Title: Bioavailability: An Agrochemical Research Perspective
1Bioavailability An Agrochemical Research
- Syngenta Chemistry Design GroupDavid Adams,
John Delaney, Torquil Fraser, Patrick Gardinal,
Kevin Lawson, Graham Mullier, Andy Pierce, Tony
Seville, Beth Shirley, Graham Sexton, Gail
Templeman, Francesco Vallorani, Russell Viner - UCL Abraham Research Group (LSER)Mike Abraham,
Kei Enomoto, Jamie Platts (Cardiff Univ) ,
Caroline Green (Pfizer) - GlaxoSmithKline (CHI logD/logP, pKa solubility)
Derek Reynolds, Chris Bevan, Klara Valko, Alan
Hill - Sirius Analytical Instruments (GLpKa/D-PAS
Absolv)John Comer, Colin Peake, Karl Box, Lynne
Trowbridge, Stephen Pouros - AstraZeneca (logD/logP pKa solubility)
Nicola Colclough, Alan
Wait, Brian Law
3Bioefficacy of AgrochemicalsPotency Mobility
Stability Balance
- Factors influencing balance
- Wide variety of very different target organisms
- weeds, fungi, insects
- Range of application modes
- soil foliar applied herbicides
- protectant, eradicant systemic fungicides
- contact, residual and soil applied insecticides
- Variable environmental conditions
- climate, location
4Bioavailability Foliar Application
5Bioavailability Soil Application
6Bioavailability of AgrochemicalsLead
Potency-Mobility-Stability Balance
- potent in vitro leads need to be available in
vivo to express activity spectrum. - bioavailability depends both on mobility
stability. - when mobility OR stability poor we have a problem
lead. - when mobility AND stability poor the nightmare
begins! - dream leads have a balanced potency-mobility-stab
ility profile. - avoid the nightmares address the problems,
define the balance.
7Defining the BalancePotency-Mobility-Stability
- Understand profiles for effective compounds to
enable definition of profile options for leads - commercial products
- development compounds
- evaluation compounds
- Profile compounds of diverse molecular
properties, moa, spectrum, application rate
time course of action - HTS ? Glasshouse ? Field
8Agrochemicals Physical PropertiesBioavailability
Related Parameters
- Mobility related (500/yr ? 500/mth ? 500/wk)
- Organic/water partition (logD/logP oct Log P,
delta logP ) - Acid/base dissociation (pKa)
- Aqueous organic solvent solubilities
- Volatility (WindTunnel deposit on glass)
- Stability related (500/yr)
- Hydrolysis (water/esterase)
- Thiol reactivity (GSH/GST)
- Oxidative stability (oxidant/porphyrin)
- Photostability (SunTest deposit on
9Agrochemicals Mobility PropertiesLogP (Oct)
Aqueous Solubility Methods
- Octanol/water partition (logD/logP)
- HPLC(C8/18) hybrid columns (15 cm) physically
coated with octanol aqueous octanol saturated
mobile phase _at_ pH 7 (optional pH 2 to 9) logD
proportional R related to standards range 1 to
4 routine 0 to 5 possible - Aqueous solubility (logSw)
- Ultrasonic dispersion (1 hr) /- roller shaking
(16 hrs)sample (1 mg/ml) in aqueous buffer _at_ pH
7 (pH 2 to 9)centrifuged/filtered prior to
analysis (RP-HPLC)range 0.1 to 1000 ppm (ug/ml)
10Measured vs Predicted PropertiesLogP (octanol)
examples (50 ais)
11Measured vs Predicted PropertiesAqueous
Solubility (Sw ppm ?g/ml) (50 ais)
12LogP (Octanol), (Hexane), (?logP) CHI Measured
data examples (50 ais)
13Agrochemical Products Properties Pesticide
Manual 11th Ed. 1997
- Molecular weight
- 200 to 500 range (86) lt 200 (11) gt 500 (3)
- Melting point (C)
- 50 to 200 range (60) lt 50 (30) gt 200 (10)
- pKa (acid)
- 10 compounds with pKa lt 5
- pKa (base)
- 1 compounds with pKa gt 5
14Agrochemical Products logP ProfilePesticide
Manual 11th Ed. 1997 (500 ais)
15Agrochemical Products logSw (ppm)
ProfilePesticide Manual 11th Ed. 1997 (500 ais)
16Effective Agrochemicals LogP Profile (3000
17Effective Agrochemicals Property Profiles
(3000 ais)
18Drug Design BioavailabilityLipinskis Rule of
- Poor adsorption/permeation likely for structures
where 2 or more of these limits exceeded. - LogP octanol lt 5 (via CLOGP)
- Molecular weight lt 500
- H-Bond Donors lt 5 (sum of OH NHs)
- H-Bond Acceptors lt10 (sum of N Os)
- C. A. Lipinski, F. Lombardo, B. W. Dominy, P.J.
Feeney - Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, (1997), 23, 3-25
- Experimental computational approaches to
estimate solubility permeability in drug
discovery development settings
19Agrochemical Design BioavailabilityBriggs Rule
of 3
- bioavailability likely to be poor for structures
where 3 or more of these limits exceeded - logP octanol ? 3
- Molecular weight 300
- Melting point lt300 C
- H-Bond Donors ? 3 (sum OH NHs)
- Delta logP lt3 (logP oct - logP alk)
- G. G. Briggs, Agrevo UK
- SCI Meeting, Dec 1997, Uptake of Agrochemicals
Pharmaceuticals - Predicting uptake movement of agrochemicals
from physical properties
20Agrochemical Design BioavailabilityTices Rules
- Insecticidal (I) or post-emergence herbicidal (H)
activity more likely when - logP octanol (mlogP) ? 3.5(H) ?0 ? 5(I)
- (alogP) ? 5.0(H) ?0 ? 6.5(I)
- Molecular Weight ?150 ? 500 (I H)
- H-Bond Donors ? 3 (H) ? 2 (I)
- H-Bond Acceptors ? 2 ? 12(H) ? 1 ? 8(I)
- C. M. Tice Pest Management Science, 2001, 57,
3-16 - Selecting the right compounds for screening
does Lipinskis Rule of 5 for pharmaceuticals
apply to agrochemicals
21Agrochemical Design BioavailabilityClarke-Delane
y Guide of 2
- Suggest gt probability of lead progression when
- Molecular weight 200 - 400
- Melting point (deg C) ? 200
- LogP oct ? 4 (via 2 methods for
estimation) - ? LogP ? 2 (logP oct - logP alk)
- pKa (base) 7 ? 2 (- ? 2 for herbicides)
- LogSw 2 /- 1 (10 -1000 ppm)
- H-Bond Donors ? 2 (sum OHs NHs)
- Stability Alerts ? 2
- (EDC/JD March 2000)