SWRK 292 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SWRK 292


SWRK 292 Thesis/Project Seminar Expectations for Course Apply research concepts from SWRK 291. Write first three chapters of your project or thesis. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SWRK 292

SWRK 292
  • Thesis/Project Seminar

Expectations for Course
  • Apply research concepts from SWRK 291.
  • Write first three chapters of your project or
  • Identify a topic that you want to learn more
  • Develop research questions and methodology.
  • Write a review of the theoretical and empirical
    literature on your topic find professional
    literature to use for your literature review.
  • Develop measurement instruments, cover letters,
    and consent forms.
  • Obtain human subjects approval for your research.
  • Participate in class exercises that will help you
    write your chapters.

Six Graded Assignments for This Class
Mini-proposal 10 points 10
Draft - Chapter 2 20 points 20
Draft - Chapter 3 15 points 15
Draft Chapter 1 10 points 10
Completed Chapters 1-3 30 points 30
Human Subjects Approval Obtained/Human Subjects training certificate obtained from on-line course 5 points 5
Attendance and Participation 10 points 10
Total 100 points 100
All course material is in one location
  • Dr. Hardinas web page
  • http//zimmer.csufresno.edu/donnah
  • Course material can also be found on the
    Blackboard page for this course

Examples of Acceptable Research Opportunities
  • Evaluation of your own practice with a client,
    group, family, or community system (Did the
    intervention produce the intended results?).
  • Evaluation of service delivery outcomes.
  • Survey research
  • Assessment of the process of service delivery.
  • Single system or multiple baseline designs to
    evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention
    used by a single practitioner.
  • Needs assessment.
  • Qualitative research.
  • Participatory action research.
  • Feminist Research.
  • Ethnographic studies.
  • Case record or social indicator analysis.
  • Qualitative research.
  • Case study of the process of policy development
    (using secondary sources and/or interview data).
  • Library-based study of a social
    work/welfare/policy issue you have to present an
    acceptable rationale for the methodology and
    sampling of literature (i.e., your data). Only
    two options are acceptable a) Meta-analysis of
    empirical literature b) In depth, e.g., content
    analysis, historical analysis, analysis of
    policies or organization driven by theory.

In addition, if you are completing a project, you
may choose to complete an activity with an
empirical component rather than just do an
empirical study for this course. For example, you
  • Coordinate a conference.
  • Develop training materials for social workers.
  • Write a grant proposal.
  • Analyze a policy.
  • Develop a program.
  • Design a web page for an organization.

For the activity option
  • You still need to complete the three chapters
    required for the course. The criteria for
    Chapters 1 and 3 specify additional information
    required of students who select the activity
  • You need to collect some empirical data about
    your activity for example, you can conduct a
    needs assessment to verify a need for your
    activity or you could evaluate what youve
  • Since you will be required to carry the plan out
    your Chapters 4 and 5 (to be completed next
    semester) will be slightly different from those
    of students choosing the empirical option.

To conduct a good study you need to examine
previous theories and how these theories have
been applied in previous research studies. Often
students pick theories that have nothing to do
with their study!
Most research guided by a theoretical perspective
or framework. If theories about a specific
situation or population dont exist, it is an
indicator that you may need to do a qualitative
or descriptive study. However, the theory portion
of a project or thesis can contain information or
theories about specific research paradigms (or
models) that contain both a theoretical
perspective and a specific approach for doing
For example, feminist research contains a
definite point of view and theories about the
role of women in society. There is also a
specific methodological approach that is used to
conduct feminist research
General TheoriesMore Specific Theories that
Apply to the Situation or Issue under
StudyIntervention or CausePractice Activities
in ModelOutcomes or Effects
Theories About the Effects of Oppression/Powerless
nessEmpowerment Theory as Applied to Clients
in Social Service OrganizationsSocial Workers
facilitate empowerment by encouraging clients to
engage in self-advocacy, self-help groups,
organization decision-making, and political
activism.Clients Perception of their Own
Power Increases
How do I develop a topic and choose methodology?
  • Draw from your own practice experience and
  • Review available literature (books and
    professional journals).
  • You may also do agency-based literature on a
    topic or issue that your field agency or employer

This class requires that you complete the first
three chapters of your project or thesis.If you
choose the empirical/research optionAn
empirical study is anything that involves human
subjects. Your research may be qualitative,
descriptive, or quantitative. In some
circumstances, an historical study or other type
of document analysis may be acceptable. You may
also conduct a case record analysis or use
secondary (already collected) data.
Additional things to think about
  • Have other researchers looked at this topic?
  • Do these studies produce similar or different
  • Are there limitations in the way research was
    conducted previously?
  • Is there available research, but does it actually
    apply to the situation or population group that I
    want to study?
  • Is research on this issue/topic limited?

Key indicators for choosing research methodology
A great deal of previous research on the topic Choose quantitative methods.
A moderate amount of research but it may not pertain to the situation or population I wish to study (for example a needs assessment, consumer satisfaction survey, or a survey that examines demographic characteristics or opinions Choose a descriptive study.
Limited previous research or research that is not relevant to a particular situation or population groups. Choose a qualitative study
Also keep in mind that you will need human
subjects approval for your study
  • This requirement will also apply to activities
    since there is an expectation that some data will
    be collected.
  • You will need to complete a human subjects
    application that will be reviewed by department
    faculty. The expectation for this course is that
    you will file your application before the end of
    the semester.
  • If your study will involve children, prisoners,
    or pregnant women or could pose a risk to
    subjects, you will also need to apply for human
    subjects approval from the university. The
    University Human Subjects committee has its own
    format for the materials that you are expected to
    file. It is highly suggested that if your study
    will involve an at-risk group, then you should
    use the university format to prepare your
    application for the department as well.
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