Title: Trends and Challenges
FOR Presentation
SOURCE Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
CONTACT(S) Mr.Xuemin Wang
Trends and Challenges for Broadband Network
Convergence (FMC)
Mr. Wang Xuemin Director of Industry
Standards Huawei Technology Co., LTD
Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15
- Changes in telecom industry
- Drivers and opportunities
- Vision become a Real technology?
- Challenges to operators vendors
3Telecom industry changes
Fixed Operators
- Strategies
- Support mobile (UMA)
- Invest in fixed broadband
- New services like IPTV
- Threat
- No upside in fixed business
- Low barrier to entry for BB services
Mobile Operators
- Threat
- Market maturity
- Price-based competition
- Data consumption
- Strategies
- Fixed-Mobile Substitution
- Bandwidth pricing
- Mobile Bitpipes
- Content via mobile portals
Multi service
- Threat
- Combined fixed and mobile threats
- Strategies
- Fixed-Mobile Convergence
- Content ownership
- Unicast and broadcast
- Home Gateways
Page 3
4Rapid growth of mobile broadband
Enhanced terminal
Succesful Business model
User experience
???????? 20072013 ABI Research
- Web2.0,P2P,UGC technology caused increases of
internet traffic
- Widget technology enhanced user experience
improving mobiles interactivity
- Smart-phone with buildtin web browser
- Laptop with built-in HSDPA
Traffic growth is not linear with revenue
Page 4
5FMC impacts
- Fixed Mobile Convergence includes
- Network convergenceMulti-mode terminal access
to converged network Reduce CAPEX - Service convergenceSeamless user experience
over heterogeneous networks Enhance ARPU - Operational convergenceCommon OAM,
consolidation of operational departments Reduce
TCO reduction will be the main objection for FMC.
6Driving forces for FMC
Synergy between access
- Broad variety of access technologies
- No single perfect broadband access technology
for all conditions - Wireless mobility support
- Wired support for high bandwidth
Improved user experience
Synergy between services
Main Driving Forces
- Broadband services anywhere, anytime
- Technology usability, more user accessible
- Access transparent to the user
- Same service anywhere, anytime, on any access
- Best service on optimal access, according to
network availability, user subscriptions
Maximize return on network investment
- Different services/quality for different users
- Increase utilization of data services
- Flexible bandwidth management
ALL-IP network, Mobile Internet are the key
foundation for FMC.
7Highlights on FMC Standards CCSA
- FMC requirements are beginning more and more
stronger and clearer after the recombination of
Chinese operators in 2008. 3 operators are eager
to have the clear specifications to provide full
services to customers to enhance users experience
and ARPU. - China communication standard associations (CCSA)
is very active in FMC related standard work and
has done a lot of work since 2006. Some
collaboration between CCSA and 3GPP was
initiated. - FMC requirements in CCSA
Unified access to PS service
Unified account bill
Unified authentication
CCSA active and has done a lot of work in FMC
8Highlights on FMC Standards CCSA
- Unified IMS is the CORE service control layer for
FMC, so CCSA put much resource on this work. - A joint technical committees was built in 2007
and many specifications has been completed in
2009, since the different technical committee
focuses on fixed and mobile areas respectively
(TC3network and switching TC5 wireless
General technical requirements
The requirements of unified IMS, The
functionality architectures of unified IMS The
networking of unified IMS, The security of
unified IMS
Equipment specifications
The equipment standards for each unified IMS
Interfaces protocol specifications
The Cx, Dx, Shinterfaces and the SIP protocol,
BICC interworking with SIP.
FMC service requirements, common policy control,
unified voice are also being studied in CCSA.
9Highlights on FMC Standards 3GPP
As a partner of 3GPP,CCSA has submitted lots of
- Rel9/10
- SAE 23.402 covers many access based on bear layer
- BBF access interworking will be an important WID
in Rel10-11.
- Rel7/8
- Many RATs access to IMS
- Including xDSL?PON?Cable
- Common IMS is being considered.
- Rel6
- Start to study interworking between 3G and WLAN
- I-WLAN/WLAN mobility
- IMS was studied
- Rel4/5
- Initial standard specification works for mobile
network. - Including UE, RAN and CN.
3GPP has developed a good technical foundation
for FMC.
10Vision become a Real technology convergence?
Key technology
Current SODs status
NGMNconsider the collaboration between
SDOs. TMFfocus on OAM work for fixed network and
3GPP SA5 focus on mobile area. BBFconsolidate
the fixed standard resource. Femto Forumenhance
Femto feature to have more reliabity within fixed
network. HGI,ITU-T,IEEE
UMA/GAN/IWLAN Common IMS SC/ICS/VCC Femtocell/offl
- 2010Q1, a FMC workshop was held by 3GPP and BBF
and almost all the Tier1 operators and vendors
joined in this workshop and some agreements were
endorsed. - 2009Q4, 3GPP SA5 and TMF pushed 2 OAM work items
and a joint meeting was held in 2010.5.
- The Vision for network convergence is getting
clear? - Or the overall convergence direction is getting
11Standards objectives
Mobility protocols IP flow mobility Session
Mobility Manage-ment
QoS Control plane
Interworking,convergence 3G,HSPA,Femto,LTE,
xDSL,WLAN Hetnet
AAA QoS Service control Charging OAM
3GPP/BBF/TMF use cases,scenarios
Collaboration established between Network
Operators, MSOs, and Infrastructure vendors!
12Challenges to Operators Vendors
Maintenance models
Regulatory policy
Charging, AAA
Architectural Changes Legacy networks
Many challenges FMC has a long way to go!
13FMC is not just one convergence
Careful planning for standards and products