Professional Skills in Assistive Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Professional Skills in Assistive Technology


Professional Skills in Assistive Technology Dr Ger Craddock Overview Module Aim Module Content Learning Outcomes Module Assessment Reading Module ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Professional Skills in Assistive Technology

Professional Skills in Assistive Technology
  • Dr Ger Craddock

  • Module Aim
  • Module Content
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Module Assessment
  • Reading

Module Aim
  • To provide students with a knowledge and
    understanding of Assistive Technology (AT) and
    AT assessment process
  • To understand the International Classification of
    Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and how
    it can underpin the AT process
  • To understand the ability and difficulties
    associated with certain conditions
  • to develop the students ability to identify and
    apply appropriate strategies as AT professionals,
  • to develop the students ability to work as a
    team player/leader, outlining key players, their
    skills and role within an AT assessment team

Key Outcomes
  • Explain how technology can be used by people with
    disabilities across a lifespan
  • Knowledge on the ethical and risks issues to
  • Gain an appreciation of the future direction of AT

12 lectures
  • Introduction and overview
  • ICF, Human classification
  • Defining Human abilities ISO guide 71/CEN 6
  • Professional skills key personnel in AT,
    Reflective Practitioners, Ethics
  • Professional skills leadership, key attributes
  • Professional skills Teams, Multidisciplinary
  • Assistive Technology models and outcomes
  • AT in Key Life domains across the lifespan
  • Matching Person and Technology
  • Biomechanics and Assistive Technology
  • Future Directions Universal Design Assistive
  • Review and revision

Learning Outcomes
  • Develop skills in the provision of AT service,
    the AT assessment process and the ICF
  • Understand the abilities and difficulties
    associated with certain conditions and the use of
    AT in supporting independent living through the
    use of a range of strategies
  • Understand how individuals and teams act as
    innovators/leaders, monitor and evaluate their
    progress as reflective practitioners and problem
  • Have the ability to work as a team player within
    the AT service
  • understand a range of complementary techniques in
    AT provision
  • Have the ability to develop effective solutions
    in AT.
  • Understand service provision models, ethical
    challenges, risk analysis
  • Future direction of the field of Assistive

Module Assessment
  • Continuous assessment will comprise 40 of the
    marks for this module.
  • An end of module examination will comprise the
    remaining 60.

  • Written assignment and presentation each student
    will choose a peer reviewed article from the 10
    themes, critique and present to the class,
    followed by discussion
  • Attendance and Participation in lectures
  • One written assignment to be submitted prior to
    lecture 12.

  • An end of module examination will comprise the
    remaining 60.

Suggested Reading
  • Cook, AM., Hussey, SM., 2nd edition 2001,
    Assistive Technologies Principles and Practice,
  • Cook, AM., Hussey, SM., 3rd edition 2008,
    Assistive Technologies Principles and Practice,
  • DeCoste, D.C., Reed, P.R., Kaplan, M.W. (2005)
    "Assistive Technology Teams Many Ways to Do It
    Well", National Assistive Technology in Education
    Network, http//
  • Craddock, G., McCabe, M., (1999) "Leadership in
    Assistive Technology - the Aphrodite Project",
    Assistive Technology on the Threshold of New
    Millenium, Editado por C.Bühler e H. Knops, IOS
  • Craddock, G (2002) Matching Person and
    Technology Assessment Process Journal of
    Technology and Disability, Vol 14, no 3, IOS Press

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The Person
The Environment
The Technology
Assistive Technology
  • People with disabilities have long been integral
    to the development of technology. AT as a
    service has been available since the 1930s, with
    specialised equipment and devices for people with

Module Description
  • Although Assistive Technology devices have been
    available for some time, the AT service industry
    is a relatively new field and it is ever
  • Leadership within this field has a tremendous
    impact on many aspects of Assistive Technology
    including service delivery, device production,
    universal design, etc.

World Report on Disability 2011
  • 1 billion people (15) 110-190 million with
    complex needs (4)
  • Growing numbers aging populations, increase in
    chronic disease, medical advances
  • According to the Irish 2006 census there are
    972,108 children aged 5-18 and according to the
    National Council for Children with Special Needs,
    4 of children will have complex ongoing needs.

The Person
The person with a disability in an Irish
Context The experience of disability in Ireland
went from benevolent to paternalistic charity to
stubborn discrimination and exclusion and the
experience of many working in the disability
related sector is often one of deep frustration
at the bureaucracy, delay, and confusion
resulting from these attitudes, organisational
fragmentation and sheer lack of required
financial resources Bruce 2000 p3
  • There is a good deal of evidence,
    particularly anecdotal evidence in the
    literature, that supports the view that
    technology can assist people with disabilities to
    overcome the barriers that exist within their
    environment. However, this is only possible if
    the relationship between technology and
    disability is considered in greater depth.
  • Craddock 2004

The Person
  • Empowering people with disabilities should be a
    central part of the AT process

Underpining AT service
  • A socio-political approach to disability
    emphasises the importance of difference,
    diversity and the heterogeneity of what it means
    to be human.
  • Views of disability as a tragedy,
  • A major issue is about control and how to get out
    of the charity-trap
  • Also the concept that individuals with
    disabilities do not necessarily perceive their
    conditions and identities as bad
  • demands for equity and non-discrimination need to
    be derived from an informed understanding of the
    disabling barriers within society.

Medical Social Model
  • Historically disability was treated as a medical
    matter and the concern was the search for a
    cure. This resulted in many people with
    disabilities being institutionalised and
  • medical model ignores the imperfections and
    deficiencies of the surrounding society that a
    given level of impairment or degree of
    restriction does not necessarily lead to
  • Social model has been criticised for failing to
    improve our understanding of the experiences of
    people with disabilities
  • The medical model and social model dominate,
    particularly in the areas of health and

Bio-psychsocial Model
  • The bio-psycho-social model places the cause of
    disability within an inaccessible environment
    and the impairment. Is linked to the ICF
    (international classification of Function).
  • ICF is based on this model, an integration of
    medical and social.
  • ICF provides a coherent view of different
    perspectives of health biological, individual
    and social.

Bio-psycho-social Model
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