Title: Biogeochemical
1Biogeochemical Cycles
2Why are Biogeocycles Important
- Each Living organism needs nutrients
- a. for growth
- b. to carry out essential life functions
- Recycling of nutrients is necessary for
ecosystems to continue functioning - Also Prevents some chemicals from accumulating
and reaching toxic levels
3Essential Biogeocycles
- 1. Water cycle
- 2. Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide cycle
- 3. Nitrogen cycle
- 4. Phosphorus cycle
4Water Cycle
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6Water cycle key points
- Transpiration water from plants
- Condensation water in clouds, atmosphere
- Precipitation as water is released from clouds
as rain, snow, sleet etc. - Evaporation result of heat water enters
atmosphere this way
7Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Cycle
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9Carbon cycle Key points
- Photosynthesis used carbon to make glucose
takes Carbon from atmosphere - Cellular respiration releases carbon into
atmosphere through breathing - Decomposition releases carbon through decay
- Fossil fuel burning of fossil fuels releases
10Nitrogen Cycle
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12- All organisms require nitrogen to make amino
acids which are used to make proteins.
1. Many different forms of nitrogen in the
a. Nitrogen gas N2 (78 of atmosphere)
i. Only certain types of bacteria can use this
form of nitrogen directly
ii. Found in soil and on legume roots, they
change the N2 to ammonia in a process called
nitrogen fixation.
13 b. Ammonia NH3
i. Another type of bacteria that lives in
the soil change NH3 to nitrates and nitrites
ii. When organisms die, they decompose and
leave behind ammonia
c. Nitrate ions NO3- (found in waste products)
i. Found in waste products and decaying matter
ii. Form used to make proteins
iii. Another type of bacteria in the soil
converts nitrates to nitrogen gas in a
process called denitrification
14Phosphorus Cycle
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16 All organisms require phosphorus because it
forms part of life-sustaining molecules like
1. Not very common in the biosphere
Does not enter the atmosphere
Remains mostly in rocks, minerals, and ocean
Released when matter erodes/wears away
Dissolves in the water where it is taken up by
organisms and plants