Title: Management 11e John Schermerhorn
1Management 11e John Schermerhorn
- Chapter 7
- Information and
- Decision Making
2Planning Ahead Chapter 7 Study Questions
- What is the role of information in the management
process? - How do managers use information to make
decisions? - What are the steps in the decision-making
process? - What are the current issues in managerial
decision making?
3Study Question 1 What is the role of information
in the management process?
- Information, technology and management
- Managers must have
- Computer competency
- Ability to understand computers and use them
to their best advantage - Information competency
- Ability to gather, analyze and use information
for decision making and problem solving - What is useful information?
- Data
- Raw facts and observations
- Information
- Data made useful for decision making
Information drives management functions
4Study Question 1 What is the role of information
in the management process?
- Characteristics of useful information
- Timely
- High quality
- Complete
- Relevant
- Understandable
- Information needs of organizations
- Information exchanges with the external
environment - Gather intelligence information
- Provide public information
- Information exchanges within the organization
- Facilitate decision making
- Facilitate problem solving
5Study Question 1 What is the role of information
in the management process?
6Figure 7.1 Internal and external information
needs of an organization
7Study Question 1 What is the role of information
in the management process?
- Information systems
- Use IT to collect, organize and distribute data
for use in decision making - Management information systems
- Meet the information needs of managers in
making daily decisions -
8Figure 7.2 Information technology is breaking
barriers and changing organizations
9Study Question 2 How do managers use information
to make decisions?
- Managerial advantages of IT utilization
- Planning advantages
- Better and more timely access to useful
information - Involving more people in planning
- Organizing advantages
- More ongoing and informed communication among all
parts of the organization - Improved coordination and integration
- Leading advantages
- Improved communication with staff and
stakeholders - Keeping objectives clear
- Controlling advantages
- More immediate measures of performance results
- Allows real-time solutions to performance
problems -
10Figure 7.3 The manager as an information-processin
g nerve center
11Study Question 2 How do managers use information
to make decisions?
- Problem solving
- The process of identifying a discrepancy between
actual and desired performance and taking action
to resolve it
12Study Question 2 How do managers use information
to make decisions?
- Problem-solving approaches or styles
13Study Question 2 How do managers use information
to make decisions?
- Systematic versus intuitive thinking
14Study Question 2 How do managers use information
to make decisions?
- Multidimensional thinking applies both intuitive
and systematic thinking - Effective multidimensional thinking requires
skill at strategic opportunism
15Study Question 2 How do managers use information
to make decisions?
Managers use different cognitive styles
16Study Question 2 How do managers use information
to make decisions?
- Types of problems
- Structured problems are ones that are familiar,
straightforward, and clear with respect to
information needs - Programmed decisions apply solutions that are
readily available from past experiences to solve
structured problems - Unstructured problems are ones that are full of
ambiguities and information deficiencies - Nonprogrammed decisions apply a specific solution
to meet the demands of a unique problem - Commonly faced by higher-level management
- Crisis decision making
- A crisis involves an unexpected problem that can
lead to disaster if not resolved quickly and
17Study Question 2 How do managers use information
to make decisions?
18Study Question 2 How do managers use information
to make decisions?
- Managers make decisions with various amounts of
19Figure 7.4 Three environments for managerial
decision making and problem solving
20Study Question 3 What are the steps in the
decision-making process?
- Five-step decision-making process
- Identify and define the problem
- Generate and evaluate alternative solutions
- Make decision
- Implement the decision
- Evaluate results
21Figure 7.5 Steps in managerial decision making
and problem solving
22Study Question 3 What are the steps in the
decision-making process?
- Step 1 Find and define the problem
- Focuses on information gathering, information
processing, and deliberation - Decision objectives should be established
- Common mistakes in defining problems
- Defining the problem too broadly or too narrowly
- Focusing on symptoms instead of causes
- Choosing the wrong problem
- Step 2 generate and evaluate alternative
courses of action - Potential solutions are formulated and more
information is gathered, data are analyzed , the
advantages and disadvantages of alternative
solutions are identified. Approaches for
evaluating alternatives - Stakeholder analysis
23Study Question 3 What are the steps in the
decision-making process?
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Criteria for evaluating alternatives
- Benefits
- Costs
- Timeliness
- Acceptability
- Ethical soundness
- Common mistakes
- Selecting a particular solution too quickly
- Choosing a convenient alternative that may have
damaging side effects or may not be as good as
other alternatives
24Study Question 3 What are the steps in the
decision-making process?
- Step 3 decide on a preferred course of action
- Two different approaches
- Behavioral model leads to satisficing decisions
- Classical model leads to optimizing decisions
- Step 4 implement the decision solution
- Involves taking action to make sure the solution
decided upon becomes a reality - Managers need to have willingness and ability to
implement action plans . Lack-of-participation
error should be avoided
25Figure 7.6 Differences in the classical and
behavioral decision-making models
26Study Question 3 What are the steps in the
decision-making process?
- Step 5 evaluate results
- Involves comparing actual and desired results
- Positive and negative consequences of chosen
course of action should be examined - If actual results fall short of desired results,
the manager returns to earlier steps in the
decision-making process
27Study Question 3 What are the steps in the
decision-making process?
- Check ethical reasoning
- Ask these spotlight questions
- Issues in decision making
- How do decision errors happen?
- Hueristics are strategies for simplifying
decision making
28Study Question 4 What are the current issues in
managerial decision making?
29Study Question 4 What are the current issues in
managerial decision making?
- Creative Decision making
- Creativity is the generation of a novel idea or
unique approach that solves a problem or crafts
an opportunity - creativity is more likely when decision makers
are highly task motivated - Organizations should create an environment that
supports and encourages creativity - Situational creativity drivers
- Team creativity skills
- Management support for creative ideas
- Organizational culture
30Study Question 4 What are the current issues in
managerial decision making?
- Personal creativity drivers
31Study Question 4 What are the current issues in
managerial decision making?
- Situational creativity drivers
32Chapter 7 Case
- Amazon One e-store rules them all