Behavioralism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Behavioralism The Behavioral Revolution Premises. Political science could be, should be, and very shortly would be a scientific discipline. (25) Hard facts ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Behavioralism

The Behavioral RevolutionPremises.
  • Political science could be, should be, and very
    shortly would be a scientific discipline. (25)
  • Hard facts should be found (empiricism) and
    should be summarized in formal propositions
    (theory building).
  • Positivist background Need of collecting
    empirical data and of testing theoretical
    propositions against the data.

Behavioralism ? Traditional political science
  • Traditional political science was accused of
  • Being merely descriptive, and even worse,
    narrowly descriptive.
  • Being only normative (and biased)
  • Focusing on Ideas instead of FACTS (i.e., studies
    on constitutions)

David Easton
  • In 1953, Easton argued that political science had
    not made any progress in 2,500 years.
  • Political science could neither define its terms
    nor tell which data were relevant.
  • Solution embracing the scientific method, with
    political theory on the lead (the latter was true
    for Easton only most Behavioralists dismissed

Poppers Falsacionism (implicit)
  • In order to be valid (scientific) a theory must
    be falsifiable, that is open to empirical
  • The Behavioral Revolution consecrated a like
    understanding of theory.

The Revolution...
  • Was not a unified event, but
  • The concurrent work of many separate
    individuals and different works, which
  • Defined a new frontier the political science
    community decided was worthy to explore...
  • In order to become more Scientific

  • Challenge to grasp the highly complex and
    changing universe of politics in some scientific
  • Politics, the Enemy?

Diversity of Approaches.
  • Works based on the collection of empirical data
    from mass public opinion surveys. The American
    Voter (1964), The Civic Culture (1963).
  • Works based on economic reasoning that provide
    models to understand empirical political data. An
    Economic Theory of Democracy (1957).
  • Works inspired on sociological approaches
  • On aggregate data and class-based analysis.
    Political Man (1963)
  • On grassroots micro-sociological analysis. Who
    Governs? (1961)
  • On System Theory (Easton)

1. Works based on public opinion surveys
  • The use of opinion surveys came from the field of
    sociology (expansion in the 1940s).
  • In political science, the University of
    Michigans Survey Research Center became (and
    still is) the standard for this style of
  • Socioeconomic, political, psychological, and
    voting behavior questions.
  • National Election Studies (microscope)
  • The survey approach became a microscope to look
    at grassroot behavior that was never before given
  • Allowed to reject traditional assumptions on

Main Works
  • The American Voter (1960) (Campbell, Angus,
    Philip E. Converse, Warren E. Miller, and Donald
    E. Stokes)
  • The Civic Culture (1963) (Almond, Gabriel, and
    Sydney Verba)

The Civic Culture
  • Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five
  • The present book is based about one thousand
    interviews carried on in each of five nations
    (about five thousand interviews in all). In each
    case an attempt was made to obtain a national
    cross-section sample.(...)The cross-section
    interveiws were carried on in June and July of
    1959 in all of the nations except in the United
    States the interviews in the United States were
    carried on in March, 1960. In most cases the
    follow-up interviews took place about six months
    to a year after the first interviews. (Almond
    Verba 40).

Study on political culture
  • Political culture refers to the specifically
    political orientationsattitudes toward the
    political system and its various parts, and
    attitudes toward the role of the self in the
    system. (12)
  • Three types of citizen
  • Participants
  • Subjects
  • Parochial

The Civic Culture
  • Consists of a pluralistic culture based on
    communication and persuasion, a culture of
    consensus and diversity, a culture that permitted
    change but moderated it. This was the civic
    culture. (6) (developed in Great Britain)
  • The civic culture and the open polity, then,
    represent the great and problematic gifts of the
    West. (...) Can the open polity and the civic
    culture...spread as well? (7)

Goal to see the likelihood for the expansion of
the Civic Culture
  • Discovery of National Patterns
  • The Data contradicted established assumptions and
  • (i.e., neither the U.S. Nor Great Britain did as
    well as expected)
  • The study settled a very high standard for
    comparative research (discouraging effect)

2. Works based on economic reasoning.
  • Anthony Downs, An Economic Theory of Democracy
  • Method economic approach, which assumed
    individuals are rational (maximizers)
  • Rational behavior was understood as directed by
    goals, based on self-interest, and, in Downs
    analysis, related to government selection.
  • Foundation of the RATIONAL CHOICE approach
    (dominant these days).

Downs Main Hypotheses
  • Political parties make policies only to win
  • Voters vote for the candidate/s they think will
    give them more benefits.
  • Government decisions are based on marginal
    expenditure, that is programs are expanded until
    the vote gain from each dollar spent equaled the
    loss of votes resulting from increased taxes.
  • All parties must find out what the voters want
    and compete to do it better.
  • Parties must frame their discourse vaguely so
    they can attract as many voters as possible.

Basic Democratic Model 8 rules.
  1. All adults are allowed to vote
  2. Every adult gets one vote
  3. Existence of at least two political parties
  4. Periodical elections
  5. A single party/coalition is chosen in each
  6. The party that gets the majority of votes wins.
  7. Losers dont prevent winners from taking office
  8. Winners dont attempt to wipe out the losers.

Main Hypothesis
  • Political parties in a democracy formulate
    policy strictly as a means of gaining votes.
  • Parties social functionto carry out policies
    while in governmentis accomplished as a
    by-product of their private motivewhich is to
    attain the income, power, and prestige of being
    in office. (137)

Other Hypotheses
  • Voters vote for the candidate/s they think will
    give them more benefits.
  • Government decisions are based on marginal
    expenditure, that is programs are expanded until
    the vote gain from each dollar spent equaled the
    loss of votes resulting from increased taxes.
  • All parties must find out what the voters want
    and compete to do it better.
  • Parties must frame their discourse loosely so as
    to attract as many voters as possible.

In analyses such as Downs, once the premises are
accepted, there is no way of avoiding the
  • Individuals uneven access to information
  • Situations for which there is no rational
  • Dilemma When politicians act rationally, voters
    cannot do so, and viceversa
  • Consequence The system is inconsistent, and the
    search for a rational basis of politics fails.

Problem imperfect knowledge fosters...
  • Persuasion (exposure to a biased selection of
    facts) Specialists/Gvt. Representatives.
  • Ideologies (help voters to rapidly identify
    differences between parties). Parties then invent
    ideologies to attract voters
  • Rational Ignorance (may lead to apathy, which is
    very rational considering the costs of

Dilemmas (Hardin 1968)
  • Cold War dilemma of steadily increasing
    military power and steadily decreasing national
    security. (1243)
  • How can I win the game of tick-tack-toe? It is
    well known that I cannot if I assume that my
    opponent knows the game.
  • Maximizing population does not maximize goods
  • The tragedy of the Commons in a pasture open
    to all, each herdsman will add as many animals as
    possible, until the grass disappears. So,
    individual freedom contradicts the common good.

Different Party Systems...
  • Depends on the statistical distribution of the
  • If the curve is normal, it produces a two-party
    system, with parties quite alike
  • If the electorate is polarized, there will be a
    two-party system with increasing differences
    between the partieseach party gains more votes
    the more differences it poses to the
    opposition... Ultimately this leads to CHAOS
    (continuous dramatic changes in policy)
  • A multimodal distribution produces a multi-party

Downs anticipates the problem of the free rider
  • In a democracy policies benefit all citizens
    evenly. Thus, my own participation do not
    increase my gains, unless my vote is going to
    decide the election.
  • So, apathy and withdrawal from political
    participation are rational.

3. Works inspired on sociological approaches
  • Relying on aggregate data and class-based
    analysis. Lipsets Political Man (1960).
  • Economic foundation of democracy
  • Industrialization/Urbanization/Wealth/Education
  • ?
  • Class Struggle
  • Wealth fosters democracy...
  • (Or the other way round?)
  • The direction of causation was not clear.

b. Based on grassroots micro-sociological
analysis. Robert Dahls Who Governs?
  • Study of Local Government
  • Focus on leaders and Networks of power (petty
  • Thesis although the U.S. is a democratic
    society, elites are the actual rulers...
    Foundation for pluralist theory.
  • Classification of different elites (Patrician,
    entrepeneurs, plebeian)

c. Based on System Theory (David Easton)
  • Easton defines politics as the authoritative
    allocation of values for a society.
  • Political System Black box with inputs and
    outputs within an environment
  • Main question How do systems manage to
    persist, or to balance the stress coming from
    the environment with the support coming from the
  • Attempt to develop a comprehensive and universal
    theory of politics.

  • Universal but empty concepts
  • Vague concept of equilibrium
  • Depoliticizing views of politics
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