Preparing for EC 200x Southern University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preparing for EC 200x Southern University


Preparing for EC 200x Southern University Jeff Froyd, Texas A&M University Workshop Questions How might you prepare a self-study report? What are various methods for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Preparing for EC 200x Southern University

Preparing for EC 200xSouthern University
  • Jeff Froyd, Texas AM University

Workshop Questions
  • How might you prepare a self-study report?
  • What are various methods for assessment data
    collection and reporting?
  • How might you choose assessment data for program
    evaluation and enhancement?
  • How might you select and implement assessment
  • How might you gather, process, and report
    assessment results?
  • How might you use assessment data to close the
    loop in a engineering program?

Introduction Team Formation
  • Self-Organize into groups of four people
  • Try working with people from the same department
  • Introduce yourselves within the group

  • 800-830 AM Introduction
  • 830-900 AM Question No. 1 Self-study Report
  • 900-1015 AM Question No. 2 Assessment Methods
  • 1015-1030 AM BREAK
  • 1030-1200 Noon Question No. 2 Assess. Meth.
  • 1200-100 PM LUNCH
  • 100-145 PM Question No. 3 Selecting
    Assessment Data
  • 145-245 PM Question No. 4 Implementing
  • 245-300 PM BREAK
  • 300-345 PM Question No. 5 Proc./Report.
  • 345-500 PM Question No. 6 Closing the Loop

Question No. 1How might you prepare a
self-study report?
  • Jeff Froyd, Texas AM University

EC 200x General Criteria
  • Criterion 1 Students
  • Criterion 2 Program Educational Objectives
  • Criterion 3 Program Outcomes and Assessment
  • Criterion 4 Professional Component
  • Criterion 5 Faculty
  • Criterion 6 Facilities
  • Criterion 7 Institutional Support and Financial

Criterion 1 Students
  • Program Requirements
  • Evaluate incoming students
  • Advise current students
  • Evaluate and enforce program requirements
  • Evaluate success in meeting program outcomes (see
    Criterion 3)
  • Exceptional Cases
  • Check compliance with policies for the acceptance
    of transfer students
  • Check compliance with validation of courses taken
    for credit elsewhere.

Criterion 1. Students
  • The quality and performance of the students and
    graduates are important considerations in the
    evaluation of an engineering program. The
    institution must evaluate, advise, and monitor
    students to determine its success in meeting
    program objectives.
  • The institution must have and enforce policies
    for the acceptance of transfer students and for
    the validation of courses taken for credit
    elsewhere. The institution must also have and
    enforce procedures to assure that all students
    meet all program requirements.

Criterion 2. Program Educational Objectives
  • Each engineering program must have
  • (a) detailed published educational objectives
  • (b) a process that involves the program's various
    constituencies to determine and periodically
    evaluate the educational objectives
  • (c) a curriculum and processes that ensure the
    achievement of these objectives
  • (d) a system of ongoing evaluation that
    demonstrates achievement of these objectives and
    uses the results to improve the effectiveness of
    the program.

Criterion 2. Program Educational Objectives
  • Each engineering program for which an institution
    seeks accreditation or reaccreditation must have
    in place
  • (a) detailed published educational objectives
    that are consistent with the mission of the
    institution and these criteria
  • (b) a process based on the needs of the program's
    various constituencies in which the objectives
    are determined and periodically evaluated
  • (c) a curriculum and processes that ensure the
    achievement of these objectives
  • (d) a system of ongoing evaluation that
    demonstrates achievement of these objectives and
    uses the results to improve the effectiveness of
    the program.

Criterion 2. Program Educational Objectives
  • State program educational objectives
  • Indicate where the educational objectives are
  • Describe program constituencies
  • Describe the process through which the
    educational objectives were developed and how the
    various constituencies were involved
  • Describe the process through which the
    educational objectives will be reviewed.
  • For each educational objective describe the level
    of achievement and present a reasoned argument
    (with data) that supports the conclusion.

Criterion 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
  • Student Outcomes a-k
  • Assessment Process
  • Documented results
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Evidence must be given that the results are
    applied to the further development and
    improvement of the program.

EC 200x Program Outcomes
  • (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
    science, and engineering
  • (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments,
    as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • (c) an ability to design a system, component, or
    process to meet desired needs
  • (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary
  • (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve
    engineering problems
  • (f) an understanding of professional and ethical
  • (g) an ability to communicate effectively
  • (h) the broad education necessary to understand
    the impact of engineering solutions in a global
    and societal context
  • (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability
    to engage in life-long learning
  • (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
  • (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and
    modern engineering tools necessary for
    engineering practice.

Criterion 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
  • Engineering programs must demonstrate that their
    graduates have
  • (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
    science, and engineering
  • (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments,
    as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • (c) an ability to design a system, component, or
    process to meet desired needs
  • (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary
  • (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve
    engineering problems
  • (f) an understanding of professional and ethical
  • (g) an ability to communicate effectively
  • (h) the broad education necessary to understand
    the impact of engineering solutions in a global
    and societal context
  • (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability
    to engage in life-long learning
  • (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
  • (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and
    modern engineering tools necessary for
    engineering practice.
  • Each program must have an assessment process with
    documented results. Evidence must be given that
    the results are applied to the further
    development and improvement of the program. The
    assessment process must demonstrate that the
    outcomes important to the mission of the
    institution and the objectives of the program,
    including those listed above, are being measured.
    Evidence that may be used includes, but is not
    limited to the following student portfolios,
    including design projects nationally-normed
    subject content examinations alumni surveys that
    document professional accomplishments and career
    development activities employer surveys and
    placement data of graduates.

Criterion 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
  • Describe your program (student) outcomes.
  • Describe the process through which the program
    outcomes were developed. How were your
    constituencies involved?
  • Describe the process through which the program
    outcomes are reviewed. How are your
    constituencies involved?

Criterion 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
  • For each program outcome
  • Indicate which person or group of people is
  • Indicate the expected level of achievement
  • Describe the process through which the outcome is
    being evaluated, that is, how do you decide the
    level to which an outcome is being achieved
  • Indicate the level to which the outcome is being
  • Present a reasoned argument (with data) the
    supports your conclusion about the level of

Criterion 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
  • Continuous Improvement
  • At a particular point in time how do you identify
    which program outcomes have the highest priority
    in terms of improvement?
  • In preparing the visit report provide examples of
    program outcomes that had the highest priority in
    terms of improvement?
  • For each program outcome targeted for
    improvement, describe the changes which have been
    made to effect improvement?
  • For each program outcome, describe the results of
    the changes in terms of possible changes in the
    level of achievement

Criterion 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment
  • Objective-Outcome Matrix
  • Outcome-(a-k) Matrix
  • Objective-Course Matrix
  • Outcome-Course Matrix
  • Process Diagrams

Criterion 4. Professional Component
  • Major design experience
  • Based on the knowledge and skills acquired in
    earlier course work
  • Incorporates most of the following
    considerations economic environmental
    sustainability manufacturability ethical
    health and safety social and political.
  • Course requirements
  • (a) one year of college level mathematics and
    basic sciences
  • (b) one and one-half years of engineering topics,
    that is, engineering sciences and engineering
  • (c) a general education component that
    complements the technical content of the
    curriculum and is consistent with the program and
    institution objectives.

Criterion 4. Professional Component
  • The professional component requirements specify
    subject areas appropriate to engineering but do
    not prescribe specific courses. The engineering
    faculty must assure that the program curriculum
    devotes adequate attention and time to each
    component, consistent with the objectives of the
    program and institution. Students must be
    prepared for engineering practice through the
    curriculum culminating in a major design
    experience based on the knowledge and skills
    acquired in earlier course work and incorporating
    engineering standards and realistic constraints
    that include most of the following
    considerations economic environmental
    sustainability manufacturability ethical
    health and safety social and political. The
    professional component must include
  • (a) one year of a combination of college level
    mathematics and basic sciences (some with
    experimental experience) appropriate to the
  • (b) one and one-half years of engineering topics,
    consisting of engineering sciences and
    engineering design appropriate to the student's
    field of study
  • (c) a general education component that
    complements the technical content of the
    curriculum and is consistent with the program and
    institution objectives.

Criterion 4. Professional Component
  • Major Design Experience
  • Overall description
  • Describe how most of the factors are incorporated
    into the major design experience
  • Provide examples of student work that show design
    process, quality outcomes, and understanding of
    different factors
  • Course Requirements
  • Transcript analysis

Criterion 5. Faculty
  • Sufficient number
  • Student-faculty interaction
  • Student advising and counseling
  • University service
  • Professional development
  • Interactions with practitioners
  • Breath of competence to cover all of the
    curricular areas of the program.
  • Education
  • Experience engineering, Professional Engineers,
    teaching, professional societies, etc.
  • Activity in curricular/pedagogical initiatives
  • Research activity

Criterion 5. Faculty
  • The faculty is the heart of any educational
    program. The faculty must be of sufficient
    number and must have the competencies to cover
    all of the curricular areas of the program. There
    must be sufficient faculty to accommodate
    adequate levels of student-faculty interaction,
    student advising and counseling, university
    service activities, professional development, and
    interactions with industrial and professional
    practitioners, as well as employers of students.
  • The program faculty must have appropriate
    qualifications and must have and demonstrate
    sufficient authority to ensure the proper
    guidance of the program and to develop and
    implement processes for the evaluation,
    assessment, and continuing improvement of the
    program, its educational objectives and outcomes.
    The overall competence of the faculty may be
    judged by such factors as education, diversity of
    backgrounds, engineering experience, teaching
    experience, ability to communicate, enthusiasm
    for developing more effective programs, level of
    scholarship, participation in professional
    societies, and registration as Professional

Criterion 5. Faculty
  • Complete the faculty worksheet
  • Include a brief paragraph on each faculty member
    in the self-study.

Criterion 6. Facilities
  • Classrooms
  • Number and size
  • Laboratories
  • Number and size
  • Evidence of continued maintenance and improvement
  • Equipment, including computers
  • Inventory
  • Evidence of continued maintenance and improvement

Criterion 6. Facilities
  • Classrooms, laboratories, and associated
    equipment must be adequate to accomplish the
    program objectives and provide an atmosphere
    conducive to learning. Appropriate facilities
    must be available to foster faculty-student
    interaction and to create a climate that
    encourages professional development and
    professional activities. Programs must provide
    opportunities for students to learn the use of
    modern engineering tools. Computing and
    information infrastructures must be in place to
    support the scholarly activities of the students
    and faculty and the educational objectives of the

Criterion 6. Facilities
  • Describe classrooms
  • Describe each laboratory and how it has been
  • Describe equipment and how it has been updated.

Criterion 7. Institutional Support and Financial
  • Financial resources
  • Attract, retain, support well-qualified faculty
  • Acquire, maintain, operate facilities and
  • Institutional support
  • Adequate service personnel
  • Adequate institutional services
  • Constructive leadership

Criterion 7. Institutional Support and Financial
  • Institutional support, financial resources, and
    constructive leadership must be adequate to
    assure the quality and continuity of the
    engineering program. Resources must be sufficient
    to attract, retain, and provide for the continued
    professional development of a well-qualified
    faculty. Resources also must be sufficient to
    acquire, maintain, and operate facilities and
    equipment appropriate for the engineering
    program. In addition, support personnel and
    institutional services must be adequate to meet
    program needs.

Criterion 7. Institutional Support and Financial
  • Describe available financial resources and how
    they have been used
  • Describe professional development opportunities
  • Describe support personnel
  • Describe institutional services
  • Describe relationship with larger campus community

Question No. 2What are various methods for
assessment data collection and reporting?
  • Jeff Froyd, Texas AM University

Assessment Methods
  1. Commercial Norm-Referenced, Standardized
  2. Locally Developed Examinations
  3. Oral Examinations
  4. Performance Appraisals
  5. Simulations
  6. Written Surveys and Questionnaires
  7. Exit Interviews and Other Interviews
  • Third Party Reports
  • Behavioral Observations
  • External Examiners
  • Archival Records
  • Portfolios
  • Classroom Research
  • Stone Courses
  • Focus Groups

Prus, J., Johnson, R., (1994) Assessment
Testing, Myths Realities, New Directions for
Community Colleges, No. 88, Winter 1994
Jigsaw Exercise
  • Step 1 Break into expert teams. (2 minutes)
  • Step 2 Each expert team will be assigned two or
    more methods to read. Each team will prepare a
    two-minute lesson on each method. (15 min.)
  • Step 3 Experts will be distributed among
    learning teams so that each learning team has an
    expert on each method. (2 minutes)
  • Step 4 Experts will share their lessons with
    other members of the learning team. (30 minutes)

Jigsaw Exercise
  • Form seven (7) teams.
  • Team No. 1 Methods 1 and 2
  • Team No. 2 Methods 3 and 4
  • Team No. 3 Methods 5 and 6
  • Team No. 4 Methods 7, 8, and 15
  • Team No. 5 Methods 9 and 10
  • Team No. 6 Methods 11 and 12
  • Team No. 7 Method 13 and 14 (confusion in
    matching advantages, disadvantages, and reducing

  • 15 minutes

EC 200x Program Outcomes
  • (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
    science, and engineering
  • (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments,
    as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • (c) an ability to design a system, component, or
    process to meet desired needs
  • (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary
  • (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve
    engineering problems
  • (f) an understanding of professional and ethical
  • (g) an ability to communicate effectively
  • (h) the broad education necessary to understand
    the impact of engineering solutions in a global
    and societal context
  • (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability
    to engage in life-long learning
  • (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
  • (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and
    modern engineering tools necessary for
    engineering practice.

Outcome (i) Lifelong Learning
  • Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ)
  • Learning and Study Skills Inventory (LASSI)
  • University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Survey
  • Behavioral checklist
  • Self-assessment of metacognitive processing
  • Self-efficacy scale
  • Attitude Survey

Study Process Questionnaire
  • The SPQ is a 42-item questionnaire
  • The SPQ is a diagnostic tool to identify the
    learning approaches of the students.
  • The SPQ provides feedback on the learning
    approaches in the three domains
  • the surface approaches
  • the deep approaches
  • the achieving approaches

Surface Approaches
  • Surface motives are extrinsic such as
  • fear of failing
  • Surface strategies include
  • Reproductive
  • Rote learning
  • Minimalistic" learning
  • Surface learning is just enough to meet the
    course demands. Such an approach often leads to
    poor academic performance.

Deep Approaches
  • Deep approaches are about
  • seeking to understand
  • relate understanding to other subjects and to
    develop personal meaning for subject material.
  • However, a deep learner may sometimes wander
    off-track and not follow course syllabi and
  • Academic performance, especially in a more
    structured system, may also be adversely affected.

Achieving Approaches
  • An achieving approach is about
  • maximizing performance while optimizing efforts
    to achieve it.
  • These are strategic learners who may use surface
    or deep approaches whichever that can help them
    to get high marks.

Learning and Study Skills Inventory
  • Skill Component of Strategic Learning
  • Information Processing
  • Selecting Main Ideas
  • Test Strategies
  • Will Component of Strategic Learning
  • Attitude
  • Motivation
  • Anxiety
  • Self-regulation Component of Strategic Learning
  • Concentration
  • Time Management
  • Self-Testing
  • Study Aids

Lifelong Learning UMassD
  • For measuring lifelong learning, three different
    approaches are included in the survey system.
  • Metacognitive processes Research in the
    acquisition of expertise suggests that people who
    develop high levels of expertise work smart.
    This research has uncovered several specific
    metacognitive processes that experts use (and
    that most college students do not use).
  • Self-efficacy Research in education and
    psychology has demonstrated that a sense of
    self-efficacy (that one can succeed in
    learning, in sports) is a good predictor of
  • Behavioral check list This scale measures the
    extent to which students participated in
    desirable, engineering-related behaviors, such as
    joining a student engineering society or reading
    an engineering article for fun.

Sample Questions Metacognitive Practices
  • I think through a plan of action before I start
    working on the assignment.
  • I consciously consider several different
    approaches before tackling a problem.
  • I identify aspects of the assignment that I dont
    understand and figure out what to do about it -
    ask the instructor or classmate, reread the text,
    find another reference, etc.
  • While working on the assignment I ask myself
    questions about how the information fits into
    what else I know.
  • When I get stumped, I spend time thinking through
    what else I know that might help me understand.
  • When solving a problem, I sometimes stop to make
    sure I am on the right track.
  • After I finish an assignment, I think about what
    I did well and what I did poorly and make plans
    to change the way I do things in the future.

Sample Questions Self-Efficacy
  • I feel proud of my skills and ability to do
  • I seek out new intellectual experiences.
  • I feel uncomfortable learning new concepts on my
    own (reversed).
  • I have all the skills to succeed in engineering.
  • I avoid areas of knowledge that are unfamiliar to
    me (reversed).
  • I frequently participate in experiences that
    contribute to my personal development.
  • I seek out activities related to my future
  • Most people can solve engineering problems better
    than I
  • I am very good at solving engineering problems.

Sample Questions Behavioral Checklist
  • I have attended at least one lecture outside of
    class related to engineering.
  • I have had a job related to engineering.
  • I am a member of a student engineering society in
    my area.
  • I have searched the internet for engineering
    information that was not related to my class.
  • I have told a non-engineering friend or relative
    about my engineering activities.
  • In engineering assignments I went beyond what was
    needed just because it interested me.
  • I read an engineering article for fun.

Outcome (h) Societal and Global Context
  • (h) the broad education necessary to understand
    the impact of engineering solutions in a global
    and societal context
  • Suggestion See how student teams address the
    societal and global context in their major design
    experience. See how students integrate their
    knowledge from humanities and social science
    courses into the context of their engineering

Outcome (d) Multidisciplinary Teams
  • Team Exercise List attributes that would be
    required to effectively participate on or lead
    multidisciplinary teams
  • ??

Outcome (d) Multidisciplinary Teams
  • Peer assessment with carefully developed forms
    may be useful for monitoring AND assessment
  • Example Foundation Coalition team instrument
    used for peer assessment
  • Example Team Developer, Jack McGourty,
    commercially available

Generate Questions
  • Form teams of four.
  • Each team should generate two questions about
    assessment methods.
  • ??

Question No. 3How might you choose assessment
data for program evaluation and enhancement?
  • Jeff Froyd, Texas AM University

Major Design Experience
  • Extract lots of information from student work
    during major design experience
  • Major design experience must address many factors
    relating to outcomes a-k
  • Teams, social/global issues, ethical issues, may
    illustrate ability to perform research/lifelong
  • Major design experience is a cumulative learning
    experience and is well positioned to provide
    information on graduates

Cooperative Programs?
  • Design a careful program to collect feedback from

Sources of Data
  • What are possible sources of data on the
    performance of your graduates with respect to
    your student outcomes?
  • Volunteerism requirement
  • Interview, exit or otherwise
  • Feedback from recruiters
  • FE (or mock) performance
  • Departmental comprehensive examination
  • Alumni feedback ? Program objectives
  • Alumni feedback from graduate school ? Program
  • Videos of design presentations
  • Grades ????????

  • Course grades are composite scores. Using course
    grades as assessment data for one or more
    outcomes will raise questions.
  • Course grades may be used as assessment data for
    outcomes in SPECIFIC cases, but be prepared to
    make the case why course grades are a relevant
    indicator for a specific outcome.

Outcomes for Graduates
  • Criterion 3 Engineering programs must
    demonstrate that their graduates have
  • Since the purpose of the assessment is to
    demonstrate achievement of outcomes by graduates,
    proximity of the data collected to the time of
    graduation is important.
  • Since time and energy are required to generate
    assessment data, prudent allocation of resources
    suggests that most data related to achievement of
    outcomes be collected near the time of graduation.

Generate Questions
  • Form teams of four.
  • Each team should generate two questions about
    sources of assessment data.
  • Is it reliable (repeatable)?
  • Does one source have an advantage other another?
  • Survey questions Are they considered scientific?
  • What resources are available to develop survey
  • Are survey instruments valid?

Question No. 4How might you select and
implement assessment processes?
  • Jeff Froyd, Texas AM University

Team Exercise
  • Break into departmental teams.
  • Task For each program outcome select the data
    sources that you will use and describe how you
    will gather and process the data to reach
    decisions about the level of achievement with
    respect to the program outcome.
  • Time 25 minutes

Share Plans
  • Assemble into teams with one departmental
    representative per team.
  • Each representative will pick one
    interesting/challenging program outcome and share
    the potential solution. (3 minutes)
  • Solicit suggestions to improve (5 minutes)
  • Total Time 25 minutes

Generate Questions
  • Form teams of four.
  • Each team should generate two questions about
    selecting and implementing assessment processes
  • ??

(No Transcript)
Question No. 5How might you gather, process,
and report assessment results?
  • Jeff Froyd, Texas AM University

Generate Questions
  • Form teams of four.
  • Each team should generate two questions about
    processing and reporting assessment processes.
  • ??

(No Transcript)
Question No. 6How might you use assessment data
to close the loop in a engineering program?
  • Jeff Froyd, Texas AM University

General Idea
  • Step 1 In generating each outcome, you will have
    established an expected level of achievement for
    the outcome.
  • Step 2 After processing assessment data for each
    outcome, you will have constructed a current
    level of achievement for the outcome.
  • Step 3 Program committee will review expect and
    current levels of achievement and decide which
    outcomes should receive attention.
  • Step 4 For each outcome slated to receive
    attention, prepare a plan to improve student
  • Step 5 Implement plan
  • Step 6 Use assessment process already in place
    to observe the effects of the changes.

General Idea
Expected Level of Performance
Error (indicator that action is required)

Formulate action plan
Current Level of Performance
Implement action plan
General Idea
  • Personal Opinion (which has been reiterated by
    others) Failure to meet expected level of
    achievement should NOT lead to a weakness or
    deficiency that would require exceptional
    accreditation action.
  • Failure to meet targeted goal should lead to
    action to improve performance.

Course Pre-Tests
  • One continuous improvement mechanism that has
    been used is course pre-tests.
  • Idea Almost every engineering course has course
  • Ideally, students starting the course should have
    a set of knowledge and skills that raises the
    likelihood of success to a reasonably high level.
  • Design a local test that indicates the degree to
    which students starting the course have the
    required knowledge and skills.
  • Use data from course pre-test to assess the level
    of knowledge and skills and provide feedback to
    teachers in prerequisite courses about student

Generate Questions
  • Form teams of four.
  • Each team should generate two questions about
    closing the loop?
  • ??
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