GCSE PE: Fitness Course/Diary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GCSE PE: Fitness Course/Diary


GCSE PE: Fitness Course/Diary This element of the GCSE Practical Course must include 1 or more aerobic or anaerobic activity. During the course you must: Set targets ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GCSE PE: Fitness Course/Diary

GCSE PE Fitness Course/Diary
This element of the GCSE Practical Course must
include 1 or more aerobic or anaerobic activity.
During the course you must
  • Set targets in your chosen activity.
  • Monitor and evaluate your progress against goals.
  • Refine your techniques in order to improve the
    factors that effect the efficiency and
    effectiveness of your performance.
  • Assess and appreciate the risks involved in your
    chosen activities.
  • Develop your personal and social skills through
    adopting different roles in your chosen
  • A fitness diary must be completed and presented
    for assessment.

Assessment Of Fitness Diary
  • Performance 1 5 marks
  • Performance 2 5 marks
  • Target Setting 4 marks
  • Monitoring/Evaluating Progress 6 marks
  • Refinement Of Techniques 4 marks
  • Risk Assessment 6 marks
  • ------------
  • Total 30 marks

Stage 1 Set Your Targets For Improvement In Your
Chosen Activity.
  • You should set yourself no more than 3 targets.
  • These must relate to your position or sporting
  • For example I am a winger in rugby and want to
    improve my agility so that I can side-step
    my opponents more successfully.
  • These should satisfy the SMARTER principles of
    target setting.(See over)

The Principles Of Target Setting
  • All targets should all be SMARTER
  • Specific to focus attention.
  • Measurable to assess progress against a
  • Accepted by both performer and coach.
  • Realistic challenging but attainable.
  • Time-phased a specific date for completion.
  • Exciting inspiring, challenging and rewarding.
  • Recorded written down to provide feedback,
    motivation and evidence of progress or otherwise.

Stage 2 Carry Out Fitness Tests To Provide
Baseline Measures
  • You should carry out the relevant fitness test
    for each of the components of fitness that you
    have targeted to improve by the end of your
    fitness block of work.
  • For example The Illinois Agility test to
    measure your agility.
  • These results will give you your baseline
    measures against which you will judge any
    improvement or otherwise at the end of your
    fitness block of work.

Stage 3 List The Activities You Will Follow
During The Course
  • You should include a relevant training method in
    your programme that will improve each component
    of fitness that you have targeted.
  • You should include no more than 3.
  • For example SAQ to improve agility.

Stage 4 Carry Out 10 Week Block Of Fitness Work
  • You should carry out a 10 week block of fitness
  • Your sessions must be made up of the training
    methods you have previously listed.
  • For example 1 SAQ session per week to improve
  • You must record the date of each session and the
    specific training that you did during it.

Stage 5 During The 10 Week Block Of Fitness Work
  • You must monitor and evaluate the progress that
    you make towards your goals.
  • This might be shown by changes in your sessions
    to increase overload and show progression.
  • For example Increase number of SAQ sessions to
    2 per week or increase number of sets or
    repetitions within each set to make each
    session more demanding.

Stage 5 During The 10 Week Block Of Fitness Work
  • You must describe how you have changed and
    refined your techniques to lead to an improvement
    in your performance.
  • For example As I completed more SAQ sessions I
    became able to run through the agility
    ladders with my eyes looking forward, my
    head up and my back straight. This made the
    drills more game related as in a game I will
    need to run with my eyes up to see the
    situation around me.

Stage 6 Carry Out Fitness Tests To Provide End
Of Fitness Block Measures
  • You should carry out the same fitness test for
    each of the components of fitness that you
    carried out in Stage 2.
  • For example Redo the Illinois Agility test to
    measure your agility.
  • These results will give you your end of block

Stage 7 Comparison Of Baseline And End Of Block
  • By comparing these two sets of fitness test
    results you will be able to see if you have
    improved or otherwise. These improvements or
    otherwise will then allow you to see if you have
    met your targets or not.
  • If you have not reached your targets then you
    will need to provide a possible explanation.
  • For example I did not improve my agility over
    the block of work as I missed three weeks of
    training due to an ankle injury.

Stage 8 Record The Risk Assessments You Carried
  • You should describe the measures you took to
    minimise the risk of injury in each of your
    training methods.
  • For example When carrying out SAQ sessions I
    always ensured I was wearing the correct kit
    and footwear and was wearing no jewellery. I
    always made sure that the gym floor was dry
    and clear of obstructions. I always carried
    out a specific warm up before each session and
    a cool down afterwards.

Stage 9 Extra Evidence To Support Your Exercise
  • If you wish, you can use this section to list
    the training sessions and matches you have been
    involved with during this 10 week period that
    have not been included elsewhere in your diary.
  • For example I have trained every week with
    Skewen RFC and have also played 6 matches for
    them. Some of the training sessions
    included some SAQ work as part of the warm
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