Title: Newsletter
Krishna Avanti Primary School Spencefield
Lane Evington Leicester LE5 6HN Tel 0116 241
9880 www.krishna-avanti-leicester.org.uk Headteach
er Mrs Sally Hughes
Friday 28th June 2013 Issue 5
Message from the Headteacher It has been a
pleasure to see and hear the growing enthusiasm
from the children as they welcome me each morning
with their ideas and compositions of new words
for the song Hes Got the Whole World in His
Hands. This is such a wonderful song to hear the
children sing alongside our daily prayers and
mantras. It really reminds us of the huge world
in which we all live.
WELL DONE to the following pupils who received
Golden Book awards this week Foundation Stage
Kai Katwa Year 1 Svayam Sayan
Sean Sagar
Attendance Well done
to Badgers They have
95.56 attendance this week.
Requests for leave of absence Please remember
that from September 2013 the Headteacher should
not authorise requests for leave of absence
during term time. This is the new guidance from
the Department for Education
Sports Day
Re-scheduled for
Monday 1st July 1.15pm
Lets keep our fingers crossed
that the weather is on our side!
2Dates for your Diary Report to parents Fri
July 5th Karate Archery presentations Fri
July 5th 8.30 am Summer Musical Production
Wed July 10th- 9.30am Festival of chariots - July
11th Dance performance by After School Club
Fri July 12th 8.30am Last day of Term Fri July
12th Leicester Rathayatra Sun Aug 4th
Cossington Park Installation of Deities at the
school Sat 10th August 9-12.30
Summer Production This will
be held on Wednesday 10th July at 9.30 am in the
hall at St. Paul's School. Please note, only two
tickets per child available. If you have not yet
sent in your childs costume, please do so as
soon as possible.
School Website Avanti Schools Trust are currently
in the process of overhauling the websites for
each of the schools. Now is the perfect time to
share your ideas and experiences, thereby
contributing to the way in which your school
connects with its various audiences. Please see
the online questionnaire at the link
below http//www.avanti.org.uk/astsection.php?sec
Year 1 trip - Botanical gardens On Wednesday
the 26th June, the children in Year 1 had a
lovely day in the Botanical Garden. We were very
grateful to have had such a beautiful blue sky
day! The children got into small groups and set
off on the exciting maths trail around the
garden. They had a map to read and follow, which
took them to all the different activities. They
were very busy counting, measuring, looking for
shapes and adding, and all in a real-life
setting! After their trail, they enjoyed a picnic
on the grass, as you can see in the photo. Well
done to Year 1 for your excellent behaviour on
the trip!
Many thanks! To those families who came last
Saturday and helped out in the school gardens.
Everyone agreed the time went so fast and we
really achieved a lot! Representatives of the
Royal Horticultural Society visited this week and
were impressed by the beginnings of our gardens.
Mr Peter. Kai, Oscar and
Oliver, planting sweetcorn
Karate Archery Presentations Parents are
welcome to join our morning assembly on Friday
5th July, when the children attending these After
School Clubs will be awarded certificates and
medals together with a special trophy for
Consecration of New Shrine
Saturday 10th August 2013. We
would like to invite you to a
festival to be held at the School,
it is a consecration ceremony of the
shrine in the worship hall. The ceremony will
begin at 9am and conclude at 12.30pm with the
serving of lunch. There will be a role for the
children during the ceremony. Please make a note
of this date in your diary and RSVP on the school
email address or to the school office if you are
planning to attend. Thank you. P Gajjar, Chair of
High demand for places at Krishna Avanti
School As you are probably aware, in September
our classes will be full in both Reception and
Year 2. In the current Reception Class, which
will be Year 1 there are several places currently
still available. If any of your family or friends
are looking for a place in Yr1 for September -
please send them our way.