Title: Biomathematics: Using Graph Models
1Biomathematics Using Graph Models
Biomathematics Using Graph Models for High
DIMACS Conference on Linking Mathematics
Biology In High Schools
29 April 2005
L. Charles (Chuck) Biehl The Charter School of
Wilmington Wilmington, DE cbiehl_at_charterschool.org
2What Are These?
3Haeckels tree
The phylogeny and classification of life as
proposed by Haeckel in 1866
4A Possible Evolutionary Phylogenetic Tree
5Accugenix Tree Report
6A Sample of a Computed Tree
Leaves are species internal vertices minimize
7Constructing Phylogenetic Trees
Actual Tree (yellow) Distance matrix
(pink) Reconstructed tree from mutations (blue)
David E. Joyce, Dept. of Mathematics Computer
Science, Clark University
8Epidemic Model Basic Majority Process Model
9Digraph as a State Modelfor Smallpox(Kaplan-Craf
t-Wein 2002)
10Dynamic Programmingfor Path Problems
Dynamic Programming for Path Problems
6 3 2 1 3 B
11Dynamic Programming for String Alignment
Image Source Christopher Lewis, bioinformatics
analyst, Saskatoon Research Centre of Agriculture
Agri-food Canada
12Voronoi Diagram model for Cell Growth, Mitosis,
and Interaction
13The Internet (at night)
14Protein-Protein Interactions
Pathmap Protein-Protein Interaction Data Set for
Yeast http//www.protana.com
15Proteome Interaction Network(Protein