Title: Jeopardy
Weather Instruments
Severe Weather
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Final Jeopardy
2100 Question from H1
Low level clouds that form is layers that
usually bring steady rain.
3100 Answer to H1
What is Stratus?
4200 Question from H1
Fluffy clouds that are low to the ground that
bring fair weather.
5200 Answer to H1
What is Cumulous?
6300 Question from H1
High, thin, feathery clouds made of ice crystals
that indicate fair weather?
7300 Answer to H1
What is Cirrus Clouds?
8400 Question from H1
Huge clouds that bring Thunderstorms.
9400 Answer to H1
What is Cumulonimbus?
10500 Question from H1
A prefix or suffix that means DARK GRAY.
11500 Answer to H1
What is Nimbus?
12100 Question from H2
Any form of water that falls from the clouds to
the Earths surface.
13100 Answer to H2
What is Precipitation?
14200 Question from H2
The weight of air as it presses down.
15200 Answer to H2
What is Air Pressure?
16300 Question from H2
The change of state from gas to liquid
17300 Answer to H2
What is Condensation?
18400 Question from H2
The change of state from liquid to gas.
19400 Answer to H2
What is Evaporation?
20500 Question from H2
The place where two air masses meet.
21500 Answer to H2
What is a Front?
22100 Question from H3
A unit that measures precipitation.
23100 Answer to H3
What is a Rain Gauge?
24200 Question from H3
An instrument that measures air pressure .
25200 Answer to H3
What is a Barometer?
26300 Question from H3
Measures Air Temperature
27300 Answer to H3
What is a Thermometer?
28400 Question from H3
An instrument of measuring Wind Speed.
29400 Answer to H3
What is an Anemometer?
30500 Question from H3
31500 Answer to H3
What is a wind vane?
32100 Question from H4
A natural occurrence when the amount of land
water overflows.
33100 Answer to H4
What is a Flood?
34200 Question from H4
When the wind in a snow storm hits 39 miles per
hour or higher.
35200 Answer to H4
What is A Blizzard?
36300 Question from H4
Electrical charge in storms that lights up the
37300 Answer to H4
What is Lightning?
38400 Question from H4
A funnel shaped swift moving mass of air.
39400 Answer to H4
What is a Tornado?
40500 Question from H4
When there has not been rain for a LONG time!
41500 Answer to H4
What is a drought?
42100 Question from H5
By Juan Escalera
43100 Answer to H5
What are the three factors that affect climate?.
Latitude the distance north or south from the
equator. Altitude the height above sea level El
Nino is an effect of changing the ocean
44200 Question from H5
By Perla Garcia
45200 Answer to H5
What is a Rain Gauge?.
46300 Question from H5
By Hildaliza Gonzalez
47300 Answer to H5
What is a Thermometer?
48400 Question from H5
By Chris Vo
49400 Answer to H5
What is Day Warm air goes to the ocean and cool
air goes to the land And Night Warm and goes to
the land and cool air goes to the ocean?
50500 Question from H5
51500 Answer to H5
What is the Greenhouse Effect? Heat from the sun
passes through the atmosphere and is reflected
from the Earths surface. Gasses in the
Atmosphere trap some of this heat and keep it
close to the Earths surface.
52Final Jeopardy Question
This building is in the shape of a ________. The
name of this building is The_________.
53Final Jeopardy Answer
What is a Regular Pentagon? (the Pentagon
building in Washington, DC)