EU Law and Consumer Protection- new trends - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EU Law and Consumer Protection- new trends


new trends Lecturer Razvan Viorescu Suceava University What is happening? European single market driving new EC consumer policy and law Harmonisation Aims Competitive ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: EU Law and Consumer Protection- new trends

EU Law and Consumer Protection-new trends
  • Lecturer Razvan Viorescu
  • Suceava University

What is happening?
  • European single market driving new EC consumer
    policy and law
  • Harmonisation
  • Aims
  • Competitive markets
  • Consumer protection
  • Consumer empowerment
  • Cross border fraud
  • New style law
  • National law reform

Notion of 'consumer' General overview
  • Consumers' rights
  • The consumer is, according to the law, any
    natural person, or group of natural persons
    composing an association, who acquires, obtains,
    uses or consumes products or services, outside
    his trade or profession.
  • Notion of 'consumer' means any natural person
    who, in contracts covered by the Directive 93/13,
    is acting for purposes which are outside his
    trade, business or profession
  • The European Court of Justice, in judgment Cape
    Snc (22 November 2001 n.C-541-542/1999) has
    stated that consumer is only a physical person
    and can not be extended to companies.

Consumers' rights
  • The consumer has the following main rights
  • the right to be protected against the risks of
    purchasing a product or receiving a service which
    may compromise their life, health or safety or
    which may negatively  affect their rights or
    legitimate interests 
  • the right to have access to complete, precise and
    correct information regarding the essential
    characteristics of the products acquired and the
    services provided so that the decisions he takes
    in this respect best correspond   to his needs,
    as well as the right to get proper education in
    his quality of consumer 
  • the right to have access to markets which provide
    a wide variety of quality products and services
  • the right to compensation, by legal means, for
    damages generated by the inadequate quality of
    products and services
  • the right to join in consumers associations for
    the purpose of defending their interests.

Consumer law
  • overview of relevant EU Treaty articles and
    consumer programmes
  • responsibilities of member states EU
  • how consumer rights have been included in
    legislative texts
  • consumer acquis door-to-door selling, distance
    selling, injunctions, package travel, timeshare,
    consumer guarantees, price indication, unfair
    contract terms
  • transport passenger rigths, competition, food
    law, labelling, enforcement co-operation,
    Alternative Dispute Resolution

Harmonisation of EC Consumer Law in the European
  • Aims creating an Internal Market for the
    benefit of businesses and consumers
  • Article 95 EC harmonisation of law for creation
    of Internal Market Article 153 consumer
  • Methods Directives (flexibility, discretion)
  • Consumer Protection Directives (dual aims
    competition and consumer protection) contract
    law (doorstep sales, consumer credit), tort
    (delict) (product liability), administrative law
    (product safety)
  • Challenges differences in implementation,
    differences in application procedures, legal

EC Consumer Law
  • Internal Market building - balancing interests of
    consumers with interests of businesses,
  • Directives mostly minimum harmonisation
    striving towards maximum harmonisation,
  • Challenges differences in implementation of
    Directives, differences in application is
    maximum harmonisation possible? Complete

The main aspects of the protection of consumers
economic interests
  • EU policies shall ensure a high level of consumer
    protection (art.38 Charter of Fundamental Rights,
    approved in December 2000)
  • The economic interests of consumers are protected
    in the European Union Member States through
    several directives which are approximating the
    rules of the following contracts Distance
    contracts Distance contracts for financial
    services contacts negotiated away from business
    premises purchase of the rights to use immovable
    properties on a timeshare basis sale of consumer
    goods and associated guarantees package travel.
    The position of consumer in air transports and in
    financial services has been also regulated
    through several European directives

The main aspects of the protection of consumers
economic interests
  • Prohibition for the trader to exploit his
    position of power in relation to a consumer
    prohibition of unfair terms in consumer contracts
    (Directive 93/13) prohibition of unfair
    commercial practices (directive n.2005/29/CE)
  • Right for the consumer of an effective
    administrative or judicial protection. Interim
    Measures (also by way of summary procedure).
    Recognition of the role of the consumer
    association aimed at protecting collective
    interests. Cooperation between national
    authorities responsible for the enforcement of
    consumer protection laws (Regulation n.2006 of

The impact of Consumer Law to other EU policies
(notably Competition Law and Environmental Law)
  • According to art.153 of the EC Treaty Consumer
    protection requirements shall be taken into
    account in defining and implementing other
    Community policies and activities.
  • Treaty establishing the European Community
    (Article 153)
  • 1.   In order to promote the interests of
    consumers and to ensure a high level of consumer
    protection, the Community shall contribute to
    protecting the health, safety and economic
    interests of consumers, as well as to promoting
    their right to information, education and to
    organise themselves in order to safeguard their
  • 2.   Consumer protection requirements shall be
    taken into account in defining and implementing
    other Community policies and activities.
  • 3.   The Community shall contribute to the
    attainment of the objectives referred to in
    paragraph 1 through
  • (a)  measures adopted pursuant to Article 95 in
    the context of the completion of the internal
  • (b)  measures which support, supplement and
    monitor the policy pursued by the Member
    States.4.   The Council, acting in accordance
    with the procedure referred to in Article 251 and
    after consulting the Economic and Social
    Committee, shall adopt the measures referred to
    in paragraph 3(b).
  • 5.   Measures adopted pursuant to paragraph 4
    shall not prevent any Member State from
    maintaining or introducing more stringent
    protective measures. Such measures must be
    compatible with this Treaty. The Commission shall
    be notified of them.

Making EC consumer law work for consumers
  • Access to law access to justice Green Paper
    on Access of Consumers to Justice (1993), Action
    Plan 1996,
  • European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net) 2005
    information on rights, advice on ADR,
    assistance with settling disputes
  • ADR (Green Paper, European Code of Conduct for
    mediators, Draft Directive on Civil Mediation)
  • Consumer Complaint Form
  • Civil litigation harmonisation process

Harmonising civil procedure rules EC competence
  • Maastricht (EU pillar judicial cooperation in
    civil matters)
  • Amsterdam (establishing an area of freedom,
    security and justice EC policy)
  • Tampere European Council
  • The Hague programme 2005 2010
  • (better access to justice, mutual recognition of
    judicial decisions and increased convergence of
    procedural law).

Harmonising civil procedure rules
  • Mutual recognition of judicial decisions in civil
    and commercial matters
  • Documents, evidence, order for payments, small
  • European Judicial Network in Civil and Commercial
    Matters (judicial cooperation and providing
    information to facilitate access to justice)
  • Legal Aid Directive.

Further challenges to harmonisation legal
  • The enlarged European Union a melting pot of
    legal traditions and legal cultures
  • Different approaches to law and litigation,
    different legal, administrative and judicial
    structures, differences in nature of legal
    profession, different perceptions of law and
  • All Member States have to take into account the
    Regulation on cooperation between national
    authorities responsible for the enforcement of
    consumer protection laws (CE n.2006/2004)
  • Aims of the Rgulation Establishment of public
    authorities responsible for enforcement of the
    laws that protect consumers interests in dealing
    with intra-Community infringements establishment
    of a network among the different public
    authorities based on the principle of loyal
    cooperation which include a minimum of common
    investigation and enforcement powers
    strengthening the cooperation between public
    authorities and consumer associations .

Institutional Market surveillance for consumers
protection European cases
  • Romania
  • Bulgaria
  • Slovenia
  • Czech Republic
  • Poland
  • Hungary
  • Estonia

Market surveillance Romania
  • The National Authority for Consumer Protection
    (NACP) (accountable directly to the Prime
  • Headquarters and 42 regional offices (76 684
    760 people) every office is an independent
    legal entity
  • Control over the GPSD, RAPEX contact point and
    some of the New Approach Directives (LVD, TOYS,
  • State Inspectorate for Boilers, Pressure Vessels
    and Hoisting Equipment (reporting to the Ministry
    of Economy and Finance) Headquarters 15
    regional bureaux responsible for SPV, GAD, LIFTS
  • Romanian Bureau for Legal Metrology (subordinated
    to the Government) Headquarters and 8 regional
    offices NAWI
  • Labour Inspection (under Ministry of Labour, the
    Family and Equal Opportunities) Headquarters
    and 42 regional offices LVD, MD

Market surveillance Bulgaria
  • Consumer Protection Commission (within the
    Ministry of Economy and Energy, which is
    responsible for legislation issues)
  • Headquarters and 6 regional branches
  • Composition of the Commission 5 members
    appointed for a five-year term by the Government
  • Does the controls and proceedings on general
    product safety and reports to RAPEX
  • 136 people dealing with market control
  • Co-operate with Communications Regulatory
    Commission (chairperson appointed by the Prime
    Minister, deputy and two other members by
    National Assembly and 1 member by the President
    of the Republic) Financial Supervision
    Commission Commission for Competition Protection
    (these two reporting to the National Assembly)

Market surveillance Slovenia
  • The Consumer Protection Office (under Ministry of
    Economy) regulator and legislation responsible
  • Market Inspectorate (Ministry of Economy)
    surveillance of non-food products, Headquarters
    (110 inspectors, 28 in market surveillance
    activities) and 14 regional offices
  • Surveillance on consumer protection, GPSD plus
    forbid the sale and impose fines while criminal
  • Budget Euro 177 000 spend on laboratory testing
    and analyses
  • Health Inspectorate (Ministry of Health) TOYS
  • Labour Inspectorate (Ministry of Labour) LIFTS,

Market surveillance Czech Republic
  • Trade Inspection principal authority
    (subordinated to Ministry of Industry and Trade)
  • Headquarters and 7 regional branches
  • 420 employees (23 in GPSD), annual budget around
    Euro 8 million
  • Random competence for product safety control,
    proceedings and fines (total fines Euro 650 000,
    average around Euro 400)
  • Telecommunication devices (Czech
    Telecommunication Office reporting to the
    Ministry of Economy until 1 November 1996, later
    under Ministry of Transport and Communications,
    since 30 June 2000 independent within the
    structure of the Government)
  • Consumer Advisory Council (under Ministry of
    Industry and Trade) communication between
    governmental and non-governmental consumer

Market surveillance Poland
  • Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
    (subordinated to the Prime Minister)
  • Headquarters and 9 regional branches (280 people,
    14 in Market Surveillance Department)
  • Budget Euro 10 mln
  • Responsible for legislation and proceedings in
    the field of general product safety
  • The New Approach Directives Office of
    Competition and Consumer Protection (monitoring
    the system) plus 9 specialised authorities
    (subordinated to various ministries)
  • Steering committee as a coordination body
  • Outside the market surveillance but still survey
    the market are the following
  • Centralised Financial Supervision Authority
    (Prime Minister) Energy Regulatory Office
    (Minister of Economy) Bureau for Chemical
    Substances and Preparations (Minister of Health)
  • Decentralised (Headquarters responsible to
    minister, 16 regional branches to regional
    governors and 379 subordinate to county
    authorities) Agricultural and Food Quality
    Inspection The Main Pharmaceutical Inspectorate
    Chief Sanitary Inspectorate

Market surveillance Hungary
  • General Inspectorate for Consumer Protection
    (GICP) (subordinated to Ministry of Economy and
  • Headquarters (160 people, 50 in market
    surveillance) upper instance to
  • 19 regional (230 people, 160 in market
    surveillance) offices (under Ministry of Local
    Government and Territorial Development)
  • Budget Euro 4,3 million for market surveillance
    activities of HQ and Euro 6 million for regional
  • Inspects the safety of the products, monitors the
    law, operates the Central Market Surveillance
    Information System, does the inquiries based on
    consumers complaints, sole responsible for GPSD
    and several New Approach Directives LVD, TOYS,
    MD, EMC, CPD

Market surveillance Estonia
  • Consumer Protection Board (under Ministry of
    Economic Affairs and Communications)
    responsible for GPSD, supervising the consumer
    market and RAPEX point
  • Headquarters (62 people) and 13 regional offices
    3 inspectors in HQ and 15 in regional bureaux,
    who also respond to consumer complaints
  • Budget Euro 1,1 million
  • Technical Inspectorate (Ministry of Economic
    Affairs and Communications) responsible for
    LVD, EMC, MD, GAD, SPV, constructions, mines,
    explosives and chemicals
  • Communications Board (Ministry of Economic
    Affairs and Communications) supervises the
    RTTE, radio and television equipment
  • Labour Inspectorate (Ministry of Social Affairs)
  • Health Protection Inspectorate (Ministry of
    Social Affairs) toys and cosmetics
  • The co-ordination forum is Market Supervision
    Council, which advices the Ministry of Economic
    Affairs and Communications the chairperson is
    deputy Secretary of State in the Ministry

  • Future directions for European Consumer Law
  • Greater coordination, internal coherence or
    substantive laws, complete harmonisation
  • Emphasis on enforcement coexistence of public
    and private enforcement measures
  • Greater procedural harmonisation.
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