Title: Welcome to
1Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Night
2Please Check Out Our Webpage!
- http//burroughs.mpls.k12.mn.us/Third_Grade.html
3Typical Day's Schedule
910-920 Morning Work 920-1115 Literacy
Block 1120-1215 Specialists 1220-1250 Lunch/Re
cess- Room 346 348 1225-1255 Lunch/Recess-
Room 351 353 1230-100 Lunch/Recess- Room
357 100-215 Math 215-320 Science/Social
Studies 320-335 Wrap-up
4Reading Curriculum
- The 7 Habits of Great Readers
- See Themselves as Readers
- Make Sense of Text
- Use What They Know
- Understand How Stories Work
- Read to Learn
- Monitor and Organize Ideas and Information
- Think Critically About Books
5Reading and Writing Resources
Good Habits Great Readers Classroom/Book Bridge
Leveled Libraries William and Mary
Enrichment Words Their Way Lucy Calkins Units
of Study
6Independent Reading
- Raising Fluent and Frequent Readers
- Different opportunities for developing
independent readers - October and February Reading Logs
- Independent reading time in the classroom
modeling the importance of just right reading. - Sharing Book Reports in reading class
- Literature appreciation
- Author Study
7Reading and Writing Curriculum
- Formative Assessments in Reading and Writing
- Fountas and Pinnell reading level assessment
- M.A.P. (Measure of Academic Progress)
- Running Records
- Reading Logs
- Spelling Inventory
8Writing Curriculum
- Writing Workshop Assignments
- A personal narrative
- Writing instructions
- A creative fiction story
- Research writing
- A detailed description
- A persuasive essay
9Reading and Writing Curriculum
- PTA Meeting-
- Tuesday, September 21st
- 630pm
- Megan Pershica and Andrew Rummel will be at the
meeting to talk more about our literacy
curriculum. -
- Procedural
- vs.
- Conceptual
- How did you get that answer?
- Can you show me a different way to get that same
12Mathematics- Scope and Sequence
- Moli Stone- M3
- Place Value and Addition and Subtraction -
Singapore - Measurement- M3
- Multiplication- Singapore
13Mathematics- Scope and Sequence
- Data Analysis- M3
- Geometry- Singapore
- Fractions- Singapore
- Multiplication- Singapore
14Mathematics- Scope and Sequence
- Algebra- M3
- Probability- Singapore
15Math Resources
- Investigations
- Pearsons Success Net
- M3 (Mentoring Mathematical Minds)
- First in Math
- Singapore Math
- Accelerated Math
16Social Studies Alive!Our Communities and Beyond
17Lessons in Our Book
- Where in the World is Our Community?
- Where in the U.S. is Our Community?
- What is the Geography of Our Community?
- How Do People Become Part of Our Community?
- What Makes Our Community Diverse?
- How Do People Improve Their Communities?
- How Are We Alike Around the World?
18- How Does Our Economy Work?
- How Does Global Trade Effect Our Community?
- What Are the Public Services in Our Community?
- Who Works at City Hall?
- How Do We Have a Voice in Our Community?
- Whose Planet Is It, Anyway?
- How Can We Help the Global Community?
19Social Studies
- The City of Minneapolis
- How Communities Form and Work
- Skills Timelines, Maps, Land Forms
- Neighborhood Guides
- Current Events
- Mill City Museum and le Tour de Minneapolis
- Elections
20The Science Units
Physics of Sound
Human Body
Ideas and Inventions
Structures of Life
21Science Unit Dates
- Human Body Sept. - Oct.
- Physics of Sound Nov. - Dec.
- Ideas and Inventions Jan. Mar..
- Structures of Life Mar. May
- Engineering-Physics Dec.- Jan
- Engineering- Structures Apr.- May
22Field Trips
- Week on Wheels
- September 13-17
- Mill City Museum and Tour de Mpls
- September 29 and 30
- Pedal, Paddle, Fish
- October 4- Mr. Moen
- October 5- Mrs. Spooner
- October 6- Mr. Wilkinson
- October 7- Mr. Kroening
- October 8- Mr. Kilibarda
23Field Trips
- Orchestra Hall
- January 26 or 27
- Terrance Simien The Zydeco Experience (Ordway)
- February 16
- Voyaguer Environmental Camp
- (approximately 75)
- June 6,7,8-new dates!
- Mr. Moen and Mr. Wilkinson (6,7)
- Mr. Kroening, Mr. Kilibarda, Mrs. Spooner(7,8)
24Volunteers and Chaperones If interested in
volunteering in the classroom or going on field
trips, there is a form that needs to be filled
out in the office before service.
25Guest Speakers
Orchestra player from the Minnesota
Orchestra Farmer Nelson and Perfect the
Pig BRAVO Steve Johnson-retired science
teacher Midwest Food Connection
26What parents can do
- Talk about your childs day at school.
- Help your child complete the family homework.
- Visit our school.
- Come to conferences, P.T.A. Meetings, and
- other school-related events.
- Volunteer for classroom and school-wide
- Encourage authentic writing.
- (letters, thank you, pen pals, stories)
- Read, read, read!
- Check our web page(s) and your childs backpack!
27Email - Chad.Wilkinson_at_mpls.K12.mn.us Celeste.Spo
oner_at_mpls.K12.mn.us Daniel.Kilibarda_at_mpls.K12.mn.u
s Greg.Kroening_at_mpls.K12.mn.us Greg.Moen_at_mpls.K12.