurse to
    identify the adaptation problems. This process is
    referred to nursing diagnosis.
  • Intervention Roy developed nursing intervention
    as attempt to manipulate the environment by
    removing, increasing, decreasing, and/or altering
    stimuli for promoting movement toward peak health
    and meeting the individual's needs of biological,
    social, and psychological integrity.
  • The nurse concludes the nursing process with an
    evaluation of the effectiveness of the nursing
    intervention in the client goal achievement.

Roys Adaptation Model
Interaction Capsulate
Acquired Physiological Role function Self-concep
t Interdependence Adaptation Process Innate
Behavioral Responses Adaptive or Ineffective
Environmental Changes External Internal
Focal Contextual Residual
Feedback Figure 14-3 The person as an adaptive
Strengths And WeaknessesOf Roys Model
Strengths of Roys Model
  • It guides the nurse to utilize observation and
    interviewing skills in doing an individualized
    assessment of each client. Behavior related to
    the four adaptive modes is collected during the
    first level assessment. Physiological needs,
    self-concept, role function, and

Strengths And Weaknessesof Roys Model contd.
Strengths of Roys Model
  • The close association between intervention
    strategies and assessment data may clarify for
    the nurse the importance of individualized
    assessment of each client individually.
  • The model also suggests that after assessment,
    the nurse is to make judgments regarding the
    clients adaptation through the four adaptive
    modes in relation to need excesses or deficits
    that are created secondary to environmental

Strengths And Weaknessesof Roys Model contd.
Weaknesses of Roys Model
  • Roy fails, however, to define or operationalize
  • these concepts (4 adaptive modes) .
  • Question the association that is drawn between
  • need deficits or excesses created by a threat
  • integrity and the behavioral manifestation of
  • need in the adaptive mode.

Strengths And Weaknessesof Roys Model contd.
Weaknesses of Roys Model
How can the nurse be sure that observed behavior
related to an adaptive mode represents a need
deficit identified by the model since need
deficits or excesses are not directly observable?
Strengths And Weaknessesof Roys Model contd.
Weaknesses of Roys Model
  • The major assumption of the model that man is a
    biopsychosocial being by nature. Does this
    conceptual approach truly reflect the nature of
    mans relationship with his environment?
  • Only further research of the model can give us
  • this answer.

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