Data Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Data Management


Data Management Dr Samuel Mikhail EST/ DHS Introduction: The RDs Annual Report Statistical Annex includes more than 70 indicators in 9 tables (core indicators). – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Data Management

Data Management
  • Dr Samuel Mikhail
  • EST/ DHS

  • The RDs Annual Report Statistical Annex
    includes more than 70 indicators in 9 tables
    (core indicators).
  • Indicators are shown for the most recent year or
    period for which data are available and in most
    tables for an earlier year 2000-2005.
  • Most of out of data on the number of indicators
    are used from implied statistical surveys by the
    country and/or international organization mainly
    on the period 1990-1999, and may not favorable to
    nourish our database.

Cont. Introduction
  • Some countries lag behind in some indicators.
  • EST unit collect collate, analyze, verify and
    clear data of all EMR member states and follow
    the rules of validating indicators with
    collaboration of countries and technical units.

Data Pooling
Barriers and constraints
  • General
  • In many countries and programs definitions,
    classifications and method of calculation do not
    entirely conform to the WHO or international
  • People (even in statistical offices) still mix
    between year of estimate and year of reporting.
  • Delay of reporting the updated data and sent to
    the EST unit after the deadline either from some
    countries or technical units.
  • Related to countries
  • Many countries impose upon the indicators figures
    by using the same figures which were implied for
    many years ago for updating recent years.
  • Countries generally derive their estimates from
    reported services which are not always available
    and accurate.
  • Most countries do not cover the data on various
    types of government and private health services.

Cont. Barriers and constraints
  • Some countries derive these data from survey, but
    since survey questions and definitions differ
    across countries, the estimate may not strictly
  • Most countries do not cover the data on various
    types of government and private health services.
  • Several figures related to the same indicator for
    the same year received in different values and/or
    previous values.
  • Some figures reported from country to various
    regional office units with different values.
  • Consistency of the data in some indicators is
    questionable as it is published by several MOH
    units with different figures on the same dates.
  • Related to technical units
  • Some figures reported to some RO units and never
    been routed to EST unit and/or routed with
    different figures.

Cont. Barriers and constraints
  • Technical units which do not generate statistics
    but use statistics provided by other units,
    sometimes do not comply, they quote statistic
    from UN sources which do not tally with those
    collected in the office such as the CBI.
  • Technical units might think that some of the data
    reported by the countries is not accurate or
  • Related to EST unit
  • EST does not provide future estimations or
    projections except on population based country
    figures while some UN sources do that.
  • EST are not covering, collecting and/or reporting
    additional indicators required all users such as
    MDG indicators ( as access to essential drug and
    TB prevalence )

Examples of discrepancies
  • Related to countries
  • Egypt
  • KSA
  • Pakistan
  • Related to programs
  • Prevalence of smoking
  • Women welfare
  • MDGs indicators
  • Prevalence of Malaria
  • Reported AIDs cases (estimated HIV infections)

A way forward
  • Countries and programs should entirely conform to
    the WHO and international standards concerning
    definitions, classifications and methods of
  • EST has a wealth of information on health data
    since year 1985, documented and published by EMRO
    and should be used as a reference for any further
  • EST continues to coordinate and compile data
    collection from countries and from technical
    units as done last year with successful
    collection and unifying of data.
  • Additional indicators needed by technical units
    which do not generate data could be added to the
    list of indicators actively collected by EST for
    uses and not included core indicators in profiles
    (e.g. MDGs related indicators to be used by CBI).

A way forward
  • Any projection or estimates needed by technical
    units concerning population can be arranged for
    by EST unit.
  • Technical units HAVE TO validate the data they
    receive from their correspondences, inter country
    first through the focal points (i.e. Ministries
    of health) before approving it and routing it to
    the EST, so that data received from countries is
    the same data received from technical units.
  • Technical units continue to validate data
    pertinent to their activities and provide them to
  • Technical units which generate statistics is
    responsible for validating their statistics with
    their national counterparts and provide EST with
    final validated statistics.

A way forward
  • EST unit coordinates a periodic meeting for the
    users to discuss the evaluation and approval of
    the Regional Health database.
  • Beside achieving the fore mentioned steps the EST
    unit will be responsible for collecting
    collating, analyzing, verifying and clearing data
    of all EMR member states and follow the rules of
    validating indicators with collaboration of
    countries and technical units.
  • Any data to be published MUST pass through and be
    approved by the EST unit.

  • Demographic and health indicators definitions

I. Demographic indicators definitions
  • Population growth rate - Number of persons added
    to (or subtracted from) a population in a year
    due to natural increase and net migration
    expressed as a of the population at the
    beginning of the time period.
  • Dependency ratio - The population under 15 years
    and 65 years and over as percentage of the
    population aged 15 to 64.
  • Total fertility rate - Average number of live
    births a woman would have by 50 years of age if
    she were subject, throughout her life, to the age
    specific fertility rates observed in a given

II. Socioeconomic indicators definitions
  • Adult literacy rate 15 (total, male, female) -
    Percentage of the population aged 15 years or
    over who can both read and write, with
    understanding, a short simple statement about
    his/her everyday life.
  • Per capita GDP US - Average annual gross
    domestic product (GDP) per capita at constant
    market prices for each year of the time period
    expressed in current US (see exchange rate).

II. Socioeconomic indicators definitions
  • Population with access to safe drinking-water ()
    - Percentage of population with access to an
    improved drinking-water source in a given year
  • Population with adequate excreta disposal
    facilities () - Percentage of population with
    access to improved sanitation in a given year

III. Health expenditure indicators
  • Total expenditure on health as of GDP - Sum of
    general government health expenditure and private
    health expenditure expressed as percentage of GDP

IV. Indicators of coverage for primary
health care services
  • Population with access to local health services
    () - Proportion of a given population that can
    be expected to use a specified facility, service,
    etc., taking into account barriers to access
    physical (distance, travel time), economic
    (travel cost, fee charged), or social and
    cultural (caste or language barriers).
  • Contraceptive prevalence rate () - Percentage of
    women aged 1549 years who are practicing, or
    whose sexual partners are practicing, any form of
    contraception (any method)
  • Antenatal care coverage () - Percentage of women
    who utilized antenatal care provided by skilled
    health personnel for reasons related to pregnancy
    at least once during pregnancy as a percentage of
    live births in a given time period.

IV. Indicators of coverage for primary health
care services (contd)
  • Births attended by skilled health personnel () -
    Percentage of live births attended by skilled
    health personnel in a given period of time.
  • Infants attended by trained personnel () -
    Percentage of infants up to one year of age
    attended by skilled health personnel per 100 live
    births in the same year.
  • One year-olds immunized with, in a given year,
    according to country Expanded Programme of
    Immunization - ..? ..

V. Health Status indicators
  • Life expectancy at birth (years) - Average number
    of years that a newborn is expected to live if
    current mortality rates continue to apply (total,
    male, female).
  • Newborns with low birth weight ()
  • - Percentage of live born infants with
    birth weight less than 2500 grams in a given time
  • Percentage of children underweight ()
  • -Percentage of children under five years
    who have a weight-for-age below minus two
    standard deviations of the National Center for
    Health Statistics (NCHS)/WHO reference median.

V. Health Status indicators (contd)
  • Infant mortality rate per 1000 live births -
    Number of deaths under one year of age per 1000
    live births in given year or period.
  • Under 5 mortality rate - Probability of child
    born in a specific year or period dying before
    reaching the age of five, if subject to
    age-specific mortality rates of that period.
  • Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 live
    births) (see note c) -Number of maternal deaths
    per 100 000 live births during a specified time
    period, usually one year.

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