Diagnosis and Interpretation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diagnosis and Interpretation


We concentrate on diagnosis and interpretation because historically they are significant problems that AI has addressed And there are numerous and varied solutions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diagnosis and Interpretation

Diagnosis and Interpretation
  • We concentrate on diagnosis and interpretation
    because historically they are significant
    problems that AI has addressed
  • And there are numerous and varied solutions,
    providing us with an interesting cross-section of
    AI techniques to examine
  • Diagnosis is the process of determining whether
    the behavior of a system is correct
  • If incorrect, which part(s) of the system is(are)
  • We often refer to the result of a diagnosis is
    one or more malfunctions
  • The system being diagnosed can be an artificial
    system (man-made) or natural system (e.g., the
    human body, the ecology)
  • man-made systems are easier to diagnose because
    we understand the systems thoroughly enough to
    develop an accurate model
  • Interpretation is a related problem, it is the
    process of explaining the meaning of some object
    of attention

Data Driven Processes
  • While both diagnosis and interpretation have
    goals of seeking to explain, the processes are
    triggered by data
  • We use the data (symptoms, manifestations,
    observations) to trigger possible reasons for why
    those data have arisen
  • Thus, these problems are distinct from
    goal-driven problems
  • Like planning, design, and control
  • control encompasses planning, interpretation,
    diagnosis and possibly prediction
  • One way to view diagnosis/interpretation is that
    given data, explain why the data has arisen
  • Thus, it is an explanation-oriented process
  • the result of the process is an explanation which
    attempts to describe why we have the resulting
    behavior (malfunctions or observations)
  • we will reconsider this idea (explanation as a
    process) later

The Diagnostic Task
  • Data triggers causes (hypotheses of malfunctions,
    or potential diagnoses), typically an
    associational form of knowledge
  • Hypotheses must be confirmed through additional
    testing and inspection of the situation
  • Hypotheses should be as specific as possible, so
    they need to be refined (e.g., given a general
    class of disease, find the most specific subclass)

Forms of Interpretation
  • The idea behind interpretation is that we are
    trying to understand why something has happened
  • Diagnosis is a form of interpretation in that we
    are trying to understand a systems deviation
    from the norm
  • what caused the system to deviate? what
    components have broken down? why?
  • Diagnosis is a form of interpretation, but there
    are other forms
  • Data analysis what phenomenon caused the data
    to arise, e.g., studying astronomical phenomena
    by looking at radio signals, or looking at blood
    clots and decided on blood types
  • Object identification viewing a description (in
    some form, whether visual or data) of an object,
    what is the object
  • Speech recognition interpret the acoustic
    signal in terms of words/meanings
  • Communication what is the meaning behind a
    given message? This can be carried over to
    analysis of artwork
  • Evidence analysis trying to decipher the data
    from a crime scene to determine what happened,
    who committed the crime and why
  • Social behavior explaining why someone acted in
    a particular way

Some Definitions
  • Let us assume that our knowledge of a given
    system is contained as a model
  • A diagnosis is a particular hypothesis of how the
    system differs from the model
  • what component(s) is(are) not functioning as
  • A diagnosis is a description of one possible
    state of the system where the state is not the
    normal state
  • A consistency-based diagnosis is a diagnosis
    where each component of the system is labeled as
    either normal or abnormal (functioning correctly
    or not) such that the description is consistent
    with the observations
  • If there are n components in a system, there are
    2n different diagnoses because we must consider
    that multiple components may fail
  • A minimal diagnosis is a diagnosis consisting of
    some set of components C such that there is no
    consistent diagnosis that is a subset of C

First Interpretation System
  • The system Dendral, from 1966, was given mass
    spectrogram data and inferred the chemical
    composition from that data
  • The input would be the mass of the substance
    along with other experimental lab data
  • Dendral would apply knowledge of atomic masses,
    valence rules and connectivity among atoms to
    determine combinations and connections of the
    atoms in the unknown compound
  • The number of combinations grows exponentially
    with the size (mass) of the unknown compound)
  • Dendral used a plan-generate-test process
  • First, constraints would be generated based on
    heuristic knowledge of what molecules might
    appear given the initial input and any knowledge
    presented about the unknown compound

Dendral Continued
  • The planning step would constrain the generate
  • At this step, graphical representations of
    possible molecules would be generated
  • The constraints are necessary to reduce the
    number of possible graphs generated
  • The final step, testing, attempts to eliminate
    all but the correct representations
  • Each remaining graph is scored by examining the
    candidate molecular structure and comparing it
    against mass spectrometry rules and reaction
    chemistry rules
  • Structures are discarded if they are inconsistent
    with the spectrum or known reactions
  • Any remaining structures are presented the
  • At this point, the operator can input additional
    heuristic rules that can be applied to this case
    to prune away incorrect structures
  • These rules are added to the heuristics, so
    Dendral learns
  • A thorough examination is presented in

  • Mycin was the next important step in the
    evolution of AI expert systems and AI in medicine
  • The first well known and well received expert
    system, it also presented a generic solution to
    reasoning through rules
  • It provided uncertainty handling in the form of
    certainty factors
  • After creating Mycin, some of the researchers
    developed the rule-based language E-Mycin
    (Essential or Empty Mycin) so that others could
    develop their own rule-based expert systems
  • Mycin had the ability to explain its conclusions
    by showing matching rules that it used in its
    chain of logic
  • Mycin outperformed the infectious disease experts
    when tested, coming to an acceptable therapy in
    69 of its cases
  • A spinoff of Mycin was a teaching tool called
    GUIDON which is based on the Mycin knowledge base

The Importance of Explanation
  • The Dendral system presented an answer but did
    not explain how it came about its conclusions
  • Mycin could easily generate an explanation by
    outputting the rules that matched in the final
    chain of logic
  • E.g., rule 12 rule 15 ? rule 119 ? rule 351
  • A user can ask questions like why was rule 351
    selected? to which Mycin responds by showing the
    rules conditions (lhs) and why those conditions
    were true
  • The reason why a rule is true is usually based on
    previous rules being true leading to conclusions
    that made the given rule true
  • By being able to see the explanation, one can
    feel more confident with the systems answers
  • But it is also a great tool to help debug and
    develop the knowledge base

Mycin Sample Rules
RULE116 IF 1) the identity of ORGANISM-1 is not
known 2) the gram stain of ORGANISM-1 is not
known 3) the morphology of ORGANISM-1 is
not known 4) the site of CULTURE-1 is csf
5) the infection is meningitis 6) the age
(in years) of the patient is less than equal to
.17 THEN There is weakly suggestive evidence (.
3) that the category of ORGANISM-1 is
enterobacteriaceae RULE050 IF 1) the morphology
of ORGANISM-1 is rod 2) the gram stain of
ORGANISM-1 is gramneg 3) the aerobicity of
ORGANISM-1 is facultative 4) the infection
with ORGANISM-1 was acquired while the patient
was hospitalized THEN There is evidence that
the category of ORGANISM-1 is enterobacteriaceae
Systems Generated From Emycin
  • SACON Structural Analysis CONsultant
  • Puff pulmonary disorders
  • originally implemented in Emycin before being
    re-implemented as an OO system

IF 1) The material composing the sub-structure
is one of the metals, and 2) The analysis
error that is tolerable is between 5 and 30,
and 3) Then non-dimensional stress of the
sub-structure gt .9 , and 4) The number of
cycles the loading is to be applied is between
1000 and10000 THEN It is definite (1.0) that
fatigue is one of the stress behavior phenomena
in the sub-structure
I f 1) The mmf/mmf-predicted ratio is 35..45
the fvc/fvc-predicted ratio gt 88 2) The
mmf/mmf-predicted ratio is 25..35 the
fvc/fvc-predicted ratio lt 88 Then There is
suggestive evidence (.5) that the degree of
obstructive airways disease as indicated by the
MMF is moderate, and it is definite (1.8) that
the following is one of the findings about the
diagnosis of obstructive airways disease Reduced
mid-expiratory flow indicates moderate airway
A Fuzzy Logic Approach
  • The process is one of
  • Fuzzifying the inputs
  • blood pressure of 145 mmHg can be denoted as
    low/0, medium/.4, high/.6
  • Fuzzy reasoning
  • applying rules similar to Mycin
  • recall that fuzzy systems do poorly with lengthy
    chains of rules, so we will primarily use fuzzy
    logic in diagnosis when there are few rules and
    limited chains of logic
  • we use fuzzy logic and set theory to compute AND,
    OR, NOT, Implication, Difference, etc. as needed
    for the rules
  • Fuzzy classes
  • given the result of our rules, we defuzzify by
    identifying which class (malfunction(s)/diagnosis(
    es)) is rated the highest
  • FL has been used for automotive diagnosis,
    clinical lab test interpretation, mammography

Analyzing Mycins Process
  • A thorough analysis of Mycin was performed and it
    was discovered that the rule-based approach of
    Mycin was actually following three specific tasks
  • Data are first translated using data abstraction
    from specific values to values that may be of
    more use (e.g., changing a real value into a
    qualitative value)
  • The disease(s) is then classified
  • The hypothesis is refined into more detail
  • By considering the diagnostic process as three
    related but different tasks, it allows one to
    more clearly understand the process
  • With that knowledge, it becomes easier to see how
    to solve a diagnostic task use classification

Classification as a Task
  • One can organize the space of diagnostic
    conclusions (malfunctions) into a taxonomy
  • The diagnostic task is then one of searching the
  • Coined hierarchical classification
  • The task can be solved by establish-refine
  • Attempt to establish a node in the hierarchy
  • If found relevant, refine it by recursively
    trying to establish any of the nodes children
  • If found non-relevant, prune that portion of the
    hierarchy away and thus reduce the complexity of
    the search
  • How does one establish a node as relevant?
  • Here, we can employ any number of possible
    approaches including rules
  • Think of the node as a specialist in
    identifying that particular hypothesis
  • Encode any relevant knowledge to recognize
    (establish) that hypothesis in the node itself

Supporting Classification
  • The establish knowledge can take on any number of
    different forms
  • Rules (possibly using fuzzy logic or certainty
    factors, or other)
  • Feature-based pattern matching
  • Bayesian probabilities or HMM
  • Neural network activation strength
  • Genetic algorithm fitness function
  • In nearly every case, what we are seeking are a
    set of pre-determined features
  • Which features are present? Which are absent?
  • How strongly do we believe in a given feature?
  • If the feature is not found in the database, how
    do we acquire it?
  • By asking the user? By asking for a test result?
    By performing additional inference?
  • Notice that in the neural network case, features
    are inputs whereas in most of the rest of the
    cases, they are conditions usually found on the
    LHS of rules

Feature-based Pattern Matching
  • A simple way to encode associational knowledge to
    support a hypothesis is to enumerate the features
    (observations, symptoms) we expect to find if the
    hypothesis is true
  • We can then enumerate patterns that provide a
    confidence value that we might have if we saw the
    given collection of features
  • Consider for hypothesis H, we expect features F1
    and F2 and possibly F3 and F4, but not F5 where
    F1 is essential but F2 is somewhat less essential
  • F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Result
  • yes yes yes yes no confirmed
  • yes yes ? ? no likely
  • yes ? ? ? no somewhat likely
  • ? yes ? ? no neutral/unsure
  • ? ? ? ? yes ruled out
  • ? means dont care
  • We return the result from the first pattern to
    match, so this is in essence a nested if-else

Data Abstraction
  • In Mycin, many rules were provided to perform
    data abstraction
  • In a pattern matching approach, we might have a
    feature of interest that may not be directly
    evident from the data but the data might be
    abstracted to provide us with the answer
  • Example Was the patient anesthetized in the
    last 6 months?
  • No data indicates this, but we see that the
    patient had surgery 2 months ago and so we can
    infer that the patient was anesthetized
  • Data abstractions might be domain specific
  • In which case we have to codify each inference as
    shown above
  • Or may be domain independent
  • Such as temporal reasoning or spatial reasoning
  • Another form is to discard a specific value in
    favor of a more qualitative value (e.g.,
    temperature 102 becomes high fever)

Example 1 Automotive Diagnosis
Example 2 Syntactic Debugging
Ex 3 Linux User Classification
Lack of Differentiation
  • Notice that through the use of simple
    classification (what is called hierarchical
    classification), one does not differentiate among
    possible hypotheses
  • If two hypotheses are found to be relevant, we do
    not have additional knowledge to select one
  • What if X and Y are both established with X being
    more certain than Y, which should we select?
  • What if X and Y have some form of association
    with each other such as mutually incompatible, or
    jointly likely?
  • We would like to employ a process that contains
    such knowledge as to let us select only the most
    likely hypothesis(es) given the data
  • In a neural network, we would only select the
    most likely node, and similarly for an HMM, the
    most likely path

  • This leads us to abduction, a form of inference
    first termed by philosopher Charles Peirce
  • Peirce saw abduction as the following
  • Deduction says that
  • If we have the rule A ? B
  • And given that A is true
  • Then we can conclude B
  • But abduction says that
  • If we have the rule A ? B
  • And given that B is true
  • Then we can conclude A
  • Notice that deduction is truth preserving but
    abduction is not
  • We can expand the idea of abduction to be as
  • If A1 v A2 v A3 v v An ? B
  • And given that B is true
  • And if Ai is more likely than any other Aj
    (1ltjltn), then we can infer that Ai is true
  • for this to work, we need a way to determine
    which is most likely

Inference to the Best Explanation
  • Another way to view abduction is as follows
  • D is a collection of data (facts, observations,
    symptoms) to explain
  • H explains D (if H is true, then H can explain
    why D has appeared)
  • No other hypothesis explains D as well as H does
  • Therefore H is probably correct
  • Although the problem can be viewed similar to
    classification we need to locate an H that
    accounts for D
  • We now need additional knowledge, explanatory
  • What data can H explain?
  • How well can H explain the data?
  • Is there some way to evaluate H given D?
  • Additionally, we will want to know if
  • H is consistent
  • Did we consider all Hs in our domain?
  • What complicates generating a best explanation is
    that H and D are probably not singletons but sets

  • Assume H is a collection of hypotheses that can
    all contribute to an explanation, H H1, H2,
    H3, , Hn
  • D is a collection of data to be explained, D
    d1, d2, d3, , dn
  • a given hypothesis can account for one or more
    data (e.g., H3 can explain d1, d5)
  • assume that we have ranked all elements of H with
    some scoring algorithm (Bayesian probability,
    neural network strength of activation,
    feature-based pattern matching, etc)
  • The abductive process is to generate the best
    subset of H that can explain D
  • what does best mean?

Ways to View Best
  • We will call a set of hypotheses that can explain
    the data as a composite hypothesis
  • The best composite hypothesis should have these
  • Complete explains all data (or as much as is
  • Consistent there are no incompatibilities among
    the hypotheses
  • Parsimonious the composite has no superfluous
  • Simplest all things considered, the composite
    should have as fewer individual hypotheses as
  • Most likely this might be the most likely
    composite or the composite with the most likely
    hypotheses (how do we compute this?)
  • In addition, we might want to include additional
  • Cheapest costing (if applicable) the composite
    that would be the least expensive to believe
  • Generated with a reasonable amount of effort
    generating the composite in a non-intractable way
    (abduction is generally an NP-complete problem)

Internist Rule based Abduction
  • One of the earliest expert systems to apply
    abduction was Internist, to diagnose internal
  • Internist was largely a rule-based system
  • The abduction process worked as follows
  • Data trigger rules of possible diseases
  • For each disease triggered, determine what other
    symptoms are expected by that disease, which are
    present and which are absent
  • Generate a score for that disease hypothesis
  • Now compare disease hypotheses to differentiate
  • If one hypothesis is more likely, try to confirm
  • If many possible hypotheses, try to rule some out
  • If a few hypotheses available, try to
    differentiate between them by seeking data (e.g.,
    test results) that one expects that the others do
  • The diagnostic conclusion are those hypotheses
    that still remain at the end that each explain
    some of the data

Neural Network Approach
  • Paul Thagard developed ECHO, a system to learn
    explanatory coherence
  • ECHO was developed as a neural network where
    nodes represent hypotheses and data
  • links represent potential explanations between
    hypotheses and data
  • and hypothesis relationships (mutual
    incompatibilities, mutual support, analogy)
  • Unlike a normal neural network, nodes here
    represent specific concepts
  • weights are learned by the strength of
    relationships are found in test data
  • In fact, the approach is far more like a Bayesian
    network with edge weights representing
    conditional probabilities (counts of how often a
    hypothesis supports a datum)
  • When data are introduced, perform a propagation
    algorithm of the present data until the
    hypothesis nodes and data nodes have reached a
    stable state (similar to a Hopfield net) and then
    the best explanation are those hypothesis nodes
    whose probabilities are above a preset threshold

Ex Evolution (DH) vs Creationism (CH)
(No Transcript)
Probabilistic Approach(es)
  • Pearls Belief networks and the generic idea
    behind the HMM are thought to be abductive
    problem solving techniques
  • Notice that there is no explicit coverage of
    hypotheses to data, for instance, we do not
    select a datum and ask what will explain this?
  • Instead, the solution is derived to be the best
    explanation but where the explanation is
    generated by finding the most probable cause of
    the collection of data in a holistic approach
  • The typical Bayesian approach contains
    probabilities of a hypothesis (state) being true,
    of a hypothesis transitioning to another
    hypothesis, and of an output being seen from a
    given hypothesis
  • But there is no apparent mechanism to encode
    hypothesis incompatibilities or analogies

  • In the diagram of a system
  • I represents inputs
  • O represents outputs
  • Ab represent component parts that might be
  • In the formula
  • dc is a diagnostic conclusion (malfunction) based
    on input and output i, o

The Peirce Algorithm
  • The previous strategies assume that knowledge is
    available in either a rule-based or
    probabilistic-based format
  • The Peirce algorithm instead uses generic tasks
  • The algorithm has evolved over the course of
    construction several knowledge-based systems
  • The basic idea is
  • Generate hypotheses
  • this might be through hierarchical
    classification, neural network activity, or other
  • Instantiate generated hypotheses
  • for each hypothesis, determine its explanatory
    power (what it can explain from the data),
    hypothesis interactions (for the other generated
    hypotheses, are they compatible, incompatible,
    etc) and some form of ranking
  • Assemble the best explanation
  • see the next slide

The Assembly Algorithm
  • Examine all data and see if there are any data
    that can only be explained by a single hypothesis
  • such a hypothesis is called an essential
  • Include all essential hypotheses in the composite
  • Propagate the affects of including these
    hypotheses (see next slide)
  • Remove from the data all data that can be
  • Start from the top (this may have created new
  • Examine remaining data and see if there are any
    data that can only be explained by a superior
  • such a hypothesis would clearly beat all
    competitors by having a much higher ranking
  • Include all superior hypotheses in the composite,
    propagate and remove
  • Start from the top (this may have created new
  • Examine remaining data and see if there are any
    data that can only be explained by a better
  • such a hypothesis would be better than all
  • Include all better hypotheses in the composite,
    propagate and remove
  • Start from the top (this may have created new
  • If there are still data to explain, either guess
    or quit with unexplained data

  • The idea behind the Peirce algorithm is to build
    on islands of certainty
  • If a hypothesis is essential, it is the only way
    to explain something, it MUST be part of the best
  • If a hypothesis is included in the composite, we
    can leverage knowledge of how that hypothesis
    relates to others
  • If the hypothesis, say H1, is incompatible with
    H2, since we believe H1 is true, H2 must be
    false, discard it
  • If hypothesis H1 is very unlikely to appear with
    H2, we can downgrade H2s ranking
  • If hypothesis H1 is likely to appear with H2, we
    can either reconsider H2 or just bump up its
  • If hypothesis H1 can be inferred to be H2 by
    analogy, we can include H2
  • Since H1 was included because it was the only (or
    best) way to explain some data, we build upon
    that island of certainty by perhaps creating new
    essentials because H1 is incompatible with other

Layered Abduction
  • For some problems, a single data to hypothesis
    mapping is insufficient
  • Either because we have more knowledge to bring to
    bear on the problem or because we want an
    explanation at a higher level of reasoning
  • For instance, in speech recognition, we wouldnt
    want to just generate an explanation of the
    acoustic signal as a sequence of phonetic units
  • So we map the output of one level into another
  • The explanation of one layer becomes the input of
    the next layer we explain the phonetic unit
    output as a sequence of syllables, and we explain
    the syllables as a sequence of words, and then
    explain the sequence of words as a meaningful
  • We can use partially formed hypotheses at a
    higher level to generate expectations for a lower
    layer thus giving us some top-down guidance

Example Handwritten Character Recognition
Overall Architecture
  • The system has a search space of hypotheses
  • the characters that can be recognized
  • this may be organized hierarchically, but here,
    its just a flat space a list of the characters
  • each character has at least one recognizer
  • some have multiple recognizers if there are
    multiple ways to write the character, like 0
    which may or may not have a diagonal line from
    right to left

After characters are generated for each
character in the input, the abductive
assembler selects the best ones to account for
the input
Explaining a Character
  • The features (data) found to be explained for
    this character are three horizontal lines and two
  • While both the E and F characters were highly
    rated, E can explain all of the features while
    F cannot, so E is the better explanation

Top-down Guidance
  • One benefit of this approach is that, by using
    domain dependent knowledge
  • the abductive assembler can increase or decrease
    individual character hypothesis beliefs based on
    partially formed explanations
  • for instance, in the postal mail domain, if the
    assembler detects that it is working on the zip
    code (because it already found the city and state
    on one line), then it can rule out any letters
    that it thinks it found
  • since we know we are looking at Saint James, NY,
    the following five characters must be numbers, so
    I (for one of the 1s, B for the 8, and O
    for the 0 can all be ruled out (or at least
    scored less highly)

Full Example in a Natural Language Domain
Model-based Diagnosis Functional
  • In all of our previous examples of diagnosis and
    interpretation, our knowledge was associational
  • We associate these symptoms/data with these
  • This is fine when we do not have a complete
    understanding the system
  • Medical diagnosis
  • Speech recognition
  • Vision understanding
  • What if we do understand the system?
  • E.g., a human-made artifact
  • If this is the case, we should be able to provide
    knowledge in the form of the function that a
    given component will provide in the system and
    how that function is achieved through its
    behavior (process)
  • Debugging can be performed by simulating
    performance with various components not working

The Clapper Buzzer
  • This mechanical device works as follows
  • When you press the button (not shown) it
    completes the circuit causing current to flow to
    the coil
  • When the magnetic coil charges, it pulls the
    clapper hand toward it
  • When the clapper hand moves, it disconnects the
    circuit causing the coil to stop pulling the hand
    and then hand falls back, hitting a bell (not
    shown) causing the ringing sound
  • This also reconnects the circuit, and so this
    process repeats until the button is no longer

Generating a Diagnosis
  • Given a functional representation, we can reason
    over whether a function can be achieved or not
  • Hypothetical or what would happen if reasoning
  • What would happen if the coil was not working?
  • What would happen if the battery was not charged?
  • What would happen if the clapper arm were
  • We can also use the behavior and test results to
    find out what function(s) was not being achieved
  • With the switch pressed, we measure current at
    the coil, so the coil is being charged
  • We measure a magnetic attraction to show that the
    coil is working
  • We do not hear a clapping sound, so the magnetic
    attraction is either not working, or the acoustic
    law is not being fulfilled
  • Why not? Perhaps the arm is not magnetic?
    Perhaps there is something on the arm so that
    when it hits the bell, no sound is being emitted

Model-based Diagnosis Probabilistic
  • While a functional representation can be useful
    for diagnosis, it is somewhat problem independent
  • FRs can be used for prediction (WWHI reasoning),
    diagnosis, planning and redesign, etc
  • Diagnosis typically is more focused, so we can
    create a model of system components and their
    performance and enhance the system with
  • Failure rates can be used for prior probabilities
  • Evidential probabilities can be used to denote
    the likelihood of seeing a particular output from
    a component given that it has failed
  • Bayesian probabilities can then be easily computed

  • The device consists of 3 multipliers and 2 adders
  • F computes ACBD
  • G computes BDCE
  • Given the inputs, F should output 12 but computes
  • Given the inputs, G should output 12 and does
  • We use the model to compute the diagnosis
  • Possible malfunctions are with M1, M2, A1 but not
    M3 or A2
  • If we can probe the inside of the machine
  • we can obtain values for X, Y and Z to remove
    some of the contending malfunction hypotheses
  • We can employ probabilities of component failure
    rate and likelihood of seeing particular values
    given the input to compute the most likely cause
  • note it could be multiple component failure
  • If we have a model of the multiplier and adder,
    we can also use that knowledge to assist in

Neural Network Approach
  • Recall that neural networks, while trainable to
    perform recognition tasks, are knowledge-poor
  • Therefore, they seem unsuitable for diagnosis
  • However, there are many diagnostic tasks or
    subtasks that revolve around
  • data interpretation
  • visual understanding
  • And neural networks might contribute to diagnosis
    by solving these lower level tasks
  • NNs have been applied to assist in
  • Congestive heart failure prediction based on
    patient background and habits
  • Medical imaging interpretation for lung cancer
    and breast cancer (MRI, chest X-ray, catscan,
    radioactive isotope, etc)
  • Interpreting forms of acidosis based on blood
    work analysis

Case-Based Diagnosis
  • Case based reasoning is most applicable when
  • There are a sufficiently large number of cases
  • There is knowledge of how to manipulate a
    previous case to fit the current situation
  • This is most common done with planning/design,
    not diagnosis
  • So for diagnosis, we need a different approach
  • Retrieve all cases that are deemed relevant for
    the current input
  • Recommend those cases that match closely by
    combining common diagnoses, a weighted voting
  • Supply a confidence based on the strength of the
  • If deemed useful, retain the case to provide the
    system with a mechanism for learning based on
    new situations
  • This approach has been employed by GE for
    diagnosing gas engine turbine problems

AI in Medicine
  • The term (abbreviated as AIM) was first coined in
    1959 although actual usage didnt occur until the
    1970s with Mycin
  • Surprisingly using AI for medical diagnosis has
    largely not occurred in spite of all of the
    research systems developed, in part because
  • the expert systems impose changes to the way that
    a clinician would perform their task (for
    instance, the need to have certain tests ordered
    at times when needed by the system, not when the
    clinician would normally order such a test)
  • the problem(s) solved by the expert system is not
    a particular issue needing solving (either
    because the clinician can solve the problem
    adequate, or the problem is too narrow in scope)
  • the cost of developing and testing the system is

AIM Today
  • So while AI diagnosis still plays a role in AIM,
    it is a small role, much smaller than those in
    the 1980s would have predicted
  • Today, AIM performs a variety of other tasks
  • Aiding with laboratory experiments
  • Enhancing medical education
  • Running with other medical software (e.g.,
    databases) to determine if inconsistent data or
    knowledge has been entered
  • for instance, a doctor prescribing medication
    that the patient is known to be allergic too
  • Generating alerts and reminders of specific
    patients to nurses, doctors or the patients
  • Diagnostic assistance rather than performing
    the diagnosis, they help the medical expert when
    the particular problem is of a rare case
  • Therapy critiquing and planning, for instance by
    finding omissions or inconsistencies in a
  • Image interpretation of X-Rays, catscans, MRI, etc

AI Systems in Use
  • Puff interpretation of pulmonary function tests
    has been sold to hundreds of sites world-wide
    starting as early as 1977
  • GermWatcher used in hospitals to detect
    in-patient acquired infections by monitoring lab
    data on culture data
  • PEIRS pathology expert interpretive reporting
    system is similar, it generates 80-100 reports
    daily with an accuracy of about 95, providing
    reports on such things as thyroid function tests,
    arterial blood gases, urine and plasma
    catecholamines, glucose test results and more
  • KARDIO a decision tree learning system that
    interprets ECG test results
  • Athena decision support system implements
    guidelines for hypertension patients to instruct
    them on how to be more healthy, in use since 2002
    in clinics in NC and northern CA

  • PERFEX an expert rule-based system to assist
    with medical image analysis for heart disease
  • Orthoplanner plans orthodonture treatments
    using rule-based forward and backward chaining
    and fuzzy logic, in use in the UK since 1994
  • PharmAde and DoseChecker expert systems to
    evaluate drug therapy prescriptions given the
    patients background for inaccuracies, negative
    interactions, and adjustments, in use in many
    hospitals starting in 1996/1994
  • IPROB intelligent clinical management system to
    keep track of obstetrics/gynecology patient
    records and cases, risk reduction, decision
    support through distributed databases and rules
    based on hospital guidelines, practices, etc, in
    use since 1995
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