M.Sc. Module DX 4017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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M.Sc. Module DX 4017


M.Sc. Module DX 4017 Crop Production in Developing Countries Tropical climates and their impact on crop production Temperatures Affect of altitude Range of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: M.Sc. Module DX 4017

M.Sc. Module DX 4017 Crop Production in
Developing Countries
Tropical climates and their impact on crop
General patterns Progressing away from the
equator, a very simplified picture is as
follows-- 1. at the equator, a double rainfall
maximum but with no pronounced dry season 2. a
double rainfall maximum (bimodal) separated by a
more pronounced dry season during the low sun
period and a less pronounced dry season in the
high sun period (to /- 10o N/S gt78 dry for gt
90 days) 3. one rainy season and one dry season
4. semi-arid region on the equatorial margin of
the sub-tropical high pressure cells short rainy
season in the high sun period and a long dry
period some places may have a very small rain in
the low sun period 5. an arid area associated
with the STHs (sub-tropical high pressure zones)
Sahara, Kalahari etc 6. a semi-arid region on
the poleward margin of the STHs with a short wet
season in the low sun (winter) period under the
influence of extra-tropical climatic disturbances
(Mediterranean climate).
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Climate classification A. Systems based on ratio
of rainfall to estimated potential (not actual)
evapotranspiration or a proxy such as temperature
1. Köppen See FAO web site link on
Blackboard Tried to find out how climate
corresponded to major vegetation zones.
Symbol Köppen's name Equivalent de Candolle zone Climatic limits zone
A Topical rainy Megathermal Coldest month temperature above 18C
C Warm temperate Mesothermal Coldest month between -3C and 18C
D Boreal Microthermal Coldest month below -3C (27F) warm est above 10C(50F.)
E Snow Hekistothermal Warmest month below 10C. (50F)
B Dry Xerophilous Annual rain-fall less than R.
Defined dry according to some critical
rainfall. Köppen used many different formulae to
determine this critical rainfall (R). In 1928
he adopted (as a final form) the value R
0.44 (T-k) where T mean annual
temperature, and k a constant whose
value is determined by the seasonal concentration
of rainfall.
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  • Thornthwaite type systems
  • Built on Köppens system. Defined 3 stages
  • a period of full storage, when precipitation
    exceeds moisture requirement and a moisture
    surplus (s) accumulates
  • a drying season when stored soil moisture and
    precipitation are used in evapotranspiration,
    storage is steadily diminished, the actual
    evapotranspiration falls below the potential and
    a moisture deficiency, d, occurs
  • a moistening season when precipitation again
    exceeds water-need and soil moisture is recharged.

Defined Moisture Index Im
(100s-60d)/PE where s accumulated moisture
surplus the total surplus from all months
having a water surplus, d moisture deficit -
the total of all deficits in those months when
there is a deficit monthly surplus or deficit is
defined by the difference between rainfall and
potential evapotranspiration - all in the same
Im 0 neutral climate Im gt 0 humid
climate lt 0 dry climate Problem 1 the '100'
and '60' are empirical, from US data. Problem 2
ET calculated from temperature Problem 3
assumed 100 mm maximum storage but in reality
depends on soil type Problem 4 ignores
drainage and runoff
Moisture Province Moisture Index (Im) A
Perhumid 100 and above
B4 Humid 80 to
99.9 B3 Humid
60 to 79 9 B2 Humid
40 to 59.9 B1 Humid
20 to 39.9 C2 Moist
subhumid 0 to 19.9 C1 Dry
subhumid - 19.9 to 0 D
Semiarid - 39.9 to - 20
E Arid - 60 to
- 40
Despite the problems it was a great improvement
and is the basis of many more modern systems
see the crop suitability database using this
system on BB
Bailey Developed classification system based on
the Köppen System for regions where evaporation
exceeds precipitation. Monthly moisture index SI
is given by
where p is the mean monthly rainfall and T is the
mean monthly temperature Annual moisture index
is the sum of these
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  • Systems based on length of growing period
  • mean number of days when Tmeangt 5C and moisture
    supply from precipitation exceeds half the PE
  • accumulated moisture sufficient for germination
    taken as 50 mm
  • more precise def high prob. of gt5 consecutive
    days with wet soil (gt 1bar or some other trigger)
    in any 10 day period - Fourier analysis
  • year divided into periods where
  • humid (RgtE0)
  • moist (0.5E0ltRltE0)
  • dry (Rlt 0.5E0)

Simple classification based on LGP lt 90
arid 90 to 180 semi-arid 180 to 270
subhumid gt 270 humid method more appropriate
than rainfall totals for variety selection as
varieties have differences in length of growth
stages selection of plants for differences in
length of growth stages
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Agro-ecologoical zones In various ways related
to vegetation and climate now often using LGP
with allowance for soil differences and crop
moisture demands. See the document in Blackboard
for various classification systems. The
Agro-ecologoical zones based on the FAO system
were used by GTZ for detailed maps of Kenya - I
have them and the manuals if anyone is
interested. Also make sure you visit the FAO
Crop Suitability site provided in Blackboard. It
may help with your assignment. You can right
click on the maps to download them to your PC.
Impact of climatic characteristics on crop
  • High intensities
  • higher proportion of rain as high intensity
    storms in tropics than in temperate zones
  • larger drop sizes - 40 of rain erosive (cf. 5
    in temperate regions)
  • in E. Africa ranges from 130 mm/hr over 15 mins
    to 3.7 mm/hr over 24 hrs
  • rapid runoff rates especially if soil
    infiltration capacity is low (either due to
    clayey texture or cap on surface) ?
  • flash floods
  • attention to soil conservation techniques often
  • loss of potential soil moisture -gt water
  • leaching of soil nutrients if infiltration is
    high (e.g. sandy soils)

  • Dry ground at beginning of rains
  • soils may be very dry at beginning of rains
  • form a cap very easily
  • adversely affects seedling emergence
  • showers will not improve soil moisture
  • intense storms may cause runoff soil erosion
    even on dry soils
  • slaking of unstable soils may lead to soil
    aeration problems
  • hard ground at beginning of rains may delay
  • usually wait for rain to cultivate,
  • could use ploughs (usually ox drawn) but money
    fodder required ( so more land)

  • animals lose condition in dry season
  • tractors can extend season as well as increase
    productivity but
  • shortage of for capital maintenance
  • foreign exchange availability
  • environmental and sustainability issues

Other impacts of dry season
  • bush fires common if gt3 months dry (interferes
    with forest establishment)
  • wind erosion common in dry season
  • v. high seasonal labour demand low labour
    demand in dry season ? low returns on labour
    low income

  • Timing of rainfall seasons
  • In bimodal areas, plant second crop / ensure 2nd
    peak coincides with extra demand (e.g. fruit
    development, - not ripening or harvest) -
    breeding for duration
  • match variety to duration of rains but
  • droughts can occur during rainy season drought
    avoiding v. drought tolerant
  • make opportunistic use of occasional rain falling
    outside the normal growing period

  • Analysis of rainfall agroclimatology
  • analysis of distribution of weekly or decade
    (10-day) rainfall
  • used to determine key periods such as best
    planting dates and periods of exceptionally high
    rainfall probability
  • CV usually highest at the beginning and end of
    the season - rainfall of first month more
    uncertain than for the total season - early rains
    may be insufficient for crop establishment -

  • Variation from year to year
  • Poor farmers are more interested in yield
    stability than
  • yield amount - do not want large swings in
  • coefficients of variation (or percentage
    variation) of annual
  • rainfall usually increases as rainfall
  • see discussion in Jackson
  • in lower rainfall areas, droughts and years
    with exceptionally
  • high rainfall may be common
  • Cairo annual average 28 mm but only gt 0 in
    13/30 years
  • and can have 43 mm in a day
  • Tigre, Ethiopia - annual totals vary from 56 to
    183 of mean
  • in semi-arid areas, distribution often skewed
    so that drought
  • more common than excess - beware of annual
    averages -
  • they may be affected by uncommon large

  • mean sd of limited value - need 1/4 1/10 conf
    limits - Gdistn.
  • seasonal distribution may not be constant, e.g.
    Tigre wettest month can be June to August -
    farmers often plant late to avoid early drought
    destroying crop
  • failure of rains in year that new technology is
    adopted may lead to a reversion to traditional
  • series of good years often bring about an
    increase in animals - which exacerbates the
    effects of any ensuing drought
  • famines usually after several consecutive drought
    years rather than a single year - coping

  • Spatial variations
  • can be due to random variation or the mean may
    vary -
  • affected by topography etc.
  • can produce considerable differences in yield
  • small distances
  • experimental results are often suspect if not
    well designed
  • to allow for rainfall variation over the area
    the trials were done
  • ownership of several farms (and wives!) a
    common way of
  • coping with spatial rainfall variations in
    semi-arid areas

Effect of rainfall on land-use
Affect of altitude
Range of temperatures (maximum to minimum)
  • T more equitable throughout the year than
    temperate regions (but usually cooler during the
  • hot arid regions tend to have cooler winters so
    range begins to increase again for very hot areas
    - see following graph

  • Other effects of temperature
  • biological activity increases with temperature ?
    many pests diseases if adequate moisture
  • higher temps. allow growing of C4 photosynthetic
    systems - more efficient than C3 systems (e.g.
    wheat, rice, root crops)
  • C4 plants no germination lt 12C - cold
    sensitive C4 crops include maize, sorghum,
    pearl millet
  • C3 (Calvin) plants - no germination lt 4C cold
    resistant C3 crops include wheat, rice
  • C3 crops have a temperature optimum (CO2
    exchange) for vegetative growth between 25

  • C4 crops have optimum between 30 45C ... but
    high growth rates only common for 2-3 weeks
    towards end of veg. growth (between canopy
    closure 1st flowering)
  • increase of temperature above optimum ? leaf
    root detachment
  • partitioning of OM and N among plant organs
  • (e.g. grain - stem) strongly dependent on
    environmental factors particularly temperature -
    high T (or water deficits) leads to low grain
    size short grain fill period
  • flower formation fertilisation depend on T
  • crops (e.g. apples) which require period of
    dormancy (cold spell) cannot be grown in tropics
    (without use of hormones)

Evapotranspiration ET function of net
radiation, wind speed, humidity, temperature,
lower T, greater cloud cover, lower water vapour
def. -gt lower E 8 to 12 mm/day typical (up to
15 mm/d) for semi-arid areas 4 to 8 mm/day more
common in wetter areas dry matter
f(transpiration, water use efficiency)
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  • Actual v. Potential ET
  • Actual ET depends on the amount (rather the
    energy potential) of soil moisture.
  • Rainfall (and / or irrigation) and potential
    evapotranspiration together are the main factors
    determining actual evapotranspiration - also of,
    soil type, drainage crop characteristics.
  • Growth of the plant depends on actual
    evapotranspiration (Ea).
  • even in moist soils, instantaneous demand may not
    be met by crops - transient leaf water deficits
    common -gt Ea lt Ep or wilt die
  • adding fertilisers may produce so much vegetation
    that the plant cannot keep up with the extra

Drought Types of drought Physiological drought
Excess of evaporative demand over
ability of plant to supply moisture.
Internal resistance to flow. Root damage or
excess of salts in soil or adding
fertilisers may bring on physiological
drought without climatic drought Climatic
drought Unseasonable shortfall of rain.
Lack of rain in an annual dry season is not
Agricultural drought Water supply for
crop use is scarce. Exists when a consistent
Soil Moisture Deficit (SMD) over growing
season. Affected by temperature and wind
and runoff not just rain. Hydrological drought
Low levels of water in reservoir and
ground water
  • Drought strategies
  • (a) Drought evading
  • small size - e.g. dwarf pigeon peas
  • low growth rate - adjust growth rate to
    available moisture
  • wide spacing,
  • low water requirements
  • short growing season to catch the rain and
  • avoid dry periods (e.g. Katumani maize
  • - not drought resistant but grown in semi-arid

  • (b) Drought enduring
  • low growth temporary wilt
  • go dormant until water available
  • (c) Drought resisting
  • most trop. crops have developed mechanisms to
  • effects of high evaporative demand
  • ( / or low soil moisture)-
  • - stomata close
  • - pineapple habitually only opens stomata at
  • sunflowers - stomata remain open but leaves
    lose turgidity
  • ? reduction in radiation interception

Drought effects
  • Wind
  • dust storms, wind erosion
  • increases evaporation (another benefit of shelter
    belts is to reduce ET)
  • lodging of crops (in Kordofan, sorghum "laid" and
    allowed to ripen)
  • breeding, e.g., dwarf rice to resist lodging due
    to heavy rain and wind (and shorter stems needed
    to carry heavier heads)
  • transport of insects and diseases
  • Humidity
  • influences Ep Ea
  • diseases
  • temperature often drops as humidity increases

  • Day length
  • Many plants sensitive to length of day -
    photoperiodism - particularly _at_ 2 to 10 weeks
  • Three classes
  • long day plants - temperate regions - dark lt 10
  • short day plants - tropical regions - dark gt 14
  • day neutral.
  • Even within tropics, there are varietal
    differences e.g. farmers in W. Africa have
    informally (i.e. without the help of scientists)
    selected sorghum vars. for day length ? also fit
    seasonal soil moisture pattern.
  • In Asia, rice vars. which are essentially
    day-length insensitive have been developed.

  • Hail Frost
  • May occur in some parts of tropics gt 6000 ft.
  • Much damage in highland areas of Kenya for
  • Altitude
  • Higher altitude colder temperatures lower
  • But the principal factor is temperature not air
  • Beware of people talking about plants ability to
    grow at certain altitudes

Niches Because of climatic response of crops
T, E, R and partly because of C3 / C4 mechanisms
even in the tropics, crops have particular
ecological niches. Purseglove among others gives
some ideas of the niches occupied. The following
diagrams give some ideas but are based on fairly
old data please feel free to contact me to
correct the information
Rainfall - mm
Altitude - m
T range C
Number of months when E gt R
Rainfall - mm
Finger Millet
Altitude - m
T range C
Number of months when E gt R
Rainfall - mm
Altitude - m
T range C
Number of months when E gt R
Rainfall - mm
Altitude - m
T range C
Pearl Millet
Number of months when E gt R
Rainfall - mm
Altitude - m
T range C
Number of months when E gt R
Rainfall - mm
Altitude - m
T range C
Number of months when E gt R
Rainfall - mm
Altitude - m
T range C
Number of months when E gt R
Rainfall - mm
Altitude - m
T range C
Number of months when E gt R
Rainfall - mm
Altitude - m
T range C
Mung bean
Number of months when E gt R
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